Number of People

Chapter 1580: Xin Zi Scroll Transmutation

  Chapter 1580 The Transmutation of Xinzi Scroll

   Mingyan secretly hid among the rocks and saw Li Wan's enchanting figure swaying down the mountain path, so she wiped off her cold sweat and walked out quietly.

  When Feng Ziying walked this way, he was hanging from a distance. I don't know why this master suddenly thought of going this way. Do you want to go and see the original residence of Miss Bao and Miss Qin?

  Although he was puzzled, he followed carefully.

  Feng Ziying went all the way to the rocky mountain, which was condescending and had a clear view, so Mingyan had no choice but to drill between the rocks and the cracks in the rocks, and she couldn't get too close.

   But the hard work paid off, this really saw Xiyang Jinger, and the one who followed was Grandma Zhu? !

  This simply overturned Mingyan's three views.

  How could it be Grandma Zhu?

He wouldn't be surprised if it was the daughter of girls like Siqi or Zijuan. Even if Miss Er or Miss Lin wanted to have a tryst with Uncle Feng, that would make sense. Why is grandma here?

   Happened, obviously impossible.

  Although Suyun and Biyue are still with her, Mingyan also knows that these two are Grandma Zhu's close friends, and Grandma Zhu doesn't shy away from these two girls.

  Mingyan almost held his breath watching Grandma Zhu go up the mountain. He tiptoedly climbed over the rocks on the flanks, and finally saw the scene on the mountain. Uncle Feng was indeed waiting for Grandma Zhu.

  Mingyan's head is about to explode, why did these two choose to meet here for a tryst?

  The weather is getting a bit chilly, so I'm not afraid of catching cold and getting sick. Uncle Feng also likes to be independent too much, he even likes to fight in the field when doing this kind of thing?

   Isn’t this too shocking?

  The two daughters of Suyun and Biyue were driven away, leaving only Grandma Zhu and Uncle Feng, Mingyan curled up and stared at them.

The two seem to be talking, because the distance is so far, Mingyan can't hear clearly, but it doesn't look like they are here for an affair tryst, Grandma Zhu seems to be pale, as if frightened, and also I don't know what Uncle Feng said.

Later, he saw how Uncle Feng became indulgent, and immediately pressed Grandma Zhu on the rock, and his heart beat wildly. In this scene, is it true that Uncle Feng really planned to play with Grandma Zhu here? Erotica?

  If he is discovered, will he be silenced by Uncle Feng?

  Mingyan clenched his heart, his back was dripping with cold sweat, and his mouth was bitter. He realized that his curiosity really hurt him.

Didn’t Second Master Bao say that you just need to watch where Uncle Feng went and met someone? If you don’t ask for it, you have to stare at him. Why do you have to take such a risk to do this kind of thing? Once you are discovered, no one will be able to protect you. Well, if Uncle Feng wanted to deal with him, he would be like crushing an ant to death.

  Mingyan has already swore to himself that as long as he can escape today, he will never get involved in such a thing in the future.

Thinking so in his heart, Mingyan's eyes still widened. Looking at this scene, he saw that Uncle Feng forced Grandma Zhu to lie down on the rock, but he didn't undress, but pinched Grandma Zhu. cheek, what is this? Is it foreplay?

  But why did Uncle Feng let go of Grandma Zhu, then said a few words, and then left on his own, that's it? !

   What the **** is going on here? !

  Mingyan couldn't understand what happened at all, and could only watch Uncle Feng leave, and then Grandma Zhu, who seemed to have just woken up from a dream, staggered down the mountain.

After Grandma Zhu left, Mingyan walked to the edge of the rock in bewilderment and looked at it for a while, but didn't see anything unusual, and really couldn't figure out what happened, so he could only scratch his head and go down the mountain. I still have to think about how to report to Bao Erye.

  Uncle Feng and Grandma Zhu had a tryst on the mountain, but they didn’t do anything. Who would believe this?

Feng Ziying came down from the mountain path and walked along the stone path from outside Tumijia along the stream to the gate of the garden. This road was behind Daoxiang Village where Li Wan lived, until she reached the corner of the wall, and then turned to the east. .

Pass through the gate of Daoxiang Village and bypass Liaofengxuan. To the east is the Nuanxiangwu of Xichun. To the southeast, you can take a winding bamboo bridge to enter the Ouxiang Pavilion where Shi Xiangyun lives. To the southwest is Luxueguang where Xiuyan lives. In the south direction, you can go to Qiushuangzhai in Tanchun.

