Number of People

Chapter 1600: Xin Zijuan Foundation Establishment

  Chapter 1600 Xin Zijuan Foundation Establishment

Feng Ziying didn't pay much attention to Fu Shi's going to Rongguo Mansion to negotiate marriage. This was a matter of prior agreement. It is impossible for Jia Amnesty and his wife to go back on their word. Fu Shi has the sole discretion to dispose of it.

  Fu Shi works steadily and has inextricable ties with the Rongguo Mansion, so he is the best candidate to discuss marriage.

  The clean-up of the Shuntian government office is refreshing. With the vigorous adjustment of the official chamber, punishment chamber, and prison office, Song Xian, the promoted official, also began to take the initiative to move closer to Feng Ziying.

   This is what Feng Ziying wanted.

  Without a stable and sound government team, he cannot cope with the crisis that the Great Zhou may face in the future. Now the court officials are too optimistic about this crisis, and even think it does not exist, but Feng Ziying dare not do so.

As for the people in Shuntian Mansion Yamen, they don't realize this at all. Even the severe drought in the Northland they just think that it may bring some troubles due to refugee factors as in previous years, and the proliferation of the White Lotus Sect is just an ordinary club Her ringworm and scabies were insignificant, which added to Feng Ziying's anxiety.

When unable to exert too much influence on the imperial court, Feng Ziying can only base himself on his own territory in Shuntian Prefecture. He must firmly control the situation in Shuntian Prefecture. They all worked quickly and acted according to their own intentions.

There are twenty-two counties in the five prefectures of Shuntian Prefecture. Each prefecture and county is very important, but Feng Ziying also knows that it is unrealistic for her to control so many prefectures and counties in a short period of time. Regardless of the matter, but in name he is the governor, so he can only selectively grasp some key states and counties that he considers.

  For example, Tongzhou, Daxing, Wanping, Zunhua, Shunyi, and Changping, these counties are the most critical, followed by Sanhe, Miyun, Zhuozhou, Fengrun, and Wuqing.

   Daxing and Wanping needless to say, they are inside the city. Tongzhou is an important pass of the capital’s water and land wharf. Zunhua is because there is an iron factory. At the same time, Malanyu and Longjingguan are in the north. Shunyi and Changping are respectively the north and northwest passes.

  Three Rivers guard the throat of the east, Miyun is the key point in the north, Zhuozhou is an important military town in the southwest, a place that must be contested by military strategists, Fengrun is the throat connecting Yongping Mansion, Wuqing is close to the canal and strangles the Fenghe Canal.

  These places are crucial places, and a little turbulence can easily affect the hearts of the people in the capital city. Therefore, Feng Ziying thinks that she should strive to control these places, or as long as she has enough influence on these areas.

  Tongzhou Zhizhou Fang Kezhuang and Feng Ziying are from Shandong. After the night murder case, the relationship between the two quickly became close. After Wu Daonan let go more and more and Feng Ziying gradually controlled the Shuntian government office, Fang Kezhuang and Feng Ziying walked closer.

Although Liu Sihui, the magistrate of Fengrun County, is from Jiangxi, he is serious in his work. Feng Ziying had dealt with him when he was accepting refugees in Yongping Mansion. After Feng Ziying went to Fengrun twice, Liu Sihui gradually became closer to Feng Ziying.

Liu Sihui is not the kind of high-minded and arrogant personality. At first, because Feng Ziying is from the north, he subconsciously kept a distance. But now that Feng Ziying has become the immediate boss and deliberately made friends, he certainly would not refuse Feng Ziying's friendship. .

The magistrates of several counties, including Guo Zhigui, the magistrate of Yutian County, did not have a good impression on Feng Ziying. Will be willing to follow your intention.

  According to Feng Ziying's thinking, in a place like Gyeonggi, it is necessary to have officials who can do things and put the people at ease.

  It's a pity that this is just his wishful thinking. Countless people are staring at the Gyeonggi prefectures and counties, and they can only hope to come in by going through various channels.

  In this case, only by finding a suitable opportunity and freeing up one or two, can we make arrangements.

   "Brother Yi, please sit down." The person who came was a skinny man in his early thirties, but he was very energetic, walking with wind, Feng Ziying called him to take a seat.

   "My lord, that potato is really extraordinary!" The voice was loud, not commensurate with the thin figure of the other party, with black skin, bright eyes, and a Shaanxi accent.

  Feng Ziying also admires this person very much, Shi Jishi, this name is also a bit weird, from Weinan, Shaanxi, styled Yibo, Jinshi in the 33rd year of Yuanxi, magistrate of Dong'an County.

   "Why, brother Yi, don't complain now, don't you say that this official is overpowering others?" Feng Ziying laughed.

