Number of People

Chapter 1605: Xinzi Curlew

  Chapter 1605 Xin character curly snipe appears

The lush Iron Net Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, forming a large area of ​​shallow hills tens of miles along the southern foot, mixed with shrubs, forests and grasslands, and several streams, large or small, meandering in it, dividing it It became countless broken mountains and fields.

  In this area called the Royal Hunting Garden, it spans about forty miles from east to west, and more than ten miles from north to south.

  Using a wooden fence to mark the mark that ordinary people are not allowed to enter, usually there are only occasional sentinel parades passing by, but even so, there are often hunters or farmers around sneaking in to hunt and illegally log trees.

However, every time it comes to the royal autumn, the surrounding hunters and farmers will naturally stop early. Soldiers from the Warrior Battalion will start patrolling and clearing the area a month in advance. Of course, this is just a formality. Stay in the mountains, forests and grasslands for a month.

"President Zhang Jing, please read." The slightly obese middle-aged man waved his hand, "There is Iron Net Mountain over there, and the river coming down from there is called Xiaoqing River, all the way to the south, after twenty miles and from there Come down there, the Yuexi River will meet, and it will go down like this, and it will not flow into the Baihe River until it is near Niulan Mountain."

   "Well, how far is the distance between that highland over there and the westernmost hillside?" Zheng Sizhong, who was called Zhang Jing, asked with a serious face.

   "It's about twenty miles away." The obese middle-aged man said casually.

   "Twenty miles?" Zheng Sizhong asked.

  The obese man was taken aback, and thought seriously, "It's twenty-three or four miles away, but there is a trench about two feet wide and five feet deep in the middle, which is said to be used to guard against ferocious beasts."

   "Beast attack?" Zheng Sizhong sneered, "What kind of beast can withstand the swords and guns of thousands of soldiers? It must be that the emperor is afraid of being attacked."

"Sneak attack? Who can sneak attack here? There is a guerrilla unit in Ji Town in the north of Shicheng Town, and there is also a garrison in Zhenlu Camp eighty miles to the east. This is not counting the troops in Miyun County nearby." The fat man felt that Master Zhang Jing was joking. .

   Zheng Sizhong didn't bother to explain, and asked directly: "Is this trench impossible to bypass?"

"Bypass? You don't need to go around. There are no ditches in areas with woods and bushes. Only low-lying areas have ditches. There are also several crossings. But when the emperor is stationed, there are Beijing camps. The soldiers are here to guard, but it's still early, and there's no one there yet," the fat man explained.

   "Then we can go and have a look?" Zheng Sizhong looked over, "We don't ride horses, we walk,..."

   "Huh? Master Zhang Jing, do you really want to go and see it?" The obese man was puzzled, but he didn't dare to question it, and he didn't know why these people came here.

"I'm afraid it won't work. Although I heard that the emperor won't come until a month later, there are already sergeants patrolling. This is a restricted area and you are not allowed to enter. Let's take a detour to come in. It is a path in the woods, and then go forward. , It’s Yimapingchuan, it’s too conspicuous, even if someone patrols by, they can spot us.”

Zheng Sizhong shook his head: "Zhang Dou, you have to go to see it, and you have to watch it several times. You can arrange it and how to avoid other people. You are in charge here. It's okay to bring a few people in to have a look, right? "

  Although the obese man Zhang Dou is also a member of the church, his status is not high, but his status is very useful.

  He is the manager of a hunting farm in the Royal Hunting Garden here. He is usually very idle, but he can play a role at critical times.

  His elder brother is in charge of a Zhuangzi on the side of the King of Beijing, and a nephew is in charge of the Wanping County Yamen.

  These people are the useful talents developed by Senior Sister Zhang in the capital over the past few years. If they are cultivated, they will be of great use in the future, but not yet.

   "It's okay, but it needs to be arranged and a suitable reason must be found."

  The obese man saw that the master of scriptures had made up his mind to go in, and he murmured to himself, but he didn't dare to refuse, so he could only find a way to arrange it.

   "Well, then I will trouble you." Zheng Sizhong said indifferently: "Your brother is still working in the village of Prince Beijing?"

   "No, that Zhuangzi was sold by the Prince of Beijing in the middle of the year. Because my brother has been following the Prince of Beijing, the Lord of Shui arranged for him to take care of another shop in the city." Zhang Dou replied.

   "Oh? I heard that the Zhuangzi of the King of Beijing is fertile and beautiful. It covers an area of ​​over a thousand acres, and there is a lake and marsh in the middle where fish and lotus root can be raised. The transportation is also convenient. Why did you sell it?" Zheng Sizhong asked in surprise.

  These members of the Zhang family can be cultivated by Senior Sister Zhang. Originally, he thought that they were related to Senior Sister Zhang, so they were all surnamed Zhang. It turned out not to be the case, but because although the status of this family is not high, the relationship between people is more complicated.

  Like this Zhang Dou works as a steward in the hunting garden, while his elder brother Zhang Hu works as a steward in Wangzhuangzi in Beijing.

  Beijing Wang Shui Rong is also an extravagant figure in the capital city, a top-notch martial artist, and it is also valuable to grasp his movements.

  Zhang Hu's son, Zhang Hua, even sneaked into the Wanping County Yamen's Bu Kuai. He was said to be very clever, and was valued by several headhunters in the Yamen.

  Because of this, Zheng Sizhong deliberately understood the situation of the Zhang family.

  The leader also specifically raised some requirements for the development of the congregation. The requirements should not be limited to the development of those ignorant old women and old people in the countryside, but should be more useful.

  People like Mrs. Zhang are very useful.

  If it weren’t for Zhang Dou, Iron Net Mountain’s own group would have come here, and they would be blind and deaf.

   In this huge hunting garden, you can’t even get directions, and you don’t even know who will come in autumn, how to deploy defenses inside, where the emperor lives, and the situation of day and night security guards.

  With Zhang Dou, it will be different.

Although it is impossible for the emperor to get close when he arrives, and it is impossible for him to get some in-depth information, but based on his familiarity with the situation in the hunting garden, he can introduce a general idea, and Zheng Sizhong can also be able to Judging the general situation of the hunting garden in autumn.

   As for the specific guard sentries, it needs to be understood and mastered through more channels in the next step, and Zhang Dou can also play an important role in it.

"I'm not sure about that, but I heard from my elder brother that the Prince of Beijing has been selling off the Zhuangzi shop here for the past two years, and now there are not many left." