Number of People

Chapter 1603: Xin Zijuan Yundong

  Chapter 1603 Xin Zijuan Yundong

  Wu Yaoqing's proposal to cooperate with Jianghu sects is indeed a feasible way.

  Judging from the current level of the White Lotus Sect, there are many masters who are proficient in martial arts, which also makes Wu Yaoqing and the others face many difficulties in tracking.

   It turns out that those people in the third class of government officials are good at tracking down and investigating ordinary people, but they are not enough for these people.

  If, on the one hand, we can attract some masters who are willing to serve the imperial court, and on the other hand, simply use interests as a bond to ask these martial arts sects to serve the government, we should get better results.

"Well, Yaoqing, I will negotiate with the Ministry of Criminal Justice, but I can't guarantee the effect; I can only do my best in each state and county. I guess some states and counties can achieve the effect, but others can only do their best and listen to the destiny. ;As for the cooperation with Jianghu sect, I authorize you to handle it with full authority, and you can discuss it with Wenyan, Gu Dengfeng, and even Qian Guisheng in terms of making a living and money."

Qian Guisheng was the least visible member of the team that Feng Ziying received from Lin Ruhai's transfer of salt envoys from Lin Ruhai's Huaihe River. Gu Dengfeng and Gu Dengfeng, who is in charge of the Feng family's business, are in the dark, and only Qian Guisheng is in the dark.

Qian Guisheng is mainly responsible for re-operating some of Lin Ruhai's original invisible assets and connections, even including the original connections that Lin Ruhai made through the relationship of the Supreme Emperor. This includes the original court, but not limited to the government. Contacts also include all kinds of invisible things among the powerful gentry in some places, but they are mainly concentrated in the south.

Seeing that Feng Ziying had made up his mind, Wu Yaoqing didn't say much, "Since that's the case, then the subordinates should hurry up and do it. In fact, after the third squad of Shuntian Prefecture's arrests were eliminated, the Jianghu sects in the Gyeonggi area were a little restless. After all, the vacancies of tens of hundreds of people are very attractive to these sects of the rivers and lakes. Not only can they get positions in the government yamen, the treatment is good, and the key hands still have considerable power, they can more or less It is helpful to the sect, so many people are inquiring, even Ni Er has come to ask,..."

   "Didn't Ni Er say that he would give his subordinates some chances?" Feng Ziying was surprised, he remembered that he had already ordered Wu Yaoqing and the officials.

"Your Excellency has indeed ordered, but this subordinate thinks that we still need to step by step and select." Wu Yaoqing pondered for a while, "This subordinate thinks so, if it's just Ni Er's personal, of course there is no problem, but behind Ni Er is Shaolin. Pai, then I’m afraid we need to pay attention to some balance. We also need to see how much Ni Er and Shaolin can do for the Shuntian Mansion and for the adults. It cannot be said that relying on the name of the Shaolin Sect will take it for granted that they can enter the Shuntian Mansion Yamen as a third party. Quick squad, that's unfair to other sects, and it's easy to breed arrogance and indulgence on the Shaolin side."

  Feng Ziying thought about it carefully, and felt that Wu Yaoqing was really thoughtful.

  I still underestimated the importance of the three squads of policemen in the Shuntian government office and their attraction to people in the Jianghu. This may be due to the fact that I have never really had contact with and understood the specific living conditions of this group and this class.

I didn't realize how important these roles of head-hunters and fast-movers are, but these people have extensive and huge power in every aspect of daily affairs, and they can even decide whether a person or a shop, a line of work, etc. Survive on a ship or a caravan.

Employers are not suspicious, and suspects are unnecessary. Since Feng Ziying has delegated power to Wu Yaoqing, she no longer thinks about it, "Yaoqing, I will leave this matter to you. It is best to take action in the near future. It should be faster. Time is of the essence." We may not have much."

   "The subordinate understands." Wu Yaoqing cupped his fists and said confidently: "When necessary, please ask the adults to show up and give some encouragement, maybe the effect will be better."

  Even if this step is achieved, Feng Ziying is still not at ease.

  Because he felt that he was relying on his current power, which was not enough to change or leverage the overall situation. The power of the White Lotus Sect in Beijing might not be one-tenth or two of what they were hiding underwater.

  Even so, I couldn't completely check it out.

One month later, the autumn in Tiewangshan even made Feng Ziying feel great pressure, and he couldn't even sleep well. He was sure that something would happen to Tiewangshan in autumn, but he was not sure what exactly would happen and how much impact it would have. .


   "What?!" Feng Ziying's buttocks that had just sat down seemed to have been scalded by a soldering iron, and suddenly bounced up, "My lord, are you settled?"

"It's settled. Chen Jixian will be the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town, and the general of the Fifth Army Battalion will be removed. The old ten will be the governor of the Beijing Camp and the general of the Fifth Army Battalion. The Fifth Army Battalion has dispatched a group of generals, officers and elite soldiers to leave, so the old ten is very anxious, and I am afraid that he wants to transfer some people from Ji Town, Shenshu Camp, and Shenji Camp to the Fifth Army Battalion."

  King Zhongshun's face was not very good-looking, and the appointment was made very abruptly. There was almost no movement from the cabinet and the Ministry of War, so he made an announcement lightly, which in itself was a very subtle move.

