Number of People

Chapter 1602: Xin Zijuan temple rivers and lakes

  Chapter 1602 Xin Zijuan Temple Rivers and Lakes

   "Yaoqing, what's your opinion?" Feng Ziying was not only worried that the White Lotus Sect would remain in the capital for a long time, but also worried that the White Lotus Sect would choose the right time to make trouble.

For example, when Prince Yizhong raised the anti-flag and caused a confrontation between the North and the South or even a war, or when Mongolia and Jianzhou Jurchen began to take the opportunity to invade the south, and the power of the White Lotus Sect was not limited to Shuntian Prefecture, the investigation in Yongping Prefecture also proved Its foundation in Yongping Mansion is also quite deep, and has even penetrated into the army.

Now Wu Yaoqing's investigation also shows that the White Lotus Sect has been developing and operating for many years in Zhending, Baoding, Guangping, Daming, Hejian, or simply the entire Northern Zhili, and its spread is quite rapid. The Internet is deeply rooted, but the local governments have not paid enough attention to it, so that this situation is getting worse and worse.

If it is said that this is the heyday of a dynasty, then the uncontrolled spread of this secret society may not be fatal enough. It's going to kill me.

"My lord, with our current strength, even dealing with the White Lotus Sect in the entire Shuntian Prefecture may be a bit difficult. At most, we can keep an eye on the White Lotus Sect in the city. We are powerless, as for the other prefectures in Beizhili, there is nothing we can do, so my subordinates think that we should find a way to start from several angles."

  Wu Yaoqing obviously thought about this issue seriously, and he could come up with corresponding countermeasures when Feng Ziying asked.

  Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction, not in vain of her painstaking cultivation and entrusting him with important tasks. Execution ability is one thing, and being good at thinking and planning ahead proves her excellence.

"you say."

"The subordinates have thought about it. This White Lotus Sect is no longer the original loose society that was born spontaneously by foolish men and women in the countryside, or was randomly manipulated by some magic sticks and witches." Wu Yaoqing first determined the nature of the White Lotus Sect: "From the fact that the Linqing people mentioned by the adults were mixed with the White Lotus Sect, and even had connections with the Japanese, and later plotted to assassinate the adults at the Guhe Ferry, and the difficulty of our investigation has become more difficult, this shows that these people are seeking to organize They are closer, their connections are more secretive, their methods are more vicious, and they may even have greater ambitions and higher schemes..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying frowned, "Greater ambitions, higher schemes? What Yaoqing thinks they want to do? Rebellion? Separatism?"

"It's not easy for my subordinates to be sure, but judging from the personnel they have developed and absorbed now, they are no longer purely foolish people in the countryside. Sergeants, people from the rivers and lakes, merchants, monks, gentry, and even officials are gradually It has become their more important absorption target, which shows that they also understand that it is not an era in which foolish men and women can be coaxed to work hard these days. If they want to survive, they need to rely on various identities and resources to integrate and play their best. Greater power."

Wu Yaoqing's words made Feng Ziying even more anxious, "I also noticed what you said. The foolish men and women in the countryside can only act as pawns, but to truly develop and grow, it is necessary to have people with knowledge, wealth, prestige and influence. Only by joining can we grow up, and they gradually understand this truth."

"Isn't that how Zhu Yuanzhang got up in the early Ming Dynasty? Didn't Fang La almost succeed in the Northern Song Dynasty?" Wu Yaoqing smiled, "There are also brilliant people in the White Lotus Sect. They should understand this, so they act like this. But that makes it harder for us to deal with."

"The reason why they have developed so rapidly in the north, I think it has a lot to do with the bad weather in the north and the constant floods and droughts in the past ten years." Feng Ziying nodded, "especially the severe drought in the north in recent years, and the hardships of the people. Unbearable, the turmoil of the refugees has become their best opportunity."

Wu Yaoqing thought so, and nodded repeatedly, "My lord is right. Another reason is that the Northland itself is a barren land, and the people's customs are strong. Once the people can't feed themselves, they can only take risks. If there is a club that can fight against the government , will undoubtedly greatly increase their courage.”

   "Well, Yaoqing, tell me about your countermeasures and suggestions." Feng Ziying returned to the topic.

"First, my lord may still have to negotiate with the Ministry of Punishment. The 13th Department of Purging Officials of the Ministry of Punishment has considerable informant resources in all provinces. It is impossible to be ignorant of the activities of the White Lotus Sect in the North. The subordinates can even bet that the Ministry of Punishment will clean up officials in all provinces. The informants must have infiltrated into the White Lotus Sect, and with the support and cooperation of the Ministry of Punishment, it would be much easier to investigate many issues."

Wu Yaoqing's first proposal made Feng Ziying frown. He didn't know that the Ministry of Punishment has abundant resources in this area, but now Liu Yixiu, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, used to be with the then deputy capital censor when he was the right capital censor in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Qiao Yingjia is very wrong, he hates the house and black, and he wants to go to him for help, I'm afraid the effect will not be very good.

