Number of People

Chapter 1593: Xin Zijuan Concern

  Chapter 1593 Xin Zijuan Concern

  As soon as I stepped into the house, I felt a fiery body rushing towards me with fragrant wind.

  Busia Mara learned how to use balm and face powder only after arriving in the capital city.

  When she was in the Yehe Ministry, Busia Mara never thought that she would use the things that Han women liked, and she didn't bother to use them. In her opinion, it was a sign of weakness and uselessness.

  But after arriving in the capital city, she lived a pampered and leisurely life, and got along with Third Sister You on a daily basis. Slowly, Busia Mara also changed herself.

  Not only did she start to approach Han women in terms of clothing and hair styles, but she also started to use balm and powder. More importantly, she also felt that her lover seemed to prefer to accept these things herself, and she also found that she seemed to care about this.

   This is also Busia Mara realizing that she has truly fallen in love with this man, otherwise she would not care about the other's feelings about these.

The tall and healthy body was embraced in his arms at once, and the pair of peaks and peaks on his chest seemed to be more majestic than two months ago, and the feeling of being squeezed on his chest was even worse. Feng Ziying held up this piece full of strange beauty Face, kissed greedily.

Busia Mara, who had already been ignited by the pain of parting and lovesickness for two months, threw herself into her arms, with her legs wrapped around Feng Ziying's waist, her hands tightly strangled Feng Ziying's neck, and she murmured The sound suddenly sounded in the room, and the air was burning with the breath of lust.

With a slight hook of one foot, and then a counter kick, the door was closed without even bothering to use the door gate. Feng Ziying picked up Busia Mara and went straight to the Babu bed. The plump and smooth carcass was displayed in front of Feng Ziying, and everything was ignited immediately,...

Joyful groans accompanied by the creaking of the Babu bed immediately filled the room. Feng Ziying, who hadn't enjoyed Xiangling's body last night, could heartily pour out her thoughts on Busia Mara in the past two months, and Busia Yamala also responded with her own fiery feelings,...

   After a long time, the swaying of the Babu bed gradually slowed down, and whispers of whispers also sounded in the gauze tent.

Nestled in the arms of her lover, Busia Mara introduced in detail the process of returning to the Yehe tribe this time, and also talked about the current changes in the situation in Liaodong, and the impact on the Yehe tribe and the enemy of life and death—Jianzhou Jurchen. , as well as the movement of the Nekhka people under the rule of Zai Sai.

  Dad went to the northwest, and Cao Wenzhao was in charge of Liaodong for the time being, with Zhao led the way to assist.

   During this period, the Ministry of War gave Liaodong instructions to focus on stability, and try to avoid confrontation with Jianzhou Jurchen. Cao Wenzhao also faithfully implemented this policy.

  But this is not good news for Ye Hebu.

  Jianzhou Jurchen is also well aware of the changes in the situation in Liaodong in the Great Zhou Dynasty. After realizing the changes, although they kept silent about Liaodong Town, they began to frequently take actions on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia.

Nurhachi put more pressure on and contacted the Horqin people, so that the Horqin tribes who were already inclined to Jianzhou Jurchen completely fell to the Jianzhou Jurchen; although the Neikha people are actively competing with the Jianzhou Jurchen for the savages in the north Jurchen, but the effect is not good. Savage Jurchen still began to move closer to Jianzhou Jurchen just like Feng Ziying's previous life history, and the trend of Jurchen unification seems inevitable.

The Yehe tribe seemed very tangled and helpless inside. Except for annexing the remnants of the Ula tribe, they barely saved the face of the Haixi Jurchen. Neighbors who are drifting away, Jurchen from Jianzhou in the northeast are constantly harassing, but Liaodong Town is quiet, making it more difficult for the Yehe tribe to survive.

"If this continues, our Yehe tribe will either have to move southward to join Liaodong, or we will have to seek refuge from the Inner Kalkha people in the northwest." On Feng Ziying's chest, lying on Feng Ziying's bare back, his tone was faint.

   "The situation has become so bad?" Feng Ziying couldn't believe it. Her father had only been in the Northwest for more than a month, and it became so bad all of a sudden?

"In fact, the situation was not so good when your father was still in Liaodong. This year, Liaodong's firearm replacement speed has slowed down, and the support for the grassland is not as good as originally expected. This is why Zai Sai and the others can't compete with Jianzhou Jurchen for the savages. Zaisai was also a little dissatisfied with Jurchen's reason, but he didn't complain too much because of the richness of the ransom."

Busia Mara raised her body and looked at Feng Ziying's face, "But Cao Wenzhao is quite indifferent to Zai Sai and our Yehe tribe, and mainly intimidates and suppresses the Horqin people, and rarely wins over. There are some differences in the practice, so Nurhaci is favored again by the Horqin people, and people yearn for it."

  Feng Ziying was silent.

  The food and salaries allocated by the Ministry of War to Liaodong are being reduced, not to mention the materials used to win over the Mongolian and Jurchen ministries, and everyone's behavior style is not the same.

For example, my father accepted my suggestion to mainly use the art of wooing and buying to combine vertical and horizontal alliances, but Cao Wenzhao didn't have much affection for these alien races, and he didn't trust them. He was more willing to spend food and materials on strengthening the strength of the Liaodong Town headquarters. That's right.

