Number of People

Chapter 1568: Xin Zijuan Master and Servant (Tickets for the second update!)

  Chapter 1568 Xin Zijuan Master and Servant (Tickets for the second update!)

   Observing the sharp changes in Yuan Chun's facial expression, Feng Ziying can also roughly figure out her inner state of mind.

It is indeed sad when you think about it, such a woman who is considered excellent in this era in every way, is forced by her family into the palace, a black hole as deep as the sea. For an old emperor, he was abandoned like a shoe without even getting any chance, and he had to pay the price of spending his whole life in the cold palace.

  This kind of ending is an unbearable tragedy for any woman, so it seems understandable for Jia Yuanchun to fight hard, even if it is a risk, even if he pays some price.

What Feng Ziying can be sure of is that Jia Yuanchun is not entirely for the Jia family, she still has her own wishes and struggles in her heart, who wants to be driven into a corner of the palace to die in a courtyard after a year or two of the emperor's visit lifetime?

  Isn’t the final result of those concubines who passed away without heirs from the previous emperor the same?

This is especially true for a concubine who is young but has no heirs. She may be accompanied by three or five personal servants who are like cats and dogs all day long, and there is no hope or goal. Anyone who thinks of this ending will probably shudder. Give the idea a go.

  The main hall was as quiet as dead silence at this time, and the afternoon sunlight had already faded a little at this time, making the lights and shadows in the hall flickering, adding a sense of mystery.

  The breathing of the two can be heard, Yuan Chun's breathing is short, and Feng Ziying's is long, complementing each other.

   Facing Yuan Chun's gaffe and despair, Feng Ziying looked leisurely and complacent, and even gently picked up the teacup, lifted the tea foam with the lid of the cup, and took a sip with ease.

   "Then what should I do?" I don't know how long it took before Yuan Chun's voice was hoarse and tired: "Ziying, tell me, what should I do?"

  The hibiscus jade dimple on the opposite side suddenly became extremely tired and haggard, as if the fresh vitality that had been supported before was suddenly taken away and replaced by endless loneliness.

For a while, Feng Ziying couldn't help feeling sorry for Yuan Chun. After all, she was only a twenty-two-year-old girl, who was only two years older than herself in name, but she had to take the responsibility of steering the fate of the entire family. This seemed too much cruel.

  In a way, she seems to be somewhat similar to Busia Mara, both of whom have to shoulder heavy responsibilities far beyond their own abilities, but Busia Mara still has uncles and brothers to rely on, and what about Yuan Chun? Except for a bunch of pig relatives and friends.

  Feng Ziying took a deep breath, and said slowly and firmly: "Wait, look."

   "Wait? Look?" Yuan Chunfeng's eyes were wide open, and she squeezed out from between her teeth, "Ziying, this is your advice to me, to the Jia family's future?"

"I understand your eagerness, miss, but the slow decline of the Jia family over the years is actually doomed since Jia Jing followed Prince Yizhong. Miss, you can think about what the Jia family has gained after the emperor succeeded to the throne. Rewards? No, in comparison, Zhenguo Gongniu's family, Qi Guogong Chen's family, and Xiuguo Gonghou's family have at least passed through on the surface, but Jia's family has nothing,..."

Feng Ziying said calmly: "Historically, the general trend of a dynasty has been a process of diminishing martial arts from prosperity to decline, but the Jia family has hated the emperor. In addition, there are no outstanding figures in the younger generation of the Jia family. It's no surprise, as for the big girl and you people entering the palace, it's just an expedient measure. I'm afraid the big girl can understand the emperor's mind now, but now the emperor probably thinks it's meaningless, so even I don't even bother to do perfunctory,..."

  Jia Yuanchun bit his teeth deeply into his lip, almost bleeding from the bite.

"Now that the Jia family wants to revitalize, it is naturally impossible to achieve it overnight, but if you do things with a betting mentality, if you don't pay attention, the Jia family will fall into a catastrophe." Feng Ziying's tone became more and more peaceful, "Young lady must understand this. "

"Then it's going to last forever?" Jia Yuanchun said unwillingly: "If this goes on like this, what hope does the Jia family have? In the end, they will fall to the ground as well, it's just a few breaths of relief. "

"If you can take a few breaths, it means that there is still a chance." Feng Ziying retorted unceremoniously: "Isn't Baoyu married to Niu's daughter? In the trap, Baoyu can always be given some chances, right? Jia Huan will be in the Autumn Grand Competition next year, maybe he will be able to pass the exam? There are also Jia Lan and Jia Cong, they are also doing well in their studies, why is the eldest girl so impatient? "

"Jia Huan is a concubine and cannot represent the direct branch. Brother Lan is still early. Who can say clearly what will happen in the future? As for Baoyu, can it be that all this can only be entrusted to the Niu family? As you said, really At that time, Princess Yongning is just an aunt, and the new emperor may not think much of it." Yuan Chun didn't even mention Jia Cong, and obviously didn't take this concubine cousin seriously, and said firmly: "The Jia family It’s impossible to wait like this, and we can’t wait until then.”