  Feng Ziying nodded, indicating that she understood, and asked him to continue.

"Secondly, it is still based on our own strength in Shuntian Prefecture. Now the states and counties pay different attention to this matter. In other words, quite a few states and counties still follow the usual efforts to investigate and arrest, so many of them are mere formalities. There are obviously clues. But if you don’t want to do a deep investigation, don’t want to report it, or if you have something to do with it, you can suppress this kind of situation, and we can’t get any news from the government office, so I’m afraid your lord must find a way to solve this problem.”

   This is also a troublesome matter. If Feng Ziying can completely control the twenty-two counties in five prefectures, there is no need for Wu Yaoqing to remind him.

  But Feng Ziying didn't say anything. If she can't control it now, it doesn't mean she won't be able to do it in the future. Although she can't control all the states and counties, Feng Ziying is still planning to think of some solutions in some key states and counties.

"The third is to use the adjustment of the third class of arrests to eliminate redundant personnel and select elite forces. In particular, we can select a group of outstanding talents from the northern rivers and lakes martial arts. They came to serve us,…”

"Well, are these Jianghu sects willing to do such things?" Feng Ziying knows that Wu Yaoqing is very good at cooperating with Jianghu sects, and many of her current bodyguards are almost from Jianghu sects, but pure bodyguard work and confrontation with the White Lotus Sect, that is Two different things, with far greater risks involved.

"My lord, you are now the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion. You are under one person and above ten thousand people. These Jianghu sects want to live on your territory. There are too many things they want from you. Besides, these Jianghu sects also have to survive. Just asking for profit, a sect ranges from 30 to 50 people to as many as hundreds of people, which one does not run some business and practice? The adults only need to tilt a little, and they can earn a lot of money, but the adults are not very Just care about these trivial details." Wu Yaoqing laughed.

Wu Yaoqing's words are correct. This Shuntian Mansion is where the capital is located. There are dragons, crouching tigers, grassy dragons and snakes. The capital city is even better. After all, it is at the foot of the imperial city. The armed forces of the Four Guards Battalion are all entrenched here, so the Jianghu sects are very restrained, but in the suburbs of the city and places such as Tongzhou, Sanhe, Xianghe, Changping, and Shunyi, it is the places where the Jianghu sects gather together.

Especially along the line from Tongzhou, Xianghe, Wuqing to Tianjinwei, there are 20 or 30 sects, large and small, most of which rely on the canal to operate boat shops, bodyguard bureaus, car dealers, caravans, artisan shops, etc. Oil mills, grain stores, and cloth stores make a living.

  For example, the largest blacksmith workshop in Xianghe belongs to the Dahe Gang, and the three most famous **** agencies in Tongzhou are owned by the Cao Gang, Baishahui, and Wuhu Duanmen Knife.

  Even Ni Er beside Feng Ziying also has a gang status.

He is a lay disciple of Shaolin. He is a master of the Twelve Vajra Chain Boxing and the Crazy Wand technique. He is also one of the three important figures of Shaolin in the capital city. strength.

For example, the Pu'an Temple in Hechao Xifang and the Zhihua Temple in Huanghuafang are two branch temples of Shaolin in the capital city. On the surface, these two temples are just temples that invite Shaolin monks to come here to preach the Dharma. stronghold in the city.

  These situations were revealed by Ni Er only half-covered after Feng Ziying became the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion.

  He also admitted that although he has martial arts skills, he can only be regarded as a disciple of Shaolin layman, and he has some connections with the master, but it is far from being particularly important.

   It was precisely because he got online with Feng Ziying that his identity was truly recognized by Shaolin, and then he began to intentionally train him to gradually become the spokesperson of Shaolin laymen in Beijing.

This also shocked Feng Ziying. He did not expect that the famous Shaolin Temple would have its own spokesperson in Beijing, and Ni Er could rely on his own background to suddenly become a member of the Shaolin Temple in Shuntian Prefecture and even Beizhili. In his opinion, how could Ni Er have anything to do with a thousand-year-old sect like Shaolin Temple, but the reality is like this.

No wonder Ni Er has become more and more disciplined in the past six months. For example, although the gambling house is still open, it has been transferred to another person under him on the surface, and the business of lending usury has long since ceased to be involved. Opportunities for people like Jerry.

Feng Ziying also half-truthfully asked Ni Er that Shaolin has a foothold in the capital city, and whether the Wudang sect is the same. Ni Er's answer is of course the same. The leader of the Dahe Gang in Xianghe is a direct disciple of Wudang. The Dahe Gang is actually a peripheral gang of Wudang, and the Qingxu Temple of Jingzhong Rizhongfang is also the base of Wudang in Beijing.

   This completely overturned Feng Ziying's cognition, and it also made him really recall what was said in a certain martial arts novel in his previous life, temples and rivers and lakes have a long history.

  (end of this chapter)

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