Number of People

Chapter 1590: Xin Zijuan bed night talk

  Chapter 1590 Xinzijuan bed night talk

  Xiangling was also embarrassed by Feng Ziying's teasing, and couldn't help but put her face on Feng Ziying's naked chest, muttering to herself: "Master, isn't this servant particularly stupid?"

   "I really like your simple nature." Feng Ziying stroked Xiangling's hair and said leisurely, "Everyone should have their own nature. It would be too boring to go against one's nature just to cater to others."

"My servant just thinks that Qingwen and Ying'er are smarter than my servant..." Feng Ziying interrupted Xiangling, "You are no worse than them. By the way, didn't they say to set up a poetry club tonight? Don't you also like to read Do you write poetry? Master remembers that you often ask your grandma and sister Lin for advice. This time is not right. You also go to the poetry club to learn, increase your knowledge, and improve your skills. Maybe our house can also do it. Add a poetess."

Feng Ziying didn't know how this delicate girl became obsessed with writing poetry. Other girls were either female celebrities, playing cards, or resting all day long, but she chanted poems all day long. Ask Baochai for advice, even Shen Yixiu knows that Baochai's girl is very obsessed with poetry, and occasionally she will give advice.

Today, Shi Xiangyun and Tanchun both mentioned that Baochai and Baoqin have rarely come back since they married into the Feng family, and that Yingchun is about to get married, and next year Daiyu will also be married, so they are feeling sad that everyone in the Grand View Garden will gradually Withered, less and less, all a little sentimental.

Feng Ziying didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, and he also hoped that Baochai, Baoqin and the others would have more friends and social activities, so as not to stay in the mansion all day long and have nothing to do, so he suggested that everyone should meet while they still have the conditions. We should get together often.

This proposal was applauded by Shi Xiangyun, Tanchun and Daiyu. Of course Baochai and Baoqin were also very happy, and the other girls also supported it. So under Tanchun's proposal, a poetry and painting club was established. Everyone gathers once a month in the Grand View Garden to recite poems and paint, named after the Begonia Poetry and Painting Club.

  Feng Ziying also said that he, the initiator, will sponsor all the needs of the party, which also attracted unanimous laughter from the girls.

"Master, this servant really wants to go with grandma." Xiangling murmured, "This servant told grandma before, and grandma agreed, but the level of my servant's poetry is too low, and I humiliated the girl for nothing. Granny..."

Feng Ziying laughed, "You girl is so suspicious, it's just that everyone finds an excuse to get together, and reciting poems and painting is just to add to the fun, I really thought it was a competition in the Qiuwei Grand Competition or the Enrong Banquet that failed to write poems If so, my master’s level of poetry, I dare not step into this Grand View Garden."

"Master, this is self-effacement. Grandma said that although the poems I wrote today are slightly lacking in rhythm, the artistic conception is very rare. Even Cao Zijian may not be able to perform like this here. They say that the poems written by the master are usually not good enough. It’s because they disdain poetry and essays, they are all busy with court affairs.”

  Xiang Ling looked up at Feng Ziying, her eyes full of admiration, "If you really put your mind into poetry, you will definitely become a generation of poets."

   Being praised by the beautiful woman in her arms really made Feng Ziying a little ashamed. It was nothing more than a political theory when praising herself, but he was really insensitive to this poem.

  While Feng Ziying was in bed with Xiangling, Baochai also rested in Daiyu's Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and the two daughters also talked at night together.

Watching Baochai take off her outer shirt and skirt, revealing her pearly and smooth jade-white skin, especially the lake-blue apron hanging from a trace of red string, and her fragrant shoulders are bright and white, she looks like a jade beauty in the candlelight, Daiyu thinks I couldn't help but feel a little sour in my heart. No wonder Brother Feng is so reluctant to part with Sister Bao. I feel pity for her appearance and figure.

Seeing Daiyu standing aside and looking at her in a daze, Baochai was also a little shy, but she couldn't show her timidity in front of the other party, so she could only pretend to be calm and said coquettishly: "Girl Yu, what are you doing there? Undress and go to bed, do you still want me to undress for you? Well, then I will undress for you."

   After finishing speaking, Baochai came over, and saw that Fenglong was under the lake blue bellyband, trembling, with rippling breasts, swaying and swaying.

Daiyu couldn't help feeling a little self-pitying. Although she seemed to have opened up a lot in the past two years than in the previous two years, she was much worse than Sister Bao. I don't know when Brother Feng will marry next year. I don’t know how to compare, will I feel like…

   Worrying about gains and losses for a while, Daiyu was a little dazed, but thinking about it, Brother Feng seemed to touch her body with an intimate act last time, as if she liked it wholeheartedly and was not dissatisfied.

