Number of People

Chapter 1597: Xin Zijuan discusses relatives

  Chapter 1597 Xin Zijuan discusses marriage

  The communication with Qiao Yingjia also encountered such views, which made Feng Ziying feel powerless.

  He has analyzed the views of Qi and Qiao. There are two reasons why he does not think that including Prince Yizhong, Jiangnan gentry, or the combination of the two can set off a rebellion, or have the courage to rebel.

One is that Emperor Yonglong ascended the throne for nine years, and no one can question his orthodoxy, and the rule of these nine years was basically stable. Although there were many flaws such as the Ningxia rebellion, the Mongolian invasion, and the Bozhou rebellion, Ningxia's suppression of the rebellion was a great victory, and it was still Taking advantage of the situation, he lost Hami and Shazhou in the Ming Dynasty, which greatly boosted the morale of the country. Under such circumstances, whoever claims to be able to replace Emperor Yonglong is undoubtedly suicidal.

  Secondly, the imperial court has an unparalleled elite frontier army, with an overwhelming advantage that is unrivaled.

Nine border elites, even though the three towns of Gansu, Ningxia, and Guyuan among the four towns in the northwest are slightly weaker, the six towns of Yulin (Yansui), Shanxi (Taiyuan), Datong, Xuanfu, Jizhen, and Liaodong are all ten. An elite town with a force of tens of thousands of soldiers.

  Niu Jizong was barely able to control Xuanfu Town, and even if Wang Ziteng's Denglai Town was added, there was only a mere 100,000 troops, and it was impossible to compete with the imperial court with 800,000 frontier troops.

Moreover, Xuanfu Town, which they rely on the most, is not in a good position, and is still under attack from Datong, Shanxi and Jizhen. Whether they want to rebel on the spot or flee south, Xuanfu Town seems unlikely to succeed, so they believe that Niu Jizong Not so unwise.

The third is that although the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River made a lot of noise, in terms of the elite of the gentry, in addition to some in the Nanjing Seven Departments and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, more of them were in the imperial court of the capital, including Ye, Fang, Li and other leaders of the Jiangnan gentry. They all never took the public opinion of the Jiangnan gentry as a matter of course, but more often felt that this was just a gesture of bargaining with the court. Even the Jiangnan gentry disagreed internally. How could they talk about such a major event as rebellion?

Based on the above three points, neither Qi Qiao believed that the suspicious points mentioned by Feng Ziying were the basis for Prince Yizhong and the Jiangnan gentry to rebel, because in their opinion, these three factors could not be circumvented anyway. Neither the Prince Yizhong nor the Jiangnan gentry are fools. No one would do anything they knew was self-defeating.

  Of course they also agree with Feng Ziying's point of view, it is indeed suspicious, and Long Jinwei, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice should be instructed to pay attention and start investigations to see who is stirring up trouble and disrupting business order.

  Yes, their point of view is still that some businessmen take advantage of the opportunity to create momentum and intend to make profits.

  Feng Ziying also carefully analyzed their views, and admitted that it is indeed difficult to explain.

As long as Emperor Yonglong is still there, any rebellion may be spread, and there will be no waves at all. Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng's military strength, let alone whether these officers and soldiers will follow them, even if they really have strong control , but facing the frontier army several times their size, they had no chance of winning.

Even if the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River are on the side of Prince Yizhong, Ye Fangli and others are the leaders of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. Greatly weakened, at that time, will the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River really stand firmly on the side of Prince Yizhong? At least it will split into two camps, or they will all remain silent.

   There are good reasons, but Feng Ziying still has various signs and clues in front of her. Someone in the south of the Yangtze River is preparing for the battle. Is it really just a gesture?

  Then this gesture is too real, and the cost is too high.

  Rongguo Mansion happily prepared for Jia Baoyu to marry Niu's daughter, and Feng Mansion also made preparations for accepting Yingchun as a concubine.

Of course, this is not on the same level at all. One is for a concubine to marry a wife, and the other is for a concubine to marry a wife. Even the word "marry" is not accurate, but to be a concubine for someone else. Fortunately, this is for Xiaofeng Xiuzhuan and Shuntian Fucheng. , I am not wronged.

  Feng Ziying naturally wants to let Yingchun pass the door to make up for the gap in status. Even if Yingchun doesn't care about this, she will be very happy with her lover's kindness.

   Even the Jia Shexing and Xing couples were extremely shocked and very satisfied when Feng Ziying entrusted Fu Shi to come to discuss marriage and accepted the dowry gift.

   You must know that taking a concubine is a big family, and it is nothing more than an ordinary matchmaker negotiating peace, and then simply pay the ceremony, find a suitable time to carry the house and let it go.

  Some well-heeled families are not even allowed to go through the corner door next to the main entrance, but can only go through the back door or side door, which also shows the low status of the concubine.

  Fu Shi naturally knew that this kind of matter of going to the door of Shangguan to discuss marriage and take concubines was a bit unsightly, but he took the initiative to fight for it.