   "Miss, if you say that, you are planning to go your own way?" Feng Ziying was also a little impatient, "If this is the case, please forgive me, I can't comment on the Jia family's affairs."

Yuan Chun was blocked by the other party, so angry that his chest rose and fell sharply again, and he stared at the other party with hatred: "Ziying, Baochai and Daiyu are close relatives of our Jia family. I heard that Yingchun is going to be your concubine, shouldn't you?" Do you want to make more plans for the Jia family? Shouldn’t relatives help each other, prosper and benefit each other?”

  Feng Ziying is also helpless, is this really dependent?

  One of Baochai and Daiyu is from the Xue family, and the other is from the Lin family. Yingchun is only a concubine for herself, not a wife. Besides, what is Yingchun in Jia's family?

  But these words can't be exported, otherwise they will hurt people's hearts countless, and they will be meaningless. Now it seems impossible for me to get rid of Jia's family all at once.

  Suppressing her inner dissatisfaction, Feng Ziying said seriously: "Girl, of course I will plan for the Jia family, but it also needs to be based on seeking truth from facts, rather than taking risks blindly and impulsively."

   "Then you have to give me a clear explanation, you can't just dismiss me with just these two words." Jia Yuanchun also lost his temper, and persistently entangled him.

  Baoqin and Chengen have been watching at the door. Although they can't hear the conversation between the two in the hall, they can roughly feel from their expressions that the conversation is not pleasant, which makes them a little anxious.

Baoqin, who has traveled between the palace and Rongguo Mansion for a long time, is the person who knows Feng Ziying's influence in Rongguo Mansion and even in the capital city best. The most important support of the Jia family is probably the Feng family represented by Feng Ziying. And Feng Ziying's thriving momentum in the capital city also made Baoqin deeply realize that if the Jia family wants to maintain or even get back on track in the future, they must rely on Feng Ziying.

So when the news that Yingchunchunlai might be Feng Ziying's concubine, Yuanchun still felt a little insulted to the family style of Jia's family, Baoqin also told Yuanchun that it might not be a bad thing for Jia's family, the second girl was just a concubine, and the elder also treated her It doesn't matter, being a concubine for Uncle Feng will bring the Jia and Feng families closer, and it will even be good for the imperial concubine.

  After listening to Baoqin's words, Jia Yuanchun thought over and over again and thought that Baoqin's point of view was not unreasonable, so he did not express any objection afterwards.

  Now Yuanchun has a quarrel with Uncle Feng again, which makes Baoqin very nervous.

I don't know why the two are glaring, but Baoqin is an extremely intelligent woman, and she took the initiative to walk into the hall: "Your Majesty, Uncle Feng, come from the mansion over there to ask your Majesty about dinner arrangements. Let me ask first, how will you arrange your dinner, Mr. Feng?"

Both Jia Yuanchun and Feng Ziying knew the purpose of holding the piano to interrupt, and this can be regarded as a step down from the two sides. Feng Ziying nodded: "Alright, the eldest girl and I should calm down and think about it. Anyway, there is still some time, I believe Calm down and find a way."

   After finishing speaking, Feng Ziying gave a long salute, and then drifted away, making Yuan Chun even more angry and hated.

"Look, this little Feng Xiuzhuan is becoming more and more arrogant now..." Yuan Chun couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and couldn't help saying, but was interrupted by Baoqin very rarely: "Madam, isn't Master Feng Such a person, although he doesn't know why the empress and Uncle Feng are separated, but the maidservant thinks that Uncle Feng must be good for the empress and Jia's family, and what Uncle Feng has done in the past two years is considered exhaustive. , Your Majesty should listen to Uncle Feng."

   "Hold the qin, you!" Yuan Chun was furious, pointing his fingers, "It's against you, and you still speak for outsiders?"

Baoqin is not afraid, she has served Yuanchun since she was a child, from Jia's family to the palace for more than ten years, the relationship between the two is closer than that of sisters, many Yuanchun can't even say what their parents and sisters say. Baoqin revealed that Baoqin is also thinking about Yuanchun with all her heart, and only Baoqin can do the talking every time she goes in and out.

"Your Majesty, we just need to make sure that Uncle Feng is sincere and plan for the Empress and Jia's family. Does Your Majesty really think that you understand the changes in the court better than Uncle Feng?" Looking at Yuan Chun's Baoqin with clear eyes, he asked: "Feng The uncle is now the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, and has deep connections. The slaves heard that Mr. Qi Ge and Qiao Du Yushi are his teachers, Mr. Chai, the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, is his long-forgotten friend, and the emperor thinks highly of him. Even Qiu's big companion had to use his empress to contact him to befriend him. Concubine Su Gui's concubine attracted her because of the close relationship between the Jia family and the Feng family, so the empress should calm down and think about whether Uncle Feng's words are really true. ..."

   Lao Rui will work very hard today, brothers, where is your guaranteed monthly pass? Goal 1000, struggle!



  (end of this chapter)

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