Number of People

Chapter 1588: Selective Storage of Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1588 Xin Zi Juan selection storage

  Zhang Jingqiu's heart felt hot, and even his nasal cavity felt a little sour.

  The emperor still trusts him as before. Looking at the court, Zhang Jingqiu believes that only Lu Song can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

   But Lu Song has been following the emperor since he was in the residence, so how can he compare himself with someone who has been with him for decades?

Zhang Jingqiu's nephew got married to Concubine Guo's family, but Zhang Jingqiu didn't expect it, but if it's because the Guo family didn't want to take advantage of his own identity, it's impossible to think about it, but Zhang Jingqiu wouldn't be because of his nephew. This level of origin is going to ignore the overall situation, and that is too small for yourself.

   "Your Majesty loves you so much, how dare I disobey your orders?" Zhang Jingqiu could only kneel down and kowtow again.

"Okay, Zhang Qing, I also know that it is not appropriate to ask foreign officials about the family affairs of the Tian family, but then again, why did the Tian family ever have family affairs?" Emperor Yonglong said leisurely: "After a hundred years, who will succeed me? People, don’t you let the country suffer and the people suffer? So I never think that this is a family matter, and a family matter is also a state matter!”

  Why doesn't Zhang Jingqiu understand it in his heart, that is, why don't the princes and princes of the past dynasties understand it? But the risk of getting involved in this kind of thing is too great, and civil servants would rather stay away from it.

  When the scholar-official civil servants clearly have a better and more stable path to advancement, why bother to get involved in this risky game? Could it be that the prince's superior position can bypass the officials in the court? Different? Want to win over? That being the case, isn't it good to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight? Or it's not too late to join the team when the overall situation is settled.

  Sending charcoal in the snow is far better than icing on the cake, but in this kind of thing, sending charcoal in the snow will freeze the charcoal sender to death. Adding flowers to the cake is the safest move, unless there is no other choice.

  But today the emperor asked such a question, but Zhang Jingqiu seemed to have difficulty avoiding and shrinking back.

   "The emperor intends to choose Qiu Yu, but I don't know what aspects the emperor wants to determine?" Zhang Jingqiu settled down to analyze and plan for the emperor.

The selection of the crown prince is a complicated and highly variable event. Even the emperor himself should not be mixed with personal emotions in the selection of the crown prince. What is conducive to the stability of the throne and the stability of the country is the most suitable, no matter whether the prince is the most popular with the emperor or not. Love it.

  But in practice, it is impossible to do it.

The prince who is not liked by the emperor must be eliminated first, unless the prince is so powerful that the emperor himself cannot control or ignore it, such as Tang Taizong Li Shimin, or Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, but as far as the current Great Zhou is concerned, the emperor's Several sons are still far from such tyrannical strength.

  The problem is that these princes now have mothers and concubines in the palace behind them, and they all have their own advantages.

  Emperor Xu has the highest status, and King Shou is still the eldest son. Even in the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is no custom of establishing a head, but there are still quite a few people who habitually support the establishment of a head, whether it is the people or the court. This should not be underestimated.

Concubine Su gave birth to two sons, King Fu and King Li, both of whom were grown-ups. They were all born with outstanding talents, and held various poetry and literary activities in Beijing for many years. They were friendly with scholars and had a high reputation among scholars. Prince Shizi Chengjun is also known as the three virtuous kings in the clan, but King Fu and Li are said to have a close relationship with King Beijing, and King Beijing is a prominent figure in Wu Xun, along with Prince Yizhong such as Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng Zhang Jingqiu didn't know how the emperor would feel about the relationship between the important figures in the department.

  The other one is Lu Wang, born of Concubine Mei.

King Lu has just grown up, and now he is studying in Qingtan Academy. He is a virtuous and corporal, and has an amiable style. The emperor favored her, and her mother, Concubine Mei, was the most favored when the emperor was still the king of loyalty and filial piety. She was favored by thousands of people, and was replaced by Concubine Guo only before and after the emperor ascended the throne.

As for Prince Gong, from Concubine Guo, who just turned ten years old this year, looks similar to the emperor when he was young, talented and intelligent, has the talent of photographic memory, and intends to follow his brother Lu Wang to study in Qingtan Academy after the new year, and it is quite admirable The emperor favored her, and Concubine Guo was the most favored imperial concubine before the emperor calmed down to cultivate her nature. In addition to the relationship between Chen Jingxuan and herself, many people in the palace believed that the emperor might finally choose Prince Gong as the heir apparent.

  Emperor Yonglong couldn't answer Zhang Jingqiu's words, so what is the basis for choosing a reserve? What conditions are standard?

  Emperor Yonglong himself was very contradictory.

In terms of love, Emperor Yonglong undoubtedly liked Zhang Cong and Zhang Cong more. The two sons looked the most like him. Zhang Cong was calm and generous. The most favored second concubine, from the emotional point of view, Prince Lu and Prince Gong are the most suitable for him.

  But reason tells me that if Zhang Su and Zhang Cong want to establish a reserve, there will be insurmountable obstacles.

