Number of People

Chapter 1558: Xin Zijuan Baoqin Chayi

  Chapter 1558 Xin Zijuan Baoqin Check Suspect

   It was already dark when Feng Ziying left the boat.

   Enthusiasm can be regarded as a reassurance for Wang Xifeng, and the rest of Ping'er and Hongyu also need to appease.

Hongyu's side is easier to talk about. After all, they have been married before. Lin Hongyu also knows about Feng Ziying's temperament, and she is not too worried. The only hope is that Feng Ziying can take time to visit in the next year, or find an opportunity. Back to Beijing to meet.

Ping'er will inevitably have to wipe away tears. The delay lasted another year. At first he thought it was nothing, but seeing Lin Hongyu stealing it first, he had to delay it for another year. It's hard to say what will happen in the future. , It is inevitable that the heart will be lost and sour.

  Feng Ziying naturally wanted to comfort her for a while, and said some flattering words until Ping'er was coaxed into joy, and then she gave up.

  Speaking from the heart, Feng Ziying was also a little bit reluctant.

Wang Xifeng fulfilled a certain desire deep in his heart, finally got it, and hoped to hold it firmly in his own hands; Ping'er was one of the girls he admired most in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". Gentle and elegant, quiet and indifferent, it is very suitable for Feng Ziying's liking; as for the red jade, the first taste of Xinli is just when the love is strong, and the sudden separation, of course, is a little bit reluctant.

   But this is a last resort, and if it is delayed, something will happen.

The Jia family knew Wang Xifeng's residence in Baodafang. Li Wan Tanchun and the others went to see it a month ago, and Wang Xifeng had to pretend to be sick in bed to fool her. How to cover up the belly?

  Wait until Wang Xifeng gives birth to a child next year, and after another year or so of weaning, Wang Xifeng will be able to return to Beijing.

In Feng Ziying's view, Wang Xifeng's departure from Beijing is also a good thing. He judges that the crisis he is worried about during this period will definitely evolve into an unmanageable state, but Feng Ziying himself has no idea what will happen. I may not be able to take care of myself.

  He predicts that there are three possibilities for the future crisis, but the three possibilities may evolve into multiple outcomes.

  One is that Prince Yizhong launched a rebellion with the support of Niu Jizong and Chen Jixian in Beijing, Wang Ziteng responded in Huguang, Jiangnan cut off the support of water transport, and finally the rebellion succeeded, Prince Yizhong ascended the throne, or the rebellion failed, but the vitality of the court was greatly damaged.

Second, Prince Yizhong felt that the chances of failure in an uprising in Beijing were too high, so he quietly went south to Jinling. Niu Jizong led the frontier army under his control directly to Shanxi, Beizhi, and Henan. Wang Ziteng led the Denglai army to control Huguang, and then formed a north-south confrontation.

The third possibility is more dangerous and uncertain. For example, Prince Yizhong thinks that things are not going well, and introduces Mongolia or Jianzhou Jurchen to disrupt the Central Plains, or the White Lotus Sect also takes the opportunity to cause chaos, resulting in the situation in the entire Northland getting out of control. Winning in the end will face an extremely corrupt and chaotic overall situation, and even in the end, both sides will suffer.

Feng Ziying also hopes that he is whimsical or unfounded, but the curse of Murphy's law is always shrouded in his heart. This time is slowly approaching the node of chaos in the late Ming Dynasty in his previous life, and the world he came to was not in his previous life. What, who can predict?

  Maybe a severe drought like the chaos in the late Ming Dynasty can make a certain period of history staged in advance?

  History is the inevitability of countless accidental collisions. No one can say what it should be like.

It's just that he can't tell others about his doubts and worries. Except for his father, he probably revealed it, even close people like Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, and Lian Guoshi, he can't say it clearly, otherwise it will be too shocking. , in vain.

What he can do is to keep his father on guard just in case, and on the other hand, to do his own job well. In addition, he is also considering whether he should take the risk of lying and talk to Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia said that even if they don't believe it, it's good to remind them and prepare psychologically.

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't help sighing again, but was heard by Ruixiang in front of the car, poked his head in from outside the curtain, and whispered: "Master, are you still worried about Second Grandma? I'm going to take this trip , the water flow on the canal is gentle, it is neither hot nor cold at this time, and we can arrive in a few days, and the younger one over there also greeted Uncle Fu specially, he is an old man in the family, he knows the seriousness, and will not spread it indiscriminately."

   "Hmph, I won't spread the word, but what about my mother?" Feng Ziying asked coldly.

   "Master, Uncle Fu is not such a pedantic person, he also knows how to pretend to be confused, unless his wife is staring at him, otherwise he won't speak loudly." Ruixiang said with a smile.

