Number of People

Chapter 1596: Xin Zijuan is imminent

  Chapter 1596 Xin Zijuan is imminent

  Feng Ziying who came out of Qi Yongtai's residence was a little depressed.

The capital city in early autumn is already a bit chilly, especially in the dark evening, when the northwest wind blowing with dead leaves brings a burst of dust on the desolate streets, making Feng Ziying subconsciously want to shrink her neck and close her eyes , looking at the flickering lights on the street.

Qi Yongtai's residence is mostly officials, but they are not rich and powerful officials, but ordinary officials. Of course, Qi Yongtai's residence is much larger than them, but among this group of ordinary residences , the simple exterior decoration made it look inconspicuous, but the small sedans and carriages crowding around proved that the owner of this house was not extraordinary.

  He had long expected that Qi Yongtai would not easily accept his point of view. After all, under the absolute advantage of the frontier army, anyone who wanted to set off a rebellion under such circumstances seemed to be looking for a dead end.

  Qi Yongtai didn't even believe that Niu Jizong would be so unwise, so he said "unless Niu Jizong suffers from insanity", he would follow Prince Yizhong to rebel.

  Qi Yongtai’s judgment on Niu Jizong was based on the position of Governor Xuanda’s control over the frontier forces of Xuanfu Town, Datong Town, and Shanxi Town.

   Niu Jizong was able to control the main army from Xuanfu Town, like Datong Town and Shanxi Town. Niu Jizong did not have much influence. This is the conclusion drawn by the Ministry of War.

In Xuanfu Town, from the chief soldier to the deputy chief soldier, as well as the generals, guerrillas and other officers, they are indeed based on martial arts, but most of the soldiers are selected from the guards along the front line of the wall, and most of them are from Shanxi and North Zhili. There are also some from Shandong and Henan.

  Even if the military officers mainly are willing to follow Niu Jizong to rebel, most of the soldiers are from the north. Will they follow these officers to rebel?

  Qi Yongtai asked Feng Ziying a difficult question to answer.

  Can he say that if the soldiers think that following the commander will make them follow the dragon, maybe they will dare to fight back? After all, this is the Zhang clan's own struggle for the position. Even if they fail, ordinary soldiers like them will not be involved. If they succeed, or even make a contribution to this incident of brothers fighting against the wall, then Guangzong will really ascend to heaven.

  Feng Ziying felt that as long as he could successfully arouse the soldiers' thoughts, they might not be able to incite these soldiers to fight.

It is impossible and unrealistic to pursue the responsibilities of these soldiers' families. There has never been such a saying in the past dynasties, especially this is a brother's struggle for the throne. Whoever takes the position is the Zhang Emperor. How can it be possible to hold the soldiers below for this? Responsibility.

Qi Yongtai also raised another question, that is, when Governor Xuanda ruled the three towns and Niu Jizong could only control Xuanfu Town, in the face of the attack from Shanxi Town, Datong Town and Ji Town, even if he wanted to rebel, he might What odds?

   If there is no chance of winning, then you can only flee south, but if you want to flee south, how many people can you take along the way?

   All the way south, thousands of miles away, how to get the supplies in the middle?

   Did they rely on plundering to rob prefectures along the way?

  Will it slow down its southward speed and be chased by the pursuers?

These series of questions are very realistic. Any general will think carefully before making a decision. After all, this is related to everyone's life. If you don't think for others, they will also consider whether they will follow you. , and even directly defected and offered you as a sacrifice to the opponent.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that Master Qi could think so thoroughly about this issue, and even he didn't think about it so far-reaching.

It seems that they came to the conclusion that Niu Jizong had no chance of winning if he wanted to take Xuanfu Town to rebel on the spot. He wanted to go south, limited by logistics supplies, soldiers' morale, and chasing troops, and there was little possibility of success. They will not agree, and Niu Jizong cannot take Xuanfu Town away to the south.

If the elite frontier army in Xuanfu Town is lost, only Wang Ziteng's Denglai army, Feng Ziying has to admit that Jiangnan has no chance of winning, there is no 10% chance of winning, and he can only be swept away by the court with a thunderbolt. Prince Yizhong won't fail to see, will he risk the world's displeasure and seek his own death?

  So Master Qi's answer is no, that's too unwise.

Feng Ziying also admitted that according to such an analysis and judgment, Prince Yizhong would not choose to rebel no matter from which point of view, but the clues he got from Weng Qiyang and Anfu merchants are true and credible, and Jiangnan is advancing in an orderly manner. Prepare for war, Prince Yizhong will not do useless work.

   From the Qi division, Feng Ziying also got bad news, that is, the emperor, the cabinet, and the Ministry of War have agreed that Chen Jixian will be the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town, and King Zhonghui will be the Jiedu Envoy of the Beijing Camp and the General of the Fifth Army Battalion.

This is not bad news either. Chen Jixian left the Fifth Army Battalion, completely eliminating the hidden dangers of the capital. The entire three major camps of the Beijing Camp—the Fifth Army Battalion, the Shenshu Camp, and the Shenji Battalion—can be regarded as a complete farewell to the Yuanxi era. , into the Wing Long era.

