Number of People

Chapter 1604: Xin Zi Juan Feng Gao

  Chapter 1604 Xin Zijuan Feng Gao

   King Zhongshun's expression was in a daze, uncertain, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

Not only because the emperor asked King Zhonghui to be the envoy of the Beijing camp and the general of the fifth military camp, but also asked Chen Jixian to move the main force of the fifth military camp to Huaiyang Town. For the boss, or his sons?

  The reason why I came to Feng Ziying for advice was to see if I could get some opinions from this person.

   This guy is not only a disciple of Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, but also because this guy has an extraordinary sense of smell and judgment on the current situation, which he especially admires.

Feng Ziying reminded herself early on not to get involved in the fights of several princes, saying that the emperor's mind is fickle, and perhaps a certain factor may change his mind, and the opinions from the scholars and courtiers cannot be ignored by the emperor, so Betting hastily will only lead to unnecessary trouble.

But I thought that I had seen through Brother Huang's thoughts, and it was just a tentative push to push Qian Guozhong. As a result, Brother Huang had such great suspicion and reaction, which made me feel a little embarrassed now, even with the old ten. It took a big advantage.

"Ziying, Gu has always felt a little uneasy during this period of time. I always feel that something big is going to happen in Beijing, but the situation is fine now, except for the iron net mountain autumn, but what can happen? "Wang Zhongshun said leisurely: "It's only two hundred miles away from the capital city, and the capital camp is accompanying us, and the army of Jizhen is also stationed nearby. What can we do?"

Feng Ziying was taken aback, then smiled and said, "Isn't your lord worrying too much about state affairs? This year's season is indeed not good. There is a severe drought in the north. I'm afraid it will be difficult by the end of the year, but the iron net mountain is autumn, what does your lord think will happen?" Woolen cloth?"

"Brother Huang, there must be some people who are happy and some people are sad, and some people are unwilling, but so what? The emperor is not close to women, and now even the noble concubines want to see the emperor, they must pass the consent, the prince It's the same with you, and Brother Huang, you can't change your mind just by begging and acting like a baby, and no one can easily change this kind of thing."

   Wang Zhongshun stroked his beard, his eyes wandered, "You think there will be no moths in the boss meeting?"

Finally thought of coming here, Feng Ziying looked unmoved, "Then what does the prince think Yizhong will do? The emperor has been the emperor for ten years, not to mention as stable as Mount Tai, but don't the princes in the court understand the reasoning here?" ? What's the benefit to the court?"

"Yeah, that's why I can't figure it out, but I can't let it go in my heart. I just can't find out what's wrong." King Zhongshun patted his thigh, "As long as the emperor is in good health, everything will be fine, so I went to see you." Brother Huang, his complexion is still good, and the Tai Hospital also said that as long as Brother Huang rests at ease, there will be no serious problems within three to five years."

   "Since this is the case, the prince should rest assured." Feng Ziying said lightly: "But the prince is still so restless, what are you worried about?"

   "Well, Gu can't explain clearly." King Zhongshun shook his head with a wry smile, "That's why Gu came to ask Ziying about you."

"My lord, how do you understand this? You only need to fulfill your duties and guard the three-acre land in Shuntian Mansion." Feng Ziying waved her hand with a smile, "What you think is different from what your lord thinks. .”

"No, Ziying, you can definitely think of something that Gu can't think of." King Zhongshun recognized Feng Ziying, his eyes fell on Feng Ziying's face, and he simply held Feng Ziying's wrist with one hand, "Ziying, you have to say to Gu, Whether it's your guess, or your wild imagination, Gu wants to hear it."


  Standing on a high platform with his hands behind his back, looking towards the northwest, Prince Yizhong's originally strong and generous back was already a little bloated and old.

   After all, they are in their fifties, Chu Qi and Wang Zinian exchanged looks, both feeling a little emotional.

  They are all old people who have followed Prince Yizhong for many years. I am afraid that apart from Jia Jing, the others are somewhat inferior to them in terms of qualifications.

"Ke Zhen, how is Jia Jing's situation over there? There should have been a letter a few days ago." After a long time, Prince Yizhong turned around, his tiger eyes still shining brightly, "Zhen Yingjia repeatedly asked Gu wrote a letter, saying that Jia Jing acted arbitrarily, that Tang Binyin and Gu Tianjun were extremely dissatisfied with Jia Jing's actions, but Jia Jing didn't show up, and the crimes were all borne by their brothers..."

Wang Zinian laughed, "My lord, don't you know what kind of people the Zhen brothers are? Zhen Yingyu is better, and Zhen Yingjia is a person who can't wait for the power to be in his hands. Brother Zijing has been dormant for so many years. If you want to help the prince achieve great things, how can you restrain him?"