   "What about the people outside?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"The situation outside, I really dare not talk about it." After so many years of learning from Feng Ziying's side, Ruixiang has gained a bit of calmness, which is why Feng Ziying dared to let him go out to do something independently. "After all, our Feng family is the leading family in Linqing. How could it be possible to not attract people's attention with so many people living in it suddenly? Ordinary people may just be interested for a while and pass away, but the other families are probably here to inquire. ..."

   "Well, then what do you think should be done?" Feng Ziying also wanted to compare how much Ruixiang has grown with his experience over the years.

"I've thought about it, I might as well say that they are relatives of the Duan family, half-hidden and half-revealed, leading them to think about the third master, nothing more than raising a concubine, afraid of being known by the old lady..." Ruixiang smiled lightly "Anyway, the third master is now in Guangzhou, and his family is in Datong. The other families also know about the relationship between Feng and Duan's family. As long as the second grandma doesn't show up, everyone's attention will gradually fade away. It's really suspicious. But it’s impossible to go to Guangzhou and Datong to verify it, right? If it’s not possible, the uncle will send a letter to the third master to say hello.”

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but nodded. Ruixiang still considered this matter quite carefully, which is considered very safe.

  The wonderful thing about this matter is that it is half-hidden and half-revealed, and they don't say it clearly, and no one can say anything when they ask, it's just that everyone who cares is thinking about Duan Xigui.

  Just tell Duan Xigui, whether to admit it or deny it, avoid this topic, and everything will be perfect.

After this incident, Feng Ziying also has a high opinion of Ruixiang. This kid has finally grown up slowly, and he has not been in vain. You can also slowly develop into the role of personal assistant.

  Back home, Baoqin changed Feng Ziying's clothes, and inadvertently smelled a refreshing and rich fragrance, and frowned slightly.

This fragrance is clearly from the woman's clothes, and Baoqin can tell that it is not used by girls of that class. The powder of this kind of material is expensive, but it is more likely to be used by women rather than girls, which also excludes Lin Daiyu, People like Jia Yingchun and even Jia Tanchun surprised Baoqin.

who is it?

   Deliberately wanted to ask around, but seeing that Feng Ziying still had a thoughtful look on her brows, Bao Qin retracted the words that came to her lips.

   Today, the cousin is not feeling well, so she rests at her side. She doesn't want to get in a bad mood because of these things.

My Xianggong has a great reputation in the capital city, but it is difficult to hear that he participated in any literary and poetry meetings, and he never went to brothels to entertain guests. However, the reputation of being romantic and suave is still far and wide. Of course, there are three factors in it. , also has its own reasons.

The retired daughter of Mei Zhizhong’s second son gave Xiao Fengxiu the writing as his concubine. This plot has also become a "good talk" in the capital city. You must know that both of them are characters from the Imperial Academy, and now they are working together in Shuntian Mansion. This is really an anecdote in the world, but Baoqin knows that Xianggong never cares about it.

   It's just that Baoqin also knows that although her husband is not a romantic outsider, he is not the kind of person who can sit still. Among other things, Jia Yingchun is a typical example.

Before, no one thought that Yingchun, who has always been honest and dull, would fall in love with her husband wholeheartedly. It seems that this is not a matter of a year or a half. I am afraid that she has had this intention for a long time. Baoqin doesn't believe her husband. I didn't know anything about it, but I couldn't because of the status of the Jia family, but in the end I forced the Jia family to submit.

  Of course, Bao Qin doesn't really care about the fact that the husband may have women outside.

  Other women do not pose much threat or influence to her, even if it is Yingchun, she has this confidence.

  But if Xianggong gets entangled with those dubious women outside, Bao Qin has to worry.

   This scent of balm is obviously not from Chang Fang Shen Yixiu. Bao Qin also knows Chang Fang Shen's favorite powder, and she also knows the balm that Er You often uses, but this time it is obviously not the same kind.

  The key point is that the strong taste of this powder is unusual. If it really belongs to a married woman as I guessed, it will be a bit troublesome.

   Which shameless woman dared to hook up with her husband?

  How could the husband get entangled with a married woman? Who has such opportunities and possibilities?

  Baoqin's thoughts have started to move quickly.

  Xianggong's daily whereabouts, Baoqin is very clear, and even very reassuring.

Usually, apart from the office in Shuntian Mansion Yamen, it is his two teachers who go to pay a visit to the manor, and more often, they go to the mansions of several senior superiors who are close to each other, such as Mr. Chai from the Ministry of Officials and Mr. Cui from the Ministry of Households. It is other classmates of the same year. Colleagues, most of them come to pay a visit, and it is rare for him to go to other houses.

   Except for one place to go.

  Rongguo Mansion, um, maybe Ningguo Mansion?

   Thinking of this, Baoqin's heart sank slightly.

   This is what she is reluctant to think about, but she has to think about it.

  (end of this chapter)

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