Number of People

Chapter 1566: Xin Zijuan re-enters Jia’s Mansion (Middle)

  Chapter 1566 Xin Zijuan re-enters the Jia Mansion (2)

"When is it?" Yuan Chun's charming and lazy posture even stared blankly at Baoyu who came in. It was the first time he saw his big sister with such a charming side, which also made him feel unreasonable. One kind of conflict is clear, I don't want Feng Ziying to come to see my eldest sister at this time, I don't want Feng Ziying to see this scene.

  Baoqin next to him immediately said: "Shenzheng."

   "Oh?" Yuan Chun sat up straight, hugged the piano and put on her coat, "Baoyu, go and invite Brother Keng, I have something to say to him."

   Baoyu hesitated for a moment, muttered, but in the end he didn't dare to go against his sister's opinion, and left angrily.

Feng Ziying also noticed Baoyu's resentful look, thinking that he was criticized by Jia Yuanchun, and he didn't care. He entered the garden from the gate of the Grand View Garden, crossed the Qinfang gate bridge, walked around to the front jade archway, and went directly to Gu Ensiyi Hall .

  At this time, Yuan Chun had already packed up and dressed, sitting on the upper bench, with his hands slightly in front of his lower abdomen, but his round and round cheeks looked extraordinarily glamorous under the western sun.

  In a daze, Feng Ziying even felt that she seemed to see Wang Xifeng who was a few years younger, but compared to Wang Xifeng, she was a little more dignified and noble, and a little less glamorous and enchanting.

   "Feng Keng has seen the imperial concubine and empress." Feng Ziying still gave a big gift.

  Yuan Chun waved his hand, "Brother Keng, you don't need to be too polite, you are all from your own family, and this is another family holiday, so don't be so restrained."

  Feng Ziying replied, "Courtesy cannot be discarded", but she still sat at the bottom according to Yuan Chun's meaning.

  In the huge Gu Ensiyi Hall, there are only Jia Yuanchun, Baoqin, and a small servant on the door. The other servants and maids who followed Yuanchun out of the palace are standing far outside the door, so as not to affect the conversation between the two.

   Seeing Feng Ziying sit down, Yuan Chun found that he couldn't find a suitable topic to break up the somewhat stagnant atmosphere.

  Feng Ziying did not squint, and sat looking forward, just waiting for Yuanchun to choose a topic.

   This awkward and stagnant atmosphere was even noticed by Baoqin, but she couldn't intervene.

Yuan Chun's plump **** seemed to become more vivid from the corner of Feng Ziying's eyes. The dress of this imperial concubine still reflected the royal grace, coupled with the natural delicate and delicate hibiscus jade face, her eyebrows vaguely resembled Tanchun, which is similar to Jia's Zheng and Wang are not similar, more like Jia Mu's rich face inherited from another generation.

To describe it in one sentence, it is similar to the popular Guanyin face, with wide forehead and cheeks, phoenix eyes and long eyebrows, plus a slender and tall figure, as well as plump **** and buttocks. I don't know how bad it is to be indifferent to such a stunner.

The purplish-red skirt is inlaid with gold silk embroidery knurling, and the pattern of bird patterns emerges an unusually smart shadow in the sun. The slender and elegant pink neck is exposed, and a faintly visible gully is covered by the skirt. The top is covered, and the big shirt covering the outside completely covers the smooth shoulders, which is really regrettable.

  Even if it was out of the corner of her eye, Feng Ziying felt that the trip was worthwhile.

"Three springs contend for the early spring scenery, tigers meet and return to their dreams", and I don't know if the portrayal in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" will really fall into this so-called "should be sighed (Yuan Ying Tanxi Sichun On the most mysterious woman in the world?

"Brother Keng, although I am going back to visit my relatives this time, I'm afraid you also know that I have some other affairs to deal with when I come back this time." After calming down, he opened the topic.

   There is no point in going around in circles. The other party already knew about his situation, and the current relationship between the Jia and Feng families doesn't need to be too polite, so Yuan Chun simply went straight to the point.

   "Know a thing or two." Feng Ziying didn't have that much respect for Jia Yuanchun in her heart.

Feng Ziying also discovered one thing, that is, she seems to lack the necessary respect for everyone in this era. There may be many reasons for this. Confidence, the third is that as a leader among scholar-officials, coupled with his strong background and reputation, it is difficult for him to look up to members of the royal family and concubines with the attitude of people of this era.

"Well, that's fine, I just want to have a good discussion with Brother Keng, including Baoyu's marriage, and some things that may be involved, um, including some recent affairs in the court..." Yuan Chun paused After a pause, he glanced at Baoqin beside him, and gestured to the servant at the door with his eyes.

   Baoqin immediately understood, and then walked to the door to greet the servant, and the two retreated outside the door together, but they could see the situation of the two people in the hall from a distance, but the two of them would not be affected by talking.

   "My lady, please tell me." Although Feng Ziying also knew that this topic was inevitable, she was still unwilling to take the initiative to involve it. In his opinion, Yuan Chun's behavior. It is unwise, and may even harm yourself.

