Number of People

Chapter 1576: Under the benefit of Xin Zijuan, it is difficult to choose

  Chapter 1576 Under the interests of Xin Zijuan, the choice is difficult

   "Brother Zhen and Brother Rong haven't seen anyone these days, aren't they in the capital city?" Feng Ziying asked pretending not to care.

"I'm still here, but I often go out, and I go out for several days." Second Sister You didn't think deeply, "Master Zhen and Brother Rong both like Gao Le, didn't the master also say that, The concubine and the third sister are not allowed to go to their house, so the concubine and the third sister don't come to the house very often. Occasionally, when my sister is having a birthday, she just goes to give gifts and have a meal and then comes back, but the old lady often goes there. , also said that during this period of time, I didn’t see many people.”

Feng Ziying had previously told the two sisters, You Er and You San, that they were not allowed to go to Ningguo Mansion without special circumstances, saying that the reputation there was not very good, and they were still somewhat taboo about the stories in "A Dream of Red Mansions", so You Er and You San were originally fine. The woman was tossed and turned into a broken shoe in the Ningguo Mansion. Although history has changed now, the image of You Er and You San is completely different from the one depicted in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", but You Er is honest and timid, and You San is careless and bold. His character is really similar to the book "Dream of Red Mansions", so he would rather be conservative.

  Although You Er and You San also felt that Feng Ziying was a bit exaggerated, since Xianggong said so, they would definitely not go against it, and they basically didn't go there at ordinary times, but You Shi often came here.

Jia Zhen and Jia Rong usually have nothing to do, they are just happy friends together, but now that Ningguo Mansion is so tight, it is logical that Jia Zhen and his son should go out and find a way to find money, whether it is borrowing or repaying, it should be He wanted to do it, but now he left it all to Youshi, and the father and son disappeared, which was obviously unreasonable.

  Feng Ziying was deep in thought.

When Jia Rong came to Yongping Mansion, he hesitated and said a lot to himself. He always thought that Jia Rong wanted to learn from Rongguo Mansion, relying on himself as a backer and finding some ways to make money. He also gave some care, allowing him and Jia Rui to earn some money together with Wang Xifeng in the matter of redeeming the soldiers of the Beijing camp from the Nekalka people.

But later, after he carefully learned about the situation of Jia Rong's grandfather, Jia Zhen's father, Jia Jing, he realized that he might have ignored some of Jia Rong's intentions before, but Jia Rong never said that again. , he just stood still and waited for observation.

  When Jia Rong talked about the matter back then, I was afraid it was with some kind of intention, maybe even Jia Jing’s instruction.

   Jia Jing is missing, but it is absolutely impossible for Xuanzhen Guan to die of illness. Most likely, he fled to the south of the Yangtze River to work for Prince Yizhong.

Before leaving Beijing, I'm afraid I also considered that going south to work for Prince Yizhong is a bet, and it may not have a good result, so in order to avoid death and family destruction, it should be wise to bet on both ends, so let Jia Rong came to find herself.

But Jia Rong didn't fully understand Jia Jing's intentions, and she was also worried that she would be scratching her face instead of shaking her face when she had nothing to do. At the beginning, I couldn't understand the meaning of the other party.

It stands to reason that if Jia Zhenjiarong and his son want to gamble on both ends, they should have a good relationship with themselves, but now it seems that Jia Zhenjiarong and his son have maintained a lukewarm posture with him in the past six months. Rong is not even as warm to herself as she was a year ago and last year, which is a bit strange.

   Or did Jia Zhenjia Rong and his son have other plans? The problem is how this other plan will be, which Feng Ziying can't figure out.

  But no matter what, Jia Zhenjia Rong and his son must be a bit tricky, but they need to investigate carefully.

  The second day is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

   According to the regulations of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Feng Ziying can not go to the yamen to work for one day during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, which is a rare day off.

  After a long night of tossing, morning exercises are also indispensable, and Feng Ziying wakes up at the beginning of the morning.

  After breakfast with Shen Yixiu in the morning, Feng Ziying went to Baochai's side.

   Baochai and Baoqin are going to visit Yuanchun at Rongguo Mansion today. After all, they are relatives. This relationship still needs to be maintained. Baochai and Baoqin are not people who don’t understand etiquette, so naturally they have to do these things well.

  The carriage rattled and slowly drove towards Jinchengfang.

  Since she was going to accompany the Baochai and Baoqin sisters, Feng Ziying naturally stopped riding a horse and took a car together.

"My husband seems to be in a low mood. Is there any accident that my lady summoned you yesterday?" Baochai carefully observed Feng Ziying's expression. Gao, which surprised her a little.