Chu Qi also answered with a smile and said: "Ke Zhen is right, the brothers of the Zhen family, except for Zhen Yingyu who cares about the overall situation, the others are all mediocre. Zhen Yingjia is the eldest brother, and Zhen Yingyu has nothing to do. Zijing will definitely not get used to it." Looking at the other party, how could we raise so much money in such a short period of time without Zijing planning in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"Well, I understand Zijing's hard work, but the Zhen family can be regarded as a lonely minister in the south of the Yangtze River, so it shouldn't be too much." Of course, Prince Yizhong is aware of the twists and turns, but he is unwilling to let Jia Jing and Zhen The family relationship is too rigid, "Wen Qi, you should write a letter to Zijing, and let him tolerate it a little bit, but you should write a letter to Zhen Yingjia, telling him to stay calm, and there should be a result soon. "

  Chu Qi frowned, "My lord, I really want to be with Beibian..."

  Prince Yizhong lowered his eyelids, as if he was thinking for a long time, before he said slowly: "Without their support and containment, the Jizhen army will arrive sooner or later, and Niu Jizong's Xuanfu army may not have a chance."

   "But maybe you only need to connect with the Chahar people, why do you need to connect with the Jianzhou Jurchen...?" Wang Zinian couldn't help but ask.

  Although the Chahar people seem to be powerful now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Chahar people are beginning to decline, and they can no longer pose a fatal threat to Dazhou.

Look at the results of their extensive invitation to the south of the Mongolian tribes last year to see the clues. Although the entire left-wing Mongolian tribes were mobilized to break through the pass and enter the south of the Great Wall in one fell swoop, they failed to obtain many decent troops in Gyeonggi. As a result of the battle, they fell into a stalemate, and finally had to withdraw from the side wall in despair.

  The somewhat dazzling record was achieved by the Inner Kharkhas. This has to be said to embarrass the Chahar people who regard themselves as the Mongolian left wing and even the Mongolian overlord.

Under such circumstances, in order to prevent the Jizhen army from intervening at a critical moment, causing the situation to become uncontrollable, it is also an acceptable choice for the Chahar people to intervene. It is not enough to give the Mongols some market compensation. Yes, but it's a bit too much to connect with Jianzhou Jurchen.

"Kezhen, I don't even want to take this step. The Jianzhou girl is really the enemy of Zhou, and I know it, so I won't take this step until the last moment." Prince Yizhong's eyes flashed a look of hostility, "If Niu Jizong's Xuanfu army can't control the situation, I'm afraid we can only retreat to the south,..."

  Prince Yizhong clenched his fists tightly, his eyes became more and more cold and ruthless.

"But the fourth brother has hundreds of thousands of frontier troops, especially in Liaodong, Jizhen, Datong and Yulin. In Datong Town, Niu Jizong said he can control part of it, so it can be offset, leaving Liaodong, Jizhen and Yulin. There are several towns, Xuanfu Town is the only one here, can Huaiyang Town be trusted? Wang Ziteng’s Denglai Town still needs to control Huguang, and there is the fourth oldest Jingxiang Town over there. If there are no Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongolian tribes Containment, the fourth child can definitely send tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 elites from the towns of Liaodong, Jizhen, and Yulin to go south, what can we do to resist? Just rely on a Xuanfu town?"

  Chu Qi and Wang Zinian were silent.

They are very clear that once the first plan fails, the second and third plans will eventually be a confrontation between the North and the South, and the most important thing for the North-South confrontation is to delay the time. Yangtze River, then the situation will gradually turn in our favor.

The lack of reserves of various materials including food and the cut off of water transportation will push the entire Northland into a desperate situation, so even God is helping us. This year's severe drought is the best assist. The lack of food in the Northland is a foregone conclusion, and Beijing The huge deficit of Tong Ercang has caused a big hole in the imperial court's grain reserves. Now the imperial court is actively buying grain to make up for it, but if it really wants to make up for it, it has to wait for the autumn grain harvest. Raising food prices forced the imperial court to be unable to support its finances.

  If it wasn’t for Feng Ziying, the auction raised more money than expected for the court, I’m afraid the current situation of the court will be even worse, and there may even be no money to buy food at all.

If you want to take the second and third options, then you must try to hold back the frontier troops in the nine border towns from going south smoothly. The longer the delay, the better, and the more the better. The lack of food and silver but the shortage of various materials will directly affect the morale and fighting spirit of the entire frontier army. It will become an impossible task for them to travel thousands of miles south to break through the river defense.

The longer it drags on and the further back, the lower the frontier army's desire to fight. After all, this is a struggle within the Zhang family itself, not an invasion by foreign enemies, or a rebellion against bandits. As long as Prince Yizhong proves it from all angles One's own orthodoxy and legitimacy, and the resistance to war prevails, then eventually the courtiers and the army will slowly accept this result.

"Of course, I don't want to have anything to do with Jianzhou Jurchen, so I also hope that it is best to solve the problem in the first way, so that I can sit on the position of Great Treasure dignifiedly and revive the Great Zhou Dynasty." Prince Yizhong waved his hand vigorously to declare his attitude.

  (end of this chapter)

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