Number of People

Chapter 1577: Xin Zi Juan Shan Yu

  Chapter 1577 Xin Zijuan Mountain Encounter

   Didn’t my mother and myself also have the idea of ​​entering the Beijing draft? Baochai has mixed feelings in her heart.

  Who doesn’t know that the current emperor’s age is more than enough for his elder sister and himself to be a father. Isn’t it just a fantasy that one person can ascend to the sky, not only can he fly on a branch and become a phoenix, but the family behind him can also become the royal relatives.

  But the reality is often extremely cruel. Look at the eldest sister who began to become a female history at the age of thirteen. After nearly ten years, she has also climbed to the status of a noble concubine, and the Jia family has also become the head of the country.

But in fact, the eldest sister is almost the same as a widow, and the key is that she and the Jia family have not gained much substantial benefits from it. Giving the uncle a Jiangxi school politics is an confession to the eldest sister and the Jia family. But the big sister has to pay the price of youth for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Baochai shuddered. If he had walked on this road in a daze, maybe he would be the same as the big sister, no, not even as good as the big sister. The situation of the Xue family is far worse than that of the Jia family. I'm afraid that I don't know what kind of torture I will suffer in the palace.

  The eldest sister probably suffered from this kind of torture, so she thought of fighting to the death to find a way out for herself and the Jia family, right?

It's just that such a road is not easy to walk, it is extremely challenging for the operator's vision, and it is also full of countless variables. To a certain extent, it is still luck, but if you choose the wrong one, the price you pay may be the destruction of the family .

  If there is no other way out, who is willing to take such a dangerous road?

  Seeing that Baochai's face was changing, Feng Ziying also made some guesses. After all, didn't the book "Dream of Red Mansions" say that Baochai also had the intention of drafting when he came to Beijing? It's just that Baochai never mentioned it later, and maybe Baochai didn't necessarily know that he, a "comer", knew this.

   Guess Baochai is trying to comprehend or is afraid of his innocence and naivety at the beginning. Once he entered the palace, he really thought that the words "deep like the sea" were just the emotion of a boring literati? It was formed by the blood and tears of countless concubines and palace people, which is beyond the comprehension of outsiders.

  Feng Ziying doesn't care too much. Everyone and every family has the right to pursue a better life.

It is normal for Xue's mother and daughter to have such thoughts when they came to Beijing, but it is also true to give up decisively after careful consideration, just like choosing yourself now, it is also after weighing, not just because Baochai is in love with her So simple.

Even if Baochai falls in love with her, it is not entirely a pure individual like Feng Ziying, but the only son of the Feng family, the only son of Governor Ji Liao, who is himself a second-class Jinshi and Shujishi in the new discipline, with both civil and military capital, and a promising future. Jin, all these factors are mixed together to make Baochai fall in love.

   But having said that, Feng Ziying’s existence is not just such a comprehensive role that combines various characteristics and factors? Could there still be a pale and single amateur Feng Ziying, then she would not be the real Feng Ziying.

  So Feng Ziying is very open to this point, and even understands it very well, and doesn't think that such feelings are mixed with the world or impure.

   Baochai Baoqin never answered Feng Ziying's question, letting the rumble of the carriage reverberate in the air.

It was only when she entered Rongning Street that Baochai seemed to wake up from her contemplation, and said in a gentle voice, "My lord, I don't want to say that Jia Shi Wang Xue is in the same breath, and I don't want to say whether it is wise for the elder sister and the Jia family to do so. But please look at the relationship between the concubine and Sister Lin and the second younger sister, and also the relationship between the Jia family and the Xianggong and the Feng family over the years, to help the eldest sister and the Jia family, my concubine and Sister Lin and the second sister. My sister and the others will definitely feel the same way,..."

  Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly. In her previous life, many people said that Baochai in "A Dream of Red Mansions" was a cruel reality and a refined egoist, but after actually getting in touch with Baochai, Feng Ziying felt that this was not the case.

Baochai is also a 20-year-old girl from an aristocratic family. Perhaps her family background and various experiences will force her to weigh and calculate many things related to the Xue family and herself, but her nature is pure and kind. Children are too demanding, Feng Ziying does not think that is objective.

  Being able to say these words also made Feng Ziying feel somewhat satisfied, and he lived up to his own vision.

  Bao Qin also echoed: "Yes, Mr. Feng, the relationship between the Feng family and the Jia family is irreversible, public and private, and love and reason, Mr. Xiang should also find a way to help the elder sister and the Jia family."

  Feng Ziying reached out and patted Baochai and Baoqin's knees, and smiled softly: "My husband knows what to do, but it needs the approval of the eldest girl and the Jia family."

The carriage was still parked in the courtyard on the southeast side, and Li Wan, Yingchun, Tanchun, Daiyu, Xiangyun, Xichun and even Xiuyan, Li Coco, and Li Qi all came out to welcome them, even Miaoyu, who rarely showed up. all showed up.

  Baochai and Baoqin rarely appeared as the second family member of the Feng family, and they still had to visit the imperial concubine, so all the female family members in the mansion were also dispatched.

  Feng Ziying didn't bother to join in the fun. Although she would inevitably remain in the eyes of girls and become the center, it was just that this kind of environment, which was a typical Shura field in modern times, was extremely friendly to Feng Ziying, and even extraordinarily happy.

