Number of People

Chapter 1589: Xin Zi Scroll Quartet Clouds Moving

  Chapter 1589 Xinzi Scroll Quartet Cloud Movement

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th. Brother Huang actually recruited Zhang Jingqiu into the palace?" King Zhongshun stroked his beard hesitantly, a little uneasy, thinking of the old ten who was suddenly awarded the title of Jingying Jiedushi, he knew I am afraid that some of my behaviors still violate the taboos of the emperor's brother.

  But Brother Huang has always liked Zhang Su the most? It's okay to do it yourself, right?

   Besides, didn’t Lu Song also recommend Qian Guozhong?

King Zhongshun pondered, walked out of the verandah, and walked slowly along the garden path. Suddenly he realized that Lu Song's recommendation of Qian Guozhong was probably not at the request of Concubine Mei, but from the emperor's brother, and he himself was at the request of Concubine Mei. That's two different things.

  For a while, King Zhongshun was a little annoyed. He was an old woman in her 80s, and she made such a low-level mistake at this time. Things seemed to be the same, but the nature was different.

It is unavoidable that the Tian family's selection of the crown prince has attracted the attention of countless people, and the royal family is even more unavoidable. Otherwise, how could Qiu Yu of Tiewangshan call so many people with the surname Zhang to participate? The emperor will definitely listen to these royal family members. The opinion of the clan, but King Zhongshun knows that this is just to listen to opinions, not to ask you to intervene without authorization. I am a little careless and too concerned.

   Originally thought that King Lu was deeply favored by the emperor's brother and was the most suitable for the emperor's heart, but he didn't expect that the emperor's brother didn't make up his mind. It seemed that Prince Gong might have the last laugh.

   It’s just that Chen Jingxuan has been dismissed now, Zhang Jingqiu is only the censor of Zuodu, and this Prince Gong is only ten years old, can he make it through that time?

   With the **** of Chen Jingxuan and Zhang Jingqiu, what about the attitudes of the cabinet ministers and the seven ministers?

  Not to mention Lichang, but Liyou, especially a young son who is underage, I am afraid that it is not what the scholar-officials would like to see, right?

   But it’s not necessarily true. Maybe the younger they are, the longer they have been away from the emperor’s administration, so that these civil servants can better control the affairs of the court?

  Thinking of this, King Zhongshun was in a mess.

It is inevitable to make a bet at such a time, but there are many ways to bet. King Zhongshun naturally understands the way inside. He also has some arrangements for King Gong, but he is more optimistic about King Lu because he thinks that the emperor is more important. He valued King Lu, but he didn't expect that Brother Huang hadn't made up his mind yet, so it was a bit tricky.

   "My lord?" Footsteps came from behind, King Zhongshun didn't turn his head, but nodded slightly, "Well, Zidan is back?"

   "Yes." The man with a dark complexion is the chief of Zhongshun Wang's mansion, Zhou Dan, who is also the housekeeper. He nodded, "Master Feng is not in the mansion. It is said that he went to Rongguo Mansion and brought his family back, and..."

   "And what, why are you hesitating?" King Zhongshun said impatiently.

   "Yes, Concubine Xiande is also allowed to visit relatives in Rongguo Mansion for the festival. It is estimated that Concubine Xiande wants to meet Lord Feng's family." Zhou Dan said hurriedly.

"Oh?" King Zhongshun seemed to think of something, "By the way, the second wives of Concubine Xiande and Ziying should be cousins, their mothers are both Wang's daughters, no wonder, but, is there any other reason here? "

"Other reasons?" Zhou Dan hesitated and said, "The concubine Xiande was only conferred by the emperor to appease Wu Xun, four of whom were conferred at a time, and the emperor has long since stopped being a womanizer, and has no heirs, what else can he want to do? Didn't the emperor already give his father a Jiangxi education? It's a reward, right?"

Unlike other princes' palaces, Zhou Dan is the chief official and butler of Zhongshun Prince's Palace, which is enough to show Zhou Dan's position in Zhongshun King's mind. Like other palaces, the key is often a personal confidant, while Chang Shi is He was an official appointed by the imperial court, but Zhou Dan was an official first, and was later recruited into the Palace of Zhongshun.

  So on many topics, the conversation between King Zhongshun and Zhou Dan has no scruples.

King Zhongshun shook his head. He didn't think Concubine Xiande could do anything. The emperor's health was not good, and he was not close to women at all. A woman like Concubine Xiande was just sent to those cold palaces in West Six Institutes to retire after a few years ok, any ideas?

Concubine Xu, Concubine Su, Concubine Mei, and Concubine Guo have children, even if their sons cannot become great treasures, the kings can still have the status of rich and noble kings, and they can have the status of concubines. The premise is not to have too deep a grudge when fighting for the big position.

"Perhaps I want to fight for something more for the Jia family?" Zhou Dan asked himself and answered, "But what else can the Jia family have to fight for? Jia Lian's subordinates in the long room also know him. After entering Haitong Yinzhuang, plus some connections, I'm afraid he won't be able to get away at all; as for Jia Baoyu in the second room, he looks like a good-looking talent, but he hangs out with Jiang Qiguan and Shui Rong all day long, listening to plays and drinking, so he can't get along with him. Thinking of making progress is also a man of gold and jade, and now it is said that he is engaged to the third wife of Zhenguo Bull's family, the daughter of the eldest princess of Yongning. He probably wants to follow the path of the eldest princess. Could it be that the concubine Xiande needs to support her Her useless brother?"

