Number of People

Chapter 1570: Xin Zijuan's heartbeat

  Chapter 1570 Xin Zijuan's Heartbeat

   Jiayin Hall is located in the second half of the central part of the Grand View Garden, behind Gu Ensiyi Hall and directly in front of Tubi Villa.

  Compared with the overly formal Gu Ensiyi Hall, Jiayin Hall has a more family atmosphere.

  Located in the middle of the Grand View Garden, surrounded by the Qinfang River, the Taiguan Building, Zhuijin Pavilion, Hanfang Pavilion, Gu Ensiyi Hall, Jiayin Hall and side halls on both sides constitute the family-sacrificing villa group in the Grand View Garden.

  Jia Yuanchun lived in the Hanfang Pavilion on the east side of the Taiguan main building when he visited his relatives last time.

  Feng Ziying detoured from the Qinfang Gate Bridge, entered the family-sacrificing villas from the front of the Jade Archway, bypassed the Gu Ensiyi Hall, and arrived at the Jiayin Hall.

  Yuanchun changed his clothes, and turned into a red double-breasted skirt covered with a lake green bijia, which also looked more solemn than in the afternoon.

  Feng Ziying didn't have the heart to care about why Yuanchun changed his clothes, but it could be seen that Yuanchun at this time should be more quiet and elegant than in the afternoon, so Feng Ziying couldn't help being curious about the changes in Yuanchun.

"Ziying, I thought about it. Maybe your opinion is correct. I have no news in the palace. The emperor's thoughts are now on the princes. He doesn't care much about the affairs of the palace. Xu Junru is in charge of the sixth palace in name. But I only care about King Shou,..." Yuan Chun sighed, "Some of my original thoughts are indeed a little naive, Su Lingyao and Qiu Shi'an are just using me, if Fu Wang Li Wang is really a great treasure , I’m afraid I will be left behind by them.”

Hearing that Yuanchun had changed so much, Feng Ziying was also a little surprised. He didn't want to understand the whole story for a while, but he thought the other party's change was correct. The fate of the family rests on the success of a certain prince, the risk is too great, and I don't think Fu Wang Li Wang is in the current situation. "

  Yuan Chun's expression was complicated. She didn't quite agree with Feng Ziying's first sentence, but she agreed with Feng Ziying's second sentence.

  If you don't pin the fate of the Jia family on Conglong's achievements, how can you get the Jia family out of the slump?

  Ke Fu Wang Li Wang If the chance is not great, then he would be a little bit wrong to follow Su Lingyao.

   "Then Ziying, you suggest waiting and watching. I think it's a bit too..." Yuan Chun frowned, unable to think of suitable words to describe it for a while.

   "Too negative, too conservative?" Feng Ziying continued.

  Yuan Chun bit his lip lightly and nodded.

"Miss, as I said earlier, the current situation is complicated and confusing, and even the emperor may not be able to completely control the situation. The iron net mountain will definitely become a big stage where princes compete to appear. In my opinion, Baoyu can go Iron Net Mountain, but with Princess Yongning, it’s better to be more cautious. It’s better to let Baoyu talk less, don’t make a statement, and don’t get too close to any prince, and observe the performance of the princes. As for the emperor, I guess it’s It's just a courtesy to summon Baoyu, and I won't ask any more questions, so don't worry about it,..."

Yuan Chun also understood that Feng Ziying's words were mature and prudent words, but it was a bit difficult for Baoyu to go to Iron Net Mountain to observe and find out. Without talent, it is almost impossible to expect him to make a difference in this.

   "Ziying, do you want to go to Iron Net Mountain Qiuxi?" Yuan Chun asked with a glimmer of hope.

"Miss, I am the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, how can I go back to Iron Net Mountain?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "Unless the emperor summons him, but this possibility is unlikely, the custom is that the emperor will meet with important officials and royal family members during this period, I will also meet some generals,..."

  Yuanchun was quite regretful, Feng Ziying was still too young, if he was the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, he might have a chance to be summoned by the emperor for questioning.

Just after thinking about it, I also felt that I was too whimsical. Feng Ziying was only twenty years old, two years younger than myself, and already a fourth-rank official. It is too unrealistic to imagine that he can take another step forward and be of greater help to the Jia family.

   "Then Ziying, among the kings, who do you think the emperor likes more?" Yuan Chun still couldn't help asking.

Feng Ziying took a look at Yuan Chun, and Yuan Chun's heart skipped a beat, but she persisted, gritted her teeth, and then Feng Ziying shook her head and said: "It seems that King Lu is the most favored at present, but who will know what will happen in the future?" Can you make it clear? But Fu Wang Li Wang seems to have the least chance now, but only so far."

   "Then you mean we can only wait and see, and do nothing?" Yuan Chun asked again.

"If the eldest girl is still a little unwilling, you might as well get in touch with Concubine Mei more, or maintain a polite relationship with Concubine Guo, don't express your attitude easily..." Feng Ziying added in her heart, even if it is If you show your attitude, people won't care about you.