Although Zhang Su performed well in Qingtan Academy and was praised by the young scholars of the Northland, this is only a good impression of the young scholars among the scholars in the Northland, and most of these scholars have not yet taken the imperial examination or the imperial examination. For the batch that failed, the scholastic literati who are really in the court are still more inclined to Fu Wang Li Wang. After all, Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji have worked hard to make friends with scholastic literati in the past few years. Ji has done enough.

As for Zhang Cong, one age problem is a fatal obstacle. At the age of ten, if the emperor can live another ten years, then perhaps Zhang Cong can grow up with his own support, but in three to five years, I am afraid it will be difficult for Zhang Cong to grow up. To be strong enough to play games, not to mention that Emperor Yonglong was worried that his lifespan might not last five years.

"Zhang Qing, I have never been so upset about other things like this one." Emperor Yonglong didn't hide anything in front of Zhang Jingqiu. Since Zhang Jingqiu was recruited, he just wanted to listen to the other party's advice from the bottom of his heart. "Prince Lu and King Gong are my favorites, but they are too young to have any impression in the court. King Shou is old, but has a frivolous personality and is not good at doing things. King Fu has a rough personality and a shallow heart. King Li is cautious and indecisive , Prince Lu and Prince Gong are too young to say for sure, what do you think I should do?"

  Zhang Jingqiu was silent.

"I also want to wait for a few years to make a decision, but now my body can't afford it anymore. If I don't make a deposit sooner, I can hold on to it for a few more years and give it a helping hand. If the country and the country are handed over to them, it will be ruined."

  Emperor Yonglong was not worried about losing glory, but worried about being taken away by the boss' lineage.

The possibility of defeat is very small. After all, the ministers are still watching. It is impossible for these sons of my own to be in power for more than 40 years like their father before they became iron barrels. Even the ministers are helpless No, but if my sons behaved too badly, and if something happened in the middle school, if the ministers thought that the boss, Shi Zicheng, was more wise, they would be in big trouble.

  Emperor Yonglong talked about this matter, and Zhang Jingqiu knew that it would be inappropriate for him to keep silent.

   After pondering for a while, Zhang Jingqiu said: "I can't say anything about the judges of the princes, but the emperor is still entangled in choosing one of Shouwang, Fuwang, and Liwang, or one of Luwang and Gongwang."

  Emperor Yonglong nodded. He was dissatisfied with the first three sons, but the risk of the second son was not small.

"That minister would take the liberty to say that the emperor might as well choose one of the main candidates from Shou Wang, Fu Wang, and Li Wang as the main candidate, and then choose one of the Lu Wang and Gong Wang as the main candidate, and use the iron net mountain as an opportunity to come again. To make an assessment, in the opinion of the ministers, the emperor can not make it clear for the time being, but he can consider that when the new emperor ascends the throne a hundred years later, he will be well-respected by the public or have influence and representative officials among the literati. Or secretly investigate and assist, wait until the time is right, listen to everyone's opinions, and then choose one to decide,..."

It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Jingqiu to directly choose who to be the crown prince for the emperor. This kind of thing can only be decided by the emperor himself. Suitable for the prince's strategy, this method is majestic, even if it is known, no one can say anything wrong.

  Emperor Yonglong was a little disappointed, but on second thought, this should be the old saying of seeking the country. How could the courtiers directly suggest who should be appointed as the reserve?

Zhang Jingqiu figured out his own thoughts very accurately. The three adult princes are not satisfied, and the two young princes have obstacles, so they simply choose the best one from each of the two small groups, and then let him My favorite courtiers assist me to evaluate and inspect it, and finally make a decision. Anyway, there are still two or three years left, and there is room for maneuver in the middle.

   After thinking about it for a while, Emperor Yonglong said again: "Just now what did Zhang Qing refer to when the new monarch ascended the throne, who were popular and influential officials?"

Zhang Jingqiu thought for a while, "Your Majesty's intentions should not be limited to the cabinet and the princes of the six capitals and procuratorates. You should also take a long-term view. The princes are not young. It is difficult to say whether there will be any changes in three to five years. You should choose some of them." The ministers who are in the prime of life and have outstanding talents are included in it, and they will be used by the new emperor in the future."

  Emperor Yonglong nodded slightly, this suggestion is quite insightful.

Among the ministers in the cabinet, Chu Ye Xianggao is over fifty years old, Li Tingji is nearly seventy, Fang Congzhe, Qi Yongtai and Li Sancai are all close to sixty, not young, and Li Tingji and Qi Yongtai are also There are many illnesses, and it is hard to say what changes will happen in three to five years, and many of them have close ties to Jiangnan gentry, and these factors also need to be considered. Therefore, when choosing to inspect or assist courtiers, it is indeed necessary to take into account many aspects.

   "What Zhang Qing said is very true, I understand." Emperor Yonglong nodded, "That's all for now, Zhang Qing, let me tell you about the situation on Prince Yizhong's side."

  (end of this chapter)

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