Number of People

Chapter 1599: Xin Zijuan Huixiu Tobacco

  Chapter 1599 Xin Zijuan Huixiu Smoke

  Yingchun felt a burst of satisfaction.

She is clear about her status in the mansion, and she is the master in name, but except for Siqi who can protect her cubs and fight for her own interests like a tigress, others are more or less scornful or ignorant of her. of feeling.

  The master and wife don't value her, the sisters are used to their introverted and cowardly temperament, and they ignore her, and the servants become more and more arrogant because of their weakness and dullness.

She also knows the weakness of her temperament, but she is such a temperament, she doesn't like to fight with others, and she doesn't want to get too entangled with others, she is always willing to give in to seek peace, which makes Siqi lose her temper every time , Thinking that I was too tolerant to make these servants push forward.

  When she learned that she was betrothed by the old lady to the extremely tyrannical Sun Dalang of the Sun family, she despaired.

She always thought that she would be able to have a good fortune if she was weak and patient, and that God would give herself a good marriage result, so that she could rely on her for the rest of her life, but she never thought that the master and wife would not consider her own happiness at all, but only stared at him. Yinzi, because of this, when she fell into despair, Siqi encouraged herself, and Brother Feng, the only reliance in her heart, became her goal of struggle. She lived to be almost twenty years old, and has been giving in. Fight for yourself.

That's why she resisted the shyness and weakness in her heart to reveal her heart to Feng Ziying. She never thought that God pays off, and Brother Feng is also interested in her. All this finally paid off, although there were many twists and turns in the middle, but finally Persevere and go to today.

  She could finally calmly wait for that time to come, and even look at everything around her with a peaceful and peaceful attitude.

Xiuyan is a good sister, and more or less has the same relationship as the long house, and she and Miaoyu are as close as sisters. Although Miaoyu has a stubborn mouth and looks like her eyes are over the top, she is already twenty-two. She is only a month younger than her eldest sister, and most likely she will follow Daiyu to marry into Feng's residence. In this case, Xiuyan has a high chance of marrying into Feng's residence as well.

  Except Brother Feng, who can, who is willing to marry a girl like Xiuyan who has "trouble" and "burden" like Uncle Xing behind her back?

Yingchun also knows that although she is liked by Brother Feng, the third wife of the Feng family is concurrently the prostitute, not to mention the elder sister of the Shen family, and You Eryou and the other three are biological sisters. He and Miaoyu are also half-sisters, brothers who fight tigers, and father and son soldiers in battle, which is similar to living in a rich family.

With her temperament, Yingchun also knew that if she wanted to gain a foothold in Feng's family in the future, or live a more stable and comfortable life, it would be better to have one or two more close sisters. Although Baochai has a good temper, Baoqin's But she has a strong temper, not inferior to Daiyu, even if she has one or two reasonable sisters, it would be much better.

  Because of this, she sincerely hoped that Xiuyan could also marry into the Feng family, so that they could have a companion.

  Xing Xiuyan didn't think so.

Of course she knew that Yingchun had no malicious intentions, and she also knew that there were rumors in the mansion a few days ago that she was going to be a concubine to Brother Feng, and even her uncle, aunt, and her parents had this intention, but the main reason at that time was that the second sister wanted to marry Sun family, and Brother Feng took a fancy to Second Sister, so he came up with such a stiff idea of ​​Li Daitao.

  Xing Xiuyan was somewhat unhappy in her heart, she was unwilling to act as someone's substitute.

  From the bottom of her heart, she has no objection to being a concubine to Brother Feng, but she is unwilling to be a concubine to Brother Feng in such a way.

Brother Feng's heroic spirit is not only famous in the Rongguo Mansion, but also in the capital city. I am just a woman of ordinary background, even if I am a regular wife, I am just an ordinary mediocre person, and I can be a concubine with Brother Feng , That is the fortune and fate that countless people yearn for and admire.

   "Second sister was joking, and my younger sister also knows that second elder sister probably heard some gossips among servants in the mansion a few days ago. In fact, second elder sister doesn't need to care about it. Younger sister has never had extravagant hopes,..."

Before Xing Xiuyan finished speaking, Yingchun interrupted: "My sister misunderstood, I know the ins and outs of this matter, the old lady intended to promise me to the Sun family before, but she also wanted to befriend Brother Feng, that's why she wanted my sister Marrying Brother Feng, the old lady's temperament is like that, probably because seeing Baochai Daiyu and the others marrying Brother Feng, our long house is a bit lonely, so this kind of thinking was born, my sister's talent, Big brother Feng is very respectable, so big brother Feng also told me about it,..."

   Xing Xiuyan was taken aback. Feng Ziying would talk about herself to Yingchun?

   "Brother Feng said that his younger sister is Orchid in the Valley, and he forgets the customs when he sees it..." Yingchun looked at Xing Xiuyan with a smile, "This is what Brother Feng said."

  Xing Xiuyan was shocked. She didn't expect Feng Ziying to give her such an evaluation, which was too high.