  Yuan Chun nodded, after all, there is still something to do, otherwise what is the point of being in the palace?

   But if things go on like this, even if you accomplish something that will benefit the Jia family, where is your future in the palace?

Suddenly thinking of this question, Yuan Chun's mood suddenly fell. No matter which prince finally ascended the throne, it means that except for the prince's mother, he can be promoted to the empress dowager and take the position of the first person in the inner palace, accompanied by The fate of the others came to an end one after another. Thinking of his youth at the right time, but having to stay in the cold palace for decades, this sharp contrast made Yuan Chun feel dissatisfied and unwilling.

  Feng Ziying also seemed to have noticed the sudden change in Yuan Chun's mood. The calm and serene face on his face suddenly became dark and depressed at this moment, and even shrouded in a layer of depression and despair, which surprised him very much.

   "Big girl, but what's wrong with what I said?"

  Yuan Chun shook his head sadly, and said in a dazed way: "No, you are right, I just remembered something suddenly, which touched my heart."

   This is a bit difficult to answer.

  There were only two people in Jiayin Hall. This time, even Baoqin and the servant stood far outside the hall. The flickering ram horn lamps added a bit of indescribable loneliness to Jiayin Hall.

Feng Ziying saw that Yuan Chun lowered her eyelids and seemed to be immersed in her own state of mind. She was a little hesitant and couldn't help scratching her head. It didn't seem to be a thing to just stay silent and froze. What happened touched my heart, and it seemed a little rude again.

  He hesitated to speak, but before Feng Ziying had time to speak, Yuan Chun had already realized it, her red lips parted, and she forced herself to smile: "Ziying doesn't need to worry, it has nothing to do with you,..."

"Then what is it that made the eldest girl feel so bad all of a sudden?" Feng Ziying smiled bitterly in her heart. You have said that, and if I don't ask, it seems a little unreasonable, so I can only bite the bullet and ask road.

   "Ziying, do you really want to know?" Yuan Chun's heart moved slightly, and his eyes fell on this handsome young man who was neither humble nor overbearing, "Well,..."

All along, I don't seem to have really looked at this young man seriously, even though the two parties have actually contacted and cooperated many times. It wasn't until Baochai married him, and Daiyu also had an engagement with him, that Yuanchun really realized that this The man is unknowingly replacing the position of the uncle, and has increasingly become an indispensable central figure in the Jia family.

The only regret may be that neither Baochai nor Daiyu is a real girl from the Jia family, not to mention her cousin Yingchun, who is just a concubine and can only be a concubine for Feng Ziying. Restricting her made Yuan Chun feel a little regretful.

  Suddenly realized that there was only one person in Jia's family who seemed to be a good match for Feng Ziying in all aspects, and that was herself.

If he hadn't entered the palace back then, then there was a real possibility between himself and Feng Ziying. Yuan Chun believed that he would definitely have an advantage over Baochai or Daiyu, that is, the Shen family of Feng's family, Although she is known as a talented woman from Suzhou, she comes from a scholarly family, but so what, in terms of appearance, talent, and family background, I also have the confidence to be better than her.

  In the wilderness of imagination, Yuan Chun suddenly realized how could he have thought of going so far away, and was even more ashamed of his own thoughts, why did he get involved with Feng Ziying in this way?

Subconsciously wanting to shake his head to get rid of this kind of thought, Yuan Chun bit his plump lips lightly, his eyes blurred, looking at this handsome young man in front of him, a fiery ripple surged in his heart, slowly Slowly diffuse and penetrate into the depths of one's own state of mind.

Feng Ziying also noticed a flustered blush on the cheeks of Yuan Chun, who looked like a jade-faced Guanyin, she avoided her gaze, lowered her eyelids again, as if she was considering her words, and gave a soft hum in her nose. If not, even Feng Ziying didn't know if it was her hallucinations.

   "I was thinking, the emperor is not in good health, if there is really something..." Yuan Chun said quietly: "What should we do?"

"Ah?" Feng Ziying was taken aback, and looked at Yuan Chun. The sad and beautiful look on Yuan Chun's eyebrows made people feel sad, and the lotus jade face had a layer of desperation behind it. Feng Ziying had thought about this question a long time ago, and he I also believe that Yuan Chun will not have thought about it, but at this time he raised it in front of himself, but it made it difficult for him to answer.

how to answer? Does it make sense?

  Let her be content with the status quo, stay in the cold palace for the rest of her life, and wait for this beauty to turn gray?

   This is true, but it is too cruel for a woman in her twenties.

   After a long silence, Feng Ziying asked with some difficulty in a dry voice: "Then what do you think, big girl?"

   "What do I think, is it useful and meaningful? Didn't I say it just now, Ziying, didn't you also reprimand me for daydreaming, violent tiger Feng He, will only lead to a desperate situation?" Yuan Chun asked coldly.

  It is indeed useless, but what are you telling me? Feng Ziying was so stunned that she had nothing to say.

   The first change, asking for a monthly ticket, not far from 1000, brothers give me strength!



  (end of this chapter)

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