Number of People

Chapter 1562: Xin Zi Juan Parallel

  Chapter 1562 Xinzi Juan Parallel

  Xu Chao and Tu Wenxiu also got off their horses and followed up from behind. They were a little surprised to see their gloomy expressions, and couldn't help but exchanged glances.

  Since the failure, the relationship between the four can never go back to the way it was before.

   Liu Baichuan seemed to have obtained the greatest benefit and was promoted to the deputy commander of the defense, but everyone knew that he was still not trusted by the current commander of Gansu Town, Xiao Ruxun, and the former governor of the three sides, Chen Jingxuan.

  As for Liu Dongyang and the others, although they are guarding outside the pass in name, they are actually exiled and distributed in disguise. As long as the military supplies and food are cut off, the Hami and Shazhou guarded by Liu Dongyang will not be able to survive even a month.

Although everyone knew that it was wise for Liu Baichuan to surrender first, even without Liu Baichuan's full argument in front of Chai Ke, Yang He, Feng Tang and others, the few of them and the subordinates they led could only be trapped to death. For them, this is still a thorn in their hearts.

However, it seems that with the passage of time, both Xu Chao and Tu Wenxiu found that Liu Dongyang, the biggest "victim", had become more calm towards Liu Baichuan, as if he wanted to understand all this, but Tu Wenxiu and Xu Chaoer On the contrary, people are still a little entangled in this knot.

   "Then Dong Yang, what do you think Mr. Feng intends to do?" Liu Baichuan said leisurely.

   "Master Feng?" the impatient Tu Wenxiu couldn't help asking.

   "The new governor Feng Tangfeng is already on his way to the northwest." Liu Baichuan briefly introduced the situation.

Tu Wenxiu and Xu Chao looked at each other in dismay, "It's so urgent to train in rotation? The governor has not yet taken office to call the big guys to meet, so there is such a big battle. Is it going to be a war? It is necessary to fight Yang Yinglong in Banzhou Is it a big battle?"

Tu Wenxiu couldn't help questioning, and Xu Chao also looked puzzled: "In name, this is to transfer two or three divisions to train and practice martial arts in rotation, but they have to be eliminated as Shangfang's sword hanging around their necks, who dare not transfer the most elite divisions? Maybe the Governor-General thinks that your military town is not in good shape and should be abolished more."

   "But in such a hurry to mobilize elites from the four towns to assemble in Qingyang, is it really just for the sake of a few local soldiers in Bozhou?" This question also lingered in the minds of Liu Baichuan and Liu Dongyang.

"This is only the first round. It is said that the second round of troops will be assembled in three months to continue the rotation training." Liu Baichuan added: "Currently all military rations are being transported to Qingyang. Leaving, the second round is in place again, which means that before the end of the year, Qingyang will gather an army of 100,000,..."

  Hearing what Liu Baichuan said, Liu Dongyang and the others couldn't help breathing heavily.

  If this is the case, then it is definitely going to be a big battle. The question is who to fight?

   It is absolutely impossible to be a few native soldiers from Bozhou, Tumets, or Chahars?

   It’s not going to be dragged to Liaodong to fight Jianzhou Jurchen, right?

  No matter who is fighting, for warriors, fighting is a good thing. An army that does not fight is worthless. Only fighting can reflect the meaning of warriors to the greatest extent.

   Before a few people could recall, the sound of horse hoofs came from afar. The group of people looked at it and saw a horse galloping towards him. The knight rushed forward and dismounted: "My lord!"

   Taking the letter paper, Liu Baichuan glanced at it for a while, but there was a strange and bitter expression on his face, but then he showed his face: "Dong Yang, take a look."

  Liu Dongyang raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he didn't refuse. He took the letter and was shocked when he saw it. It turned out to be the letter from the governor who was just mentioned.

   After reading the ten lines at a glance, I couldn't help but smack my lips, Liu Dongyang sighed: "Bai Chuan, I didn't expect that the governor still remembers you and me, hehe, this is really..."

  Liu Baichuan snorted in his nasal cavity: "Dong Yang, didn't you get your wish?"

Liu Dongyang's face was full of splendor, and the bones all over his body seemed to be making a crackling sound, shaking the letter paper: "Don't you? Could it be that you would like to eat in this ghostly place without a name and no distinction, etc. die forever?"

   Liu Baichuan sighed, Liu Dongyang's words were correct, when it came to the depths of his heart, why would he want to do this?

   "Let's go then."


  Standing on the Guanlou, Niu Jizong looked to the east without moving his eyes, letting the whistling wind lift up his cloak and make a whistling noise.

   There are several people standing behind him, all of them have deep eyes, and one of them puts his hand on his saber, hesitating to speak.

   "My lord, the sky is going to be dark and the wind is too strong. Let's go down first." The speaker had a loud voice, was wearing heavy armor, and had a pair of triangular eyes on his face with Chinese characters. The others all wanted to take a step behind him.

   "Chengyin, look, if you go down from here, you can go straight to Baiyangkou to the south, and Changping to the east." Niu Jizong said casually, "But Nankou is in the hands of Jizhen. Hehe, why is that so?"

