Number of People

Chapter 1594: Xin Zijuan Economic Trends

  Chapter 1594 Xin Zijuan Economic Trends

Hearing Feng Ziying's tone of discord with Jianzhou Jurchen, Busia Mara was relieved and also had some doubts: "Ziying, Jianzhou Jurchen was not worth mentioning in the eyes of Da Zhou decades ago. At the height of Zhou’s prosperity, he never thought about completely resolving the Jianzhou Jurchen, and even appointed officials to the Jianzhou Jurchen, but what you said seems to indicate that the Great Zhou is about to change its policy towards the Liaodong ministries?”

  Feng Ziying was dumb, this was just caused by the inertial thinking brought about by his previous life.

  Jianzhou Jurchen finally entered the Central Plains and overthrew the Ming Dynasty, which brought profound disasters to the Chinese nation and made countless descendants feel sorry for them. So taking precautions and having a chance to completely eradicate this curse is naturally the primary goal of every traveler.

  Although the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Great Ming Dynasty are no longer the same dynasty in this time and space, from Feng Ziying’s observation of the Great Zhou Dynasty for so many years, its essence and current situation are no different from the Great Ming Dynasty in the previous history, and even somewhat inferior to the late Ming Dynasty.

  After all, the late Ming Dynasty experienced Zhang Juzheng’s reforms, and there were still some accumulations in the Wanli era, but now Da Zhou is not only full of internal crises, but also seems to have greater external threats.

The Bozhou Rebellion has not yet been resolved, and the Japanese seem to be eyeing it. It stands to reason that the Tokugawa shogunate, which came to power after the Imjin Japanese Rebellion in the previous life, had given up its covetousness towards China and closed the country. But in this life, there are still some differences. The continuous harassment of the coast, and the hidden dangers such as Prince Yizhong and the White Lotus Sect, are even more worrying.

  The reason why Jianzhou Jurchen and Nurhachi have not really posed a greater threat to the situation in Liaodong is because the timeline has not yet reached that point.

  If I am not mistaken, the current Nine Years of Yonglong is about 40 years ago in the history of Wanli, that is, around 1612, and there are still seven years before the Battle of Sarhu when Ming lost its advantage in Liaodong.

However, judging from the Fushun Battle initiated by the Jianzhou Jurchen, Li Yongfang’s surrender time has been advanced several years, which means that the battle of Saarhu is a node that is related to the rise and fall of the Great Zhou and the Jianzhou Jurchen. The battle may be brought forward.

   It may not be Saarhu, maybe it is a key battle somewhere else, which will determine the safety of the entire situation in Liaodong.

"Whether the policy will change or not will change according to the time and the situation. The ambition shown by the Jianzhou Jurchens makes people no longer believe that they are willing to defend the border for the Great Zhou. Then we must completely solve this scourge, so as not to raise tigers." trouble."

Feng Ziying did not directly respond to Busia Mara's question. The Liaodong tribes are not only the Jianzhou Jurchen, but also the Haixi Jurchen where the Yehe tribe is located, and even the five tribes of Neikalkha and the Horqin people. The attitude of the court is finally What will happen, no one can predict now.

Busia Mara didn't think so much, she just thought that Feng Ziying was worried about the threat of the Jianzhou Jurchen, and she wanted to get rid of it quickly. She never thought that once the Jianzhou Jurchen was destroyed in the future, the Haixi Jurchen and Ye He What to do with the Ministry, of course, that is a very distant thing.

"Then Ziying, do you think there will be no major changes in the situation in Liaodong?" Busia Mara is more concerned about this issue. As a woman, even if she is strong and considers for the tribe, after falling in love with her lover, there will always be some troubles. With a lazy mentality, he is more willing to leave these problems that he previously had to deal with by himself to his lover to consider for him.

   "It won't be a big problem for a year or so, or even a year or two, unless something unexpected happens inside Da Zhou." Feng Ziying thought for a while before slowly saying.

  If Prince Yizhong really raises the banner of rebellion and relies on Jiangnan to confront the court from north to south, it is hard to say whether Nurhachi will change his current strategy of fully managing the savage Jurchens and instead take advantage of the fire to attack Liaodong.

  Just like when Li Zicheng attacked Beijing in the previous life, didn’t Hou Jin also seize this opportunity to launch a fierce attack on Liaodong, and then invaded the Central Plains, and finally became a struggle between Da Ming and Dashun, and Hou Jin, the fisherman, benefited?

"Why did something unexpected happen in the Great Zhou? Could it be that the Bozhou Rebellion had much impact on the Great Zhou?" Busia Mara leaned her body in Feng Ziying's arms contentedly and asked casually after hearing this. .

  Feng Ziying smiled wryly. He had never mentioned the serious problem of Prince Yizhong to Busia Mara.

For Busia Mara, a foreigner, this kind of internal fraternal strife is really inhumane, at least disgraceful. Maybe in Busia Mara's mind, it will happen to you in the big week What happened to those nomads on the grassland? This will damage Da Zhou's image in the eyes of the surrounding vassal tribes.

