Number of People

Chapter 1601: Xin Zijuan points to

  Chapter 1601 Xin Zijuan points to

   Shi Jishi left, but the reminder to Feng Ziying still made Feng Ziying a little nervous.

The three prefectures of Hejian, Zhending, and Baoding in the south are densely populated. The drought this year is also extremely serious, and the situation is worse than expected. Once the famine problems caused by the drought in these three prefectures are not resolved, the actual It is impossible to solve the problem, that is to say, it is almost inevitable for the refugees to go north to the capital city.

In contrast, the situation in Hejian Prefecture mentioned in Shi Jishi is actually better. The real situation is severe in the northern part of Zhending Prefecture and several counties in the southwest of Baoding Prefecture, such as Dingzhou, Quwo, Xingtang, and Gaocheng. In the prefectures and counties of Shahe, Lingshou, Fuping, Mancheng, Tangxian, Wanxian, and Wangdu, the Shahe River and Zihe River have almost stopped flowing. Even the most important Hutuo River has less than half of the amount of water in previous years due to the lack of precipitation. One can imagine.

The drastic climate change in the Little Ice Age is really powerful, and the continuous drought is getting more and more serious. This situation is especially prominent in the north. Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Beizhi have been drought and rainless for many years, and the livelihood of the local people is also facing challenges. serious threat.

Under normal circumstances, two consecutive years of drought can basically force a decent family in the village to go bankrupt, while families that are slightly worse either get out of the local big family as slaves, or they can only go out as refugees , otherwise there is only the ending of starving to death.

Reminiscent of the fact that there is still a large gap in the grain deficit of the second warehouse in Jingtong, Feng Ziying is even more worried. The land of Jingji is narrow and densely populated, and all grain has to come from the south. a disaster.

   Jingtong Second Warehouse was originally prepared to make up for such natural disasters and accidents. Now even Jingtong Second Warehouse still has a large deficit that has not been made up. How can Feng Ziying not be anxious.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying picked up the letter from Song Tongyin again.

Song Tongyin is not only Feng Ziying's classmate in Qingtan Academy, but also Feng Ziying's hometown fellow in Shandong, but the contact between the two of them in Qingtan Academy and even Guanzheng is not very much, because Song Tongyin is ten years older than Feng Ziying, the huge age gap makes them Usually just casually.

   Until Feng Ziying became the magistrate of Yongping Prefecture, and Song Tongyin became the magistrate of Gaocheng County, the two still got in touch.

  After all, they are all appointed officials in Beizhili. Everyone is a novice, and they are slowly familiarizing themselves with these things that no one will teach you in books and the Six Departments of the Central Committee. It is also necessary to learn from each other.

  After Feng Ziying became the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, Song Tongyin sent people to Feng Mansion to congratulate him and presented congratulatory gifts, which moved Feng Ziying very much.

   Previously, they didn't communicate much in the academy, but unexpectedly, after becoming an official, the two interacted more.

Song Tongyin also mentioned the situation in Gaocheng this year in his letter, saying that the water level of the Hutuo River has dropped by half compared to normal years. Except for some harvests along the banks of the Hutuo River and some tributaries, other areas, especially mountainous areas, are particularly drought-stricken. Seriously, even to the point where the trees die.

In addition to the drought, locust plagues also hit Gaocheng, Luancheng, Zhaozhou, Wuji, Jinzhou, and Shulu and Shenze areas near Baoding Prefecture. The situation in Gaocheng was not bad, but Luancheng, Zhaozhou, Shulu The locusts wiped out prefectures and counties such as Wuqiang, Fukasawa, and Fukasawa. Scholars and people were terrified, and rumors abounded.

   What worries Feng Ziying is not just the flood of locusts, but the spread of rumors after the horror of the people.

The spread of rumors means that there are monsters inside, and most of these monsters are specially sent by secret societies to confuse people and disturb people's hearts, and create a basis for public opinion for these clubs to attract people. These seem clumsy, but they are often There is no disadvantage, and foolish men and women believe in it.

  Feng Ziying suspected that this might be the work of the White Lotus Sect. Thinking of the activities of the White Lotus Sect in Beijing and even Shuntian Mansion, Feng Ziying became more and more worried.

There are frequent exchanges of people between Shuntian Mansion, Baoding Mansion and Zhending Mansion. It can even be said that many people in the capital city are originally from Baoding Mansion and Zhending Mansion. Under such circumstances, if the White Lotus Sect develops rapidly in Baoding and Zhending, it will definitely have a stimulating impact on the activities of the White Lotus Sect in Beijing, and the White Lotus Sect members in Beijing will also become active.

Feng Ziying also asked someone to send some potato and sweet potato seedlings to Gaocheng, but Feng Ziying estimated that even if Song Tongyin strongly promoted it, since there is no such planting atmosphere in Zhending Mansion, it is probably better than nothing. But in any case, as long as it is planted, as long as someone sees the advantages and benefits of this crop, someone will follow suit. This is equivalent to planting seeds, and it depends on how many of them can bear fruit.

   After replying to Song Tongyin, Feng Ziying felt a little relieved.

