Number of People

Chapter 1564: Xin Zi rolled into Hong Kong

  Chapter 1564 Xin character rolls into Hong Kong

Yuan Chun didn't see Feng Ziying, and she also knew that Feng Ziying would not appear on this occasion. Although she had asked the people in the house to communicate with him in advance, hoping to meet him, it was very likely that the other party would be later. The time will come.

  Tomorrow is the 15th day of August, and it is also the time for family reunion. This time, the emperor is very generous. He can go home on the 14th. Returning to the palace on the 16th is extremely rare.

Of course, Yuan Chun is also very clear that the current emperor doesn't have much thought and energy to take care of himself and the noble concubines like Zhou Wuzheng, and Xu Junru, who is in charge of the harem affairs, is just pushing the boat along the way to avoid these people looking for opportunities for her and King Shou Just looking for trouble.

Whether it's Jia's mother, Wang's or even the mandarin ducks who have been by the side all the time, they all feel that Yuan Chun's interest is not very high. Although the smile on his face is still there, and his words are very kind, but the words are lacking a lot, and his mental state is also a little bit It seemed that he was holding on, which made everyone a little worried.

  No one knows what the situation of the empress is in the palace. I heard that Baoqin said it was not good, but later it is said that there has been a change, but now it seems that the so-called change is also very limited.

The meeting with everyone was still in the Rongxi Hall. After some pleasantries, everyone also met and talked one by one, including Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun, Xiangyun, Daiyu, Li Wan and two younger sisters Coco Li Qi and Xiu Smokers saluted one after another to meet and talk.

  Yuan Chun was also a little emotional, and there were a lot of people missing.

  Wang Xifeng, who was used to having fun, was gone. It is said that she went south to the south of the Yangtze River, which made her very puzzled.

She was very opposed to Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng's reconciliation, but she was powerless to interfere. It was a matter of the long house, and Jia Lian's mind was wild, so she didn't stay in the mansion at all. The capital side was thrown aside.

Wang Xifeng's temperament is strong, but Jia Yuanchun felt that Jia Lian just needed such a strong woman to take care of him. If he really wanted to let go of the horse, Jia Lian would be even more difficult to control. He didn't know what would happen, and even brought disaster to the Rongguo Mansion. Also unknown.

   But the reality is so slap in the face, Jia Lian went to Yangzhou to do a good job, almost no longer relying on the resources of the Jia family, but he felt like the capital was dragging him down, which made Yuan Chun speechless.

Sister Baochai and Baoqin also didn't come. She is a married woman, so naturally she can't come to visit at will. Of course, Aunt Xue may bring Sister Baochai and Baoqin to visit tomorrow, but today is mainly to meet Jia's family, and they will not Will come easily, anyway, she is a woman of some status, and when she arrives in Baochai, she will almost definitely have an imperial order.

  Meeting with the elders and sisters in the family, Yuan Chun entered the Grand View Garden on the grounds that he was tired, and went straight to Gu Ensiyi Hall to rest.

  Except for Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, the other sisters all return to their respective positions and cannot come in until they are summoned.


"Grandmother, mother, it's just you and me, so there's no need to use the external address. If you are still so restrained and depressed when you go home, then it will be meaningless for my daughter to come back to visit relatives and rest this time." Yuan Chun Sighing, "Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I have been looking forward to coming back to meet my grandmother, mother and sisters for more than a year, talk, relax,..."

  Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang looked at each other and exchanged glances. They both saw some worry and worry in each other's eyes.

   "The old man will take the liberty." Or Jia Mu had experienced more, and she took the initiative to respond: "Maybe it's not going well in the palace this time, Miss?"

"Grandmother, my granddaughter has been in the palace for so long, and she has never gone smoothly. There are times when she is a little relaxed, but the time is very short. Recently, there is turmoil in the palace. Grandma and mother should have heard about it, right?" Yuan Chun said in a tone. A little tired with dullness.

  She has countless things in her heart but she doesn’t know who to tell them to. Her ancestors and mother may know some, but after all, her father is not there, and they have been at home for a long time, so they probably don’t know much. Baoyu...

  In the past, Yuan Chun would not even consider Baoyu, but now Baoyu is going to marry Niu Jixun's prostitute daughter? The last time I received a letter from my mother saying that Baoyu had matured a lot and started to think about things and do things, but I don't know what happened.

  Mother Jia hesitated for a moment, "Ma'am, did you say that Tienwangshan Qiuyu has something to do with the emperor's possible establishment of a reserve?"

"Grandmother has also heard about Iron Net Mountain Autumn Festival?" Yuan Chun was a little surprised, the old ancestor is still more sensitive than mother, at least he is not confused about such important matters, "Mother wrote that Baoyu might also participate in Iron Net Mountain Autumn Festival. Hey, but Princess Yongning promised to let Baoyu go to the autumn too?"

  Mother Jia immediately sensed the hesitation in Yuan Chun's words, and asked nervously, "Could it be that Miss Baoyu thinks it's inappropriate for Baoyu to participate in the autumn festival? Or is there something else wrong?"