The black-faced man, that is, Shi Jishi sat down on his buttocks, and said in a loud voice: "I apologize to my lord first, but I am stupid. I didn't expect that Master Xu, who lived in seclusion in Tianjin Wei, would come up with such a thing that is so common. If this potato can be popularized on a large scale in the future, even if the northern land encounters severe drought, at least it will be much better than before. Our barren mountainous areas such as Shaanxi and Shanxi are especially suitable for planting this thing, and it is our Shuntian Prefecture. Adults should also promote it with all their strength, so as to prevent refugees from flocking in and have nothing to eat in the future."

"Promotion must be promoted, but there are still some difficulties and problems." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "There are seedling problems, degradation problems, and taste problems, but I don't think these are problems. The key is that everyone can accept it. , you and I accepted it, and even the people around us think it is a good thing, but you are going to let all the common people plant it at once, do they believe it? Are they willing? This is a one-season harvest, who would easily spend a year's worth of food Treat it like a joke?"

Shi Jishi remained silent. Of course he knew the difficulty of getting the common people to accept a new thing, and it would not take three to five days to see the effect, it would take a season, and he would also have to pay the risk of not having a harvest for a season. Dead man, no one will take risks easily.

Moreover, even in a county, the customs are different for ten miles, and the trust between this village and that Zhuangzi is also very poor. If your village succeeds in planting, that Zhuangzi may not be able to accept it, unless they themselves try successfully and let their neighbors Only when we all see the benefits, will we have the courage to try.

   "What is your opinion?"

Shi Jishi was not willing to drag on like this. As the county magistrate of Dong'an, he knew very well that after the severe drought in the north this year, not only the whole of Beizhili, but also Henan, Shandong, and Shaanxi were in poor condition. The situation in his hometown in Shaanxi was even worse. Well, even if the promotion of this kind of crop is delayed by one day, hundreds of thousands of people may starve to death this winter and next spring.

"Yangchu has an idea, that is, the prefecture and county will provide some money as encouragement, select 50 to 100 households in the whole prefecture or the whole county, and 1,000 mu of land to conduct experiments, and the county will take care of the seeds. , Irrigation, fertilization, weeding, etc., all are trained and decided by the county. All the potatoes and sweet potatoes planted are given to the surrounding people to taste. In addition, each grower needs to find three to five households to draw people out to help participate. Plant, let them know on the ground,…”

   This plan was finalized after discussions between Feng Ziying and Fang Kezhuang. Now it is very difficult to promote potatoes and sweet potatoes, and the common people do not believe it.

It is even more impossible for ordinary people to take the initiative to plant. We can only use carrots and sticks to force the promotion, so that ordinary people can see the effect as soon as possible, let them see the planting with their own eyes, and realize the benefits of it. Only these people can plant enthusiasm.

   "In addition, a policy must be introduced to allow the county to purchase the sweet potatoes and potatoes grown, which can be deducted from the land tax,..."

  Feng Ziying's words made Shi Jishi stand up, shaking his head like a rattle, "How can this be done? The Ministry of Households has nothing to say, who dares?"

  The Ministry of Households collects land tax. There are only three kinds of food crops: wheat, rice, and millet, and none of the others, because these three are easy to store. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are not easy to preserve.

   "Uncle Yi, let's talk about it. What do you think of the wheat harvest at today's weather?" Feng Ziying's words made Shi Jishi speechless.

"It's just a nominal statement, to reassure the common people." Feng Ziying said indifferently: "In the next spring, people will starve to death. Where will the land tax come from? The imperial court will definitely reduce it, and then potatoes and sweet potatoes can become life-saving things. Who cares if you can get a discount?"

  Shi Jishi sat down and did not speak for a while, before finally asking: "Is it the same in other counties?"

"Uncle Yi, to tell you the truth, that is, three or five counties can do this, and I don't have the ability to make them accept it in other counties. It’s nothing more than famine and refugees.” Feng Ziying leaned on the official hat chair, “Being an official is not for the people, but you just want to keep the black hat on your head. Is it meaningless to be an official?”

   Enraged by Feng Ziying's words, Shi Jishi also blushed, "Your Excellency, there is no need to be so aggressive, Shi Mou agreed to this matter!"

"Okay, then I will also give Yibo a promise. If the stored sweet potatoes are not cared for, or if they are not finished, I will ask for it!" Feng Ziying also patted his chest, "I also hope that Yibo can Mobilize more people to plant on this guaranteed area. Dong'an is located between the Hun River and the Feng River, and there are a lot of saline-alkali wastelands. As long as someone is willing to plant, they can be encouraged as much as possible..."

  Shi Jishi nodded: "Your official understands that this winter and next spring will be sad. If you don't make preparations earlier, your official is worried that the refugees from Hejian Mansion in the south will go north again. Master Feng, you will be under even greater pressure."

  (end of this chapter)

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