Number of People

Chapter 1598: Xin Zijuan welcomes the spring thoughts

  Chapter 1598 Xin Zijuan's Thoughts on Welcome Spring

  Fu Shi's face sank, but he stretched out again, "I don't know how much money I owe the Sun family?"

   Xing glanced at her husband with expressionless face and drooping eyelids, but couldn't get any hint, so he hesitated to speak, "It's a bit much, Qiusheng, you know..."

  Fu Shi's face darkened, and he waved his hands, "Madam just say how much, don't play charades."

  The corners of Jia She's eyes twitched. This Fu Shi's face was serious and dignified. After all, he was a sixth-rank official, and the general judge of Shuntian Prefecture was also a very popular role in Beijing.

"I'm afraid it's more than 8,000 taels." Gritting her teeth, Xing wanted to report 10,000 taels, but she was afraid that the other party would take off her robe and give way and would not take over, so she didn't dare to make a false report, and said roughly real number.

Fu Shi's demeanor is to suppress Jia She and his wife. Although the boss didn't say anything else, he still wants to do things beautifully. He can't let the father and mother eat more and occupy more because they want to marry a daughter. Xing Shi's reported 8,000 taels was about the same as what he had grasped, so he felt much more at ease.

   "So many?" Fu Jian pretended to be surprised, "Isn't the second master in this mansion the housekeeper?"

   Jia She is itching with hatred, is this guy deliberately trying to disgust himself? But this question has to be answered, the Feng family has no obligation to help repay the debt, this generous gift is enough to make countless people jealous.

With a dry cough, Jia She said with a serious face: "Qiu Sheng, you don't know something. Since the completion of the Grand View Garden, the mansion has been unable to make ends meet. My small courtyard also has a lot of expenses. I usually spend a lot of money when I go out to socialize and communicate. , but the mansion can't support it at all, so I can only pay for it with my own money, but I can't afford it for more than a year, so I can only borrow money from outsiders,..."

   This is really empty talk and lies. Why did the Rongguo Mansion ever need Jia Amnesty to socialize and contact outside?

  The current Rongguo Mansion is too late to stay in Chengdu, and there is no new income, so where is the need to socialize and coordinate?

It's just that Fu Shi couldn't expose such lies. He is not from the Jia family, and he has no obligation to take care of the Jia family's affairs. His purpose is to negotiate the marriage for his boss and avoid unnecessary expenses as much as possible. It was within expectations, much less than the 12,000 expected by the boss.

"My lord, will you spend the 8,000 taels of silver in just over a year?" Fu Shi asked unhurriedly, "Then the cost of Rongguo Mansion is a bit too high, and the students spend only a few hundred dollars a year on entertainment. Two silver coins are enough,..."

   Jia She's face turned dark, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

  I am an idler, and he is still a Beijing official of the sixth rank, so there is such a big difference in entertainment costs between the two?

"Qiu Sheng, you don't know something. You are an official with a job. People ask you for help. Naturally, you don't need a lot of expenses, but this old man is different. You have to worry about this Rongguo Mansion, but Rongguo Mansion is doing the same now. A fluffy phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, who cares about you? You can't spend money to manage it well, otherwise you will have to embarrass you everywhere,..."

  Jia She is also able to justify himself, and can always find some truth.

  Fu Shi also knew that if he wanted to continue arguing with Jia Amnesty like this, he would not be able to talk for a day. It would be enough to beat and beat the other party. Don't let the other party get angry and tear his face and delay the business, which is not beautiful.

"Forget it, my lord, I'll go back and report the 8,000 taels of silver to Mr. Fu Cheng. The other elders should have no objection, right?" Fu Shi put this matter aside and asked about the business. The sedan chair will be used to carry the second girl, and enter Uncle Yunchuan's mansion through the corner gate, where Uncle Yunchuan's mansion has also specially set aside an eight-room courtyard for the second girl, and renovated it,..."

Inevitably, some discussion is needed. Although Fu Shi is the first time to make love for someone, and he is still a concubine. Before coming alone, Fu Shi also asked someone to ask about the basic process and rules of this kind of work, so he is not unfamiliar. .

  For Jia She and his wife, as long as Feng Ziying is willing to take over the debt issue, everything else is easy to talk about.


Si Qi rushed into the house excitedly, and before he saw clearly that there were other people in the room, he shouted: "Miss, miss, Mr. Feng has asked Mr. Fu to come to the master's place to discuss marriage, and now he is in the master's yard Discuss with the old man and his wife, and they say that the dowry is worth several thousand taels of silver, and I am so envious of Qiutong's little hooves!"

  Yingchun, who was talking to Xiuyan, couldn't help standing up, a red cloud appeared on her white and tender face, holding a sweat towel in one hand, she said shyly: "Really?"

   "Can it be fake?" Siqi saw Xiuyan sitting next to his girl at this time, and hurriedly blessed him: "Miss Xing is here too?"

  Xiuyan smiled slightly, stood up and said, "Congratulations sister, my long-cherished wish has finally come true."

