Number of People

Chapter 1555: The parents of Xin Zijuan are short-sighted, but they are familiar with each other

  Chapter 1555 Xin Zijuan's parents are short-sighted, but they are familiar with each other

"Don't you believe me?" Jin Chuan'er thought Feng Ziying didn't believe it, and said hastily: "Even the gardeners in the mansion say that their craftsmanship is no worse than that of serious craftsmen, and they are diligent in their work, and they don't talk too much. Why bother?" She is willing to help, she is willing to do any dirty work, and Qingwen's mother is also very smart, even the wife said that this man is quick-witted and intends to stay in the mansion for use."

  Even my wife is so optimistic? Feng Ziying really didn't have much to do with the affairs of the mansion. He was too busy with external affairs, so he didn't have the energy to ask about these things. He didn't expect to hear these stories from Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er sisters inadvertently.

   "Qingwen is a hard-working person, I didn't expect her parents to be so agile, but she is considerate of her parents." Feng Ziying replied with a smile.

"Master, it's still different. Elder sister Qingwen works diligently, but she has a strong mouth. Although she has a lot of motherly talk, she is quite likable. She is very popular in the mansion. Even the wife and aunt's yard can come and go as she pleases." That's right, she came here a few times to help my sister clean up the yard on my master's side, but my sister remembered what my master said and didn't let her in."

  Yu Chuan'er's words moved Feng Ziying's heart slightly, "Do they often go to the long room and the second room?"

"That's not much, the main thing is here. After all, they live here, and the wives and aunts are also here. These two are very careful, and they know who is in charge of our house. If you want to If you stay in the mansion, who should you please?" Jin Chuan'er chuckled lightly, "She has much better eyesight than Qingwen."

  Is this laughing at Qingwen's low EQ? Feng Ziying also laughed, but Qingwen's EQ was low enough, even she knew it well, but her mouth was stubborn and she refused to admit it.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised that she didn't go to the second room of the long room very much.

That's all for the second room, but the long room is where their daughter lives. In the future, their daughter's fate will depend on Shen Yixiu, the mistress. A girl went to say something to the eldest daughter-in-law. The person they want to please should be Shen Yixiu. Don't such a shrewd couple understand this truth?

  Shaking his head, he didn't think for a while what the two couples were thinking, but Qingwen's parents were so sensible and adapted to life in the mansion so quickly, which still made him very happy.

   "What about the mothers of the second and third sisters and Xiangling's mother?" Naturally, Feng Ziying would not favor one over the other.

"Ms. You is still the same. She is in good health and loves to go out. She goes out to Ningguo Mansion for a walk every now and then, or goes to the street. However, the two aunts also control her very tightly. They come back on time every day. The first aunt washes her close-fitting clothes, but she just loves to chatter, saying that the second aunt has no stomach movement, which annoys the third aunt, and that day, she and I got into a fight with Mrs. You."

  Jin Chuan'er didn't expect Feng Ziying to like to listen to the gossip of the parents in the house so much. Seeing that he was interested, he just talked about it in detail.

"Oh?" Feng Ziying is indeed a little interested. There are not many descriptions of the lives of these supporting characters in "A Dream of Red Mansions", and more can only be interpreted by myself. Now that I have such an opportunity to understand, I still find it very interesting." Third sister can still quarrel with Mrs. You?"

"Third aunt is straightforward, but she can't stand Mrs. You's nagging every day, so she naturally gets annoyed and quarrels after a few words. However, the quarrel between Third aunt and Mrs. You is quarreling, but other things don't affect it." Jin Chuan Er'er smiled and said: "Madam You probably also knows about San Yiniang's temperament, she is so soft and stubborn, San Yiniang can't do anything about it."

   "Well, what about Xiangling's mother?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"Ms. Zhen is kind and quiet. She doesn't go out very much. She usually stays in the mansion. When she has time, she goes to Uncle Yunchuan's mansion. Xiangling also comes here often. The two of them are very close now. Maybe it's because Aunt Zhen thinks that I owe Xiangling a little..." Jin Chuan'er hesitated for a moment, and then said: "After Qingwen's parents came in, Aunt Zhen was a little sentimental, maybe because she felt that Master Zhen had disappeared and only knew that she had gone to become a monk, but now Xiang Ling has been found, and life is going well now, so Aunt Zhen thinks again, hoping to find Master Zhen back."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning.

Zhen Shiyin still has some impressions. In the book "Dream of Red Mansions", it is said that after listening to "Song of Good", he became enlightened and followed the lame Taoist who sang "Song of Good", but Feng Ziying does not believe this statement. .

  There is a deep meaning in the song "Okay Song", but how can ordinary people get a big insight from a little song that tastes like an epiphany? There are still a lot of mortals in this world, and there is not so much spirituality to fully understand.

The reason why Zhen Shiyin "completely realized" was that his mood was stimulated. His only daughter was kidnapped by a kidnapper, his house was burnt down, and he lived in her husband's house but was looked down upon. It's just a matter of escaping into Buddhism to escape the world. If you really want to live a life of family reunion, why would you go into Buddhism to escape from the world?

