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Chapter 1567: Xin Zi Juan re-enters the Jia Mansion (Part 2) 5,000-character update

  Chapter 1567 Xin Zijuan re-enters Jia's Mansion (Part 2) 5000 characters big update please vote!

  Sighed inwardly, but Feng Ziying also knew that it might be difficult to change Jia Yuanchun's opinion unless he had definite evidence.

   But where can I get the exact evidence?

  If there is any definite evidence, I have already submitted it to Master Qi and Qiao, so there is no need to think so hard about how to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, the princes are all grown-ups, and it is normal for the emperor to choose and establish a reserve. Autumn is the most important stage for the royal family to select and establish a reserve. All the princes should participate in the autumn. In a performance competition, it depends on who the emperor values ​​more, or which aspect he values ​​more."

  Feng Ziying saw the eagerness in Yuanchun's eyes, and couldn't bear to pour cold water on him, but the question is, no matter who is really selected as the crown prince, how meaningful is it to Jia Yuanchun?

   At best, he can help Jia Baoyu speak in front of the future prince in the future, but in the current state, how much time does the emperor have? This is one aspect, and on the other hand, whoever was chosen as the crown prince, why should he give you a childless imperial concubine, who will be sent to a remote palace to die in the future?

  If Jia Yuanchun didn't even understand this point, he would really be blind to this beautiful face and graceful body.

"Then Ziying, who do you think has a better chance?" Knowing that asking this question is a bit stupid, or inappropriate, Yuan Chun still asked it because she believed that Ziying would not deceive herself on these issues, and because Ziying Ying's insight and vision will definitely have her own unique judgment.

   "Your Majesty, how do I answer your question?" Feng Ziying shook her head with a wry smile, "Theoretically, there is a chance. It all depends on the angle from which the emperor considers the problem."

   "Ziying, can you be more specific?" Yuan Chun really felt ashamed to ask.

"Let's put it in a nutshell. If the emperor wants to be stable, he should choose the heir among King Shou, King Fu, and King Li. King Shou is more suitable. After all, he is the eldest son. The ministers of the court must be more inclined to this kind of non-inherited son." The rule of setting up the head, but it seems that the emperor doesn't like Shou Wang very much, so it's hard to say; Lu Wang is the most liked by the emperor, and he is already an adult, and Concubine Mei has been favored for many years,..."

  Feng Ziying thought about it for a while, and said: "Your Majesty, you should know that the master of the Shenji camp promised Qiu Shiben's daughter to the son of Su Chengdu, the deputy general of Shanxi Town, right?"

  Jia Yuanchun was a little dazed and shook his head: "Ziying, does it matter?"

  Feng Ziying glanced at Yuan Chun, but seeing that the other party didn't know the details here, she didn't know what to say, so she shook her head: "Don't you know that Su Shengdu is Concubine Su's cousin?"

  As soon as these words full of profound meaning came out, Jia Yuanchun's expression changed, "Isn't that...?"

"No, empress, don't think about it too much. Maybe this is just a normal marriage between Wu Xun, but this is also a tendency, right? In addition, Concubine Su is two adult sons, and even Qiu Shi'an, who was immersed in the palace Old people who have been obscene for decades are all on the side of Concubine Su, so who can explain clearly?" Feng Ziying said leisurely.

  Feng Ziying's words obviously couldn't make Jia Yuanchun feel relieved, she immediately said: "Ziying, do you think the marriage between Su Shengdu and Qiu Shiben has no effect? ​​Really?"

Feng Ziying couldn't answer, so she thought for a while before saying, "It depends on the circumstances. If something happens suddenly and the reserve position is empty, then Qiu Shiben's Shenshu camp is one of the three camps of the Beijing camp, so his attitude is indeed very serious." It is important, especially if the attitudes of the important ministers in the DPRK and China are not consistent,..."

  Yuan Chun's face became paler and paler. Although he didn't mean anything when he said "it happened suddenly", Yuan Chun understood what it meant. This Feng Ziying is so courageous!

   It's just that he has no time to take into account Feng Ziying's "rebellious" attitude, "Doesn't that mean that the chances of Fu Wang Li Wang are the highest? Then we..."

  Feng Ziying glanced at Yuan Chun again, and said leisurely: "Mother, I don't know why you are so eager to meddle in these things, um, you are so impetuous, and you close your eyes and listen, you will only burn yourself."

