Number of People

Chapter 1565: Xin Zijuan re-enters Jia’s Mansion (Part 1)

  Chapter 1565 Xin Zijuan re-enters the Jia Mansion (Part 1)

   Both Jia Mu and Wang Shi nodded in agreement. Yuan Chun was right to think so. Feng Ziying's influence in Beijing was growing, even in the court.

  The matter of selecting and establishing a reserve is so important that Feng Ziying cannot be hidden from it. It is estimated that he will have his own channels to understand, analyze and judge the current situation.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, it is reasonable for the two sides to exchange information.

   "When will Brother Keng come over?" Mrs. Wang looked at Jia Mu.

  Mother Jia shook her head, "Yuanyang came back and said that the Feng family didn't say anything, and didn't see Brother Keng, just left the words there."

Yuan Chun seemed to understand, "Grandmother and mother don't need to worry, Brother Keng is not as good as before. He is the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, and he can be regarded as an important minister in the capital. He is busy with business every day, and it is impossible to get away at any time. He also knows the importance of it." , the granddaughter believes that he will come soon."

Yuan Chun could only comfort herself in this way. She knew very well that the Jia family including herself was of little use to Feng Ziying. On the contrary, the Jia family relied heavily on the Feng family now. , is not realistic.

   "The big girl, you now..."

   "Granddaughter wants to take a nap right now, if brother Keng comes over, just ask someone to wake me up." Yuan Chun ordered.

  However, until Yuanchun woke up from her afternoon nap, she did not see Feng Ziying, which made her a little disappointed.

In fact, Feng Ziying had already received the news. It is not easy to hide from him the slightly bigger movement in the capital city. Ning Jie, not to mention ostentatiously, but it is also a big move, so naturally it has already been heard by him.

  Yuanyang also brought the conversation early, but Feng Ziying didn't have much interest.

  He couldn't figure out what Jia Yuanchun was thinking and what he wanted to do. Could it be that he really wanted to get involved in the battle of the emperor's sons to win the heir?

  Do you have this qualification and strength?

  What can I get in the end?

   Do you still plan to plan another round of success for the Jia family, so that the Jia family can regain its glory?

  The idea may be good, but it seems that the path has gone astray. The current situation is not the time when the Emperor Taihe took over the world. We still have to rely on the martial arts of the martial arts ancestors. What is left of the current martial arts?

It is not up to the Jia family and other families of martial arts to get involved in the fight for the throne among the princes, and the martial arts don't have much influence at all, let alone any decisive factors. If you overestimate yourself and forcefully intervene, you will only get what you want disgrace.

   It is precisely because she feels that Jia Yuanchun or the Jia family is a little ignorant of current affairs, Feng Ziying has been entangled in how to deal with this family.

  Of course Feng Ziying also estimated that Jia Yuanchun should have noticed something.

The current decline of the Jia family is becoming more and more obvious, and it has been reduced to borrowing money to live. Even though the Rongguo Mansion will not tell her about this situation, the girl Baoqin is also extremely alert and intelligent, and often travels between the Rongguo Mansion and the palace. To convey the information, I am afraid that some clues have been spotted long ago, and Yuan Chun will naturally be informed.

Yuan Chun should also be groping to find out how to prevent the Rongguo Mansion from falling into a slump like the Duke Shi's family governing the country, and being directly removed from the wealthy family in Beijing, but he couldn't find a way. Maybe I should have a good talk with her today. , Listen to her thoughts, um, even need to confide in her heart, and persuade her not to make mistakes.

  After all, now I seem to have a feeling of being half-boarded. Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu, both of whom are or will be married by the Ming matchmaker, will enter Feng's house for Yingchun and even Tanchun.

  How did I fall into the trap of the Jia family unknowingly?

  A square inch is harmful, Feng Ziying smiled self-mockingly.

  But what does a man want in his life? Isn't it good to have a bad word? Live for that, die for that, fight for that all your life; suffer for that, be fooled by that, and die on that in the end.

   To put it in a more elegant and high-level way, it is drunk lying on the lap of a beautiful woman, and she claims to be wise and wise, and it seems that she can't escape this hurdle.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't help sighing, it's hard, as the Jia family, could it be that they just watched the Jia family go from bad to worse and remained indifferent?

  If that were the case, Feng Ziying might really look down on Jia Yuanchun.

Jia Yuanchun is also a scheming person. If he has been in the Rongguo Mansion, he may be more scheming than Tanchun, but this kind of ability is placed in the palace. Without the strength to rely on, it seems a bit ridiculous .

   This feeling lingered in Feng Ziying's heart until Feng Ziying entered the Rongguo Mansion.

  Rongguo Mansion was also decorated with lights and festoons today, and it was freshly painted, giving it a joyous atmosphere, but Feng Ziying could still feel a little loneliness hidden here.

The Rongguo Mansion is too big, and it may not have been fully renovated for a year or two, and there are many dilapidated places. Although I lent the money to the Jia family, the Jia family has too many places to spend money. Sprinkle pepper noodles evenly everywhere. The most conspicuous places inside and outside the Rongguo Mansion have been renovated, but in remote corners, it can only make do.