  If Zhen Shiyin can be found and told of his current situation, Feng Ziying probably can persuade her to come back, but where can I find it?

It is said in the book that the lame Taoist is a figure like a fairy Buddha, wandering around, to put it bluntly, he is a wandering Taoist who wanders around seeking food and food, and after so many years, who knows that Zhen Shiyin is a monk to escape the world and practice How can I find it if I still follow this lame Taoist to travel around the world?

"What did Xiangling say?" It's just that Qingwen's parents were found by him. Now if Xiangling's father doesn't pay attention to him, it would seem that he is favoritism. She and her mother have been found, sent the Buddha to the west, can't this old man help find it?

"Xiangling didn't say much, but said that she might not be easy to find, but faced with her mother's plea, Xiangling definitely couldn't refuse. I guess this girl Xiangling didn't have much chance to be alone with her master during this time, so I didn't Did you mention it?" Jin Chuan'er gave Feng Ziying a sidelong glance.

There are a lot of women around the uncle, and now there are two concubine wives, this night must be in rotation between the two rooms, the long room has Grandma Shen and two Concubine You, the second room has Miss Baoqin, and there are also girls who have been sleeping with her for a long time. What makes Jin Chuan'er a little curious is that Qingwen and Ying'er seem to be still virgins, and it seems that they haven't been confiscated yet.

This also shows that before the uncle has a male heir, the masters in the mansion will not easily give up this opportunity, and even girls like Yunshang and Xiangling, who have already been confiscated, rarely have their turn to serve the bed. .

   "Is that so..." Feng Ziying frowned.

When Zhen Shiyin took refuge with his father-in-law Feng Su in Huzhou, he handed over the silver to Feng Su to help him buy land and houses after he sold his property. Who would have thought that Feng Su would even seize the last of his son-in-law's property, and take advantage of it, and finally fell into Zhen Shiyin's hands Only the shabby house in Susukida was left, and with Feng Su's white eyes all day long, Zhen Shiyin finally left with the crippled Taoist.

  The last place Zhen Shiyin left was in Huzhou, but it is not known which Taoist temple this crippled Taoist lived in.

There are so many Taoist temples in the world, and most of the famous ones are in the south of the Yangtze River, such as Longhu Mountain, Maoshan Mountain, and Gezao Mountain. But judging by Feng Ziying, people like the lame Taoist travel around to cheat food and drink by selling chicken soup for the soul , it can't be such a large Taoist temple, most of them are little-known small Taoist temples, it is difficult to find out.

  Of course, there is a Daolu Department in the imperial court. As long as it is a serious Taoist temple, there are lists, and Taoists also have ultimatum documents, and there are rosters in all prefectures, but this lame Taoist has no name. Where can I find it?

   "Master, but it's hard to find it?" Jin Chuan'er has a good relationship with Xiangling, and she still thinks about Xiangling.

"Well, it's definitely not easy to find out, unlike Xiangling's mother, there is always a lead and a place to go, follow the lead to find out, and finally ask, but her father left with the unknown Taoist, and there is no news after that, there are so many Taoist temples in the world , and the Taoist has no name, it is estimated that Xiangling's father is really going to become a monk, and he will definitely not use a lay name, how to find it?"

  Feng Ziying told the truth.

  Jin Chuan'er was a little disappointed, holding her sweat towel and lowering her head: "Then Xiangling and Aunt Zhen are going to..."

"However, it is not hopeless. First, the Taoist has some characteristics. Second, according to the government's laws, lay people need to register with the government if they become monks. If they want to get a lay name, it's just that the scope is too wide. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's best to have A general range, this is a good way to check."

  Feng Ziying's words gave Jin Chuan'er a glimmer of hope again, "What are you going to do then?"

   "Take your time. Since you ran away from Huzhou, you can only search in Huzhou and even the prefectures around Huzhou. If you can't find it, go to the surrounding areas."

Feng Ziying also sighed in her heart, this is the sin of sleeping with someone else's daughter, and it is not like in modern society, a search in the computer file system can basically retrieve it, these days, people have to rely on their power or connections to help up.

After finally cleaning and wiping, Jin Chuan'er twisted and left, leaving only Yu Chuan'er, who was still chattering beside Feng Ziying: "Sister Qingwen's parents are really strong, and the servants saw that the wall fell off that day." When the tile came down, it was about to fall on the head, but in the blink of an eye, it was already held in his hand. Someone asked him, and he said that he was familiar with it..."

  Only hands familiar with you? Feng Ziying shuddered. He didn't pay much attention to what Jin Chuan'er said about Qingwen's parents before, but now Yu Chuan'er said casually, which made him a little vigilant. Masons have been working for a long time, and their hands and feet are indeed very flexible. , but this kind of falling tiles on the wall was caught by him casually, is it the same?

   Will there be others?

   Or you are too sensitive?

  Feng Ziying never really believed in coincidences, but Qingwen's parents sent a letter to Yizhou to help find them, so the Yizhou government couldn't lie to her about such things, what kind of tricks did she do? What is the purpose?

  (end of this chapter)

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