  A group of people surrounded Baochai and Baoqin sisters and walked to the Grand View Garden together. At the gate of the Grand View Garden, they also ran into Baoyu, Mingyan, Xiren, Bihen and others.

   Inevitably, there will be some greetings again, but Baochai and Baoqin, who are already married, can no longer be with Baoyu as before. Although the closeness between cousins ​​still exists, they have to keep a certain distance.

Looking at Sister Bao's beaded, round and charming jade dimple, and Baoqin's still full of aura and crystal clear eyes, the two sisters smiled sweetly, and then looked at Sister Lin and Sister Lin who were talking and laughing with them, Baoyu had no reason There was a burst of heartache, so painful that he felt like he couldn't breathe.

  Even Mingyan and Xiren noticed that Baoyu's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and Xiren hurriedly supported Baoyu and asked in a low voice, "Is the second master not feeling well? Why did his face change all of a sudden?"

   "Well, a burst of angina pectoris for no reason made me a little out of breath." Baoyu pretended to touch his chest, trying his best to maintain his image, "I'm afraid I didn't sleep well last night and woke up twice during the night..."

   "Then what should we do? If I want my maidservant to go and talk to Third Miss and Grandma Zhu, Second Master won't accompany Miss Bao, Miss Qin and the others to see the imperial concubine." Xiren was a little flustered, and hurriedly said.

   "Well, go and talk to the third sister." Baoyu nodded, "Don't talk too much, just say that I didn't sleep well last night and I'm a little tired. Go back and drink some tea and take a rest."

   Xiren hurriedly went to talk to Tanchun about this matter, and Baoyu, accompanied by Bihen and Mingyan, turned back and walked eastward, and went straight back to Yihong Courtyard.

  As soon as Tanchun heard that Bao's second brother was unwell, he hurriedly asked if there was any serious problem. After Xiren explained it, Tanchun was finally relieved.

A group of people didn't care too much about Baoyu's departure. Originally, today was mainly a gathering of female relatives. It was a matter of going to see the imperial concubine and empress. The big guys reunited and returned to the Grand View Garden, so they can talk freely , this is what everyone is most looking forward to.

Entering the Grand View Garden, passing the Qinfang River from the Qinfang Pavilion, walking along the corridor all the way to the Qinfang Gate Bridge. The nunnery lives next to each other, facing the Yuhuang Temple and the Qinfang Gate Bridge. The bamboo fence on the roadside forms a beautiful curved fence, which looks like a beautiful work of art.

  A group of people walked through the archway from Qinfangzha Bridge and entered Taiguan Tower. Baoqin, Cheng En and others had already stood in front of them.

   After going to report, Baoqin soon came out to pass the word, let the girls go in.

  Feng Ziying saw that all the female family members went in, and she was left alone, so she felt at ease.

   Jia Huan and others were dismissed by him at the gate of the Grand View Garden. He was here to accompany others, so there was no need for others to accompany him.

  Simply walk along the trail outside Hanfang Pavilion and around the Xingqin Villa and Qinfang River. The willow trees on the willow embankment have only bare branches, but they sway in the wind and have a special charm.

Feng Ziying walked all the way to Liuyezhu, which is far away from the peony orchard and Hongxiang orchard. There is a stone staircase going east to the road behind Jiayin Hall, directly going up to Tubi Mountain Villa, or going west through Heng Walk in front of Wuyuan Gate and take Zhulan Banqiao to the northwest corner of Grand View Garden, where there is a stone mountain.

A lot of thought has been spent on the mountain, and the layout is exquisite and gorgeous. In summer, the vegetation is verdant and the rocks are brilliant. Qinfang River passes through a stone cave built by the stone mountain. After crossing the stone cave of the stream, there is Polygonum Tinghua. Xu, Bajiaowu and Qiangwei are far away.

Feng Ziying stood on the mountain and looked around. From here to the east, you can see the Hengwuyuan where Baochai used to live. Behind the Hengwuyuan is the second half of Tubi Villa and Shengqin Villa-Jiayintang, and to the southeast is the Xingqin Villa. Looking to the south, it is another building complex besides the Xingqin villa complex in the Grand View Garden, from the small and unique Banana Pier, Rose Garden, Red Fragrance Garden, to the tea stand surrounded by flowers and trees, The Wooden Fragrance Shed, Peony Pavilion, Peony Garden and Yuyin Hall are also the most scenic spots in the Grand View Garden.

  Crossing this area and going south, there are courtyard buildings where girls live, such as Nuanxiangwu, Daoxiangcun, Luxueguang, Ouxiangxie, Qiushuangzhai, and further away, Zhuijinlou and Xiaoxiangguan.

  A burst of fine footsteps came from the stone path below the mountain. It was hurried at first, but after going up a few steps, it slowed down again.

"Brother Keng, is it you?" Before seeing the person, seeing his voice first, he was a little hesitant, a little surprised and surprised, and a little puzzled, and when he arrived, he was wrapped in a moon white plain filial piety dress and had a coquettish figure. , and with a somewhat apprehensive, apprehensive and expectant face appeared, Feng Ziying was sure that this woman really came.

  (end of this chapter)

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