Number of People

Chapter 1575: The Xinzi scroll is thick on the outside and fine on the inside, Qingwen

  Chapter 1575 Xin Zijuan is thick on the outside and fine on the inside, Qingwen

  Feng Ziying naturally doesn't know that he has been misunderstood by two people during this period of time. Baoqin suspects that he has an affair with Li Wan, and now Baoyu suspects that he has a special relationship with Yuanchun.

   But do you want to say injustice? Really not wronged.

   Dare to say that when the pretty widow Li Wan appeared in front of him that day, he was not instantly moved? Dare to say that when Yuan Chun showed that look of helplessness and despair, didn't he get mad and want to help others? Although he had no clue, he dug such a big hole for himself, and he didn't know how to fill it in the future.

  He did not stay overnight in Rongguo Mansion.

  Sister Feng has all gone south to Jinling, and Pinger and Hongyu have followed, and this stealing fragrance has no target.

Siqi is fine. In the Dicui Pavilion, Feng Ziying only had time to warm his hands and eyes, and feel the more majestic and fuller mountains and sensuality of Siqi, but it was too late, and Feng Ziying was still afraid of being noticed, although it was nothing. But in the end it was not good, and it didn't hurt my reputation with Daiyu and Tanchun.

  It was a bit late when I returned to the house. Shen Yixiu was not feeling well these few days, so Feng Ziying went to her daughter's room, but saw her daughter sleeping soundly in the arms of a woman whose back was facing her.

Feng Ziying thought she was a nanny at first, but when she saw the shaved shoulders and slender figure, she took a closer look, and the grape-green lake silk bellyband under the half-covered skirt could be seen faintly. It is too far from the woman who gave birth to a child and breastfeeding. Who is it if it is not Qingwen?

   There was a slight movement in her heart. She was already aroused by Siqi, but Qingwen kept confiscating the house for some reason. At this moment, the enthusiasm suddenly swelled up, and she couldn't suppress it.

She approached quietly, and now she stroked her daughter's cheek. Before Qingwen woke up, she suddenly plunged into the belly pocket of Husi, and her big cold hand touched the most precious part of her daughter. Qingwen, who was still a little dazed, woke up. Before she could scream out, she just felt that she was hugged by someone. A familiar breath came to her face, and her mouth was blocked by heavy breathing. He walked out with undulating steps.

Qingwen naturally knew what she was going to do this time, but there was still a big sister in this room. The nanny took leave today and went home today, and she took the initiative to take it with her at night. It's so convenient, Qingwen still has some worries and taboos, in case...

It's just that facing the sudden enthusiasm of the master, Qingwen, who has long been willing and willing in her heart, couldn't say any words of rejection for a while, seeing that she was about to be carried out of the room, Qingwen struggled to attach her cherry lips to Feng Ziying. In the ear: "Master, it's inconvenient for the servant girl today, and she has to take the elder sister with her..."

   "It's not convenient for you?" Feng Ziying felt annoyed, and subconsciously probed into the opponent's abdomen, but she didn't feel that way, and was taken aback. Could it be that this girl really doesn't want to?

  Qingwen understood it long ago, and said softly: "Master, it's not that that day is inconvenient, but that slaves and maidservants have the final say. It is this time that is most likely to conceive..."

  Feng Ziying suddenly understood, this girl is actually taboo about this, could it be that Shen Yixiu also said something to Qingwen and the others?

Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, Qingwen, who was held in Feng Ziying's arms, was so alert, she immediately understood what Feng Ziying was thinking, and hurriedly said: "Grandma has never minded these things, but grandma treats slaves very well. For those who want to report, if it’s a slave…, it’s fine if it’s a sister, but if it’s…, the slave doesn’t want to make grandma feel uncomfortable, and ruin the relationship between the slave and grandma,…”

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but be moved by Qingwen's hesitant words.

This girl usually looks cold-faced and cold-hearted, and her popularity in the mansion is not very good, except for her good relationship with Yunshang, that is, Xiangling's side is also passable, like Yinger and Wenxing by Baochai's side, and by Baoqin's side. Lingguan, Ouguan, and Jin Chuaner are all a bit out of place. Baochai, Baoqin, and even Daiyu don't like Qingwen very much, but just based on these words, she can sit firmly in her seat. To stabilize Shen Yixiu's position as the number one maid beside her, no one in the Changfang or even Feng's residence can shake her position.

  Who said that Qingwen has a rough and violent temper, who said that Qingwen has an arrogant personality? Such things are more thoughtful than anyone else.

Thinking of this, the heat in Feng Ziying's heart gradually faded. She kissed Qingwen lightly on the cheek, picked her up and went back to the room, sat on the kang couch, and then reluctantly groped under her bellyband. Then she pulled out her hand and nodded: "I didn't expect Qingwen to know the rules so well. Your grandma knows it, and I'm afraid she will spoil you even more."

"Master is wrong. This is just the duty of a servant. To be a human being, you have to know how to repay your kindness. Grandma is a kind person. Both slave and Yunshang understand in their hearts that they will follow Master and grandma for the rest of their lives. These rules should also be respected." Keep it in mind." Qingwen was a little shy about this matter.