   I have to admit that Rongguo Mansion has put a lot of thought into the construction of the Grand View Garden, not only fully combining the mountains and water shapes, but also very ingenious in the design.

Such courtyards and pavilions are built along the Qinfang River, so that the large circle of buildings in the Xingqin Villa is located in the center. The courtyards on the west and south are basically the girls’ residences, while the east and north It is mainly ancillary buildings, such as Quicui Temple, Bodhidharma Temple and Yuhuang Temple, such as Tubi Mountain Villa and Aojingxi Pavilion.

In addition to the exquisite architectural planning and design, the arrangement of rocks, streams, vegetation and some small objects is also ingenious. It perfectly integrates the entire Grand View Garden buildings with vegetation, mountains, rocks, and streams. You can enjoy it no matter what season it is. To the unique beauty of this Grand View Garden.

  At the gate of Liaofengxuan, he met this group of girls surrounded by Baochai. Feng Ziying even saw the mandarin ducks inside, which surprised him very much.

   After asking, I found out that Aunt Xue had also returned to Rongguo Mansion. It seemed that Yuan Chun also wanted to see this aunt, so Yuanyang came over to say something.

  Yuan Chun had already met Sister Baochai and Baoqin, and was talking to Mrs. Wang and Aunt Xue at this time, so the girls came out first.

   I learned that the girls have to go to Hongxiang Garden and Hengwu Garden for a walk, and then go to Tubi Mountain Villa and Aujingxi Pavilion to take a look.

Tonight Rongguo Mansion is going to watch the moon at Tubi Mountain Villa and Aujingxi Pavilion, Jiamu and the others are going to be at Tubi Mountain Villa, and the younger generation prefers to watch the moon at the Aujingxi Pavilion, so we simply have to open the moon appreciation on both sides. The moon banquet, this is the first time in the past six months that the Rongguo Mansion has been so generous and put on such an array, so it was a lively time.

  Feng Ziying greeted a group of sisters and sisters, but did not follow them. He was too lazy to meddle in the affairs of the girls.

  Mandarin duck stayed far away, so Feng Ziying smiled and waited for Yuanyang to come.

   "What are you laughing at?" Seeing Feng Ziying's smile, Yuanyang became flustered for no reason, and bit her lip.

"Isn't it okay to laugh? Looking at the mandarin duck, I like it in my heart, so I am happy, can't it?" Feng Ziying teased the mandarin duck, and teased the pretty widow a while ago, but now there is another Hui girl coming to the door, no wonder Rongguo Mansion is known as thousands of red and colorful, it is really a joy here, don't miss Shu.

"Your Majesty asked your slaves to come and tell the uncle that you have to leave meals at noon and night, and your Majesty may have to explain to you." Yuanyang gave Feng Ziying a blank look, and was too lazy to quarrel with the other party. Come on.

Yuanyang didn't ask the concubine what the concubine and Feng Ziying were talking about, but she knew that the relationship between Uncle Feng and Jia's family was getting closer, and even the second girl would become Uncle Feng's concubine. Once this relationship was established, Jia The Feng family is almost an in-law relationship. In this era, the in-law relationship is the most stable and closest relationship.

"Oh? Still want to talk?" Feng Ziying was a little helpless. It seemed that Jia Yuanchun was still a little unwilling. He always wanted to get something out of himself. The problem was that even if he knew something, the Jia family didn't Qualified to blend in.

  Yuanyang glanced at Feng Ziying in surprise, "You seem to dislike your mother?"

   "Yo, did you recognize the mandarin duck?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Do you think the master is presumptuous?"

   Yuanyang didn't speak, but the expression of biting her lip proved her inner thoughts.

   "But the master is so presumptuous, but the eldest girl still insists on not giving up, Yuanyang, what do you think this is?" Feng Ziying said leisurely: "This can only show that the master is reasonable."

Yuanyang's heart was shocked, and Feng Ziying continued: "The eldest girl has a good heart, but she has neglected that the current Jia family is not the Jia family of the Shuangguo family decades ago. Times have changed, so we can no longer hold each other. Those unrealistic fantasies are used to do things, the man likes to tell the truth, so he is not likable, but the eldest girl is a smart person, although she is angry for a while, she can still figure it out when she calms down."