In Beizhili, there are not many students in the same year as Feng Ziying in Qingtan Academy. In the fifth year of Yonglong, there are not many students in that subject. In addition to Feng Ziying, Lian Guoshi, and Song Tongyin, there is Cao Wenheng who is the county magistrate in Yongnian County, Guangping Prefecture. up.

Feng Ziying and Cao Wenheng are not familiar, and the reason is very simple. Cao Wenheng is also seven or eight years older than him. When Feng Ziying was in the academy, he was more close to his peers, but now he realizes that he is familiar with A few of them are basically in the Seven Departments of the central government, but there are not many in the local area, especially in Beizhili. Song Tongyin has been contacted, and Cao Wenheng should also contact him.

  So he also asked Qi Yongtai to write a letter to Cao Wenheng, and then wrote to Cao Wenheng himself.

  No one else, in addition to strengthening the relationship to enhance the relationship in the future, more importantly, Quang Binh is also where the activities of the White Lotus Sect are rampant.

   Although Guangping Prefecture is small, it is the intersection of four provinces. Shandong is on the east, Shanxi and Henan are on the west, radiating the Central Plains, and its geographical location is very important.

   Till now, Cao Wenheng has not replied to his letter, but it is estimated that there will be a response in the past few days.

  Feng Ziying now also has some doubts about the local situation reported to the court by the local government. The possibility of trying to cover up the fraud is too great. If you want to know the actual situation, it is really better to rely on the friendship of your classmates to find out some real situations.

   Judging from the situation obtained by Song Tongyin, it is estimated that the Guangping Mansion where Cao Wenheng is located will not be much better, so reminding Cao Wenheng earlier to make preparations early is to do his best.

Feng Ziying felt more and more that she was not like the governor of Shuntian Mansion, but more like the governor of Beizhili or the governor of Beizhili. She had to take care of the affairs of Shuntian Mansion and worry about the affairs of Yongping Mansion. He is also intervening in the affairs of Ding, Baoding and Guangping mansions. Isn't this the pattern of the governor of Beizhili?

  After thinking about it, he asked Baoxiang to call Wu Yaoqing.

   "Yaoqing, I'm still not sure about the Bailian Sect group, how did you find out?"

"My lord, this period of time is a bit strange. This group of people seems to have disappeared, and they haven't been seen for more than a month." Wu Yaoqing pondered: "It can't be said that none of them have disappeared, but most of them have disappeared. , at least there is no movement in the city, only occasionally a few people will appear, we have arranged reliable people to watch over Cuihua Hutong, and will report if there is any movement, but there has been no news."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was also surprised, "Did they notice something?"

"It doesn't look like it." Wu Yaoqing said with certainty: "Our people are placed far away, and three to four rounds of people take turns to follow them, and we also borrowed a few merchants' shops in that area. They should not be discovered. In addition, they Some people are still active, but the movement is much smaller than in the past few months, and some subordinates wonder if they are temporarily transferred to other places because they are not in Beijing because of some activities."

"How many people are there in Hongqing Temple?" Feng Ziying agreed with Wu Yaoqing's judgment. The White Lotus Sect is currently developing rapidly and activities are very frequent. Without interference or impact from other factors, it is unlikely to actively shrink. It can only be transferred to As for other matters, it is unrealistic for Wu Yaoqing and the others to keep a firm grip on all the movements of the White Lotus Sect if they only go outside the capital city.

"Two to three people, basically rarely come out, usually there is one person whose whereabouts are uncertain, often go out for two days and then come back, this rotation is more like a contact point." Wu Yaoqing replied: "These three people are very alert. , and we all have kung fu, we couldn't keep up, and the furthest time we tracked was near Niulan Mountain and lost track."

   "Niulan Mountain? Between Shunyi and Huairou? That means they shouldn't have traveled too far. The journey of two or three days means that they are still in our Shuntian Prefecture."

Feng Ziying subconsciously got up and walked to the edge of the west wall, and opened the curtain. This is a map of Shuntian Prefecture, but it is different from ordinary maps. It is somewhat similar to modern maps, and the rough proportions and contour lines have begun to change. Adding to the above, all kinds of legends are also standardized one by one.

"We also suspect that it is still in the territory of Shuntian Prefecture, and it should be in the north or northwest." Wu Yaoqing analyzed: "The line of Changping-Huairou-Miyun is the most likely, but there seems to be nothing special about this line, and the population is also large. Not dense, logically speaking, the White Lotus Sect should not develop in this line."

Wu Yaoqing was also a little skeptical, "If they are afraid of being exposed if there is too much movement in the capital city, they should go to places like Tongzhou, Xiangsanhe, and Baodi, or go to Liangxiang and Zhuozhou, which are close to Zhending and Baoding. Over there, the White Lotus Sect is more powerful and has a deeper foundation."

  Feng Ziying also thought hard, the Ministry of Justice and Long Jinwei were not helpful, or didn't pay attention, which made many things difficult for me, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture.

Yongping Mansion has already sent a few letters to Lian to remind him about the state affairs, but this guy is now focusing on iron smelting, potato and sweet potato planting, and the construction of Yuguan Port, or after the road is gradually completed. Perhaps the refugees who stayed behind were resettled and reclaimed wasteland, and they obviously didn't pay much attention to reminding themselves.

  (end of this chapter)

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