Number of People

Chapter 1583: Xinzi scroll details

  Chapter 1583 Xinzi scroll details

   "Okay, that's all for Xing Zhong. I didn't say anything, but it seems that your loan business is doing very well." Feng Ziying said lightly: "Tell me, why do you want to see me today?"

  Jia Rui's face turned serious, and he became serious: "Go back to your lord, the small thing is that you have news to report to your lord."

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised, and waved his hand to stop, calling himself an adult, but also reporting, does this mean that he regards himself as the boss?

   "Wait, Brother Rui, what are you doing? I'm not the captain of Thousand Households of the Dragon Forbidden Captain. Maybe you got the wrong person?"

"Back to the adults, the little one knows, but it's because the matter is big. After thinking about it, the little one still feels that he needs to report to the adults, and the adults have already reported it to the little ones." Jia Rui had a look of embarrassment on his face. "It's just that there has been no response from above, and the little one is a little flustered."

  Feng Ziying became interested.

  Long Jinwei's practice is to place nails and eyeliner in these families of martial arts families. This is the rule of Jinyiwei from the former Ming Dynasty since Emperor Taihe of this dynasty, spying on the situation of the families of Wu Xun in charge to prevent rebellion.

It's just that nearly a hundred years have passed, and it turns out that the Longwuxun family has basically gradually declined. A family of two kingdoms like the Jia family was so prominent back then, but now Emperor Yonglong can only remember one name, probably Or because there is Jia Jing who is the best friend of Prince Yizhong, and Jia Yuanchun is in the palace, why should you care if your Jia family has no soldiers or power in your hands now?

  Jia Rui is an undercover spy of Long Jinwei An's in Jia's house. In fact, like Jia She and Jia Zheng, it is estimated that most of them would know about such things from their parents, but they don't know who it is.

Besides, they also know that the current Rongguo Mansion doesn't need Long Jinwei to pay too much attention to it, it doesn't matter, maybe it's a servant who bought it, maybe it's the side child, or it may be the child of a family who doesn't take it seriously, It's all possible.

  Jia Rui is so mysterious, how can there be any secrets from this Jia family?

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying nodded, "Tell me."

"The grown-ups also know the status of the young one. If you want to say that the young one is a child of the Jia family, the young one also hopes to live in peace and stability. It's just a salary, but you have to do your best to receive the salary, otherwise you won't be able to get the money. It's stable." Jia Rui sighed, "The young one has been stable for so many years, but in the past six months, some unusual things have been discovered."

  Feng Ziying rubbed her chin, guessing what this fellow was going to say, he knew the situation in Rongguo Mansion well, and if he were to say that he was unfamiliar with Ningguo Mansion, could it be Jia Zhenjia Rong and his son?

   "The younger one spent more time in the East Mansion, but rarely saw Brother Rong. Later, he met Brother Zhen, and found that they all seemed to be acting mysteriously, so the younger one went to investigate secretly,..."

   Sure enough, Feng Ziying immediately understood that what Third Sister You inadvertently mentioned, she even said that she had arranged for Wu Yaoqing to go to Haosheng to investigate, but Jia Rui had already detected the signs.

   "Oh? Then what did you find?" Feng Ziying also became serious, and asked in a deep voice.

   "They are dealing with the Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing, such as Beitang and Lutai. They have basically sold out, and some shops in the capital have also basically sold out..."

Feng Ziying was also shocked by Jia Rui's words. Thinking back to the vague words that Jia Rong first came to him, he thought that the other party might have been ordered by Jia Jing to hedge his bets, but now it seems that Jia Zhen Jia Rong and his son felt that the situation was unstable again, did they sell their assets?

Although the situation in Rongning Second Mansion is bad, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and the broken boat still has 3,000 nails. There are still a lot of fixed assets such as shops and Zhuangzi in the first generation of Gyeonggi. They sold some, but they are still still there. There is quite a lot of stock, but now that the Ningguo Mansion has almost dealt with it, the income must be quite a lot, so why is You Shi still borrowing money from You Er You San?

   Is it because You really don't know about the secret activities of Jia Zhen and Jia Rong's father and son, or is this family colluding to deceive outsiders?

  The key is what is Ningguo Mansion going to do after selling these fixed assets? Antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times, does Jia Zhenjia Rong think that troubled times are coming, so they exchange these fixed assets for gold and hide them?

It's not impossible, but Feng Ziying doesn't think that Jia Zhen and Jia Rong are such courageous people, they dare to make such a judgment, and sell all their fixed assets in a desperate move. It won't be long?

  Feng Ziying fell silent.

There is also a possibility that Jia Zhenjiarong and his son intend to imitate their father (grandfather) Jia Jing and go south, leaving behind the property in the north for the time being, and heading south to Jinling, where there should be a lot of property of the Jia family. If this is the case, then Jia Jing probably gave Jia Zhen and Jia Rong the wind that the north and the south are about to go to war, and even thinks that the south has a better chance of winning.