   "Nankou pass is narrow, and the number of soldiers is no more than a thousand, but they can go down with one drum." Zhang Chengyin, the chief soldier of the Xuanfu, was called Chengyin, and his accent still had a Northwest flavor.

Zhang Chengyin didn't answer Niu Jizong's question, and Niu Jizong didn't care. He had come to this point, and no one could escape a grasshopper on a rope. Time to talk too much.

   "Well, Chengyin, your family is young..." Niu Jizong knew that Zhang Chengyin was from Yulin, and there should be relatives in his hometown.

"Don't worry, my lord, the last general's family is already on the way, probably already in Shanxi." Zhang Chengyin sighed secretly in his heart, the governor was still quite suspicious, but thinking about it, it was such a big matter related to his family and life, how could he Can you not be cautious?

   "Well, that's good." Niu Jizong nodded, "The Nankou side is well prepared, but what do you think about the town's border city?"

   Mentioning the city on the edge of the town, everyone's eyes turned to the southwest.

  Zhang Chengyin remained silent.

The border city of the town is like a sharp knife nailed to the waists of Huailaiwei and Yanqingwei. There is a guerrilla unit in Jizhen stationed here. A blow in the middle.

   "My lord, can we take the mouth of Aries first?" Zhang Chengyin asked after pondering for a while.

There are not many south entrances, and they will go down in one drum. If the troops can be divided into two groups, all the way to Changping, all the way to Baiyangkou, as long as Baiyangkou is controlled, the town and the border city will be like a tree without roots and water without a source. Enemy, no longer dare to act rashly.

A look of appreciation flashed across Niu Jizong's face. Instead of seizing the border town, he boldly went straight to Baiyangkou further back. Moreover, Baiyangkou had more than 5,000 troops stationed there, which was better than the border town. This move can be said Greatly beyond expectations.

  Pressing one hand on the battlement wall, Niu Jizong wiped his long beard under his jaw, but didn't make a sound.

If they seize Baiyangkou, it means that they will enter the defense zone of Ji Town on a large scale. It is not a matter of three or five thousand Qingqi. The mobilization of troops will exceed ten thousand. Such a large-scale mobilization cannot be concealed from others, of course. At that time, there is no need to hide from anyone.

  After taking this step, there will be no way back, Niu Jizong sneered in his heart, but now can he have a way back?

   Subconsciously shook his head, Niu Jizong stopped being entangled, and said in a deep voice: "Chengyin, please make a plan, town the border town, along the river mouth, all the way to the Marco Polo Bridge, once you want to do something, then don't hesitate."

  Zhang Chengyin laughed, "My lord, at that time, who will care about whom? But who can stop us?"

  Niu Jizong also laughed, "Chengyin, self-confidence is a good thing, but don't underestimate the Jingying. After the defeat of the Santunying, I heard that they realized their shame and then acted bravely. The emperor valued it very much."

   "Really?" A sneer flashed across the corner of Zhang Chengyin's mouth, "I'm afraid that the gold and jade will be ruined by the outside, and the appearance will not be useful."

  Niu Jizong shook his head, but said nothing, and walked south along the wall, Zhang Chengyin accompanied him, and the rest of them were far behind them.

   "My lord, do you really want to take this step?" When there were only two people left, Zhang Chengyin no longer had any scruples, "Didn't you say that you can't take this step as a last resort?"

"Well, there is indeed another consideration, but it depends on whether they take that step. The initiative is not in our hands, so we can only find ways to guide." Niu Jizong chuckled, "Take that step, we will We also have to follow our plan, but it may be much more legitimate, so there is no need to worry too much, but if that step does not go smoothly, then the Overlord may have to force the bow, each according to its own ability."

  Niu Jizong didn't mention who took that step, how to take it, and what the result was. Zhang Chengyin didn't ask, and he wouldn't get an answer if he asked.

   "Well, we just have to do our own thing well." Zhang Chengyin changed the subject, "Does Sun Shaozu need to come here in advance? How will the general arrange it here?"

  Niu Jizong hesitated for a moment, then stopped.

Sun Shaozu controls the army on the northeast front line of Datong Town. If things go well here, of course he would rather let Sun Shaozu stay there. , I am afraid that other countermeasures must be considered.

Letting this Datong army in is one thing, the key is time. In addition, in the worst situation, then let this army go south quickly. At that point, every frontier army is indispensable. In the future, it will become the backbone force against the imperial court.

   "Don't be busy." Niu Jizong thought for a while, "I'm thinking about it. Those from Shanxi Town can come here first and move to Daizhou, Yanmenguan and Fanzhi. I will give them orders in advance."

   "Where is Chai Guozhu?" Zhang Chengyin asked.

  Chai Guozhu is the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Town. Although he is nominally under the control of Xuanda Governor, he doesn't listen to Niu Jizong, the Xuanda Governor.

  Niu Jizong's face flashed a stern look, and he said softly: "Don't worry, I have my own arrangements."

  (end of this chapter)

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