"Well, there are some things." Feng Ziying didn't hide anything, "The eldest girl has stayed in the palace for a long time, and she has some ideas, but in my opinion, her ideas are too unrealistic, except for the extravagance. In addition to worries, if you act rashly, you will bring yourself a lot of trouble. I talked to the eldest girl a lot yesterday. On the surface, the eldest girl seems to have listened to it, but I don’t know if I will change my mind after sleeping all night. Do you want to go your own way?"

   "Isn't it?" Baochai was also taken aback, "What is it that makes Xianggong so anxious?"

   Baoqin on the side was also a little curious, "Yeah, big sister is very talented, and the house is full of praise, and she also respects the husband in her words. She should believe in what the husband said."

"It's nothing more than ordinary things. When it comes to the rise and fall of myself and even the Jia family, I'm just an outsider, so I may not trust it easily." Feng Ziying shook her head. Speed ​​is not enough, and the current situation is chaotic, it is wise to keep your eyes wide open and steady your mind, if you fall into the trap if you are not careful, it may be difficult to get out."

  Feng Ziying didn't say it clearly, but Baochai can guess one or two things. What else can be involved in the rise and fall of the Jia family, except for those things in the palace?

"But the matter of choosing a reserve?" Baochai pondered and said, "It is rumored that the emperor has not been in good health for the past two years. Elder sister also thinks this is an opportunity? It’s just that elder sister has no heirs, so why is she going to bet on a certain prince to climb the dragon and become the phoenix?”

  Bao Qin's gaze also fell on Feng Ziying, obviously she had already discussed this issue with her sister.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised. It seemed that the two sisters were not limited to family affairs, but they even knew about the court affairs.

This also shows from another angle that the matter of the emperor's selection of the crown prince has been widely circulated in the capital city. From inside and outside the court, everyone from the royal family, family members, civil servants and military generals, to ordinary people and ordinary people in the market are all aware of it. After dinner, it became hot news.

   It is because of the taboo, otherwise newspapers and periodicals like "Daily News" would have published relevant news long ago.

But as far as Feng Ziying knows, "Daily News" still often publishes the situation of a certain poetry conference from the side. These poetry conferences must have been initiated by a certain prince or a literati close to a certain prince, more or less Rarely, even a little biasedly cheering for a certain prince, of course it has to be about money.

Cao Yu once came here to report, and asked Feng Ziying if he needed guidance and direction in this regard, but Feng Ziying did not express his opinion, only saying that for the time being, he could follow the rules set by the "Daily News", and such articles with private goods could not be published. It is too obvious, and you may also need to pay some page fees, which is almost the opposite of other articles, and you need to pay the "Daily News".

At this time, the value and importance of "Daily News" can be seen, but even so, Feng Ziying believes that he is the only one who truly understands the value of "Daily News". I don't know about public opinion, especially once such newspapers with strong credibility are mastered, a little bit of rhythm, or guiding the direction of public opinion, can influence the direction of public opinion in a place, and its power is even greater than that of the imperial court. Mansion newspapers and circulars.

This is why Feng Ziying will not only vigorously build and support the absolute authority and influence of "Daily News" in the capital and even the northern newspapers, but also support one or two other tabloids to echo "Daily News". The Daily News sings a one-man show, but it needs to cooperate with each other, so the effect will be better.

Feng Ziying even asked Jia Lian to set up a newspaper in Yangzhou, named "Voice of the South of the Yangtze River", which mainly focused on current policy theory, and also took into account some commercial news. As the main drafting object, even if it costs more money, regardless of profit for the time being, it must be done first.

Jia Lian was still quite disapproving of this, thinking that the profit of Haitong Yinzhuang Yangzhou was very good, but it was not cost-effective to spend a piece of money for this "Voice of Jiangnan". Feng Ziying didn't explain to him, only asked him to To do it well, as for how much money it costs, you can calculate it extra.

"I didn't expect my younger sister to think of this, it's not easy." Feng Ziying nodded appreciatively, "Well, the eldest girl does have such a heart, but it's not just for herself, maybe it's also because of Baoyu. The current situation is not good, and the eldest girl is also a little anxious."

"Baoyu?" Baochai frowned slightly, "Because of the Niu family and the eldest princess? I heard that the eldest princess Yongning is also a clan member who likes to go in and out of the palace very much, and is very favored by the emperor. Could it be that Baoyu and the eldest sister both Think this is an opportunity?"

   "My sister is so good at predicting things." Feng Ziying laughed, "Does my sister think it's appropriate to do this? Or, does my sister think it's worth it?"

   Baochai didn't speak for a while, facing this situation, who would dare to say that he was not moved?

  Especially the current situation of the Jia family has come to an end, and if they drag it on, they may really be devastated. With such an opportunity, how could they bear it?

   The third change, asking for 200 monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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