Yuanchun hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head: "It must be good for Baoyu that Qiuxi can show his face. After all, the emperor attaches great importance to Qiuxi this time. The granddaughter is just worried that Princess Yongning is too keen on these things, and the emperor has not yet opposed Chu. She has made up her mind on many matters, many of which are still uncertain, if she leans too much towards which prince, she may make the people who follow her become the target of public criticism, and Baoyu may also suffer disaster."

  When Yuan Chun said this, even Mrs. Wang understood.

   This time, the Iron Net Mountain Qiuyu was probably just a process of standing in line. The emperor called so many royal family members, just to solicit the opinions of these people and see their attitudes towards the princes.

King Zhongshun, King Zhonghui, King Lianzhong, King Zhongxin, brothers and sisters of the emperors such as Yongan and Yongning, and even several county kings surnamed Zhang will also participate in this autumn festival, which is rare for so many years The situation is enough to prove the emperor's intention.

   "Then what should I do?" Wang suddenly panicked.

  It has long been no secret that the emperor is in poor health in Beijing. It is a big deal to choose and establish a prince. However, the princes all have their own backgrounds and strengths, that is, supporters. No one dares to say that the winner is sure.

To the emperor, they are all his own sons, it doesn't matter who gets on, but in the end, he can only choose one, but if these outsiders are on the wrong team and follow the wrong people, when the new emperor ascends the throne in the future, wouldn't these people on the wrong team Will it become a pond fish and be affected?

  If you are a literati, you may still have some chances, but for a martial artist like Baoyu, it is really possible that you will only have a soft meal for the rest of your life.

  Yuan Chun didn't speak for a while, and Jia's mother also had a serious expression on her face. Of course, she cared a lot about her beloved grandson.

   After a long time, Mother Jia pondered and said, "Miss, does the emperor have any preference for several princes at present? Or who among the princes has the greatest hope?"

"Theoretically, King Shou is the son of Concubine Xu and the eldest son. Scholars have a lot of neutral views, but King Shou has not been liked by the emperor in recent years; King Fu and Li Wang are both the sons of Concubine Su. It is said that if King Shou If they are excluded, the two of them must have the greatest hope, but Concubine Su Gui has never been liked by the emperor, and King Fu and Li Wang are not the eldest son, and the emperor's perception is average, so it is hard to say; King Lu is said to be the emperor's favorite, because they all say that King Lu is like When the emperor was young, Concubine Mei was also very favored by the emperor, so from this point of view, King Lu is the most likely one."

   "Oh?" Jiamu and Wang were moved by it, "Then Princess Yongning should consider making friends with King Lu."

   "Grandmother, mother, there are a lot of variables here, and there is a Prince Gong."

  Jia Yuanchun sighed, the mansion must have thought of these situations too simply.

"Although Prince Gong is not an adult, he has been intelligent since he was a child. Even the concubine said that he is the most like the emperor when he was young. You must know that the emperor was raised by the concubine alone, and his mother, concubine Guo, has the deepest background. Chen Jingxuan, former Minister of the Ministry of War, and Zhang Jingqiu, the current imperial censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, are all relatives. Concubine Guo has replaced Concubine Mei as the emperor's favorite in the past two years, but the emperor is not in good health and is not close to women in the past two years, otherwise Concubine Guo I'm afraid I will be more favored."

   "Huh?" Jiamu and Wang didn't expect such a complicated background here, so they couldn't help but look at each other.

If Prince Gong had Chen Jingxuan and Zhang Jingqiu behind him, it would be hard to say. Chen Jingxuan had resigned as governor of the three sides. Those who are promoted are regarded as the emperor's confidantes.

   "Then what should I do? If Baoyu really went with Princess Yongning, he would have to deal with these princes, this..." Wang hesitated.

   "I'm afraid we can only take one step at a time. It's best not to be too close or too far away, keep a distance, and avoid getting too close to anyone." Yuan Chun sighed.

  Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang were a little disappointed. If so, Baoyu's business would not be very meaningful.

The reason why the eldest princess of Yongning wanted to take Baoyu was probably because she had some intentions to make friends with the prince who was most likely to be in power early, and they also hoped that the eldest girl would provide Baoyu and even the eldest princess Yongning with her return this time. Who would have thought that Yuan Chun would be uncertain about any more accurate and reliable news.

  Everyone knows that Conglong's contribution is the greatest. When the situation is clear and you go to follow, then such credits and feelings are not worth mentioning.

  Mother Jia pondered for a while and then asked: "Miss, you asked Brother Keng to come to the mansion for a meeting, but for this reason? Does Brother Keng know what's going on here?"

Yuan Chun shuddered slightly. After all, my grandmother had experienced three dynasties of emperors, so she still had some insight and insight. She nodded: "The granddaughter does have this intention. Feng Ziying is quite famous in the court, and the emperor values ​​it very much. In addition, her teacher Qi Ge Lao and Qiao Du Yushi are both important ministers in the court, and their sources of information must be wider, so the granddaughter wants to ask him about it."

  (end of this chapter)

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