Number of People

Chapter 1556: Xin Zijuan Wu Xun Qiyun

  Chapter 1556 Xin Zijuan Martial Arts Luck

  The arrangement was given to Wu Yaoqing, so Feng Ziying felt more at ease.

  Wu Yaoqing was assured of doing things, but Wu Yaoqing probably didn't think of the possibility of a fire in his backyard.

  In his opinion, the people in the Feng Mansion were basically brought over from Datong for many years. At that time, the old man was down from the position of the general soldier of Datong.

  After returning to Beijing, the people recruited by the family are all locals who have been inspected and have clean backgrounds, or they were brought over from Jia's family when they married Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai and Xue Baoqin, so there should be no major problems.

  It is better to believe what is there than not to believe what is not. Feng Ziying actually feels that he may be a little too sensitive, but the risk of fire in the backyard is too great, so he would rather be more cautious.

  I have too many secrets, both official and personal. Feng Ziying feels a headache thinking about Wang Xifeng who is about to leave Beijing, and Jia Yuanchun who is about to visit her on August 15th.

   Fortunately, once Wang Xifeng left, she could be quiet for at least a year. Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

   It doesn’t matter if you sleep with girls like Siqi Hongyu, but if you sleep with Lian’s second grandmother, the daughter of the Wang family’s concubine, and even make her belly bigger, then it’s a bit of a slap in the face, and you need to avoid it anyway.

  As for the time when you can’t hide it in the future, then everyone can also hide their ears and steal their hearts.

  Feng Ziying always thought so when she saw Wang Xifeng on the boat.

   After seeing her for a few days, Wang Xifeng has completely entered the state of a pregnant woman, and her waist can no longer be concealed. The waist and abdomen of more than five months are already full of pregnancy, and her cheeks are also plump.

   What is even more shocking is the chest, which really swells up. Although the underskirt and tube top cover it up, Feng Ziying can feel the impact of the explosion almost torn from her clothes even a few steps away.

   A group of people chose to go out of the city in the afternoon and board the boat from the Datong Bridge.

From Zhangjiawan in Tongzhou to Datong Bridge on the bank of Jingshi City, this line is the Tonghui River that has been dredged. However, because the water volume is much smaller than that of the previous dynasty, many large grain ships and cargo ships have not arrived here, but directly in Zhangjiawan. , only small cargo ships, grain ships and passenger ships still go to Datong Bridge.

  Although there is a lot less freight business, the passenger business is booming, especially the wealthy people in the capital city who want to charter a boat to go south, almost all board here, Wang Xifeng and his party are no exception.

  Seeing Feng Ziying enter the cabin, Wang Xifeng couldn't help helping her waist and giving him a white look. Thinking of the suffering she suffered like a thief during this period, Wang Xifeng felt sad for no reason.

   I never thought that just like this spring breeze a few times would have an evil seed in my stomach, but now it is different from Shengqiao sister back then.

  At that time, he was arrogant and domineering, and the scenery was infinite, but now he has to hide his head and tail, like a thief, afraid of being discovered.

   Originally, she was somewhat resistant to leaving Beijing, but now Wang Xifeng is eager to leave Beijing sooner. If she really wants to be met by acquaintances, how will she live the rest of her life?

   "Hey, Brother Keng, you still know how to show your face. I thought you really entrusted all of it to Ruixiang. I have to wonder whose seed is in this belly."

  Wang Xifeng's first sentence is always cold and sour, with thorns, and her face is more slippery than anyone else.

  Only Wang Xifeng, Ping'er and Hongyu were in the cabin.

   Hongyu broke her body, so naturally there is no need to hide it, not to mention that it cannot be concealed.

  Everyone on the boat who followed Wang Xifeng knew very well that Second Grandma’s stomach contained the seeds of the Feng family. Everyone was dumbfounded at the beginning, then gradually realized that it made sense, and finally took it for granted.

Thinking about it, the second grandma was reconciled by Jia's family and had nothing to do with Jia Lian. She swept out the house in a disguised form, even if she had saved some private money, but there are still decades to come, and sister Qiao will be kept by Jia's family. Well, the second grandma is a woman, and she has a large group of people, how does she live?

  It is impossible to go back to the Wang family. Of course, the Wang family will not welcome this kind of married woman who has been kicked out, so where is the destination?

Even Wang Xin and Lai Wang who dragged their families and followed Wang Xifeng to Jia's family were panicked and didn't know what to do. After all, you have been married to Jia's family with the eldest girl for ten years. If you want to talk about it now, where is your seat?

Feng Ziying didn't argue with Wang Xifeng, she sat down calmly, and took the tea from Hongyu: "You are already pregnant, why are you still so fiery? It hurts the liver, and even hurts the stomach. Son, are you so angry? Didn’t I make all the arrangements for you? After the boat sails south, you can arrive at Linqing in ten days. For some things, you just need to wait for the delivery in peace, and tell Ping'er and Hongyu to do the rest."

Feng Ziying's indifference made Wang Xifeng even more angry. Her eyes were wide open, her hands were on her hips, and her red lips parted lightly: "You said it lightly. You can try it with such a big lump in your stomach? It will take a year to go to Linqing. I don’t know the place well, and I still have to hide and dare not go out, isn’t it going to suffocate me to death?”

