Number of People

Chapter 1557: Xinzi scroll farewell

  Chapter 1557 Xin Zijuan farewell

  Wang Xifeng's face was a little ugly, and he asked after a while, "Brother Keng, what do you mean by that?"

"Don't you understand what I mean? The Wu Xun family is declining day by day, but there are still many people who are unwilling to fail, so they seem to be betting on it, so the risk is increasing. Sister Feng, I don't believe you have nothing to do with it." I didn’t realize it.” Feng Ziying cast a sideways glance at Wang Xifeng, “So it’s a good thing for me to let you leave Beijing, lest some sensitive moments really come, and you will be involved and feel uncomfortable.”

  Wang Xifeng was shocked, "Brother Keng, do you mean that something will happen in Beijing this year and next?"

  Feng Ziying secretly thought that sure enough, this woman still has some political sense after all, after all, she came from a big family.

Wang Xifeng never mentioned Wang Ziteng in front of her. As the most outstanding character of the Wang family, under normal circumstances, the children of the Wang family should be proud of mentioning the sound on their lips at any time, especially for people like Wang Xifeng. Yes, but Wang Xifeng has never mentioned it for so long. Instead, this has become a self-defeating guilt, and she should have some knowledge and doubts about what her second uncle did.

  In the big family, everyone stands in line to avoid being caught in the pot in the future. There is always a team that stands right and can lead the family to continue to survive, avoiding the risk of being caught in the pot or uprooted.

"Sister Feng, why, you have followed me now, you have a child in your stomach, do you still want to hide something from me?" Feng Ziying sneered, "What your second uncle did in Huguang is really serious. Do you think the court doesn't understand?"

  Wang Xifeng's face suddenly turned pale, and his lips trembled, "Brother Keng, you can't say that nonsense..."

"Sister Feng, do you think it is necessary for me to put on airs in front of this kind of thing?" Feng Ziying's eyes were cold, "You should know it in your own heart. There must be a reason for the imperial court's tolerance, but if you want to say that the imperial court is not aware of it, Is this possible? Is it true that people like the Ministry of War and Long Jinwei are full of wine and food?"

Wang Xifeng felt lost, and her body softened: "I really don't know, I just think that the second uncle has hardly contacted the Jia family in the past two years, and there are not many people left in the Jingzhong family. ,..."

   "Your second aunt isn't in Beijing anymore?" Feng Ziying froze, if this is the case, then the situation is really on the ropes and has to be launched.

"My second aunt went back to Jinling when my second uncle went to Denglai, and she never came back. There are only two concubines of my second uncle in Beijing, but my two cousins ​​are both in Beijing. Oh, come on, cousin. Yue went to Huguang, and my cousin is still in Beijing."

  Wang Xifeng was obviously not aware of this, and only thought that Feng Ziying asked the question casually, and answered it casually.

   "In other words, you are the only cousin in Beijing now?" Feng Ziying's heart sank gradually. If Wang Ziteng had deliberately arranged such an arrangement, then he was really ready to do it. "Is that cousin of yours a descendant?"

   "Of course they are descendants. Both of their brothers are descendants of the same mother." Wang Xifeng replied with certainty.

  That's okay, Feng Ziying thought in her heart, the situation should not have deteriorated to that point, and Wang Ziteng should not be willing to leave his son in the capital to make a big deal, right? But it's hard to say, if Wang Ziteng's wife and son both leave the capital, I'm afraid Long Jinwei will play the emperor immediately.

Seeing Feng Ziying's uncertain face, Wang Xifeng became more and more frightened, and subconsciously leaned over, "Brother Keng, is it true that something serious is going to happen? It won't happen, right? Although my second uncle is dissatisfied with some of the court's arrangements, but It's also impossible..."

   "What do you think?" Feng Ziying said coldly: "Having resentment towards the imperial court, now you are supporting yourself in Huguang. What kind of behavior is this?"

  Wang Xifeng's face became paler, and it was obvious that she was not ignorant of Wang Ziteng's performance in Huguang.

  Feng Ziying still doesn't know where she learned about Wang Ziteng's self-respecting behavior in Huguang, but looking at the other party's expression, it is clear that Wang Xifeng must know it, but she may not be clear about the deeper things here.

   "No, no,..." Wang Xifeng muttered to himself with blank eyes and trembling lips.

  Once Wang Ziteng really intends to do something serious, the Wang family will be thrown into the 18th hell, and the family will be ransacked and exterminated. Even a married woman like Wang Xifeng may not be able to escape.

In fact, Feng Ziying has considered this situation. Once Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong follow Prince Yizhong to rebel and rebel, their respective families will definitely be implicated, and the three families will definitely be wiped out, but there is something different here. This is an internal struggle in the Zhang family, so it may not be strictly followed by the extermination of the three clans, so no one can tell what will happen in the end.

