Number of People

Chapter 1592: Xin Zijuan comes from Jiangnan

  Chapter 1592 Xin Zijuan comes from Jiangnan

   Nothing to say all night.

  When Jia Yuanchun got up and got out of the sedan chair surrounded by everyone and left Rongguo Mansion, Feng Ziying just stood behind the east corner gate and watched from a distance.

   When I came back from this trip, I don't know how the virtuous concubine felt, but Feng Ziying guessed that the other party might have come here in high spirits, but returned with anxiety.

   It was not a disappointment, but it also failed to get what it wanted, but returned in a state of entanglement and anxiety.

  Feng Ziying felt that this could be regarded as a lesson for Jia Yuanchun, so that he could be sober and calm, and avoid getting carried away and getting involved in things that shouldn't be involved, causing unmanageable consequences.

   But he also felt that this virtuous concubine was still a little unwilling, and always hoped that something similar to a miracle would happen, such as luck or opportunity suddenly falling on him, like a pie falling from the sky.

  At the moment when she got into the sedan chair, Feng Ziying also noticed Yuan Chun's deep glance from the direction where she was standing.

   This glance was full of complex emotions, and it was difficult for Feng Ziying to figure out the meaning in it for a while, but it was not entirely resentment and disappointment, and there were some deeper things in it, which needed to be carefully tasted.

  Before heading home, Feng Ziying met with Li Wan and Tanchun again, mainly to discuss Baoyu's wedding expenses.

  The money of the Feng family has already been lent to the Rongguo Mansion in the form of bank notes, but how to use it is also a waste of thought.

The main reason is that the demands made by the Niu family are too high, and the dowry is very rich. Naturally, the Rongguo Mansion needs to give corresponding treatment. This seems to be understandable, but it is not a small sum for the current Jia family. Burdens, such as the maintenance of the Rongguo Mansion, are not a small amount. In addition, the construction of the Grand View Garden last year owed some debts to outsiders that have not been paid off, and now it needs to be repaired, which will definitely attract those people. The door to ask for debt.

  Li Wan's eyes are evasive, although he tries his best to stay normal, but he can't do it at all. Fortunately, Tanchun's mind is on how to survive Baoyu's marriage, and he doesn't care too much about Li Wan's gaffe.

"Grandma Zhu seems to be a little afraid of Uncle Feng?" After Li Wan and Feng Ziying left, the servant said curiously: "I noticed that Grandma Zhu seemed to have an ugly face and her hands were trembling, and she didn't dare to look at Uncle Feng." Looking at each other,..."

   "Oh?" Tanchun was still obsessed with calculating the silver difference, and she didn't wake up until the secretary said the last sentence, frowning and remembering.

   It seems to be a bit abnormal. Although sister-in-law Zhu usually doesn't talk much, she has a graceful and elegant attitude, but today she lost her composure. What's wrong with sister-in-law Zhu?

   Could it be because of Lang Geer's problem? But even if Lan Ge'er behaved badly, it wouldn't make the sister-in-law lose her composure like this.

   Naturally, Tanchun couldn't think of other aspects, and shook his head: "Brother Lang made Brother Feng angry?"

"No, this servant just saw Lang Ge'er talking to Uncle Feng earlier, and was very excited. Uncle Feng also smiled happily, and even touched Lang Ge'er's head to encourage him a few words." The servant shook his head again and again, "At that moment, the servant girl saw that Grandma Zhu's face was not very good-looking, and she stood aside without saying a word."

   "Ah?" Tanchun became puzzled, "Is that sister-in-law and Uncle Feng having a quarrel? It's just that sister-in-law is gentle and quiet, so why would Uncle Feng have a quarrel with her?"

   "I don't know." Shi Shu also felt strange when he saw Li Wan's restless appearance before, but he looked calm and normal when he saw Uncle Feng, so he didn't know what happened inside.

  However, this situation only made Tanchun think about it temporarily, she didn't have much time to think about other things now, Li Wan didn't care about things, she had to assign and arrange everything.

  Feng Ziying didn't know that the little secret between herself and Li Wan would be discovered by Tanchun's girl. He didn't pay attention to the ambiguity between him and Li Wan at all.

   Going back home, Feng Ziying saw the post sent by Prince Zhongshun.

   I can roughly guess some worries in King Zhongshun's heart, but Feng Ziying doesn't care.

Emperor Yonglong's trust in King Zhongshun has not diminished, but it is just a warning that it is inappropriate for King Zhongshun to start betting so early. The sudden use of King Zhonghui may be a deliberate decision by Emperor Yonglong. The situation of the princes is not satisfactory, but the competition is under the situation of surging undercurrents, strengthening the control in his hands. This is what Emperor Yonglong has done well as an emperor who has been on the throne for ten years.

   "Who else?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

   "There are two more posts from Weng Qiyang and Anfu Chamber of Commerce." Baoxiang looked at it.