  Unwilling to answer this question, Feng Ziying's thoughts returned to this jade body that he couldn't put it down. After the love, he scored twice,...

Busia Mara is also the kind of character who dares to love and hate, and she deliberately flatters and releases her lover. She is also eager to get pregnant and give birth to a child as soon as possible, otherwise when the situation in Liaodong changes in a year or two , I can also get away and return to Yehe tribe to take on my responsibility as a descendant of Buzhai.

  By the time Weng Qiyang arrived quietly, Feng Ziying and Busia Mara had already finished grooming. The radiant Busia Mara knew that Feng Ziying had business to do, so she avoided them wisely, leaving only Feng Ziying and Weng Qiyang.

It was also the first time for Weng Qiyang to visit Feng Ziying's other house. It is very common for officials in the capital, including many officials from other places, to have other houses in central Beijing. Weng Qiyang didn't find it strange, but he saw Busia Mara leaving The figure was still taken aback.

  He has seen this woman, she should be a Jurchen outside the customs, and it is said that she is a noble daughter of a certain tribe, and she seems to have a very unusual relationship with Master Feng.

  However, the habit he developed as a businessman made him never be curious about these things that have nothing to do with him, unless the other party intentionally let him know, he is not sure whether Feng Ziying intended to let him see this scene.

   "Mr. Weng, please sit down."

  Feng Ziying raised his hand to signal, and Weng Qiyang bowed his hands cautiously before sitting down.

   "How is Weng Gong's situation in Yongping Mansion?"

"It's going well. The second expansion of Yuguan Port is imperative. Shaoquan and I have also discussed it. A new round of expansion will start next month. Considering that it will not affect the use of the existing wharf, we are Open another place, a little farther away, but the terrain is flatter, more suitable for building dock warehouses and roads, mainly used for iron and cement transportation,..."

  Speaking of this business, Weng Qiyang couldn't help raising his voice, obviously very satisfied with it.

"Currently, Songjiang and Ningbo have a huge demand for iron and cement, and Dongfan's demand is also expanding rapidly. They are currently building new ports in the north and south respectively. Originally, they could only rely on stone slabs. It is very demanding on geographical conditions, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Now with cement, many problems can be easily solved, so they would rather pay a high price to get it first. They have discussed this with us many times, but our output and transportation capacity It’s all limited, it’s really hard to satisfy,…”

  Feng Ziying waved his hand. He had a general understanding of the situation. Wang Shaoquan would visit him every other month to report the situation, and he would mention these situations in Lian Guo's affairs and his own letter.

"Mr. Weng, I'm generally aware of these situations, but they're not what I'm most interested in right now. I believe you didn't come here for this." Feng Ziying looked at the other party with piercing eyes. , This is also the main purpose of my original strategy of opening the sea. Japan, North Korea, Nanyang, and even farther away in Western Yi, there is no reason for our Dazhou not to do business in those places, including Mongolia, Jurchen, and more on land. The Mughal people in the west and the Dongwu people in the southwest are all like this..."

Feng Ziying's words "unify the big week, and do our best to the outside world" let Weng Qiyang understand the meaning of the other party. Of course, this is also the purpose of his visit today. After Feng Ziying's auction, he had a special request. The court will give support to the gentry and businessmen who are loyal to the court. , but they also need to show their loyalty.

   Sighing softly, Weng Qiyang hesitated to speak.

  Before he came, he had discussed it with his elder brother countless times. As a leader among Jiangnan businessmen, he didn't dare to say he knew the current changes in Jiangnan, but he could be said to have a clear understanding.

In the past two or three months, there have been constant actions in various places in the south of the Yangtze River. He doesn't know if the court is aware of it, but if Nanjing Sixth Department and the Metropolitan Procuratorate say they are not aware of it, he absolutely does not believe it. The procuratorate did it under the nose, and Long Jinwei? Don't you all know?

  If they knew about it, why didn't the court take any action?

   Or does the court have any other understanding of these actions, or is it too sensitive?

  Weng Qiyang didn't think he had misunderstood, and he also believed that if the person in front of him knew about these situations, he would definitely not be indifferent.

"My lord, we don't know if the imperial court understands some situations, but since your lord gave an order last time, my brother and I, as well as our Dongting Chamber of Commerce, have to pay more attention." Weng Qiyang hesitated and said: "Many situations seem to be normal, but If you think about it carefully, there may still be some differences."

   "Well, Mr. Weng, please tell me." Feng Ziying can guess some, but he needs more detailed details.

"Well, for example, the summer grain harvest in Jiangnan this year is considered a bumper harvest, but there are still many people who buy grain from Huguang to hoard. In the past, if the harvest in Jiangnan was not good, they would buy grain from Huguang. Under normal circumstances, most of the grain purchased is through water transport. But this year, the number of shipments to the north has declined, and this is due to the bumper harvest in the south of the Yangtze River..."

Weng Qiyang continued: "This has caused the grain prices in Huguang and Jiangnan to rise to varying degrees. Compared with the Northland grain prices, the increase will be greater, but if it is still the same after the autumn grain is harvested, then the Northland grain prices will rise next spring. It has risen to an astonishing level.”

  (end of this chapter)

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