Still not good, I was frightened by my own words, but from another point of view, Wang Ziteng really intends to do big things. Although Wang Xifeng doesn't know the inside story, he must be able to feel some of it from his uncle. What, before Wang Ziteng went to Denglai Huguang, Wang Xifeng was very proud of her uncle and relied heavily on her, and the two sides had a lot of contacts.

"Okay, Sister Feng, don't think too much about it. Some things are not up to you and me to decide. It's raining, and I can't help it." Feng Ziying sighed and hugged Wang Xifeng's somewhat bloated body. Standing up and putting it on her lap, Wang Xifeng, who finally revealed her weak side, nestled in Feng Ziying's arms, raised her head, and said hopefully: "In case, I mean in case..."

   "What if?" Feng Ziying knew what Wang Xifeng wanted to ask, what if Wang Ziteng really followed Prince Yizhong to raise the banner of rebellion, what should he do?

"It's really come to that point, then I can only find a way to keep you, and I'm afraid I can't help you." Feng Ziying shook her head, "But there are also variables here, after all, it's brothers fighting against each other, and it may not be like outsiders are fighting for their lives. Heartless, we can only think of a better place."

Feng Ziying's hands had already passed through Wang Xifeng's clothes, stroking her swollen belly. The five-month-old belly had begun to take shape, and above it was the same majestic and towering twin peaks facing each other. The hands were soft and full, as if they were already full milk.

  After experiencing the ups and downs just now, and having not been close to Feng Ziying for a long time, Wang Xifeng was also a little emotional for a while.

This cabin is also specially prepared for Wang Xifeng, a pregnant woman. There is a bed by the window, with thick and soft cotton pads and brocade on it, and two beddings. The hundred-mile waterway will take seven or eight days if the wind is smooth, and it will take ten days if the weather is bad, so as a pregnant woman, you must think carefully.

   "No, no,..."

While Wang Xifeng murmured and declined, she couldn't help hugging Feng Ziying's neck, her eyes were blurred, and her face was as bright as the morning glow. When Feng Ziying bowed her head and kissed her pink neck all the way down, she was quickly lost in the heavy panting In the voice, "Brother Keng, be gentle..."


  Both Pinger and Hongyu blushed outside the cabin. In fact, they both realized that this scene would eventually evolve into this scene. The second grandma had a sharper mouth than anyone else, but they were still helpless when they really met Uncle Feng.

   There were unbearable voices in the cabin, and Ping'er had already gone for a walk outside. This charter boat was of a large size, and Feng Ziying deliberately chose the largest one to run the North-South Canal, so the price was naturally high.

  The middle part is reserved for the second wife, and it is also the most stable in the process of sailing.

  But at this time, the boat owner and boatman were all driven to the back, including the servants, who also arranged their own berths in the back section.

  Although she was a little shy when she saw Hongyu, but there was some anticipation between her brows, Ping'er couldn't help being curious, "Little Hoof, that taste is really so good, look at your face full of enthusiasm!"

Hongyu's face burned, but she quickly counterattacked: "Who made my sister be so reserved in front of the master? I heard grandma said that the master wanted to take my sister's house a long time ago, but my sister refused and kept procrastinating. But you came to make fun of me, didn't I also get framed by my sister and grandma?"

  After everything was done, Lin Hongyu didn't have so much entanglement and resentment. For her, following Uncle Feng was the best destination.

As for the promise to those boys in the Rongguo Mansion, Hongyu has never thought about it, and she has seen the world for a while, and if she wants to go back to the old days, Hongyu feels that she can't let go of her heart. . "Hehe, grandma and I framed you. I haven't seen you smiling like this. I'm afraid you never get tired of it?" Ping'er also had some indescribable feelings in his heart.

Back then, this was the only way to subdue Hongyu. Naturally, Hongyu took the lead. With that look of spring in the corner of his eyes, there was a burst of irritability in his heart for no reason.

"My sister will understand in the future." Hongyu naturally didn't know Ping'er's state of mind at this time, and she still had a bright smile on her face. , the uncle will definitely cherish it in every possible way."

  Hongyu's words made Ping'er feel a little better, and after a soft snort, Ping'er said: "Then how much Uncle Feng has pity for Second Mistress?"

Hongyu was startled, and looked at Ping'er in surprise, but she didn't recall it for a while, but seeing Ping'er lowered her eyebrows pretending to be calm, she suddenly realized the smell, and laughed out loud: "Sister, what's the matter?" I'm wrong, Second Mistress may wish Grandpa could be more ruthless to her, but don't be fooled by Grandma's yelling,..."

"Sao Tiaozi, you know so much after being confiscated by the uncle for a few days?" Ping'er was ashamed, and pushed Hongyu bitterly, but she also knew that Lin Hongyu's old lady had already known that Hongyu was broken by Uncle Feng. After getting fit, he taught the daughter's family the methods after marriage. The women who work in these big families are proficient in these methods.

  (end of this chapter)

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