Number of People

Chapter 1579: Xin Zi Juan Duo Xin

  Chapter 1579 Xin Zijuan Duxin

   Li Wan's heart skipped a beat.

Only at this time did she realize that this brother Keng in front of her was not a dandy, but he was the Chancellor of the Shuntian Mansion who was born in the Imperial Academy, and he was a real fourth-rank official. His face suddenly straightened up, and Li Wan was shocked by the scene. Shocking.

The old ancestor and mother-in-law seemed to have casually declined the marriage proposal of the Wu family. It seemed that Wu Jianzhang, the owner of the Wu family, was no longer a general of Guangdong, or that the relationship between the Wu family and the Jia family had become weak over the years, but Li Wan could still vaguely Guess one or two.

Although Wu Jianzhang is no longer a general of Guangdong, but the Wu family has a deep foundation in Guangdong. Generals like Wu Jianzhang may rise again at any time, just like Feng Ziying's father. He was not dismissed as the general of Datong, and he became the general of Yulin within a year. In two more years, he will be promoted to governor of Jiliao. It is even easier for military generals to resume than civil servants. As long as the timing is right, the imperial court may be reactivated at any time. It is impossible for the Jia family not to know this.

  As Feng Ziying said, he refused without saying hello, but what about Baoyu? In terms of intimacy, it seems that Jia Huan and Feng Ziying's relationship is not as good as Jia Huan's and Feng Ziying's relationship, but he repeatedly asked for Feng Ziying's opinion, and even he couldn't hide the tricks here, so how could he hide it from Feng Ziying?

It's not that I'm worried that if Jia Huan's in-laws are a big family like the Wu family, once they get married, if Jia Huan succeeds in studying, then Baoyu will be completely overwhelmed. It's hard to say, although theoretically a concubine like Jia Huan would not take over the family clan, but who can say clearly what will happen in the future?

   In case Jia Huan gets into high school in the imperial examination in the future, and his official career develops, can the Jia family still reject Jia Huan? Even the ancestors and mother-in-law couldn't do it, and the two masters would not agree.

   It's just that under such circumstances, it's not easy for Li Wan to answer.

At that time, she also heard the mention from her ancestors and her mother-in-law, but she declined without saying a reason. Only Li Wan knew the situation here in his heart, but he couldn't announce it to the public, and it was impossible to have any reason to come up with it. .

  Seeing Feng Ziying staring at him with burning eyes, Li Wan felt even more flustered: "I don't know who I am, this is what my ancestor and wife decided. Maybe it's because I think the Wu family is not suitable."

"Really?" A strange smile appeared on the corner of Feng Ziying's mouth, "Sister-in-law, do you think the same? Is it really inappropriate, or is it too appropriate? If Brother Lan encounters this kind of thing in the future, what will you do? ?”

   Li Wan's heart trembled suddenly, and it really came. Is this going to use Lang Geer to threaten himself?

"Brother Keng, Brother Huan's marriage is decided by the wife, and it's not up to the concubine to intervene. As for Brother Lan, that's another matter." Li Wan carefully avoided the "trap" in the other party's words, "Are you planning to find out what happened to your wife? I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

   "What's inappropriate? Uncle Zheng Shi said before he left that he asked me to help take care of the Jia family's affairs. Let me ask, is it okay?" Feng Ziying said coldly: "Sister-in-law thinks there is a problem?"

There seemed to be a faint threat in the tone, and Li Wan shook his head in shock: "Why would I feel that there is a problem, but my wife is Brother Huan's aunt after all, marriage matters, parents' order, matchmaker's words, wife makes any decision It's all natural."

Of course Feng Ziying knew that what the other party said was reasonable. Wang was Jia Huan's aunt, not to mention herself, even Aunt Zhao was not qualified to intervene in Jia Huan's marriage, but from another perspective, as Jia Huan's half teacher and half leader, the whole The affairs of Jia's mansion depend on himself, so what is there that he can't intervene in?

Li Wan was forced to dodge by Feng Ziying's gaze, and couldn't help begging for mercy: "Brother Keng, this matter is over, if you want to pursue it, you can only go to your ancestors and his wife. Until the concubine interjects,..."

   "Oh, you also think this is inappropriate?" Feng Ziying laughed.

  Li Wan shook his head again and again: "It's not my turn to express my opinion on such matters."

Seeing Li Wan's pity and begging for mercy, and his alluring figure outlined in a plain white dress, at such a close distance, Feng Ziying's breath is audible, and Feng Ziying's heart is also a little distracted, and the smile on the corner of his mouth is even bigger. In Li Wan's eyes, the heart of fear is even worse , couldn't help but said: "Brother Keng, Baochai and the others may soon come over to take a look at the Hengwu Garden where they lived before..."

Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this little woman was frightened by herself, and she might have been mistaken by her own reputation, so she couldn't help laughing and thought about making mistakes, "Sister-in-law seems to have misunderstood me, Why, are you treating me like a hungry ghost or a disciple? In broad daylight, does sister-in-law think I will do something?"

  Speaking clearly, Li Wan's heart trembled. Is this really about to attack him? Those previous words were just excuses? Sure enough, he still misjudged the other party. This reversal of mood made Li Wan's whole body weak, and he couldn't help leaning against a fake rock mountain behind him, his fists clenched his clothes, "Brother Keng, I can be considered your sister-in-law. You mustn't..."

  Feng Ziying, who didn't have much intention at first, was also aroused by Li Wan's pitiful appearance. She took a step forward, pushed him against the rock, and said with a half-smile, "What if I have to?"

