Number of People

Chapter 1563: Xin Zijuan Yuanchun visits relatives again

  Chapter 1563 Xin Zijuan Yuanchun visits relatives again

  It was already noon when he came in from outside the palace. Zhang Chi was a little nervous when he ran into a group of people coming from the opposite side.

  Some people of status in the palace go out, which one is not accompanied by ten or eight people, it is not a big deal to see this posture.

  But the moment Zhang Chi came into view, his mind was in turmoil, and he subconsciously straightened his chest, his eyes were piercing, and he swept over fiercely.

   is Concubine Jia.

   Zhang Chi felt that the breath coming out of his nostrils became hotter, and his footsteps slowed down slightly, and finally stood still with his hands behind his back.

  Jia Yuanchun immediately met the person she least wanted to see in the palace. Although the other party had restrained himself a lot in the past two years, the shadow left behind still made her shudder.

He has a frivolous and ruthless personality, but is bold and unscrupulous. Some people say that he is ambitious and talented, but it is undeniable that he is the only son of Concubine Xu Huanggui and the eldest son of the emperor. Many courtiers seem to be the natural successors in their minds.

  Although the throne of the Great Zhou Dynasty was not entirely based on the succession system, and the current emperor is neither the son nor the eldest son, the undeniable system of succession still holds great weight in the minds of scholars.

   "Meet Lord Shou." The servants saluted very consciously.

   Similarly, everyone around Zhang Chi also saluted, "I have seen Concubine Xiande."

  Jia Yuanchun's jade dimple, as cold as morning dew and hibiscus, was expressionless, but blessed, "I have seen the King of Shou."

   Zhang Chi didn't dare to be rude, under the watchful eyes of so many people, if any bad rumors spread to the ears of the father, it would be bad, especially at a critical time.

   "Zhang Chi has seen the imperial concubine." Zhang Chi also gave a deep bow, and then stood up straight: "Is this the empress going out of the palace? Oh, it seems that the father has granted permission for all the empresses to go out of the palace and go home to visit relatives, right?"

   This is looking for something to say, Jia Yuanchun couldn't help but feel angry, but he didn't dare to explode.

  The emperor issued a decree to allow concubines without heirs to go home to visit their relatives for the festival, while other concubines with children had the princes and daughters enter the palace to celebrate the festival. This guy deliberately used this to hurt himself.

   "Yes." Jia Yuanchun tried his best to make his expression look natural and indifferent, so as to avoid being picked on by the other party, "Shou Wang is going to see Xu Niangniang? Why is he alone?"

  Zhang Chi was furious. He had already married a wife, but the princess was recuperating at home because of a miscarriage a few days ago. He thought that the other party knew about it, but deliberately humiliated him.

Seeing that Zhang Chi's face suddenly turned cold, Jia Yuanchun was also taken aback. He didn't know where he had offended the other party. He just wanted to find a topic to change, so that he could walk after talking. Who would have thought that the other party would suddenly change color? Use this method to coerce yourself?

  Looking at each other, Zhang Chi smiled piteously, "Yeah, my concubine is in a bad mood. It's a big festival, so I have to go to Haosheng to be filial. It's better than my mother can enjoy it when I go home..."

  Jia Yuanchun was a little baffled. What does Xu Junru's bad mood have to do with him? What does Shou Wang mean by suddenly mentioning it?

  But this is not the time to think about these things, Jia Yuanchun said indifferently: "The emperor has rewarded me for allowing me to wait to go home. I am also very grateful. Your Highness Shou Wang, I will leave now."

   After a blessing, Jia Yuanchun took the lead in walking.

  Seeing Jia Yuanchun's slightly plump figure disappearing at the end of the palace wall corridor, Zhang Chi couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

  This **** dared to provoke me like this, intentionally poking my sore spot, remembering how she was trembling with fear at the beginning, but now she is so presumptuous, do you really think that she has lost her power?

Zhang Chi also knew that the Jia family was not without foundation, but the Rongning and Ning families were already in the wind, and Jia Yuanchun had already been given the last gift from the emperor for her father, so she got Jiangxi Xuezheng, but Her father is an extremely pedantic idiot. Hearing that he caused anger and resentment in Jiangxi, everyone from top to bottom is extremely dissatisfied with him.

The rest is just that one of her cousins ​​married Feng Ziying, but that little Feng Xiuzhuan wants to marry the third wife, and she has a good sex, so why would she come to marry her because of a woman whose relationship is far away? Are you sorry? Maybe in the future, I can still be his brother-in-law?

After these two months, I have to let this **** know the fate of offending me, and I have to let this **** crawl under my feet in order to vent my inner anger. I opened my fists and clenched, with a hideous expression on my face. To calm down.

  Jia Yuanchun seemed to be able to feel the malevolent and sinister gaze from behind, which made her spine creep for no reason, and subconsciously quickened her pace, trying to escape from the shadow like a cage.

