Number of People

Chapter 1561: The Rebel Generals of Xin Zi Scroll

  Chapter 1561 Xin Zijuan Rebel Generals

  The imperial court’s hostility and distrust of the rebel generals is reasonable, Liu Baichuan and Liu Dongyang are very clear, but if they are allowed to continue like this, they will never see hope, and I am afraid that the resentment and dissatisfaction in their hearts will swell again.

  No one can predict what will happen in the end, even if they know that the result will not be good, but who would like to live in hopeless days for the rest of their lives?

   Was the rebellion really all the responsibility of several of us? If it wasn't for Shi Guangjue's reckless actions, and the harsh treatment of court officials including Yun Guang, how could the soldiers of Ningxia Town have fallen to such a state and finally embarked on the road of rebellion?

"Bai Chuan, you came to Shazhou unexpectedly today, didn't you just come to catch up on the old days?" In the end, Liu Dongyang broke the silence and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Master Chief Soldier will let you go out of the fortress at ease, so you won't be afraid of us coming Together, 'clinging together', rebellious?"

   "Dong Yang, the new governor has been confirmed." Liu Baichuan glanced at the three of them indifferently, "And it is estimated that this time has already set off on our way to Suzhou."

   "Oh?" Liu Dongyang's eyes lit up, "Who?"

  Chen Jingxuan's performance was not much better than Shi Guangjue's.

It's not that Chen Jingxuan is more greedy and darker than Shi Guangjue, but that Chen Jingxuan, the governor of the three sides, is too unreliable, or that he is used to the pampered life of the general soldier of water transportation, and suddenly let him face Chengri and Gobi Chen Jingxuan was obviously not used to the frontier army who dealt with various tribes in the desert and Mongolia, and was the most miserable and poorest frontier army in the four northwest towns.

In the past two years, Chen Jingxuan, the governor of the three sides, has not been able to win the respect of the generals, nor has he been able to win better supplies and treatment for the soldiers of the frontier army than before. It is said that in the end, Guyuan Town has to be abolished. The reason is that the part of Guyuan Town did not perform well in countering the rebellion in the southwest.

This can be said to be tolerable or unbearable, not to mention going south to fight in the southwest where the unfamiliar climate is difficult to adapt to, and finally use this as an excuse to annex the newly established Jingxiang Town. But one of the important towns on the nine borders has been established since the Kingdom of China, how did it end up in such a state?

   Such a result is even worse than Shi Guangjue in the eyes of the generals in the northwest towns.

   "Old acquaintance." Liu Baichuan glanced at Liu Dongyang.

  Liu Dongyang thought for a while, Chai Ke? Impossible, the left servant of the Ministry of Officials; Yang He, it doesn't look like it, Liu Baichuan would not have such an attitude, the generals in the Northwest have a bad impression of Yang He.

   Finally thinking of a certain person, Liu Dongyang felt a little unbelievable. Didn't it mean that the situation in Liaodong was unstable and he needed to sit in charge to deal with Jianzhou Jurchen?

   "Feng Tang?!" Liu Dongyang raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

"Could it be fake?" After all, Liu Baichuan is based in Suzhou, so he is much more informed than Liu Dongyang who is lonely outside Jiayuguan. Let him stabilize the northwest, but I don't know why Mr. Feng accepts such a hot job."

  Liu Baichuan also didn't understand, and there was a lot of complexity in his words.

The governor of Jiliao has a much higher status than the governors of the three sides, and the key point is that he is more valued by the court. Military supplies, food and salaries are guaranteed first, unlike here in the three sides and four towns, it is always the last to get leftovers, even Even leftovers may not be guaranteed.

After the Ningxia Rebellion, the situation improved slightly for two years. For the sake of recovering Shazhou and Hami, the imperial court barely guaranteed the food and salaries for those two years, but since the second half of last year, it has returned to the previous normal state. Chen Jingxuan had nothing to do about the situation of being in arrears, or short of grain and fodder, and this was what the generals of the four towns were most dissatisfied with.

If you can't argue with the court, then you will be unstable as the governor. In addition, you are not familiar with the frontier army and you don't have enough prestige. It is the wisest choice for everyone to resign, otherwise you will end up being the only one. It fell back to the end of the mutiny and get out, and even the head hanging on the top of the city and the sergeants below.

   Of course, this possibility is unlikely in the end. The Great Zhou Dynasty was not the end of the Tang Dynasty, and the generals in the army were not yet domineering to that extent.

After Chen Jingxuan resigned, the generals in the three sides and four towns naturally had to guess who the court would send to succeed them. It was hard for the civil officials to say, but there were only two or three choices among the generals, but they all felt that it was impossible to come. Here comes Zhi Leng.

  I heard that it was Feng Tang, Liu Dongyang, Xu Chao, and Tu Wenxiu all had complicated emotions.

  On the one hand, they also admitted that Feng Tang should be the most suitable candidate, and probably the only candidate who can control the entire situation in the Northwest, but from another perspective, Feng Tang's arrival will completely extinguish some of their original ambitions.

