Number of People

Chapter 1559: Xin Zijuan as a game

  Chapter 1559 Xin Zijuan as a game

Baoqin has always been very curious about the close relationship between her husband and Jia's family. In her opinion, the Feng family has a lot of family friends, but why is Jia's family so favored by her husband? The close relationship is far more than that of other families such as the Wei family and the Han family who are also considered family friends.

  Bao Qin also had some doubts about what attracted her husband.

The Xue family and the Jia family are related by marriage, but this in-law relationship is because the eldest aunt Xue Wang and the Jia Wang family of the Jia family's second room are direct sisters, and they are connected in name, but everyone in Jinling knows that Jia Shi Wang Xue's four families In fact, the Jiashi Wang family is the real martial arts family, and the Xue family has gradually become an imperial merchant family in the past ten or twenty years. In the eyes of many people, it is no longer worthy of being ranked alongside the Jia Shiwang family.

Because of this, Baoqin is far from having such deep affection for the Jia family as her cousin Baochai. Qin has never regarded herself as the same as the sisters in Daguanyuan.

Baoqin, who traveled all over the world with her father since she was a child, has a deep independence complex. She doesn't want to be attached to anyone, even if she can actually marry into Feng's family only by relying on the marriage of her cousin and her husband, but she feels that her husband's love and affection for her But it is not relying on the cousin, but relying on his own talent to win the appreciation and love of the husband.

  But why does Xianggong have such a good impression of the Jia family?

  Is it because of Lin Daiyu?

   Not quite.

Baoqin could sense that even though Lin Daiyu was the direct niece of the two masters of the Rongguo Mansion, she still had a sense of alienation from the Jia family in her bones. close.

No matter what the reason is, there is no doubt about the close relationship between Xianggong and Jia's family. The second wife even gave her family's favorite, which was said to be left to Baoyu's two maids—Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er. It was given to Xianggong, and there were even rumors that Yuanyang, the most favored maidservant in front of the old lady, might be given to Xianggong in the future.

   It is precisely because of this somewhat subtle and special relationship that Baoqin feels that the relationship between Xianggong and the Jia family is really a bit unusual.

   Could it be that the clues I discovered today are some unknown reasons hidden in it?

   Thinking of this, Baoqin was also agitated, who could it be?

   There seem to be only a handful of qualified women in the Rongguo Mansion. Bao Qin believes that her husband is not blind enough to hook up with a woman from a servant in the Rongguo Mansion.

   But Lian's second sister-in-law had already left Rongguo Mansion, so there was only one person left.

   Considering that the other party is usually dressed in saponin, without makeup, and his speech and demeanor are as dry as wood and ashes, this acting skill is really amazing!

  Bao Qin took a deep breath and suppressed the resentment and depression in her heart. This Li Wan really hid it deeply. If she didn't accidentally discover it today, she might not know how long she would have hidden it.

   It's no wonder that the common saying says that you should be pretty and filial. This Li Wan is usually plain and white, but he has the three tastes to seduce men.

After careful recollection, Bao Qin also had to admit that Li Wan did have some good looks. It was this plain dress that made her look even more seductive, and she also deliberately created a bookish atmosphere to cover her body. The daughter of Jinling Guozijian Li Jijiu, maybe she just saw that her husband likes this tune.

   It’s no wonder that Li Wan would talk to his Xianggong repeatedly in the name of Jia Lan’s study, in name of thanking him. This is why Xiang Zhuang’s sword dance was aimed at Peigong.

  This shameless slut!

   Xue Baoqin couldn't help cursing inwardly.

Of course, Xue Baoqin had reason to be angry. It was finally Feng Ziying's turn to rest in her room today. She was also very prepared, hoping to conceive Lin'er as soon as possible, but she never expected to be cut off. Moreover, it was such a situation, how could this not be allowed? She is annoyed.

Feng Ziying did not expect that the intimacy between herself and Wang Xifeng would cause so many associations, guesses and inferences at Baoqin. Although the previous observations, analyzes and inferences were correct, they went astray in the last link. It fell on Li Wan, who was also his sister-in-law.

   "What's going on in the mansion today?" Feng Ziying asked casually after taking the hot catkins from the senior officials at the side and wiping them.

   Baoqin woke up with a start and replied: "Brother came from Yongping Mansion and arrived in the afternoon."

   "Oh? Brother Scorpion is back?" Feng Ziying cheered up, "Then hurry up and call Brother Scorpion for me, I happen to have something to ask."

   "Msister, I'm afraid it's a bit late now, and my brother has been on the road all day, why don't you let him come over tomorrow morning?" Baoqin still felt sorry for her brother.

"Well, brother scorpion is also a person who works hard in the wind and rain all day long. How can he not bear this hard work? Go and call me. I have to leave early tomorrow morning. I will tell you sooner. Rest assured one day sooner." Feng Ziying shook her head.