After following Feng Ziying for so long, he is more and more aware of the ability of this boss, not only he has teachers like Qi Gelao and Qiao Youdu Yushi, but also not only Cui Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce. Officials such as Chai Shilang and Chai Shilang valued him more because of Feng Ziying's proficiency in handling official affairs.

For example, firmly grasping the officials' room and torture room, cleaning up the third class of government officials and the prison office, it took almost a month to make the entire Shuntian government office look completely new, even Wu Daonan, the governor who had been watching coldly, admitted in private Feng Ziying is a minister capable of governing the world, worthy of being the Prime Minister of Shuntianfu.

Just because he is more and more optimistic about Feng Ziying's future, Fu Shi also wants to hold on to this big tree, so a little face is not worth mentioning to him. Originally, the Rongguo Mansion was his teacher's home. Although Jia Zheng was not there, But Jia Yingchun was his niece after all, so she didn't feel ashamed to discuss employment for her boss like Jia She.

"My lord, Lord Fucheng entrusted students to come and discuss with him about the marriage of the second girl. Earlier, Lord Fucheng also confessed. Considering that the matter of Baoyu's marriage in the mansion has been finalized, on the eighth day of September, Lord Fucheng also entrusted The person has chosen a date, and it will be September 12th, I don't know what the elders and mistresses think?"

  Although Fu Shi is also a six-rank general judge, he is still very polite in front of Jia She and his wife today, which is quite different from the reservedness in the past in the mansion, which makes Jia She and his wife very proud.

In the past, this person in front of me was a student of the second son, and a scholar who came from the imperial examination. Apart from being humble in front of the second son, he maintained a kind of arrogance of a scholar in front of everyone else. Even Jia She was in front of him. However, today it is completely different, especially polite.

   "Well, since Brother Keng has already selected the auspicious day, let's make September 12th." Jia She pretended to stroke his beard and pondered, "It's just about this matter, did Brother Keng say anything about it?"

  Fu Shi secretly smiled.

  Jia She's hand in the coffin - desperate for money is known to everyone in the house, even he, an outsider who often walks around the house, is also very clear.

Before coming here, Feng Ziying also mentioned it to him, most likely to talk about the money Jia She owed to the Sun family, and maybe also about the dowry related matters, all entrusted to him to handle, as long as there are no special requirements, it depends on the second girl In terms of face, I agree.

"I don't know what are the relevant matters that the boss said?" Fu Shi asked in a deep voice: "As far as the students know, there are regulations for accepting lottery appointments, and Mr. Fucheng also explained, so they should be handled according to the highest standards. My lord is also prepared to send a pair of Hetian jade discs from the Western Regions, four black pearls from the South Sea, eight black fox skins, sixteen Taihu shark pearls, four horses, not counting gold and silver,..."

  Jia She and Xing's faces turned pale when they looked at each other, but the intertwined expressions of liking and greed made the two look wonderful.

  This is almost comparable to the marriage of a rich and powerful family, even if Baoyu married a daughter of the Niu family, I am afraid that this level is the same, but that is the son of the Rongguo Mansion marrying a wife, and here is Feng Ziying taking a concubine, which is too exaggerated.

A pair of Hetian Yubi might cost one or two thousand taels of silver, and the Feng family’s offer would definitely not be too bad. South China Sea black pearls are also a must-have item for rich and noble mothers in Beijing, and the high-quality ones cost hundreds of taels. The price of silver and black fox fur is not low, especially after the tension in Liaodong, the price has skyrocketed. Eight skins can be bought at least one or two thousand taels of silver. Shark pearls are big pearls. The treasures of freshwater pearls, these sixteen are estimated to cost hundreds of taels of silver.

  The four horses are also worth a lot. The Feng family has been an official in the border town for a long time, and the tribal leaders on the grassland must pay tribute. This horse may be as expensive as a thousand taels, and it may cost one or two hundred taels of silver.

   After a rough calculation, I'm afraid it will cost five or six thousand taels of silver?

   It turned out that Jia She and his wife were thinking about Feng Ziying accepting the Spring Festival. It was estimated that the dowry gift was at most one or two thousand taels of silver.

  Even Fu Shi, who came to discuss marriage, felt that Feng Ziying's dowry was a bit excessive, which greatly exceeded the standard for concubines in the capital city, and even exceeded the standard for a wealthy family to marry a wife.

  But Feng Ziying was stubborn, so Fu Shi naturally had a hard time talking.

This dowry is so extravagant, which means that the dowry should not be too bad. Feel restless.

   "Brother Keng's generous gift is too much for this old man." Jia She suppressed the joy and sorrow in his heart, smacked his lips and said, "Did he say anything else?"

Before Fu Shi opened his mouth to respond, Xing couldn't restrain himself: "Qiu Sheng, you are not an outsider, and you know the current situation of our Rongguo Mansion. To tell you the truth, the old man and I originally wanted to marry the second girl. The one for the Sun family was a wife, but it didn't work out for various reasons, and Brother Keng fell in love with the second girl, so this marriage happened. But in the early stage, we borrowed a lot of money from the Sun family to support the family. ..."

  (end of this chapter)

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