  Liu Dongyang and the others didn’t imagine that they would drag on like this. One day, the situation of three sides and four towns would explode again. At that time, it might not be an opportunity for his brothers.

  But Feng Tang's arrival completely extinguished this illusion and hope.

The Feng family itself has a very good reputation in the Nine Sides, and Feng Tang served as the general soldier of Datong and Yulin, especially the general soldier of Yulin itself belongs to one of the four towns on the three sides, and the current general soldier of Yulin is Feng Tang's old confidant. There are also many Feng Tang's subordinates in the town, and the Feng family was originally from Wu Xun, so Feng Tang can be regarded as the most suitable and powerful candidate for the governor in the three sides and four towns.

  This is also the main reason why the imperial court would rather arrange him here despite the vacancy in Liaodong.

  As soon as he came, Liu Dongyang knew very well that it was impossible to hide any changes from the other party, and it would be impossible to convince Liu Baichuan and the others, even including Xu Chao.

   This news only temporarily disturbed Liu Dongyang's mood, and Liu Dongyang returned to normal.

Because he also knows very well that if someone else came, some of his ambitions may have hope, but the possibility of failure is much greater. No one wants to fail. If Feng Tang comes to the Northwest, it will bring about some different changes , may not be able to accept such a result.

   "Bai Chuan, you said Master Feng is already on his way to the northwest?" Liu Dongyang dismounted, threw the reins to the subordinates who followed, and said in a deep voice, "Are you so fast?"

"Well, it's faster than we thought. I heard that the first batch of grain from Huguang has been transported from Huguang to Xi'an, and it's on the way from Xi'an to Qingyang." Liu Baichuan knew what Liu Dongyang wanted to hear, "Master Feng There seemed to be some other ideas."

   "What do you mean?" Liu Dongyang's eyes were shining brightly, with his hands on his back, Liu Baichuan also got off his horse and walked side by side with him, "Qingyang, why Qingyang?"

Liu Baichuan hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "I heard that Mr. Feng has already issued an order on the way, requiring the first batch of towns to transfer two to three departments to Qingyang for intensive training, in preparation for reduction and elimination. If he is satisfied with the training, then he will keep it, and those who are not strong enough to fight will be included in the elimination target, which is the request of the imperial court."

   "Take two or three departments for training first?" Liu Dongyang was a little surprised: "Didn't you say that Guyuan Town will be abolished?"

The term two to three units is relatively vague. The number of units brought by each lieutenant general, general and guerrilla varies, and it is possible to have 3,000 to 5,000 units. Qingyang's training is not insignificant.

"The news I got is that Mr. Feng doesn't agree with the imperial court's direct request for the abolition of Guyuan Town. After consulting with the Ministry of War, he believes that troops should be transferred from each town and department for training in rotation, and the best should be given priority, and the worst should be eliminated. The Ministry of War seemed to agree with his point of view,..." Liu Baichuan had a strange look on his face, "However, in this round of training and assessment, the four towns have nearly 400,000 troops. According to this scale, based on the three-month training round, it doesn't take two years Can't finish it?"

   "You mean this is Lord Feng's plan to slow down the army?" Liu Dongyang immediately understood the implication of Liu Baichuan's words, and frowned, "But what's the point of Master Feng doing this? Don't you want to face elimination after two years?"

   "I don't know about that." Liu Baichuan shook his head, "Perhaps Mr. Feng thinks that such a sudden decision to abolish will cause unnecessary turmoil? He has just arrived,..."

Liu Dongyang snorted coldly, "Bai Chuan, someone else might be worried about this, but do you think Mr. Feng would be afraid of this? He can't do it? Yulin Army is vegetarian? The gang of trash in Guyuan Town should have been abolished. But the premise is to guarantee the treatment of our other towns,..."

   "Guyuan Town has only gotten worse in the past few years, and it can't be killed with a single blow." Liu Baichuan disagreed, "I think it's acceptable to judge victory or defeat based on the performance of martial arts after the rotation training. Are you still worried about your department?"

"Hmph, do you think I'm worried?" Liu Dongyang curled his lips contemptuously, "I'm not sure about Yulin Town, how many of He Shixian's men can fight, who am I afraid of in Ganning Town? Guyuan Town Over there, who can fight?"

   "Then what are you worried about?" Liu Baichuan asked back.

"Bai Chuan, don't you think it's not normal for Mr. Feng to transport food from Huguang, to conduct training in rotation, and to issue orders while still on the road?" Because Liu Dongyang was outside the customs, the news was not as good as that of Liu Baichuan. He is well-versed, but his sense of smell is more sensitive than Liu Baichuan's, "It's better to familiarize yourself with the job immediately, or to appease everyone, why did you make such a big move right away, and didn't even give the big guy an explanation? No matter how you look at it, I feel a bit Something is wrong."

Liu Dongyang's words made Liu Baichuan fall into deep thought, but they are all pure military generals, at least they can't feel anything in the northwest land, which makes them feel that what involves them may be the war in the southwest. After all, there is a war in Guyuan Town. There, and there was a lot of noise.

  (end of this chapter)

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