  In this stable alone, Feng Ziying saw that two stone steps that had been damaged by the wheels of the carriage had not been replaced, and a large piece of the edge of the wall had fallen off due to damp and mildew, so he simply took a piece of wood to cover it.

   Seeing the leopard in the spot is enough to show that the Jia family is really in a difficult situation.

   "Brother Feng, you are here." Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong all greeted him.

   This can be regarded as the next generation of the Jia family. Feng Ziying glanced at the four of them, except for Jia Lian, they are all here.

   "Well, the empresses are already here?" Feng Ziying nodded.

   "It's already noon, I'm going to rest in the garden now, I guess I should get up." Baoyu was a little nervous and serious, "My lady said that when Brother Feng arrives, I will report in."

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised.

After thinking about it, it's probably because he's going to get married next month, and he's also going to participate in the Iron Net Mountain Autumn Festival. Yuan Chun will probably talk about it with himself. It seems that Baoyu has also changed, no longer like "Dream of Red Mansions". "In the book, everyone is drunk and I am alone for the rest of my life, but in the end I am still trapped by the current situation and defeated by secular matters such as food, clothing, housing and transportation.

"Okay, Baoyu, go and report to see when the empress is free. I'll talk to Brother Huan, Brother Lan, and Brother Cong." Feng Ziying nodded. I talked about it myself, this is exactly what I think, and everyone picks it up and talks about what purpose they want to achieve, so as to avoid misjudgment and get a lot of chicken feathers behind.

  After Baoyu left, Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong accompanied Feng Ziying for a stroll around the residence.

"Brother Huan, next year will be the Grand Competition of Qiu Wei, are you sure?" Feng Ziying walked along the path facing the Yimen in the main courtyard with his hands behind his back. Of course he would not go directly to the Yimen, but to the Yimen. The corner gate next to it, so that you can walk along the Jiashe courtyard on the right to the southwest corner of the Grand View Garden.

"My little brother worked hard this year. It's just that the big competition in Qiuwei is a competition among scholars of the Great Zhou Dynasty. I really don't dare to speak arrogantly." Having said that, Jia Huan's eyes were burning, and Feng Ziying nodded, no matter what happened in the end, At least having this confidence is a good thing.

Compared with Jia Huan, Jia Baoyu has many more problems, such as laziness and lack of determination and perseverance. Of course, this brings about a lack of self-confidence. He wants to shrink back when he encounters setbacks, but he doesn't want to overcome difficulties. This is manifested in all aspects is very prominent.

"Well, there are still some uncertainties in the imperial examination competition. You don't have to be too persistent. You are still young and have many opportunities. You can't do it next year. Come again in three years. You will not be twenty years old then." Feng Ziying encouraged Dao, and then turned the topic to Jia Lan and Jia Cong: "Brother Lan, Brother Cong, you are the same. Next year, you can try to take the county examination. You can test for talents. It doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail. At least it is an experience."

Both Jia Lan and Jia Cong also had their eyes shining, and nodded repeatedly, especially Jia Lan, who finally waited for the master to speak, and hurriedly said: "Teacher, this disciple also has this intention. This year, Master Zhou has also taught hard. , the disciple has benefited a lot, and my mother also told the disciple that I must thank the two teachers well,..."

Feng Ziying's mind flashed Li Wan's delicate face with light makeup, and a smile appeared on his face, "There is no need to be so polite, your mother and you can thank Master Zhou, but there is no need for me here. It’s rare to give advice to you and Brother Cong, this county test is mainly taught by Teacher Zhou, if you pass the county test and prepare to participate in the Qiuwei Grand Competition, I must have a little leisure time at that time, but I can guide you more.”

  Jia Lan became more and more excited when he heard it, "Thank you for your teaching, Master. I will never forget it. My mother has said it several times. I hope I can have the opportunity to thank you in person..."

   "Look, I'll talk about it when I have time." Feng Ziying couldn't refuse, and nodded, "Your mother should have seen your mother today, right?"

   "Well, everyone in the house has seen the empress, and the empress seems to be in a bad mood, so she rested early." After all, Jia Lan was young, so he didn't have so many scruples when speaking, and told the truth.

  Jia Huan didn't care about these things. He didn't bother to ask what Jia Lan said, but Jia Cong was very alert, and then said: "Your Majesty has traveled all the way, and after returning home, she may be in a good mood and feel a little tired, so..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help raising her eyebrows and glanced at this invisible disciple who didn't talk much.

This Jia Cong is really rarely mentioned in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions". In my impression, he only appeared once or twice, and they were all transparent, but today this Jia Cong performed well. Compared with Jia Lan's simplicity, it seems to be more Much smarter.

   "Well, the empress is worrying in the palace, and it's rare to be relaxed when she comes back, and she must be tired." Feng Ziying smiled and nodded, but in her heart she had a high opinion of this talking disciple.

  (end of this chapter)

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