Jia Zhen and Jia Rong kept Rongguo Mansion from side. Could it be that they thought that they would split their bets in this way, that Ningguo Mansion would stand on Prince Yizhong's side, and Rongguo Mansion would stand on Emperor Yonglong's side, so no matter where If one side wins, there is room for maneuver.

This kind of consideration is quite in line with the style of a wealthy family, especially now that Jia Yuanchun is a noble concubine, and now Baoyu is going to be the son-in-law of Emperor Yonglong's favorite Princess Yongning. The two layers of relationship are intertwined, and it seems true. Something like this.

   I just don’t know if Rongguo Mansion knows the layout of Ningguo Mansion?

   Or is it a tacit understanding?

  Feng Ziying is not sure.

But in any case, this needs to be vigilant. From another perspective, Jia Zhenjiarong's actions may also mean that Prince Yizhong's preparations in Jiangnan may be more adequate than imagined, and his confidence is stronger than imagined. Only then did Jing dare to pass some information to Jia Zhenjia Rong.

   "Brother Rui, have you reported this situation to your superiors?" Feng Ziying finally spoke.

"I've reported it, but I haven't heard back." Jia Rui is also helpless. Those who do their job are all in one-way contact, and they are not allowed to leapfrog. He came to report to Feng Ziying, because he thought that he did not belong to the same system, and revealed it to Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying. There are also other ways to mitigate the risk of exposing yourself.

   "Well, I know about this matter." Feng Ziying nodded, "You go first, you have done a good job on this matter, but don't spread it further, your superiors should have their own arrangements."

Although Feng Ziying didn't say anything, Jia Rui can still feel from Feng Ziying's satisfied expression that he has done a good job in this matter. If he can firmly hug this person's thick legs, he will be more than just a Dragon Guard in the future. As a spy, maybe you can also register in Shuntian Mansion, and many things will be easy to do.

  After Jia Rui left, Feng Ziying picked up the teacup and sipped it carefully while thinking about the actions of Ningguo Mansion.

  He still can't judge what the Ningguo Mansion is planning, and how the Rongguo Mansion is "cooperating" or "ignorant"?

  He felt that he still underestimated the background of these veteran martial arts families, at least they were quite good at these ways of survival.

But in any case, this is not a good sign. In the autumn of Tiewangshan, everyone's thoughts are focused on the actions of the princes of Shou Wang, Fu Wang, Li Wang, Wang Lu, and several princes to seize the heir, but intentionally or unintentionally ignored Prince Yizhong Perhaps it is because Prince Yizhong has lost his chance and possibility in this situation?

Judging from the current situation, whoever raises the banner of rebellion is very unlikely to succeed in the rebellion, even if it is Prince Yizhong, so no one will seek their own death after rational consideration, but this is the case under normal conditions. next?

  Feng Ziying is worried about this.

He had a premonition that there would be something wrong with this grand event in Iron Net Mountain Autumn, and it would definitely affect the changes in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty. Prince Yizhong would not let this opportunity go, but what would happen? What, Feng Ziying has no clue, neither in history, nor in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", it has never been mentioned, it is just a hunch, can it be accurate?

  Now I can only take one step at a time. Although Iron Net Mountain Qiuxi is on the territory of Shuntian Prefecture, if I don't get summoned, I can't go there at will.

   Staying in Jingshi City has the advantages of staying in Jingshi City, and going to Iron Net Mountain also has the advantage of going to Iron Net Mountain. You can feel many things most intuitively, and then discover some wind directions in advance.

   "Master, the girl holding the piano is here, and she said that the imperial concubine and empress want to see you." Baoxiang came to report again.

  Seeing her three times in the past two days, Feng Ziying was also thinking, this Yuan Chun is not afraid that the people in the palace who came out with her will be suspicious, but he is helpless, can he not go when summoned?

   This time when I saw Yuan Chun, I returned to Gu Ensiyi Hall.

  Looking from a distance, Yuan Chun's complexion seems to have improved a lot, maybe it's because meeting and laughing with Baochai Baoqin and the others made Yuanchun feel a little better.

"Brother Keng, I've thought it over clearly. On Su Lingyao's side, I intend to take a step back for the time being and stabilize, but I can't sever the relationship all at once. That will arouse the other party's suspicion and dissatisfaction, and even point the finger at me. "Yuan Chun stared at Feng Ziying word by word and said: "There is still more than a month to go to Tienwang Mountain, I believe you have a way to see what's going on here, I hope you can observe and ponder well during this time For a moment, if there is anything you want to tell me, I will arrange to come out with the piano every ten days, and you can give her the news."

   She hasn’t given up yet, but Feng Ziying can also understand that she still wants to bet on herself, and then bet on the trend of possible changes in the future situation by herself, but this is still very dangerous.

  I am not sure what will happen, and Yuan Chun seems to have felt something, so he is so concerned about this.

  (end of this chapter)

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