Li Wan's face was pale, and her heart was beating wildly, especially when this man took a step forward, the strong manly aura on his body rushed towards her face, which only made her feel dazed, especially the radiant face under the bright sword eyebrows, which was even more compelling. She was almost lying on her back on the rock.

"Brother Keng, Brother Lang has been taught by you, and I will rely on your help in the future. I am very grateful, but I am already a woman, so I can't insult the family. Please, Brother Keng, let me go ,..."

Feng Ziying looked at the appearance of the other party who was about to close his eyes and let others slaughter him, and felt itchy, but he also knew that he couldn't do anything, but he just wanted to tease this pretty widow out of interest, and he wouldn't do it here If there is any wrongdoing under such circumstances, it would be too degrading.

Gently raised the pretty widow's chin, Feng Ziying let go, pinched her pretty cheek again, then stepped back, put her finger on the tip of her nose and sniffed: "Well, I didn't expect my sister-in-law to like this balm too. , Quan Guanghe's sweet-scented osmanthus is soaked in ambergris, right? The aftertaste is long and the lingering fragrance is lingering."

   Li Wan was ashamed and horrified. This kind of balm was originally a woman's secret, but he didn't expect this guy to smell it as soon as he smelled it.

  That’s all, all women use balm, but this Quan Guanghe balm also uses ambergris, which is very expensive. The main reason is that ambergris and pollen flower essential oil are infiltrated together to last.

And ambergris has an aphrodisiac effect, so women who have not left the cabinet cannot use it, only women can use it, but if a widow like her is known to use ambergris balm, she will also be known by others. poke the spine.

  Of course, Quan Guanghe’s balms are of the highest quality, more or less with some diluted ambergris. Only in this way can the lasting effect of the flower essential oil be maintained, but the price is ten times more expensive than ordinary balms.

Li Wan usually didn't spend much. Apart from focusing on Jia Lan, he didn't even make much clothes, and he didn't use much balm and powder. The ones he used today were also what he and Wang Xifeng were in Quanguang last year. I bought it, and I rarely use it. Who would have thought that it would be used by accident today, and it would be smelled by this guy.

  Seeing that Li Wan's face was turning red and then white, she was extremely terrified, but Feng Ziying didn't know the story here, and felt that it was really unbelievable why this woman suddenly became like this.

  Shen Yixiu and You Erjie at home usually use Quan Guanghe's balsamic powder, so he also knows something, even Baochai and Baoqin also use it, but they use it from another Tianwailou.

Feng Ziying let go of her hand and shook her head with a smile: "Sister-in-law, I want to find a chance to talk to the old lady and his wife about Brother Huan's marriage. I also ask my sister-in-law to help me beat the side drum. I think this marriage That's right, sister-in-law, please rest assured, I take Lange's matter to heart, and keeping it will not disappoint my sister-in-law."

  Li Wan was in a trance, and she didn't have the time to think about other things. Feng Ziying said what she said, and she didn't wake up from the trance until Feng Ziying took a few steps away. She was shocked, worried and afraid.

She didn't understand what Feng Ziying wanted to do. If he was said to be an honest gentleman like Liu Xiahui, she would not believe it. It was just that his previous actions were not the actions of a gentleman, but if he was said to be a hungry ghost, he was just a It was a frivolous act, and there was no other substantive action. I had actually given up resistance before and was ready to let him do whatever he wanted, but he stopped.

  As for the mention of Brother Lan, it made Li Wan feel at ease, at least this fellow would not use this to blackmail him, otherwise Li Wan didn't know if he would have to voluntarily submit.

Suyun Biyue saw Feng Ziying Shi Shiran coming down, but she didn't see her grandmother, her face was pale, and she didn't dare to look at Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying ignored the two daughters, and walked away, only to see her grandmother limping after a while As soon as he came down from the mountain path, everyone rushed to meet him and help him: "Grandma, what's wrong with you?"

  That Biyue was a bit more irritable, and she had already gritted her teeth and started cursing: "How dare this Uncle Feng do this? Grandma, you can bear such evil deeds in broad daylight. Do you need to hire a doctor..."

  Suyun had already blushed and spat out: "Little hoof, grandma has been tortured like this, how can I invite a doctor?"

Li Wan was also blushed by the second daughter's tiger-wolf words, angry, angry and funny: "You two little hooves, don't talk nonsense there, my feet are numb, and I accidentally twisted them when I got down, How can there be such nasty things as you said, Brother Keng is telling me about Brother Huan and Brother Lang, if you two little hoofs talk nonsense, I will expose you carefully!"

Suyun Biyue couldn't believe it, she looked at grandma in surprise, but she saw that grandma's clothes were neat and her temples were straight, and there seemed to be no other abnormalities, except that her footsteps were a bit flimsy and limping, which was a bit like a rumor In such a situation, it is no wonder that the two of them misunderstood.

Thinking about it again, it really didn't take long, and it didn't seem like it was true. The second daughter followed Li Wan after Jia Zhu passed away, so she didn't understand human nature, and she didn't know much about the relationship between men and women. Those women and women in the house only understood half a word, and now they can be regarded as relieved.

   "Grandma, there's really nothing wrong with Uncle Feng..." Bi Yue was still bold enough to ask with her mouth open.

   "It's nothing." Li Wan has always been a good-tempered person, so he also trained the second daughter to speak freely, "What can he do? I'm still his sister-in-law anyway,..."

It's just that when I said this, I thought of Feng Ziying forcing himself to lie on his back on the rock, his body was almost squeezed into his body, and the last jaw and cheek pinch made him almost faint. Could it be that a little uncle can do it? Can't do it?

  (end of this chapter)

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