   "Anfu Chamber of Commerce and Weng Qiyang?" Feng Ziying sat up straight all of a sudden, "When did you send them?"

"It seems that they were delivered yesterday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and they each gave some gifts." Baoxiang said in a deep voice: "I have seen it, and it is not a particularly expensive gift, just some Jiangnan and Dongfan. native products."

  The Weng brothers are the leaders of the Dongting Merchant Gang. They have always been in contact with Feng Ziying. After entering the Northland, they also cooperated with Shanxi merchants.

  The Anfu merchants are the backbone of the Jiangyou (Jiangxi) merchants. Since Feng Ziying granted the Dongfan development rights to the Anfu merchants, the Anfu merchants have stood firmly behind him.

  Gold mines have been discovered in Dongfan Mountain. Anfu businessman carefully reported to Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying directly and boldly stated that they should dig first and talk about it later.

In view of the special situation of Dongfan, neither the Fujian Chief Envoy nor the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Households, or the Ministry of War seems to have the power to directly govern, and the Zhongshu Division, which was originally contacted by eight hundred and granted the right to colonize Dongfan, had already been established in the Ministry of Commerce. After that, the authority returned to the original duty of preparing questions.

As soon as Guan Yingzhen left the Zhongshu Division, he took away all the people and materials who were in charge of the sea plan in the Zhongshu Division. Therefore, Dongfan now only needs to pay the prescribed silver taels on a fixed basis. The inspection department can guide you.

  With the skill of the Anfu businessman, it is natural that the Fujian Navy and the Penghu Inspection Department have already been settled, but in terms of major policies, the Anfu businessman is still more inclined to listen to Feng Ziying's opinion.

After all, Feng Ziying was the official who gave them the right to reclamation. This relationship is unbreakable. At the same time, Feng Ziying has risen steadily and is now a member of the fourth rank. No one knows that within ten years, Feng Ziying will definitely be able to Stepping into the position of Minister of Shangshu, then he can truly be called an important minister of the country.

  You can’t see anything from the post, but if you give a gift during the Mid-Autumn Festival, you can attach a gift list to the gift, but if you send a post separately, the meaning will be different.

   This means that the other party wants to meet.

  But both Weng Qiyang and Anfu businessman representatives just delivered the post and left without expressing any intention of visiting, which means that the other party hopes to meet in secret.

Feng Ziying is very clear that ever since she became the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, she has been targeted by many people, whether it is from the court's Long Jinwei and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, or from outside the region such as Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongols, and there may even be internal Those people from Bozhou Yang Yinglong or the White Lotus Sect, who came to the door and how long they stayed in their mansion, I am afraid someone will calculate it and then analyze and judge.

  Feng Ziying fell silent.

On the Weng side, he tried his best to win over the other party to cooperate with Shanxi merchants to mine coal and iron ore in Yongping Prefecture and Shuntian Prefecture. Part of it can be pulled in to prevent Jiangnan from becoming an iron plate in the worst case. At that time, even Huguang can be pulled in, but Jiangnan will completely rely on the control of the Yangtze River and the South Canal, making the entire northern region The supply of materials is in trouble.

As long as the Jiangnan merchants can be divided, it is difficult for the Jiangnan gentry alone to complete the blockade of the North, but this is not easy. The Jiangnan merchants have a very close relationship with the Jiangnan gentry, and many of them are even one. I need to be cautious, but I can't be superficial, just make superficial articles, I must have some businessmen with great influence in the south of the Yangtze River for my use.

   "Also, Miss Busia Mara is back." Baoxiang said again.

   "Oh? Busia Mara is back?" Feng Ziying was delighted, "When did you come back?"

   "I also came yesterday, but when I heard that the master is not here, I left." Baoxiang knew that Busia Mara's master had an unusual relationship, but he wanted to pretend he didn't notice it.

"Well, this way, Baoxiang, you find someone to take the letter to Mr. Weng and the people from the Anfu Chamber of Commerce, and let them go to Busia Mara. I will go to Busia Mara first." Feng Ziying thought for a while before He said again: "I'll take people through the back door of Hulunhou Mansion later."

Now Hulunhou Mansion, Yunchuanbo Mansion and Shenwu General Mansion are side by side, and they are connected with each other. Feng Ziying usually works in Shenwu General Mansion, but stays overnight in Hulunhou Mansion or Yunchuanbo Mansion. The mansion has front and back doors and side doors, so the main thing that really keeps an eye on Feng Ziying's movements is the front door of General Shenwu's mansion. After all, there are so many doors in the three mansions. If you have to watch every day, unless you really want to dig out something, It is impossible for ordinary stalkers to take care of all of them.

Busia Mara has been away for more than two months. Feng Ziying really misses this strange woman who has left a different impression on him. Sometimes I dream of it in my dreams. He didn't know what would bring him, but Feng Ziying didn't bother to think so much. He simply liked this person and Busia Mara's character.

  (end of this chapter)

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