   This feeling did not disappear until the sedan chair left the palace gate.

   The afternoon sun was shining on the street, Yuan Chun could finally breathe a sigh of relief, leaning softly on the armrest of the sedan chair, resting his chin on one hand, his eyes wandered out of the window following the sway of the curtains.

  The situation in the palace became more and more confusing.

Qiu Shi'an also seems to be in a state of panic now, and Cheng En went there several times without seeing each other. It is obvious that Qiu Shi'an is not on his side, which made Jia Yuanchun heave a sigh of relief. At the same time, I was also a little lost.

The attention of the palace is now focused on the concubines with princes, not to mention myself, Zhou, Zheng, and Wu are all the same, no matter how busy they are, no one cares about it. I will agree that a few of myself can go home for a reunion for the holidays.

Now it seems that both Xu Junru and Shou Wang have faintly lost power. Su Lingyao's two sons, Fu Wang and Li Wang, are fiercely competing with Lu Wang and Mei Concubine, who are faintly favored by the emperor, by virtue of their age advantages and good reputation among the sergeants in Beijing. , and the sudden emergence of Prince Gong and Concubine Guo seemed not to be outdone, and continued to build momentum, trying to get Prince Gong to join this battle group.

Everyone understands that next month's autumn at Tiewang Mountain is an important juncture. Through this autumn, the emperor will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the princes, and even talk to some royal family members and important officials to listen to their opinions. Opinions, that is to say, the main content of this autumn is the selection of reserves.

King Shou, King Fu, King Li, King Lu, and King Gong, the five princes, will all show their talents, and they will try their best to win the favor and trust of the emperor during this period, including of course those royal clans who can talk. Dear, for example, King Zhongshun, King Zhonghui who may be appointed as the envoy of the Beijing Camp, might as well be low-key before, and now there is some voice for King Lianzhong, and even the two eldest princesses.

The same is true for the important ministers. In more than ten days, it is estimated that there will be cabinet elders or seven ministers and ministers in Beijing, as well as the capital censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, who will be summoned by the emperor for interviews. They are very concerned, and their opinions may even be more important than the attitudes of the royal family members.

  Loneliness, loss, and even confusion bothered Jia Yuanchun, making her extremely confused. She didn't know how to face everything in the future, because she found that she couldn't find a goal to work hard or strive for.

If Xu Junru, Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi, and Guo Qinyun can all fight for the future of their sons, how should the noble concubines like myself and even Zhou Wuzheng, who have no heirs, seek their own future? What about positioning and goals?

  Could it be that they fight for power and profit all day long, but how long can this kind of life last, and how meaningful is it?

The emperor has now started to prepare for the establishment of the crown prince, which means that the emperor has also realized that his own health is not optimistic. What should I do with these people? Do you really want to go to a remote household and spend decades where no one cares about you until you die?

   What if you don’t want to live such a life?

  Escaped from the palace? Jia Yuanchun smiled wryly, and subconsciously shook his head. This was a whimsical idea, not to mention whether he had this ability, the entire Jia family might be implicated for this, and his family would die.

  Thinking of this, Jia Yuanchun felt even more depressed and hopeless.

  Suddenly a figure jumped into my heart, as if to send out some kind of call. Maybe this person can have some different views and points of view, and even give myself some advice?

Although I also know that this is obviously a bit unrealistic, but many things that happened to this person were originally considered unbelievable and whimsical. The unprecedented things did not seem to be accidents to him, but they became normal. Yuan Chun held that glimmer of hope in his heart.

  What if?

The sedan chair wandered along Xi'anmen Street to Kaidao Street, walked along Kaidao Street for a while, entered Fuchengmen Street, walked to the edge of Baita Temple, entered Jinchengfang Hutong, and walked south to Guangdao Street. Ningbo Hutong, then turn east and turn into Rongning Street.

   After seeing the gate of Rongguo Mansion, Jia Yuanchun's mood improved.

  The gate of Rongguo Mansion has already greeted a large group of people, although it is not as grand as the last Lantern Festival family visit, but after all, it is a noble concubine visiting relatives, and the gift of the heavenly family is indispensable, so the important people in the mansion are still all out to greet them outside the mansion.

The middle door of Rongguo Mansion was wide open, and the big sedan chair was carried all the way in front of the Yimen Gate. Just as Jia Yuanchun got off the sedan chair, Jia Yuanchun slowly got out of the sedan chair. Everyone, including Jia Mu, Wang Shi, and Jia She, had already knelt down and bowed down. Yuan Chun felt a little emotional , hastily waved his hands to signal excuses, and after several tosses, all the kneeling people in the courtyard stood up.

Jia Yuanchun took a rough look. Compared with the last time he came, there seemed to be fewer people. His father was gone, Xue Baochai's family was gone, but his sister-in-law had two more sisters. The people who greeted them no longer had the joyful spirit of the last time, and they all seemed a little listless.

  (end of this chapter)

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