  Yuan Chun was dumbfounded, she didn't know what Feng Ziying meant by this, she stared at Feng Ziying with wide eyes, waiting for Feng Ziying's explanation.

Feng Ziying sighed again, he was really amused by Yuan Chun's childishness, no wonder he was taken aback by Qiu Shi'an, and he didn't know how she survived in the palace, probably because no one thought of her Close your eyes, or think she is not threatening?

"Qian Guozhong, the new general of the Shenji Camp, has your mother heard about it?" Feng Ziying had a strange smile on her lips, "He was jointly recommended by Prince Zhongshun and Captain Long Jinwei and Zhi Lu Song, um, at the same time This Qian Guozhong is still Concubine Mei's cousin."

   "Ah?!" Jia Yuanchun stood up suddenly in shock, and even alarmed Bao Qin and Cheng En outside the door, and they all looked over.

  At this time, Jia Yuanchun understood what Feng Ziying said just now. She was impetuous and closed her eyes to listen. She felt a little angry before, thinking that Feng Ziying was too presumptuous, but only now did she realize that he was telling the truth and spurring her to the bone.

   It's just ridiculous that I'm still like a fool, I don't know anything about these situations, if I blindly follow Qiu Shi'an or Su Lingyao's baton, then what is it if I don't really get burned in the end?

   "Your Majesty is in the palace, so don't you know anything about these situations?" Feng Ziying sighed, "King Zhonghui is about to be appointed as the military governor of the Beijing camp. Your Majesty should know about this news, right?"

  Yuan Chun nodded with a pale face, "I know the news."

   "Then I have thought about it, why did the emperor let King Zhonghui be the governor of the Beijing camp? Should King Zhongshun be more suitable than King Zhonghui?" Feng Ziying asked again.

  Yuanchun was at a loss, thought for a while before saying: "King Zhongshun is indeed more trusted by the emperor, and King Zhonghui has not participated in politics for many years. Logically, it should be King Zhongshun, but why?"

   "Think about it again, ma'am." Feng Ziying looked at Yuan Chun openly at this time, "at this moment, every move of the emperor has a deep meaning. If it is not in line with common sense, it must have a special purpose."

  Yuan Chun thought hard, and after a long while, he asked uncertainly: "Ziying, but the emperor doesn't want a certain person to be able to control the Beijing camp, or does the emperor hope to have a better balance?"

Fortunately, not too stupid, Feng Ziying nodded: "Perhaps so, so in such a situation, it is unbelievable to say who is more likely, it is unsatisfactory, and the idea of ​​the empress may be difficult to realize, and it is not worth it." It has already begun to express its attitude so early, at least this bet should not be placed now, and I dare not place it."

  Yuan Chun felt as if lost, and leaned on the back of the chair with some frustration. It is not easy to learn from the dragon, so you don’t need to place a bet. Waiting for the situation to be clear before expressing your attitude, I am afraid that you will lose the meaning you should have.

  But Feng Ziying's worries are not without reason. Once she is on the wrong team, the price she will pay in the future may be unbearable.

   How should this be done?

  Seeing that Yuan Chun's aura was beaten down by herself, Feng Ziying took the time to switch from defense to offense.

   "Your Majesty, actually, I've always wanted to ask a question. How does Your Majesty think about participating in these things so enthusiastically, or what kind of purpose does Your Majesty want to achieve through this series of actions?"

  Feng Ziying also put aside other concerns at this time, and pointed it out straightforwardly.

  He really wanted to understand what Yuan Chun was thinking, and if he didn't understand Yuan Chun's real thoughts, he couldn't make correct countermeasures.

  Especially now that I am half-boarded by the Jia family, or that the Jia family and the Feng family have become somewhat entangled, it is even more necessary to find out the situation.

  Jia Yuanchun seemed to realize something, bit his lips lightly, but suddenly realized that his action was too weak, and quickly turned cold, "Ziying, what do you want to say?"

   "You should be very clear about what I want to say, big girl." Feng Ziying looked at the other side politely and said.

Yuan Chun was startled and angry, the other party actually no longer called herself "Niang Niang", but changed her name to "Big Girl". This is to humiliate herself by using her status before entering the palace, not to regard herself as a noble concubine, which is obviously treasonous, Incredibly rampant!

