Number of People

Chapter 1584: Xin Zi scroll couplet poem

  Chapter 1584 Xin Zi Juan Lian Poem

  Yuanchun didn't give up, so Feng Ziying naturally let her go. As for what she could observe and judge, Feng Ziying could only hehe.

Feng Ziying is now more concerned about the threat of Prince Yizhong. In his opinion, this should be considered by the court and the emperor. As for the few princes, it is just Emperor Yonglong's mind. If Emperor Lian Yonglong It's hard to keep your own throne, how many princes of yours can still play?

  Sometimes, if Feng Ziying hadn't considered that the Feng family was already firmly bound to Beidi, Feng Ziying would have wondered whether she could be optimistic about Prince Yizhong, or even speculate.

If you can control Jiangnan, and Wang Ziteng can control Huguang even for a period of time, and part of the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army under Niu Jizong's control, as long as it can be delayed for a year or two, the North, especially Gyeonggi, will completely rely on the support of Jiangnan's water transport materials. The situation is about to collapse.

"It was originally a civil war in the Zhang family. As long as the situation changes, many speculators will turn around, and even many civil servants may not be too resistant. At that time, I am afraid that Prince Yizhong will really be as good as the previous Ming Dynasty. Realize counterattack.

My father controls the four towns in the northwest, and Jiliao and Datong also have considerable influence. Once that situation arises, they will really become the winners and losers of this civil war. Play a huge role in it.

   It's just that Feng Ziying knows that she can't turn back, even if she goes to Prince Yizhong, she won't be able to get better treatment and opportunities.

Once the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River occupy a dominant position, even if the northern scholars like myself will temporarily appease them because of their effectiveness, they will only slowly be marginalized in the end, and the influence of the old man will begin to decline from the peak when he won. To be eliminated is obviously not the choice Feng Ziying wants.

  Yuan Chun also felt Feng Ziying's indifferent attitude, and he was a little annoyed and unwilling, "Brother Keng, is this request I made so unfeasible?"

"Miss, I still say the same thing. You need strength as a qualification to enter the arena. You and the Jia family don't have the qualifications now. If you bet correctly, the benefits will not be too great, because in the end there will be many people who need to be rewarded." , If the bet is wrong, then the sky will collapse. To put it bluntly, I will bet wrong. As a civil servant who was born in the Imperial Academy, plus my master and the same year, I still have a chance to start again, but It's only a few years later, but the Jia family probably won't have this chance, so I'm so cautious."

Suppressing the restlessness and dissatisfaction in his heart, Yuan Chun said bitterly: "Forget it, just according to your opinion, we will wait and see for a while, but Brother Keng, you have to promise me that if you have the opportunity, you will help me and Baoyu and the Jia family, as you said, we are different from you, you are civil servants, have this qualification and have more opportunities, but we don’t, we need such opportunities even more!"

   Feeling unwilling, but helpless, this is probably the true portrayal of this imperial concubine's heart, but Feng Ziying will not be moved by the other party.

The Jia family may have split their bets tacitly, but Feng Ziying knew that the Feng family had no choice but to stand firmly. The current is Emperor Yonglong, but in essence it is the position of the northerners. The confrontation between the north and the south is unacceptable, and it is a bit loyal If the prince really set up an anti-flag in the south of the Yangtze River, there would be no room for relaxation, and he could only resort to war to resolve it.

  Moon appreciation banquet in Rongguo Mansion Tubi Mountain Villa and Aojingxi Pavilion.

Jiamu, Wang, Xing, and Yuanchun naturally chose to be in Tubi Mountain Villa. Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong also got the qualification to enjoy the moon in Tubi Mountain Villa. The girls of the younger generation, The three sisters including Li Wan were all placed in the Aujingxi Pavilion, and Feng Ziying followed.

Feng Ziying is not very interested in this kind of moon feast. He is a person with little elegance. Never mind.

The Aujingxi Pavilion is a waterfront building group specially built for hospitality in the Grand View Garden. It forms a pattern of one high and one low, one on the mountain and one on the water, with the Tubi Villa on the Dazhu Mountain, facing each other far away. This should also be the original layout of the designer.

  Since today is a good time for the girls to gather, Feng Ziying naturally quit the C position very voluntarily, and chose a place that is not eye-catching, watching the girls talking and laughing happily.

  It's just that he also knows that as long as he is around, this topic will go round and round and fall on him.

  For example, the wedding date of Yingchun.

Seeing the eyes of all the girls looking over, only Yingchun's shy, timid and expectant eyes were particularly moving under the half-covered face with raised sleeves, Feng Ziying said generously: "I have discussed it with Uncle She, and I will let you go." After Baoyu's wedding date, the second sister also needs to make some preparations, and the house over there also needs to be repaired and arranged, so we can't let the second sister marry here and wrong her."

   These words are majestic but also logical, and many people can't help but sigh in their hearts.

This is a different high-spirited man who can make his own decisions, decide what he wants to do, and can express his attitude calmly, unlike some men who are timid and cowering, and have to listen to their parents for everything, that is He violated his own wishes and did not dare to resist.

