Number of People

Chapter 1571: The Xinzijuan is deliberately mysterious, and Yuanchun is in the game

  Chapter 1571 Xin Zijuan plays tricks, Yuanchun enters the game

No matter how upset his heart was, Feng Ziying also knew that he couldn't compete with an emotional woman, and he could also understand Yuan Chun's inner helplessness, even despair. Maybe the other party was purely a kind of catharsis. , will burst out suddenly.

   "Girl, maybe I was a bit abrupt in my previous words, but..." Feng Ziying sighed, he really didn't know how to respond to this question.

"I can't talk about being abrupt or not. You are right. I was indeed a little naive before. Su Lingyao is not a good person. No matter how I help her now, at that time, she will only proceed from reality. And when she finds that I can no longer bring her help or benefits, she will push me away without hesitation."

Yuan Chun's tone was full of loneliness, and he looked out of the window, "It's just that if I don't do this, what should I do? The Jia family's current situation is like this, and I want to do something. My father went to Jiangxi, but I also know the situation is not right. Not very good, what about my future?"

  This topic is a bit heavy, but it is difficult to avoid.

   "I don't know what will happen to me in the future. I can only see the present, or have some unrealistic fantasies, but Ziying, you have pierced the fantasy deep in my heart." Yuan Chun said plainly.

  Feng Ziying was tongue-tied, he didn't expect Yuan Chun to realize so quickly that all the previous thoughts were just her wishful thinking, or dreams, but now the dreams were shattered and she returned to reality.

   "My dream is shattered, and I can only accept the reality, but is this reality too helpless and cruel to me?"

  Yuan Chun didn't know that these words came out of her mouth so unconsciously. She knew it was inappropriate, but she just couldn't control it, or didn't want to control it.

All kinds of things today made her all kinds of depression, resentment and helplessness in the past few years stagnated to the extreme. Under the stimulation of Feng Ziying's unceremonious words, she finally broke out and vented her recklessly in this way. She could only hide it in her heart, even the words she didn't want to mention to Baoqin, and she didn't know why when she faced Feng Ziying at this moment, she couldn't suppress it anymore and poured out all over her head.

"I entered the palace as a female historian at the age of thirteen. I entered the palace as a concubine at the age of nineteen. Later, I was promoted to be a virtuous concubine. In the eyes of outsiders, including those in the house, I am a phoenix flying on the branches. I am a phoenix flying on the branches. One person attains Taoism and ascends to heaven, which is very prominent for a while, but in reality? Ziying, you probably understand best, right?"

Yuan Chun's tone was even more dull, "Everyone in the house hopes that I can be favored in the palace and Fuze Jia's family, but this is an illusory dream, but the reality is so cruel, I don't even want to think about my future. What will the day be like,…”

"My family thinks that being in Jia's house can be very glamorous, and even show off to the outside world, but what about me in the future?" Yuan Chun's face became more bleak, "Maybe go to Jingyang Palace, maybe go to Qianxi Sansho, that's all considered good." Or let us go to guard the mausoleum directly,..."

  Jingyang Palace and Qianxi Sansuo are both the cold palaces of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Concubines who were imprisoned or abandoned were often placed in these places. Of course, if the concubines of the Daxing Emperor had no children, they might also be placed in these places.

   "If the new emperor is kinder and allows us to go to nunnery Taoist temple to become a monk and accompany Qingdeng Ancient Buddha for a lifetime, that will be the greatest favor. After all, we can still keep in touch with our family members after we become a monk. See you?"

These words can be described as sad and desolate, coupled with Yuan Chun's expressionless indifference, it made Feng Ziying feel that Yuan Chun's previous events seemed understandable, and anyone who faced this kind of future would probably shudder and even take risks. The mentality of fighting is also understandable.

Feng Ziying's words came to his lips several times, and then he took them back. Although he also sympathized with Yuanchun's current situation, this was also the choice of the Jia family and her. Since they want to enter the palace, they naturally have to face various possible situations. It would be too naive to think that one can leap into a dragon by entering the palace without mental preparation.

  Yuanchun didn't expect Feng Ziying to come up with any tricks. The fate of a concubine like himself whose identity has been confirmed has basically been determined.

The fatal flaw of not having any heirs determines that the last batch of concubines who were conferred by the emperor will not end well. The only thing they hope for now is that the emperor can see them in their youth, but they will die alone for decades. , to give them and the families behind them some compensation.

  For them, it doesn't mean much anymore. For their natal family, giving some rewards and royal titles is the final satisfaction.

   "Big girl, it's up to people, maybe the situation won't be so bad." Seeing Yuan Chun's lonely back getting up and about to leave, Feng Ziying uttered these words out of nowhere.

  Yuan Chun's plump back trembled slightly, but he didn't look back: "Ziying, you don't need to use this kind of language to comfort me, I've already figured it out, and I won't have such unrealistic thoughts again."