The mandarin ducks seem to understand, but they can guess that most of them have something to do with Baoyu's marriage and the court affairs in the palace, "Master, you are now the son-in-law of the Jia family, not counting Miss Bao and Miss Lin. I'm going to be with you, and this relationship will be broken, and I can help the Jia family as much as I can, and the Jia family will be grateful for the kindness of the Lord."

   "Well, didn't the master help?" Feng Ziying tilted her head, "What about you?"

   "Master, why are you here again?" Yuanyang stomped her feet, "Say it's okay not to talk about it..."

   "Okay, I won't talk about it, I know." Feng Ziying said leisurely: "I hope the eldest girl will not have any other thoughts, I really can't stand it."


   "What did you say?!" Baoyu was furious, kicking Mingyan to the ground, "You idiot, how dare you slander my sister-in-law?"

"Second Master, how dare you little one?" Ming Yan rolled over and knelt on the ground, "This is what I saw with my own eyes, but it's not like what Second Master thought, when Grandma met Uncle Feng just to talk, but nothing else. ..."

Originally, I wanted to talk about the situation later on. Seeing Second Master Bao’s furious situation, Mingyan would be better off with one more thing. Anyway, it’s the same thing about this grandma meeting with Uncle Feng. I did my best, as for other plots, I didn't see it anyway.

"Oh?" Baoyu calmed down a little bit, and he couldn't help but get angry when he heard this. Brother Feng actually picked up his sister-in-law's idea, and he was still worried about the entanglement between Big Sister and Brother Feng. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, Brother Feng went to tease his sister-in-law again. How can this be done? But after hearing what Mingyan said, he felt a little more at ease.

   "Then what did brother Feng and sister-in-law say?" Baoyu frowned.

   "The little one is so far away, I can't hear it clearly, but I heard Uncle Feng mention Brother Huan..." Ming Yan whispered.

   "Brother Huan? Isn't it Brother Lan?" Baoyu was puzzled.

   "It's Brother Huan, you heard me right." Mingyan shook her head.

   Baoyu thought hard.

  In the past, he was too lazy to care about these things, but now he can't. Especially during this time, he feels more and more the influence of Brother Feng in Jia's house.

It turns out that everyone pampers and takes themselves as the center, but now whether it is the sisters, the ancestors and the wives, they are always inseparable from Brother Feng, and even the eldest sister has an unusual attitude towards Brother Feng. This made Baoyu feel that he was gradually being marginalized and ignored by everyone.

Because of this, he wholeheartedly wanted to change everything in the future through his marriage, married the Niu family, and then introduced him to the emperor and the princes through the connections of the eldest princess. I still have the confidence to be recognized in front of the princes.

   But Feng Ziying seems to be weakening the possibility of his own thinking. He is obstructing the elder sister, and now he has hooked up with the elder sister-in-law. If it is not an affair, then what is it?

  But when it comes to the third son Huan, is it true that the sister-in-law wants to let Brother Lang enter Qingtan Academy and ask the third son Huan to take care of him?

  This is too far-fetched. With Brother Feng's status, if Brother Lang really wants to enter Qingtan Academy, he will definitely not suffer.

   But no matter what, Baoyu has already made up his mind, no one can stop him, Brother Feng, how should he solve it?

Baoyu knew that he was not very popular with Brother Feng at first, and Brother Feng appreciated that Huan Lao San was able to read, but later Brother Feng still helped him a lot, such as writing legendary stories, but now he has come to his senses, and he is more I need Brother Feng's help, how to make up for this relationship, so that Brother Feng can really help me, just like helping the third child in the ring.

  What is going on between Brother Feng and his sister-in-law? Baoyu's thoughts fluctuated, and she calmed down and thought about it. It seems that there is no harm in this, and it may even bring the relationship between Jia and Feng closer. It is only good for Lang Geer and even herself. ashamed of the thought.

  What's the matter with me, I have fallen to such a point, and I actually have such thoughts?

   Baoyu shook her head again and again, trying to put such dirty thoughts behind her.

  It’s just that once some thoughts sprout, they are out of control, and they always pop up in the depths of your mind, making you linger.

Why do I think like a demon, I used to dismiss these economic careers, but now I always think about how to make a good impression in front of the emperor, how to be popular in front of the prince, even thinking about it intentionally or not How to please Brother Feng is coming, when did this change start?

  How could I have such a huge change?

  For a while, Baoyu's heart was also turbulent, sometimes ashamed, sometimes taken for granted, sometimes depressed, and sometimes full of hope.

   More monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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