  The capital is stable, but the price is that Chen Jixian will take charge of Huaiyang Town, but Huaiyang Town is still an empty shell. When Chen Jixian takes office, he will first face the dual pressure from the imperial court and the Nanjing Ministry of War.

  In addition to the establishment of Huaiyang Township will be paid by the Ministry of Households, the supply of Huaiyang Township will be mainly handled by the Ministry of Households in Nanjing every year. However, the main power to appoint generals is still with the Ministry of War of the imperial court, and the Ministry of War in Nanjing can only appoint middle and low-level military officers.

  At the same time, Chen Jixian's attitude was also very vague. Even Feng Ziying couldn't see clearly what this person was thinking.

It is rumored that Chen Jixian's transition from the general of the Fifth Army Battalion to the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town was a compromise that was reached after several disputes between the imperial court and Jiangnan. Neither the imperial court nor Jiangnan was actually interested in Chen Jixian. It was impossible for both parties to accept the candidate that the other side most wanted to introduce. This gave Chen Jixian, a candidate that everyone disliked but was not too conflicted, a chance.

   This is also what Feng Ziying is most interested in.

  A candidate that everyone is not very optimistic about or doesn't like, but in the process of the game between the two sides, he can finally set foot on the position of the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town. Feng Ziying does not believe it is accidental.

  The fog that shrouded Chen Jixian seemed to be thicker again, making it impossible for people to see through his true face.

   "Let's go." Feng Ziying took a deep breath, and said to Wang Wenyan who was closely following him, "We'll talk in the car."

  Wang Wenyan came with Feng Ziying, but of course he couldn't participate in the conversation between Feng Ziying and Qi Yongtai, so he could only wait outside the door.

   "My lord, it's not going well?" Wang Wenyan inferred from Feng Ziying's facial expression. In fact, he also felt that it was unlikely that Qi Ge would approve of Feng Ziying's judgment.

"Well, Master Qi thinks that Jiangnan or Prince Yizhong don't have the conditions to rebel, unless they both want to commit suicide or suffer from insanity." Feng Ziying said flatly: "I put forward all the signs I have, but Master Qi thinks This may be a gesture, a gesture to put pressure on the court, or a means of commercial profit. After all, the severe drought in the Northland this year is a foregone conclusion, and the merchants are just planning ahead to grab more lucrative profits. "

"But food can be explained in this way. What about iron and copper? What about gunpowder and nitrate? The prices of these two things are usually very stable, and there is basically no rise or fall. Except for wartime, these types of materials are kept at a very small price. It is reasonable to say that the price of iron materials should continue to fall due to the large increase in iron production in Yongping Prefecture, but the current signs are that the increase has greatly exceeded the normal increase, and it is clear that someone has tampered with it."

  Wang Wenyan was a little anxious.

Before the news brought back by Weng Qiyang and Anfu merchants, Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing collected the situation through their own intelligence channels, and then made some pre-judgments. They concluded that someone in the south of the Yangtze River was buying all kinds of strategic materials wantonly. There is no doubt about it.

  But what Jiangnan intends to do is difficult for Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing to explain. Before the war begins, everything is possible, and it is too dangerous.

Feng Ziying also specifically mentioned this issue to Qi Yongtai. Qi Yongtai still pays more attention to this point. After all, even people who do not understand economics understand the importance of steel. However, Qi Yongtai also said that it is only because of the abnormal price of steel. It is also biased to assert that there may be some changes in Jiangnan, which makes Feng Ziying speechless.

The steel issue alone really doesn't explain anything, but it is enough to explain the problem when combined with the increase in grain prices, gunpowder and nitrate, supplements, medicinal materials, and cowhide, which are obviously war supplies. But he never believed that Jiangnan dared to rebel.

  Because this is inconceivable in his mind, the reason is one, the military equipment in the south of the Yangtze River is not worth mentioning, otherwise thousands of Japanese would not have been killed by thousands of Japanese from landing in Songjiang to Zhenjiang.

This point is indeed difficult to explain, and Feng Ziying also feels a little contradictory, but he firmly believes that Prince Yizhong has been unwilling and painstakingly dormant for so many years. For his sake, even if he doesn't want to do it, the people below will drag him forward.

"Let's discuss this matter again. Master Qi still believes a little bit, but it's not enough to overthrow his original ideas." Feng Ziying smiled bitterly, "He always felt that there was no orthodoxy, and no one in the scholar community dared to risk the dissatisfaction of the world. , Prince Yizhong is not Zhu Qizhen, he has just been a prince, he does not have the ability to influence the entire court and officials, as long as the emperor has a decree, no one will listen to Prince Yizhong."

   This made Wang Wenyan speechless. That's right, given the current situation, Prince Yizhong did not have the righteousness to challenge Emperor Yonglong at all. Even the Supreme Emperor could not support Prince Yizhong, otherwise even the Supreme Emperor would be questioned.

  (end of this chapter)

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