"Sister, I can't stand that." Xiuyan quickly shook her head, "My little girl is just an ordinary little girl who takes refuge with her parents in the Rongguo Mansion, but only wants food and clothing, how dare she have such extravagant expectations? With such an evaluation, Big Brother Feng is just talking casually."

"My sister doesn't need to be so self-effacing. Brother Feng's evaluation of people doesn't vary from person to person. They are all seeking truth from facts. If you don't deserve it, my sister should argue with Brother Feng." Yingchun said a little mischievously: "I think my sister is completely I can afford it, but my younger sister is good at hiding her clumsiness and doesn't want to show off."

Xiuyan's mind was a little confused, she didn't know whether Yingchun was her own idea or entrusted by others, but there was no doubt that she was involved in it all of a sudden, which made her feel so confused that she didn't know what to do for a while. how to respond.

Xiuyan also felt that after the marriage was confirmed, Yingchun seemed to be a different person. Not only did she speak a lot more, but her tone and attitude suddenly became free and easy, and she no longer had the silent and depressing look of the past. Feeling, and the joy between her eyebrows also made her already beautiful face even more beautiful and colorful.

  The word "love" is so charming, that the second girl who has been silent in the Rongguo Mansion for so many years has such a charming charm, Xiuyan can't help but sigh in her heart, how lucky the second sister is.

   "Second sister's long-cherished wish has been fulfilled. I hope that after second sister passes away, she can give birth to a precious son as soon as possible, and also give birth to Lin'er for Brother Feng. Then second sister will really complete her merits and virtues."

   It's not that Xiuyan can't feel Yingchun's overtures. Of course, she also hopes that Yingchun will have a good result after she goes to Feng's residence.

No matter what happens to me in the future, whether I really want to marry into Feng's mansion or have another marriage, the success of the Feng family is undisputed, and Brother Feng's love for his second sister is also sincere, otherwise he wouldn't have come up with such a thing in one go. With a lot of dowry, even a rich family does not need so much dowry to marry a wife, which is completely beyond the standard.

  Xiuyan said these words, and Siqi who was stunned at the side also hurriedly congratulated his daughter, and also said what the Feng family's betrothal gifts from Qiutong had heard, which surprised Yingchun and Xiuyan.

Earlier when Siqi mentioned several thousand taels of silver, both Yingchun and Xiuyan thought it might be only two or three thousand taels of silver. Unexpectedly, the sum of all kinds of rare things listed in this breath would cost six or seven thousand taels, which is not counted. Things of gold and silver.

  Even Yingchun herself was a little frightened, and returned to the previous situation, and said in a low voice: "So much? Is it too much, isn't it good?"

  Siqi, however, had his hips akimbo, and said carelessly: "What's wrong, Uncle Feng likes girls and thinks highly of girls. If you know that the master and wife are used to liking these things, naturally you can do what you like, lest the master and wife embarrass the girl."

Xiuyan also knew how her aunt and uncle behaved, and nodded slightly: "Maybe it's a little too much, but it's reasonable for Brother Feng to do so, and my uncle and aunt won such a generous engagement, so I guess they won't be too fussy about the dowry. It will definitely make the second sister have a beautiful scene."

  Yingchun also showed joy on her face, she couldn't help holding Xiuyan's hand, and nodded with a smile.

Xiuyan's words touched her heart. After all, she will pass the door next month. If the dowry brought over is too shabby, it will definitely affect her impression in Feng's family, especially since she is in the second house, Baochai and Baoqin are both The royal merchant's family, when they married into the Feng family, the dowry must have been quite extravagant. If they were too far apart, they would be too inferior. Brother Feng naturally didn't care, but the servants over there would definitely gossip.

   "My younger sister is really very smart. If my younger sister can also pass the house as soon as possible, I will have a confidant." Yingchun said sincerely: "When I see Brother Feng in the future, I must have a good talk with Brother Feng."

  Siqi couldn't help but roll his eyes, isn't his girl a little silly?

  I haven't passed the door yet, but I'm thinking about finding a bride for Uncle Feng. Don't you see who this Xing Xiuyan is?

  You are not inferior in appearance, girl, but in terms of heart, I am afraid that the ten girls from your own family can't match it together. If you drag her into Feng's residence, aren't you asking for rivals to share favor with you?

  But Siqi also knows that his girl is such an honest and honest person. If people treat her well, she will treat them better. If it is not the case, how can I follow her so wholeheartedly.

  Xiuyan was taken aback when she heard what Yingchun said, her face flushed, she quickly pulled Yingchun and said: "Sister, don't do this,..."

  Yingchun was surprised: "Why? Could it be that my sister has another marriage that she likes outside, or is she unwilling?"

For a while, Xiuyan didn't know how to answer this honest sister's words. It would be okay for another girl to say that, but Yingchun is too honest. What she said may become her intentional instruction to Yingchun. These words seem to have caused Brother Feng's misunderstanding, but on the contrary, they may lower his impression in Brother Feng's mind.

   Make up for yesterday's update.



  (end of this chapter)

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