"It is reasonable to transfer soldiers from Shenshu Camp and Shenji Battalion. I am afraid that Jizhen is not in compliance with the regulations, and the Ministry of War will not agree." Feng Ziying shook her head: "It seems that the emperor put pressure on the Ministry of War, otherwise how could the Ministry of War agree? Chen Jixian also took away the elite of the Fifth Army Battalion."

  Beijing Camp, Guard Army, and Frontier Army are three different systems.

  The broad Beijing camp includes not only the three major camps of the Beijing camp, namely the Fifth Army Battalion, the Shenshu Battalion, and the Shenji Battalion, but also the Warrior Battalion, the Four Guards Battalion, the Five City Bingma Division, and the Patrol Battalion, which are the security forces of the capital.

  Guards generally refer to the guard troops in various places except the border towns, and also include the people under their jurisdiction.

  The frontier army system is the largest. In addition to the existing nine border towns, it now also includes the newly established Denglai Town, Jingxiang Town, and the soon-to-be-established Huaiyang Town.

That is to say, now the entire Dazhou will have Twelve Side Towns, but in fact, if Denglai Town can barely be said to face North Korea and Japan by the sea, it can be called an outside town, and Jingxiang Town and Huaiyang Town are mostly inward. Of course, Jingxiang Town can be said to be the chieftain who really disagrees with Wang Hua in Southwest Huguang, and Huaiyang Town can be said to be aimed at Japanese pirates who may come from the sea.

"It's not clear how many people Chen Jixian will take away, but the Ministry of War has opened his mouth. Chen Jixian definitely wants to take more elites of his direct line, I'm afraid the number will not be small." King Zhongshun's face was gloomy, "The last time the emperor asked five The military battalion also sent troops to fight the Mongols. Chen Jixian tried to send out most of the non-direct descendants of the Fifth Army Battalion, but lost most of them. The current Fifth Army Battalion is almost covered by Chen Jixian. I'm afraid it's also the Emperor's intention to simply empty it out and rebuild the Fifth Army Battalion, everyone will be happy."

The initial establishment of Huaiyang Township will be set at between 60,000 and 70,000 people. If there is support from Nanjing in the later stage, it may expand to a staffing similar to that of Jizhen and Xuanfu, which is 100,000 people. Up and down.

Now after the disastrous defeat of the Santun Camp, there are only more than 20,000 people in the Fifth Army Battalion. Even if they are all moved to the town, only one-third will be there, and it is impossible to spare all of them. Chen Jixian's maximum ability to take away more than 10,000 people is the limit.

With more than 10,000 people as the backbone, it is enough to build a Huaiyang town, but it is not known what the combat effectiveness is. The Beijing camp has not fought for many years, and its combat effectiveness is worrying. Its weak nature, but Chen Jixian's direct line of the Fifth Army Battalion is hard to say. To verify it, you can only know it if you have actually been on the battlefield.

"It's not that easy to rebuild the Fifth Army Battalion. The Shenshu Battalion and the Shenji Battalion have limited strength, and the Shenji Battalion has only been rebuilt for less than half a year. The one that has truly fully formed its combat effectiveness is Qiu Shiben's Shenshu Battalion. He will not agree to transfer him. It is estimated that the emperor is not willing to do so, and Qian Guozhong has just taken office at Shenjiying, and his prestige has not yet been established, and the departments of Shenjiying are also newly formed, and Prince Zhonghui has taken a fancy to Shenjiying." Feng Ziying laughed.

  Prince Zhongshun understood, "Lao Shi has a good idea, but Ziying, do you think Qiu Shiben and Su Shengdu are married, um, will the emperor have a heart-to-heart?"

  One is the chief general of the Shenshu camp, the other is the deputy general of Shanxi Town, and Concubine Su has two adult princes. It is impossible to say that Emperor Yonglong has no sympathy, but he can't do anything either.

As soon as the Fifth Army Battalion was dismantled, only the Shenshu Battalion had some combat effectiveness among the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp. The Shenji Battalion was formed quickly, but after all, it was only established for less than half a year. Most people would think it was difficult to form combat effectiveness, but Feng Ziying didn't think so. .

   In Feng Ziying's opinion, the Shenji camp, which was built entirely of firecrackers, or even self-generated firecrackers, was far better than Qiushi's Shenshu camp, which was based on traditional knives, shields, spears and old-fashioned firecrackers.

It may take longer for the Shenshu Camp to train, but Feng Ziying believes that as long as the Shenji Battalion follows the training method he provided to He Huchen, Yang Zhaoji and others and supplements the complete firearms, then at least the second part of He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji can gradually move towards modern times. The musketeer mode has advanced and crushed the Shenshu camp that is still using the old-fashioned traditional battle formation.

"Regardless of whether there is a knot in the heart or not, the emperor will not move the Shenshu camp now, and the enemy will only listen to the emperor. Now it is equivalent to disrupting the fifth military camp and the Shenji camp to rebuild the regulations. As long as there are two or three years, the fifth military camp and the divine The Jiying can be rebuilt, and the Jingying can truly become the pinnacle of stability in Beijing." Feng Ziying's words were full of wit.

  (end of this chapter)

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