The palms of Busia Mara's fertile carcass moved, especially the plump peaks like a jade bowl turned upside down and the flat belly. Get back to business.

Only in this way, the power of potential allies is weakened, and their motivation to belong to and support Liaodong will also be weakened. In the future, if Liaodong Town wants to use their power, it will be difficult, or the strength of their efforts will not be enough. will be that big.

   "How is your uncle and brother's attitude?" Feng Ziying asked after a long time.

"There must be some dissatisfaction. Bu Zhantai is now drunk and dreaming, and has basically given up on the Wula tribe. My brother is actively integrating the Wula tribe, and is also trying his best to recruit the former Wula tribe, Hada tribe, and Huifa who escaped from the Jianzhou Jurchen. The tribesmen of the Ministry have absorbed a lot of people during this period of time, which is bound to arouse the anger of the Jianzhou Jurchen. I am worried that Nurhachi will soon point his troops at my brother..."

  Let Feng Ziying's palm play freely on her most plump and plump bumps, and even puffed out her chest for the other party to enjoy more comfortably.

As the number one beauty of Jurchen, Busia Mara is now putting all her thoughts on this man. She is willing to dedicate her body to this man who is so resourceful that even Zaisai admires him. It is worth entrusting everything to him, and all difficulties can be easily solved in front of him.

After getting Feng Ziying's promise, Buyangu began to focus on integrating the remnants of the Ula tribe. Buzhantai was completely frightened by Nurhachi, and now the Ula tribe who moved to the territory of the Yehe tribe only The remaining 30% of the Ula tribe was at its heyday, but under Buyangu's painstaking management and recruitment over the past year, it has gradually returned to about half of the original state of the Ula tribe.

Although the Huifa and Hada tribes were conquered and annexed by the Jianzhou Jurchen many years ago, and after the Ula tribe was also defeated by the Jianzhou Jurchen in the early stage, a considerable number of people from the tribes were taken away by the Jianzhou Jurchen. On the one hand, the tribesmen try their best to integrate, but they are also oppressive. Compared with the Jianzhou Jurchen Headquarters, these people must only live at the bottom. If there is a chance to get rid of the control and oppression of the Jianzhou Jurchen, of course they are willing.

So when Buyangu attacked from all directions, taking advantage of the fact that Jianzhou Jurchen was trying his best to compete with Zai Sai for the wild Jurchen in the north, many people from the Hada, Huifa and Ula tribes absconded naturally. Put into Buyangu's command.

  In the past six months alone, at least one or two thousand tribesmen fled into the Yehe tribe's territory and became a member of Buyangu's integrated Ula tribe, which also made Buyangu extremely proud.

  Busia Mara discovered this change after returning this time.

   This made Busia Mara both excited and worried.

  How could Nurhachi tolerate your unscrupulous poaching?

Now he is trying his best to recruit and surrender the savage Jurchen, and he didn't take care of it for a while. Once he calmed down, he would definitely take military action against his brother. With his brother's current strength, even with the full support of Ye Hebu It is simply impossible to compete with Jianzhou Jurchen.

  Without the support of the people of Liaodong and Neikalkha, combined with the strength of my brother and uncle, facing the increasingly powerful Jianzhou Jurchen, there is only one way to die.

   "The Savage Jurchens are not so easy to be surrendered by Nurhachi. They are scattered in the north, and they are hindered by Zai Sai, but it cannot be denied that Nurhachi may eventually seize control of the entire Savage Jurchen." Feng Ziying sighed.

The Nekhka people are Mongols, and they are not close to the savage Jurchen. It is estimated that they can only gather a small part of the savage Jurchen next to the east of the Nekhka people. Firstly, it was too far away from the barbarian Jurchen, and besides the Horqin people, who were close friends, they were powerless.

  Liaodong Town is not yet ready to take the initiative to attack. Challenge the strength of Jianzhou Jurchen in the field. The risk is too great, and the court will not agree. That's why Nurhachi can concentrate on recruiting the wild Jurchen with all his strength, and he is bound to succeed.

   "Then what should we do?" Feng Ziying sighed and Busia Mara suddenly became nervous, "Is there any good countermeasure?"

"Busia Mara, I don't want to lie to you. I really don't have a good solution for a while." Feng Ziying took her hand away from Busia Mara and rubbed her forehead, muttering: "I want your brother to give up now. He would definitely not agree to recruit those members of the Hada tribe of the Huifa tribe who were dissatisfied with the squeeze of Jianzhou Jurchens, and even if he gave up, or even returned the tribesmen who had served under his command, would Nurhachi let Yehe tribe go? No. So, there will be a battle in the end.”

Busia Mara suddenly became nervous. She raised her head and looked at Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying said in a deep voice, "If you seek peace through war, you will live in peace. If you seek peace through compromise, you will perish peacefully. If you want peace, you must fight with Jianzhou Jurchen." Let's fight a good battle, not to mention that we have never planned to coexist peacefully with Jianzhou Jurchen, it's just that the time for a decisive battle has not yet come."

  (end of this chapter)

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