Daiyu didn't wake up until Baochai walked over and came to untie her skirt with both hands, and hurriedly dodged: "Sister, little sister came by herself, but she just looked at her body that seemed so real, it really made me feel uncomfortable." People are greedy, no wonder Brother Feng..."

If someone said that a year or two ago, Baochai would be angry and bear hatred, but today she is very happy, her husband loves her slightly plump body, which also makes Baochai let go. Worry, but pay more attention to maintenance.

"Damn girl, a dog can't spit out ivory..." Seeing that Lin Daiyu was about to tease her again, Baochai's pretty eyes widened, "At this moment, you can trample on me, next year you have to pass the gate, and see how I can get back. "

  Daiyu felt guilty, but then smiled, "If you have wine today, you will be drunk today. Maybe my sister has forgotten about next year."

"Hmph, I'm a stingy person. I can forget everything, but this kind of thing will never be forgotten." Baochai said angrily. When she found herself with Daiyu, her heart that had calmed down after marriage began to fade Lively, became a little lively and excited.

  Daiyu's eyes moved, and she smiled, "Is my sister talking about my younger sister? My younger sister remembers that the house unanimously commented that my elder sister is the most generous."

Cherry lips pursed slightly, Daiyu glanced at the lake silk apron embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water with a blue background, and said unwillingly: "Looking at it, my sister is indeed generous, which is hard for ordinary people to match. I'm afraid only chess can be compared..."

As soon as Daiyu's tiger-wolf words came out, even Baochai was stunned, her face blushed fiercely, and she came over to tear Daiyu's mouth viciously: "Damn girl, I've only been away for a few days, why did you learn it badly? Who are these tiger and wolf words? Yun girl or someone else, I will teach you a lesson for my husband today."

  Daiyu regretted her words as soon as she spoke, and also looked at Baochai's overly rich breasts, and then looked at her own chest, and was stimulated.

  As for saying such words, it is not surprising. It is inevitable to hear some servants and women complaining and joking.

"Hehe, if my sister wants to teach me a lesson, I have to wait until she has passed the door." Daiyu smiled and dodged Baochai's catkin, and grabbed Baochai's pink and jade-carved arm. After rubbing it carefully, "Tsk tsk, I feel sorry for you, no wonder Brother Feng is thinking,..."

"Girl Lin, you really drank too much today, are you crazy about drinking?" Baochai couldn't believe it because of Daiyu's change, so she knocked on Daiyu's hand hard, He hugged Daiyu's waist, but put one hand into Daiyu's skirt, "Then I will check for my husband first!"

   Daiyu panicked all of a sudden, hurriedly shrunk her body to avoid Baochai's hand, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Sister, I was wrong, and I dare not do it again."

   "It's late, if you don't please me in bed today, I won't let you go!" Baochai said majesticly.

   "Then who taught sister such tiger-wolf words? Brother Feng?" Daiyu resisted while begging for mercy.

  The two daughters were laughing and playing, and the laughter spread to the outside, and Zijuan and Yinger, who were preparing hot water towels, felt relieved, exchanged glances, and lowered their heads again.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between the two girls is so good. Before Miss Bao came out of the cabinet, Zijuan seldom saw Miss Bao and her own girl showing their true feelings. How could they be so close and friendly today after seeing each other for more than half a year? ?

  Ying'er was also very surprised. Although her daughter spent a lot of time with Miss Lin in her impression, she felt that she was not as close as she was with Miss San and Miss Yun. But today's situation overturned her impression.

If it's because Miss Lin is going to marry next year, it doesn't seem like a girl's temperament, even on Grandma Shen's side, the girl has always maintained a neither humble nor overbearing attitude, as affectionate as she was with Miss Lin today Don't even think about the situation.

  The second daughter did not go to bed until Zijuan and Yinger came in with hot water to wash her face and feet.

  An extra pillow was placed on Daiyu's Babu bed. In the past, sometimes when Daiyu was not feeling well, Zijuan would accompany her on the bed, but today she shared the bed with Baochai. This feeling is really rare.

Baochai is not like this, it is the first time to share a bed with an outsider, except for Baoqin and Yinger who passed the bed, there is only her husband, but today she shares a bed with Daiyu, smelling each other, The taste is also wonderful.

Watching Daiyu turn her back halfway and take off her clothes, a lotus red bellyband hangs loosely around her neck, but the lace is green in color. It was cut in half, and the underpants were tied with a milky white sweat towel with scarlet spots.

Baochai also couldn't help feeling that this girl has grown up. Compared with the timid little girl two years ago, although she can't be said to have been reborn, she is already much better. In another year, this girl will definitely be healthier. , It's not in vain that Xianggong cares so much about her body and her diet and schedule.

   Thinking of this, Baochai is a little envious, but he is a friend in need, so he can't envy him, but he also has his own advantages, and Baochai has never been afraid of this.

  (end of this chapter)

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