  Noticing that the other person's cheeks were flushed suddenly, and his eyes were angry and a little terrified, Feng Ziying found that she actually felt a little bit of joy in her heart.

This woman has brought me a lot of troubles, playing with fire blindly in the palace, but she doesn't have the strength, and even dragged the Jia family into trouble, but now the Jia family is closely related to me, I can't tolerate this situation continuing .

  Suppressing the anger and panic in his heart, Yuan Chun said word by word: "Feng Keng, please explain clearly to me!"

  Feng Ziying was also a little annoyed. It is too ridiculous to still do this to herself and use her power to overwhelm others.

"Miss, I respect you a little, not because you are a noble concubine in the palace. If you want to talk about this level, I am a civil servant, and I shouldn't meet you at all!" Feng Ziying said coldly: "I consider In terms of the current relationship between the Jia and Feng families, the eldest girl is also considered as the eldest daughter of Uncle Zheng Shi, we are also considered family friends, and Baochai, Daiyu, and Yingchun are also considered as the eldest sister of the eldest girl."

"Miss, don't think that your name as a noble concubine has much use or influence on me, Feng Ziying. To be honest, it means nothing to me, and it also means nothing to the Feng family. My father is old, and the governor is already the ultimate military commander. Maybe after this term, I should retire and go home to feed my grandchildren and take care of my old age. As for me, Miss, do you think you can do anything for me?"

  Feng Ziying unceremoniously tore the veil between the two parties, and the cold and realistic words made Yuan Chun shiver.

Feng Ziying didn't stop, and continued: "I really don't understand what you think in the palace, Miss. The situation between you and the noble concubines of Zhou Wuzheng, in fact, many people outside the palace know what the emperor's purpose is. , everyone understands that the current emperor's body does not allow him to get close to female sex, and including you and the noble concubines of Zhou Wuzheng, it is impossible to have any heirs, so big girls, you face Xu, Su, Mei, Guo Do you guys have any other ideas?"

Jia Yuanchun was stunned by Feng Ziying's cold and straightforward words. He tightly squeezed the bench beside him with his hands. His knuckles turned white and even deformed due to excessive force. Anger, frustration, fear, despair and even sadness Emotions linger in the heart.

   She has thought about all these, but so what?

  What should I do?

   Could it be that she just curled up in the Fengzao Palace with nothing to do every day, waiting for that day to come?

"That's why I don't understand. Miss, what are you doing by getting involved in the struggle between Xu, Su, Mei, and Guo? What's the point?" Feng Ziying saw Yuan Chun's various emotional changes, but she remained unmoved, " People are fighting for the future of their sons, how about you? Serve as wings, wave the flag and shout, what will you get in the end? Even if one of the kings of Fu and Li succeeds in selecting a reserve and standing as a reserve, and will be promoted to the great treasure in the future, can it be said that Concubine Su Gui Can I still give you the position of concubine? Well, even if Concubine Su is kind and considerate and gives you the status of concubine, but with her status as empress dowager, she is still her own mother, how much is a concubine like you worth? And meaning? Besides, with Concubine Su's scheming, I'm afraid she will use this concubine status to make deals with other people. If there are several concubines in the palace, this concubine status will be worthless. "

   It was really merciless, tearing it apart completely, Feng Ziying wanted to uncover all this, to see what Jia Yuanchun was thinking.

"Or maybe the eldest girl thinks that after betting on this treasure, if the bet is correct, she can make a deal with Concubine Su and the new emperor, so that they will take care of the Jia family in the future, so that the Jia family can continue the prosperity and glory of the previous decades? "Feng Ziying said lightly: "If this is the case, I can barely understand your intentions, but I am very disappointed in your judgment and analysis ability. .”

  Yuan Chun took a few deep breaths before calming down his inner emotions a little, and said with monstrous anger: "Why am I so out of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's eyes?"

  Hearing what Yuan Chun said, Feng Ziying laughed instead.

  Although there was sarcasm in the words, it showed that his judgment was basically accurate. Yuan Chun did have thoughts in this regard, but he had to say that he was too naive, and was purely used as cannon fodder.