  Although Princess Yongning is deeply favored by Emperor Yonglong, she has a very ordinary relationship with King Zhongshun, and even has some suspicions. Zhou Dan is naturally aware of it, so he doesn't have too much scruples about speaking.

"It's possible." King Zhongshun didn't care much about the affairs of the Jia family, and in his opinion Concubine Xiande was even less worth mentioning, but Feng Ziying took such care of the Jia family, which made him quite surprised. , but it is worth paying attention to. After all, Jia Jing used to be his eldest brother, the number one confidant of Prince Yizhong. Now it is rumored that he died in Xuanzhen Temple, but there are doubts, but the evil seed born by the eldest brother and the former British concubine is still in Ningguo It was the fuse that caused the elder brother to lose the throne. I don't know if Feng Ziying knew about this situation.

   "Zidan, what do you mean the emperor put the old ten in the Beijing camp?" King Zhongshun always had a bit of a grudge about this.

Although he knew that it was impossible for him to take over the Jingying Jiedushi, but the old ten who had been marginalized for many years suddenly came back and became the hottest Jingying Jiedushi all at once. Now it is even rumored that Chen Jixian from the Fifth Army Battalion is going to Huaiyang Town, this means that the Fifth Army Battalion may be handed over to the old ten, and the old eleven will rise to the sky in one step. As the governor of the Beijing camp, if he can also serve as the head of the Fifth Army Battalion, then he is really a powerful figure in Beijing. It's just that the old ten has not asked about court affairs for many years, and has never been in contact with military affairs. Can he do it?

Zhou Dan has also considered this issue. The prince and Zhonghui both supported the emperor with all their strength back then, but Zhonghui Wang faded out after the emperor ascended the throne, but the prince has always been on the emperor's saddle, and is highly valued and trusted. But now Zhonghui The sudden rise of Wang's army suddenly became the governor of the Beijing camp. This is the army most relied on by the emperor, and it is inevitable that the prince will feel lost and puzzled.

"My lord, I feel that the emperor may be a little unhappy about Mr. Qian's matter. You should report it to the emperor first..." Zhou Dan said softly: "But you don't have to worry too much, this kind of thing can be done by anyone. It's all normal, and you have no other ideas."

  King Zhongshun smiled wryly, "But now that Brother Huang is doing this, it makes Gu's heart even more uncertain. Could it be that Brother Huang is not optimistic about Zhang Yan?"

  If in the end King Gong and Zhang Cong come forward, but he supports King Lu and Zhang Cong, then the grievance will become a bit big, and he has to find a way to make it up, but the key may not be Prince Gong.

King Zhongshun really doesn't like Prince Gong who is only ten years old. A big reason why he supports King Lu is that he thinks that Su Chengdu and Qiu Shiben's marriage will increase the potential of King Fu and Li Wang sharply, which makes the emperor a little wary, so he decided to Pushing the boat along the way pushed Qian Guozhong, but whoever thought it would arouse the suspicion of the emperor's brother.

"Although I haven't seen Mr. Feng today, my subordinates have also left a post, asking Mr. Feng to come to the palace to talk about it when you have time. At that time, the prince may wish to clarify with Mr. Feng. With the current relationship between the prince and Mr. Feng, these topics are not important. It should be taboo."

  Zhou Dan was very aware of the relationship between Feng Ziying and his prince, so he suggested very pertinently.

King Zhongshun nodded silently. Feng Ziying has his own unique network resources and sources of information. Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, and his father Feng Tang are all potential forces behind him. The relationship between people is not ordinary, so no one can underestimate him.


   When Feng Ziying woke up, her hands were greasy.

Perhaps because of the stimulation during the day, Feng Ziying drank a few more glasses of wine in the evening, Baochai and Baoqin all rested in the Grand View Garden, and Feng Ziying herself stayed in the guest room of Rongguo Mansion, and because of Jin Chuaneryu Chuan'er did not return to Rongguo Mansion today, so Baochai only kept Ying'er by his side, and sent Xiangling to serve Feng Ziying.

  Since Baochai and Baoqin sisters married, Xiangling became Baochai's personal maid, and Feng Ziying had fewer chances to be intimate with her.

Fortunately, although Xiangling is broken, she is not as enthusiastic about **** as Siqi. Even though she is looking forward to it, she is as thin-faced as her, so she is not easy to take the initiative. Today, she has an opportunity, so naturally she has to work hard all her life Happy day to you.

After having a good time, Xiangling curled up in Feng Ziying's arms and gasped. Feng Ziying looked at the carcass in her arms, which was as smooth as jade, with a cinnabar mole between her brows, picturesque eyebrows, red tides, slender pink neck, and beautiful cheeks. A bit of a delicate and naive atmosphere, mixed together, has a unique charming and charming atmosphere.

"Grandpa, this servant will get up and clean up for you..." Finally regaining her strength, the shy Xiangling struggled to get up, but was held down by Feng Ziying, "Just rest, it's rare to be affectionate, just It's good to rest in the arms of the grandfather."

  Xiang Ling raised her head shyly, "I'm afraid that others will say that the servants don't obey the rules."

   "Who said? Qingwen? Or Yinger?" Feng Ziying smiled and squeezed Xiangling's pretty dimple, "Don't tell me you still have to tell them about the bed with your master?"

  Xiangling shook her head coquettishly: "How could a servant girl do that? But if grandma finds out..."

"Your grandma is not so boring, do you still want to ask about you and your grandfather in bed? Besides, if you ask, can't you just lie? Or do you want to take the initiative to report?" Feng Ziying was shocked by this girl's cuteness. Amused.

  (end of this chapter)

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