   "No, it's not,..." Feng Ziying couldn't help but want to give herself a mouthful.

  Why does this mouth owe you so much, you have to talk to me, or put on a show?

  If there is really a way, then that's fine, the problem is that I just said such a sentence out of my mouth purely on impulse, but it hooked Yuan Chun's mind, what should I do now? You can't say that you are talking nonsense, can you?

"It's not?" Yuan Chun finally turned his head, his eyes filled with resentment and anticipation, "Then Ziying, tell me, what hope do I have? Is there any other path I can take in the future? ?”

  Feng Ziying lamented in her heart, she was really stifled and unable to answer, or the answer was simply unreliable.

  Yuanchun's fate has long been doomed, is there any chance of reversal now? Feng Ziying didn't think that she had such great ability to change Yuan Chun's fate, and the others would be fine. Yuan Chun is a noble concubine in the palace, how can she reverse it? It's impossible for Li Daitao to be stiff.

But now that the transformation has been made, even if it is to maintain her own image, Feng Ziying has to struggle a bit, and after pondering for a while, she slowly said: "Miss, things in the palace are complicated and simple, what you said earlier It is natural to say that it is a normal situation, but the current situation in the palace may not be simple, that is to say, I am afraid that it will not be the same in the future, and there may be many variables that we cannot predict, even we have imagined before. All kinds of things may not become reality,..."

  Yuan Chun was taken aback by Feng Ziying's words. She didn't understand what Feng Ziying was talking about at all, but at first glance it seemed that there were indeed many unknown inside stories, but she couldn't make it clear all at once.

In fact, even Feng Ziying himself was confused by his mysterious words. He was simply forced to say such things that he couldn't understand, so that he could stabilize Yuan Chun's mind. An explanation of what was said earlier.

   "Ziying, do you mean that there will be some unpredictable drastic changes in the situation in the palace?" Yuan Chun began to make up his own brain, and his face suddenly changed, "Is it the Supreme Emperor? Or the Shouwang?"

  Feng Ziying blinked, this topic is really unacceptable, the emperor, maybe, with such a big movement, it is impossible to say that he has nothing to do with it, even if he wants to stay out of it.

  As for King Shou, Feng Ziying didn't understand why Yuan Chun suddenly thought of King Shou?

The reason why Yuanchun thought of King Shou was because Feng Ziying said that King Shou was the eldest son after all, and if something unexpected happens and the crown prince is not yet determined, the courtiers and Chinese officials must be more inclined to maintain the patriarchal clan, so it is logical for the eldest son to ascend the throne. She is worried about Feng Ziying Could the variable mentioned be that the emperor's body has changed.

  Feng Ziying has deep connections and well-informed information. What if she really finds out some unknown inside information?

"Everything is possible, it's too early to say that now." Feng Ziying could only continue to play tricks, "But what I want to say is that big girls don't have to give up on themselves, everything is possible, just keep your heart and focus, and just sit on the sidelines. If something unexpected happens, it’s better to deal with it calmly.”

  Yuan Chun listened to it. Could it be that the Supreme Emperor has other ideas? But the emperor has been on the throne for ten years. In these ten years, especially in the next few years, the voice of the emperor has almost disappeared. How could it be possible to come out again now? This is unbelievable, but Yuan Chun dare not believe what Feng Ziying said , Her words to Feng Ziying now are like Feng Lun's voice.

   Or the King of Shou? Thinking of the sinister and frivolous behavior of Shou Wang when he met Shou Wang at noon today, Yuan Chun felt that Shou Wang should not be neglected now, and behave like a man with his tail between his legs?

   But today, it doesn't look like it at all. Could it be that he also hides his secrets and only shows his trump card in the end?

  Feng Ziying's mysterious words successfully disturbed Yuan Chun's mind, so that it also diluted the previous desolate and sad state of mind, and his trust in Feng Ziying rose to another dimension, and he even relied on it as a backing.

   "Then Ziying, you will help me, and you won't let me fall into a desperate situation, will you?" Yuan Chun stood still, just a few steps away, looking at Feng Ziying intently.

  Feng Ziying couldn't avoid it, so she could only nod her head to meet the other party's gaze, "Don't worry, big girl, since I've said it, I will naturally have something to rely on, and it will definitely give big girl a happy future."

   "Okay, Ziying, I'll believe you." Yuan Chun was overjoyed, his eyes sparkled brightly, looking forward to the sky, without the previous gloom and loneliness, it seemed that all worries and worries were swept away by Feng Ziying's promise.

  Looking at Yuan Chun's receding back, Feng Ziying was depressed and unspeakable. This is really good. I dug such a big hole for myself without knowing it.

   Continue to ask for tickets for the second update!



  (end of this chapter)

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