  Yingchun's face was red, but she smiled, bit her lip and nodded slightly: "Sister, don't envy me, I think my sister will be here soon."

  Xing Xiuyan's face turned red immediately, and she stomped her feet lightly: "Sister, don't make wild guesses, what's the matter? It's just some boring servants in the house chewing their tongues. Don't let people listen to it and make it a joke."

  At this time, Yingchun was in a particularly relaxed state of mind.

The marriage negotiation must be settled, then it is just waiting for the marriage. Brother Feng also said last time, it will be a few days after Baoyu gets married. After the calculation, it will be September. In less than a month, I can wait with peace of mind. married.

As for the matter of Xiuyan, she also heard from her mother that her parents wanted to promise herself to the Sun family before, but they couldn't explain that Uncle Feng wanted to take her as a concubine, so she wanted to use Xiuyan to replace.

It just so happened that Uncle Xing's family owed countless gambling debts outside, and his father also intentionally asked Brother Feng to settle the debts outside of Uncle Xing's family. So logical.

This incident was also spread in the mansion for a while, and it caused a lot of uproar, so that Xiuyan didn't dare to go out during that time, because she was afraid that someone would poke her back, as if she had robbed her of her good deeds, who knew that such a big incident would happen again later In the end, Big Brother Feng still persisted, and finally let this matter settle.

   Now that Xiuyan is in the mansion, it seems a bit embarrassing.

It was rumored that she was going to be Brother Feng's concubine, and that some stalking servants could please her and Uncle Xing and his wife, but they never thought that she would marry Brother Feng in the end. Many people began to gossip again, especially those who were very enthusiastic at first, but now feel that they have been fooled and wasted their expressions, and there are a lot of words with guns and sticks.

However, Xiuyan has a cold and calm personality, and she sees these things very clearly. Whether people praise her, she just listens with a smile on her face, or people slander her, she still responds with that indifferent appearance. Let Yingchun look very high.

  And Yingchun felt that the matter between Xiuyan and Brother Feng might not be the end of it.

  The uncle and his wife of the Xing family are almost becoming hated characters in the mansion.

  Uncle Xing’s gambler and drunken temperament can’t be changed, he has nothing to do outside, owes debts everywhere, and creditors often come to the door, which makes the master and wife extremely displeased.

  The master has already let go of the word outside, saying that he can't control the affairs of Uncle Xing's family, and he alone bears the debts, and has nothing to do with the Rongguo Mansion or the Jia family.

  Although the words have been released in this way, people who are in debt may not necessarily see it this way. People still often come to the door to make a fuss, which makes the whole house very annoying, and even the ancestors have some opinions.

To solve Uncle Xing's problem, besides cleaning up his gambling debts and drinking bills outside, the solution is to find a serious job for Uncle Xing. If he cannot find a suitable one for him As he was making a living, sooner or later he would revert to his old form and become what he is now again.

  But how can the Rongguo Mansion find such a suitable job for Uncle Xing's family now?

   After many calculations and calculations, the only one who can help Uncle Xing's family is Brother Feng.

  That is to say, the red rope of this marriage will always tie Brother Feng and Xiuyan together.

Although Yingchun is honest and honest, she is not without wisdom. It's just that she has always been cowardly and unwilling to trouble others. She often maintains the mentality that more things are worse than less things. That's why she has such an impression in the mansion, but she can also see It can be concluded that Xiuyan is a shrewd and capable personality, no less than the third sister.

  Brother Feng may not have this kind of intention, if they get together in the future, he will still be sisters with Xiuyan.

At this time, it is better to show kindness, or even help her out, let her remember her love, and it is not in vain to be a sister. You must know that she and Xiuyan belong to the lineage of the Rongguo Mansion's long house. What the other sisters don't have.

"Xiuyan, you and my sister, do you still need to cover up something?" Yingchun was so "proud" once in a while, but her words were still gentle, "You are a quick-witted person, much stronger than your sister, and you have a relationship with your mother. Naturally, it is no better than other families. Brother Feng is a person who does big things. He is busy all day long, so he must not have much energy to take care of the family affairs. If you can marry into the Feng family, you can also help Brother Feng. Many things have relieved Brother Feng a lot,..."

  Xing Xiuyan didn't expect her second sister, who was always honest and dull, to say such a thing, which really surprised her.

In her impression, it was normal for Tanchun to say these words, and it was normal for Baochai to say these words. Even if Xiangyun or Daiyu said these words, she could barely accept them, but only Du Yingchun's words are too unbelievable. Is this still the rumored "two woods"?

"Do you think that what my sister said surprised you?" Yingchun smiled charmingly, "My sister is an introvert, she doesn't like those frivolous things, and she can't say any sweet words, but my sister thinks that you will be a sister with my sister sooner or later. Make a bet?"

  Xiuyan and Siqi both looked at each other in dismay. I don't know why the second girl suddenly understood after learning about the marriage proposal. The tone of her words and deeds changed a lot, and she became much more generous and calm.

  (end of this chapter)

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