"Brother Feng is the one who does things well." Tanchun's eyes were a bit strange and unique, "I think every sister hopes that the man they meet in the future will be like Brother Feng, and my younger sister is here to wish my second sister a happy future,... "

  Picking up the wine glass generously, Tanchun looked at Feng Ziying and Yingchun, "Little sister respects Brother Feng and Second Sister,..."

   It was unexpected that the situation turned out like this, but Feng Ziying didn't care.

It's hard to say what Tanchun's intentions are now. Lang has affection and concubine's intentions, but the obstacles he has to face are much more complicated than Yingchun's. Even Tanchun's own hurdles are probably difficult, and Feng Ziying really doesn't have much energy now. to consider these issues.

   It turns out that he once cared about Xiuyan, but now he has long since lost that leisurely mind.

Facing the approaching autumn of Iron Net Mountain, the various increasingly obvious and weird actions of Prince Yizhong, and the echoing movement from north to south, all showed that this turmoil will come sooner or later, and most of it will be in Iron Net Mountain On the occasion of autumn.

Feng Ziying believes that Emperor Yonglong must have been aware of it a long time ago, and he should have some preparations to deal with it, but what Feng Ziying is worried about is that Emperor Yonglong misjudged the situation and took the problem too simply, and his own sons have been overly active during this period of time. The action interfered with his judgment and made him shift his focus to his sons, thus ignoring the threat of Prince Yizhong. This was what Feng Ziying was most worried about.

  Now, the various performances of the princes are indeed very conspicuous, and at the critical moment of Qiuxi in Iron Net Mountain, it is hard not to make people feel that these princes are the protagonists.

   This is probably the main reason why Yuanchun felt that he was unwilling to help.

The moon slowly floats up in the dark night sky, melts like water, and spreads over the entire Aujingxi Pavilion, which is a colonnade of blue tiles. I can't help but feel a bit of elegance in poetry and painting.

"Crossing the shadow of the crane in the cold pond, burying the soul of the flower in the cold moon." Feng Ziying can remember this line of poem, it seems to be the famous line of the joint poem between Shi Xiangyun and Lin Daiyu, but the book "Dream of Red Mansions" is about the two women's state of mind at that time. It is depressed, Shi Xiangyun is depressed because of family reasons, and Daiyu is self-pitying because of Baoyu, so the two sad lovers come together, which leads to the famous line of this couplet poem.

But today's situation is a bit different. Although Shi Xiangyun is still troubled by her uncle's marriage with the Sun family, Daiyu has completely lost that sadness. I'm sorry, and I don't know what this moon appreciation banquet will turn into?

At the moon feast, everyone talked about traditional stories about the moon, Chang'e, and Wu Gang's conquest of gui in different ways. Feng Ziying also took the opportunity to popularize the basic knowledge of the moon, but everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it. .

  Feng Ziying doesn’t care whether they believe it or not, anyway, the seeds of such popular science are sown, it can be regarded as fun, and it can also ease the embarrassing situation of not being able to write poems according to the situation.

  Looking at the group of young women in front of her, singing and singing, Feng Ziying felt boundless in her heart.

  Seeing that this kind of scene is about to fall apart, but the biggest driving force behind this is myself, but all of this is due to my own good intentions, or because of the situation.

Baochai Baoqin followed me, Yingchun Daiyu also followed me, and Sister Feng, Ping'er, Xiaohong, including Qingwen, Xiangling, Jin Chuaner, Yuchuaner, Yinger, etc. in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions". Girls with names and surnames who were full of spirituality also entered Feng's residence one after another, and before I knew it, I seemed to have accomplished a small part of the so-called saving thousands of reds and glamorous.

The bright moon was in the sky, illuminating the entire platform of the Aujingxi Pavilion as if it were daytime, and the girls all looked up, feeling their epiphanies, and the closely related nature came together in twos and threes, wandering along the Chaoshou corridor around the Aujingxi Pavilion , perhaps looking for inspiration for poetry and painting.

  Feng Ziying saw Li Wan who had been trying to avoid her gaze, hiding behind her two younger sisters Li Coco and Li Qi, as if she hadn't recovered from the encounter in the afternoon.

Feng Ziying also saw Yingchun, who had been sitting on the sidelines with affectionate eyes, and Shiqi, who was pouting and full of displeasure, as well as Daiyu and Tanchun who occasionally glanced over, and drank a few more glasses of wine. Xiangyun, who was a little excited, clamored to come over and write a couplet poem with his little Feng Xiu from the Imperial Academy.

  A white crane happened to be disturbed and flew up, got out of the Qinfang River, and flew past, but Shi Xiangyun's expression became pale, and he chanted: "Crossing the shadow of the crane in the cold pond,..."

  Feng Ziying subconsciously raised her wine glass, and said casually: "Leng Yue buryes the soul of flowers."

  At this moment, everyone's eyes, including the three sisters Baochai Baoqin and Li Wan, and the daughters of Xichun, all fell on Feng Ziying.

  Who said Brother Feng can't write poetry?

  (end of this chapter)

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