  No wonder that the sentence in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" "The tiger meets the big dream" has been interpreted by countless people in many versions, but they all agree that Yuanchun was involved in a court battle and died tragically, which seems to be true.

   With this level, if you dare to play palace fights with women like Xu Junru, Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi, and Guo Qinyun, wouldn't that be a scapegoat or cannon fodder for nothing?

"Hehe, big girl, don't be unconvinced." Feng Ziying felt a little bit like the woman who still had the air of a big girl from the Jia family, and was no longer the imperial concubine who was bound in the shell of the concubine Xiande. Such a woman is not worth a gang.

  Jia Yuanchun also gradually calmed down. Feng Ziying can say such things to himself, which means that he regards himself as someone who can confide his heart, otherwise he might find an excuse and simply not come this trip.

   With a soft snort, Jia Yuanchun squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "I would like to hear more about it."

"Okay, then I'll talk about it." Feng Ziying was not polite, "The eldest girl seems to want to form an alliance with Concubine Su, but I would say that this choice is a bit wrong. In my opinion, King Fu and King Li are probably the most There is no hope, neither the righteousness of the eldest son nor the favor of the emperor, Concubine Su is not very popular in the palace, the marriage between Su Chengdu and Qiu Shiben alone made the emperor immediately approve the recommendation of King Zhongshun and Lu Song to give money For Guozhong to be the head general of the Shenji camp, it means that the emperor has no intention of letting the king of Fuli set up a heir, and you must know that Qiu Shi is the emperor's confidant, even if the emperor has a slight chance of letting the king of Fuli choose the heir, he should not be so vigilant."

"As I said just now, if there is an unexpected incident, Qiu Shiben does have some say, but King Zhonghui's appointment as the governor of the Beijing camp means that Qiu Shiben's role will be weakened, and Qian Guozhong will be the leader of the Shenji camp. Once the generals of the Fifth Army Battalion change hands, there is a high probability that King Zhonghui will control the Fifth Army Battalion, so Qiu Shiben’s influence will be limited to the minimum." Feng Ziying glanced at Yuan Chun, "Both Concubine Su Gui and Qiu Shi'an should have known about these situations long ago. , but it seems that the eldest girl doesn't know anything, which also shows that they don't take the eldest girl to heart at all, and they are just using her."

  Jia Yuanchun's face turned pale again, his hands clenched into fists, and his body trembled slightly.

"Besides, for such a major matter of selecting and establishing a reserve, the autumn of Tiewangshan is important, but it is impossible to decide on it, and even if the emperor preliminarily selects someone, it does not mean that the dust has settled. After 20 years, the crown prince finally became King Zhongxiao, and now the emperor is here. Doesn’t it prove this? If so, it’s unwise to board the boat so urgently to show your attitude and become a thorn in the side of the other families.”

Feng Ziying continued to attack Jia Yuanchun: "It's also fortunate that the other families probably haven't regarded the eldest girl as too much of an enemy. Otherwise, I think that with the methods of Xu Huangguifei and Meifei, I am afraid that the actions against the eldest girl and even the Jia family will sooner. Here we come."

   This was another humiliation, Jia Yuanchun's phoenix eyes were spitting fire, but he had to admit that what the other party said was reasonable, and with Xu Junru and Mei Yuexi's wrists, it was impossible to ignore those who really threatened them.

   Taking a few deep breaths, Jia Yuanchun calmed down his emotions, "Then with Ziying's opinion, what should I do now?"

"It depends on what you think, so I will ask you what you really think. If you just bet on a certain family, hoping to get the merits of the dragon and revive the Jia family, then we You can think about it in the long run, but if you think you can have some ideas yourself, then I can neither understand nor do anything about it."

  Feng Ziying's words pushed Jia Yuanchun into a corner.

She did have some "unrealistic" ideas as Feng Ziying said, if one of the kings of Fu and Li is really a great treasure, then Su Lingyao will definitely become the empress dowager, so maybe she can't have the opportunity to be crowned concubine , becoming a figure second only to Su Lingyao in the palace, he was already like this, imprisoned, is it wrong to pursue this?

   It's just that Feng Ziying's analysis just now made her extremely depressed. As he said, then her thoughts are just a beautiful dream.

   Almost equivalent to two shifts, right? Continue tomorrow morning, first ask the brothers to guarantee the monthly pass.



  (end of this chapter)

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