   "Well, let's make it clear, today I will let you go, but you can't run away another day, and you will have to give birth to a few children for me in the future..." Feng Ziying got up.

"Master, if you really want Yunshang to be by Grandma's side, I'll go to the two aunts. It's been a while for me." Qingwen covered her clothes and sat up, "Maybe the third aunt doesn't care too much. But Second Aunt is looking forward to the stars and the moon, but she dare not say it in front of the master."

Feng Ziying was also a little ashamed, Eryou really had a few days gone by, during this period of time she was either on Baochai Baoqin's side, or on Shen Yixiu's side, and she also put effort into Wang Xifeng's body. With Siqi and Hongyu, I was really overwhelmed.

   "Yeah, you're assigning to me." Feng Ziying smiled and squeezed Qingwen's charming dimple, "I know."

   "Also, there are quite a few women in my grandfather's house, so I should stop messing around outside. Some of those vicious girls outside are clean,..."

Feng Ziying smiled wryly. This is the real Qingwen. She has always been worried about that time when she found out that she smelled of balsam. Sometimes this mouth is really unpleasant. no?

  But if this is not the case, then it is not Qingwen, is it?

Hearing Feng Ziying coming over, Second Sister You was overjoyed, and hurriedly woke up Third Sister You who had fallen asleep, and Third Sister You, who was sleepy, simply wrapped herself in a quilt and walked over to her sister's room , While muttering, he took the initiative to roll in the bed and fell asleep.

Waiting on Feng Ziying while **** and talking, when she fell asleep, she saw that Third Sister You was already snoring softly in the bed. Feng Ziying was quite surprised: "What's wrong with Third Sister today? You are so tired, Go to bed early and sleep so soundly?"

Second Sister You didn't care much about her younger sister's usual whereabouts. She was usually in the house, while Third Sister You often dressed up as a man to go out. She shook her head: "When I came back today, she was sweating profusely, and she was in good spirits. As if she had a contest with someone, she asked the maid to wait for her to take a bath and take a bath, and went to bed early."

Feng Ziying didn't bother to ask, this girl is now more and more obsessed with martial arts improvement, and she is thinking that if she is not married, it will be inconvenient to travel all over the world, and she wants to go back to Kongtong, Gansu to practice again, and she often talks to Wu Yaoqing The recruited group of martial arts guards competed with each other, but they were at ease.

Seeing Second Sister You's appearance, Feng Ziying naturally understood that eighteen kinds of martial arts envoys were indispensable after going to bed, tossing Second Sister You from singing lightly to crying and screaming to die, and finally being tossed The awakened Third Sister You came to block the gun, and that was the end of the cloud.

Seeing Second Sister You snuggling in her arms with a look of reluctance, Feng Ziying also knew what the other party was thinking, but who made you do nothing, but Third Sister You took advantage of it, "Okay, Second Sister Son, tomorrow morning will always fulfill your wish."

Hearing this, Second Sister You came back to life again, and she pressed herself against Feng Ziying's chest in embarrassment: "Master, I am also in a hurry. If I say that my sister is not there yet, it's just that my old lady is always in my ear." Noisy, when the elder sister came to the mansion, she also said that the concubine and the third younger sister were ignorant, and should have given birth to a boy and a half girl for the master earlier,..."

"Well, your mother and your sister are right. The Feng family is thin, so it would be best to have a boy and a half girl early." Feng Ziying said in relief: "It's just that things like this have to be related to fate. You and the third My sister's body and physique are also fertile, don't worry, there will be some."

  Second Sister You is always beside Feng Ziying, winking like silk: "Isn't this concubine also wanting to have **** earlier? Who is as heartless as Third Sister."

  Third Sister You was unhappy, "Second Sister, who is heartless? Didn't you say it all? It's all about fate. You've been tossing so hard, but you haven't seen any?"

  Feng Ziying interjected to interrupt the topic: "Okay, your eldest sister Zhen and sister-in-law have come to the mansion during this time?"

"Well, I'm afraid I also know that the eldest sister is here to borrow money, and I didn't expect how the dignified Ningguo Mansion has fallen to such a point?" The second sister You is honest and kind, and she speaks truthfully, "The concubine and the third sister It’s okay to lend this little money from my private house to the elder sister, but the problem is that in such a large Ningguo Mansion with thousands of people, what can this little money help? How long can it last?”

"Didn't Eldest Sister also say that, the two headed family members in their mansion seem to be a little bit indifferent, and they don't see anyone all day long, do they seem to have other plans?" Third Sister You said casually: "I don't know if there is another way. What is the plan?"

  Feng Ziying's heart moved.

He remembered that when he was in Yongping Mansion, Jia Rong came to talk to him specially. He still remembers it vividly. Master Rong and his son were not without insight, and they also had certain thoughts, so I gave Jia Rong some opportunities later, why did they suddenly lose their voice during this period of time?

  (end of this chapter)

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