   "Ziying, you don't agree with the marriage between Baoyu and Niu's daughter?" Yuan Chun asked.

   "It's not the best choice, not as good as the daughter of King Lianzhong, but it's not unacceptable. The reason must have been conveyed by the government." Feng Ziying said concisely.

Yuan Chun nodded, there are gains and losses, Feng Ziying's point of view is not without reason, but the considerations of different parties may be different, but she knows that Princess Yongning is very popular with the emperor, and Niu's daughter is Princess Yongning's favorite young daughter Well, if Baoyu marries her, he will definitely benefit a lot. There is nothing wrong with this choice.

  Of course, Feng Ziying will not argue with the other party again.

   "Elder Princess Yongning can talk quite well with the emperor. If she comes forward to plead with the emperor, as long as it is not an extraordinary request, it will be almost invincible." Yuan Chun didn't want Feng Ziying to have a pimple in his heart, so he explained it specially.

   "Have you ever considered the risks of the Niu family?" Since this topic was brought up, Feng Ziying didn't bother to cover it up.

  Yuan Chun didn't expect Feng Ziying to be so straightforward. He was taken aback, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Is Ziying worried that the Niu family will not get along with the emperor?"

   "Ma'am, is this a simple discord?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Does Madam think that Niu Jizong's position as Governor Xuan is true, and the emperor can't trust him?"

  Yuan Chun's complexion changed slightly, and his eyes became serious, "Then Ziying means that my uncle is also like this?"

  Feng Ziying sneered in her heart, this Jia Yuanchun is really shying away from medical treatment, and has always been unwilling to admit those realities, "If the empress thinks it is not, then it is not, but the idea is too good, but the reality may not develop as we hope."

  Yuan Chun's face turned pale, and he stared fixedly at Feng Ziying, "Ziying, do you really think the situation has developed to this extent?"

"I don't know what the empress heard and saw in the palace, but I only know what I saw and heard in the yamen. Although it may not be true, I would rather believe it is true, because the truth is the worst, and things It tends to turn out to be the worst."

  Feng Ziying shrugged, "I'm very realistic, or pessimistic, and I hope my guesses are all wrong."

  Feng Ziying's words completely disrupted Jia Yuanchun's mind.

  She didn't pay much attention to the conflict between Prince Yizhong and the emperor. The emperor has been on the throne for ten years, so why would Prince Yizhong want to make a comeback?

What she thought was that Prince Yizhong was just an act of self-preservation. When the emperor made a big move and the new emperor ascended the throne, Prince Yizhong would naturally let go of his guard, and it was impossible for him to have any chance. After all, the inheritance of the throne had been transferred to the The branch of Emperor Yonglong (Prince Zhongxiao) has come, and it is impossible to switch back to the branch of Prince Yizhong, and the ministers in the court will not support it.

So she has been thinking about who among the emperor's princes will win, whether it is the Niu family or her uncle Wang Ziteng, which prince she will support in the future, and how she and even Baoyu can take the lead in the future standing team , won the merit of Conglong.

  But now the meaning revealed in Feng Ziying's words is completely different. It seems that Feng Ziying doesn't pay attention to the matter of the princes' seizure of the heir apparent, and he is more worried about the matter of Prince Yizhong.

For a moment, Yuan Chun was in a state of confusion, not sure if what Feng Ziying said was true, or if Feng Ziying was really worrying too much, but the news inside and outside the palace was asymmetrical, and what he learned in the palace might not be everything, but There is one thing Jia Yuanchun is sure of, that is, the competition among the princes for the reserve position has entered a fierce stage.

  This is what she saw and heard with her own eyes, and there is no falsehood, so from this point of view, she is still inclined to worry that Feng Ziying has deviated from the direction.

"Ziying, I don't know where your worries come from. Maybe there are some factors in this regard, but I still think that the biggest thing at the moment is probably the autumn of Tiewangshan. The emperor may choose a reserve in the autumn. , I don’t know about this, do you know?”

  Feng Ziying sighed inwardly, how could he not know about this? But he still firmly believes that everyone may have underestimated Prince Yizhong's persistence and determination. He also knows that Prince Yizhong and some of Prince Yizhong's staff have also been in frequent contact with several princes during this period, and put on a look of wanting to The posture of resigning to fate and obeying the dragon, but Feng Ziying felt that it was an illusion.

Wu Yaoqing has already reported that Ma Xiao, the son of Prince Yizhong, has been out of Beijing frequently recently, and a guard with a similar figure and appearance also appeared beside him. Although he was only spotted once, this seems to be a habit used by Prince Yizhong. The trick is to use a double to cover up whereabouts. Feng Ziying believes that the same should be the case with Prince Yizhong himself.

All indications indicate that Prince Yizhong may not be so easy to let go, but several people have truly realized this, including Master Qi Qiao, who seems to be inclined that Prince Yizhong may adopt the method of supporting a certain prince to succeed to the throne Intervene in the selection and establishment of reserves to ensure the safety of his own line.

  But Feng Ziying didn't believe it.

   There are two more shifts at twelve o'clock in the evening, please keep the monthly pass for Lao Rui, brothers.



  (end of this chapter)

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