   "Master Lian is very thoughtful in doing things, and Lord Wei also relies on him very much, so all affairs are progressing smoothly,..."

Xue Biao sat at the head of Feng Ziying, and introduced the situation in Yongping Mansion in detail, "According to the request of the adults, the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce built a batch of granaries in Yuguan Port early on, mopped the ground with cement, and then There is **** on the bottom, and then the ground is raised to solve the moisture-proof problem. At present, grain has been purchased from Jiangnan and Guangdong. Except for some of them have been transferred to Liaodong, a small amount has been transferred to Dagu, and most of them have begun to be put into storage. ,..."

"Oh?" Feng Ziying is in a good mood. This is Feng Ziying's suggestion to the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce, but how much the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce can accept it depends on their interests and their judgment. Hearing what Xue Biao said, it seems that the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce I should have accepted my own point of view and made a decision based on their research on the situation in the North and Jiangnan, "Are they moving quickly?"

"Soon, and very powerful. It has to be said that Shanxi merchants are very powerful, no less than Huizhou merchants, Dongting merchants, and Longyou merchants, even in Jiangnan." Xue Biao's words were not without emotion, " Not to mention in Beidi, they built dozens of granaries in Yuguan Port in one go, enough to accommodate more than 200,000 shi of grain, and they haven't stopped until now, and they are still building,..."

  Feng Ziying rubbed her chin, "Then how much is in storage?"

"When my brother returned to Beijing, it was estimated that more than 30% of the grain depots should be full. I heard that there are still many grain transport ships still at sea. They estimate that more than 60% of the grain depots will be full before the end of September. Before November, the grain depots that have been built so far must be fully stocked."

Xue Biao also knew that the relationship between this brother-in-law and the Shanshan businessman was very close, and that Feng Ziying was very worried about the severe drought in the North, but such a large-scale commercial grain hoarding is still rare, especially in Shanxi Merchants and grain merchants stockpiled additional grains other than their own grain stores, and it was still on such a large scale, it had to be said that it was a bit of a gambling.

Such a large-scale purchase of grain, transportation and storage in the north will definitely attract the attention of many parties, and it will definitely lead to an increase in grain prices. In addition to the cost of granary construction and storage loss, if grain prices do not rise to a certain extent, then it must be a loss. of.

"Are you also helping to transport grain?" Feng Ziying nodded, "If you can, you can also stock up on some grain. There is no harm. The Xue family's grain store in Beijing has a lot of grain, but I am worried that it is still far from enough, but And you can't show your presence too much in Beijing, it will attract suspicion from the imperial court."

"Brother, don't worry, I already have some stockpiles in Denglai and Yuguan, but the quantity is not too large." Xue Biao paused and said, "Due to the accidental advance purchase of Northwest military rations in Huguang, and the quantity is much higher than in previous years. Bigger, so the food prices in Yuezhou, Wuchang, and Huangzhou all showed a big increase, and the food price in August still rose by about 20% compared to April,..."

  According to common sense, autumn grains will be on the market in August, and the price of grains should have dropped a lot compared to when it was lean in April, but it is still rising. This is very abnormal and has a lot to do with the procurement of grain for the Northwest Army.

   This is also a helpless move.

If it was possible, the Northwest Army rations should have been stockpiled in advance, but Dad was facing such a difficult situation just after he went, so he could only ignore the urgent need first, otherwise it would be too late to start thinking about it after he was gone, and it would be too late. It is very likely that in the end you will not be able to buy enough food even with money.

Xue Biao glanced at Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying shook her head: "If my judgment is correct, the price of food will continue to rise, even if the grain harvest in Huguang is bumper, this is not only due to the severe drought in the north, there may be other factors , so if you can, brother scorpion, just let go and buy grain from Jiangnan and Guangdong, and I told you to establish a stable grain purchase channel, how are you doing?"

"Guangdong is not a big problem. The Zhuang family is very powerful in Guangdong. On the Jiangnan side, according to the contact information you gave, I also have a line in Quanzhou, but Fujian has many mountains and little land, and I don't have enough food. For use, so it can only be used in an emergency. In addition, in Songjiang, I have also contacted two companies. The younger brother here in Yangzhou also agreed with the second brother Lian, but how, especially in the special circumstances you mentioned, can it play a role? , little brother has no idea."

"Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, it's better to have as many connections as possible. You have a fleet of ships, and there are ports and wharfs along the route from Jiangnan to Guangdong, and even Nanyang. As long as the route is familiar, I believe that no one can refuse a profitable business..." Feng Ziying said lightly: "What we have to do is to tie everyone together, share benefits and share risks."

   Third update, ask for 200 monthly tickets! Brothers, look at your ticket pockets, maybe one or two monthly tickets have come out?



  (end of this chapter)

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