"Linqing is not much worse than Jingshi City, and it can be regarded as a first-class water and land terminal in Shandong. You will know when you go there." Feng Ziying comforted, "It doesn't matter if you want to relax and go for a walk, just let Ping'er and Hongyu accompany you , There are many acquaintances in the capital city, and there are not so many taboos in Linqing City, that is, the past few months may be a little more restrained, and after the baby is born, it will gradually get better."

  Seeing Feng Ziying's understatement, Wang Xifeng became more and more annoyed, "Brother Keng, it seems that you really don't care?"

"Why did I ever say that?" Feng Ziying laughed, "I just think that Sister Feng should also calm down. When you look at things and think about things, you have to start from a long-term perspective. How meaningful is it for you to argue with me every time you come here?" Woolen cloth?"

  Being blocked by Feng Ziying's unsalty words, Wang Xifeng's already tall chest was even more aggressively bullied, her silver teeth almost gnawed, and she looked at Feng Ziying with hatred.

  Feng Ziying also knew how to force her to continue, and with Ping'er and Hongyu in front of her, she was afraid that Wang Xifeng would lose face, so she waved her hands: "Ping'er, Hongyu, you two go out, Sister Feng and I will talk alone."

  Pinger and Hongyu both exchanged glances, and went out obediently.

   Regarding the special relationship between Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng, not to mention Lin Hongyu, even Ping'er has not been able to fully understand it.

  Second Mistress was always talking, but when it came time to meet Uncle Feng face to face, she felt like she didn't mean what she said. It's really not easy to think about the relationship between a man and a woman.

   After Ping'er and Hongyu went out and closed the door, Feng Ziying smiled and got up and went to Sister Feng who had turned her head aside and was already wiping her tears.

  Feeling Feng Ziying take a seat beside her, with one hand on her shoulder, Wang Xifeng wiped away her tears and swung her elbow: "Don't fool people here, don't think it's enough to say a few nice words..."

"Okay, aren't you getting angry for no reason?" Feng Ziying knew that this woman couldn't get rid of her face, but if you didn't suppress her aura in the situation just now, it would be even more difficult to subdue her in the future. Women are more troublesome than anyone else, so Feng Ziying has to convince her, "Sister Feng, you have to think clearly, now you and I are grasshoppers tied to the same rope. If you can't run away, you can't run away either. Without me, if you are still as willful as before, the troubles you bring will be a problem to you and me, especially you."

  Wang Xifeng was waiting for Feng Ziying to appease her. Hearing this, it seemed that there was something in the words. She was stunned for a while and then turned her head. It really smelled like peaches, plums, pear blossoms and rain, which made Feng Ziying feel itchy.

"Brother Keng, what do you mean? Is there any trouble here?" Wang Xifeng is not the kind of unreasonable person, but she is good at being unreasonable. I have met a few times, and no one feels bad. Even if it is not a direct descendant, but you don't even have a male heir in your house now. If this is a male heir in your stomach, and your Feng family is weak in the future, it will be a big deal. Can't you also continue your Feng family's incense?

  Based on this point, although Wang Xifeng knew that her status was not right, she still had some confidence in her heart.

   Originally, she wanted to take advantage of the situation to talk about it, but she didn't expect Feng Ziying to act first and teach her a lesson.

   "Hmph, you woman, what do you know about the overall situation?" Feng Ziying was actually the air curtain to scare the other party first, and then came to find a reason, "Don't you see any clues about the current situation?"

Wang Xifeng's heart became more and more weak. She couldn't even come out for so long, so the news was naturally not very well-informed. At most, she could rely on Ping'er and Hongyu to go to the Rongguo Mansion to inquire. I'm scared.

"Sister Feng, don't you feel that the families of martial arts such as the Four Kings, Eight Dukes and Twelve Marquises, including your Jiashi Wang Xue, have gradually declined in recent years?" Feng Ziying finally found a reason to fool Wang Xifeng, "Four Kings Inside, except for King Jing who can jump a little bit, have you heard the sound of the other three kings?"

  Wang Xifeng frowned and remained silent.

"You know the situation of Ba Gong better. The Shi family of Shan Guogong disappeared, the Ma family of the governing country fell into a slump, and the Duke of Qi, Chen Jiali, and the Liu family of the Guogong suffered heavy losses. They are still unable to breathe. Apart from Zhenguo Gongniu's family, the eight kilometers away are still quite beautiful, Rongning Jia's family and Xiuguogonghou's family are still alive, who else?"

  Feng Ziying said it harshly, but it is true.

The rebellion in Ningxia led to the fall of the Shi family and the Ma family, the disastrous defeat of the Beijing camp and the three camps, and the Chen family's Liu family was seriously injured, while the Rongning Jia family and the Hou family struggled to support them, and they went from bad to worse. It is even more insignificant to mention these things, and it has been reduced to either relying on money to open a way to find a job, or only relying on marriage to change fate.

  The emperor's dissatisfaction with these martial arts is becoming more and more obvious. In contrast, some upstarts are slowly emerging.

  (end of this chapter)

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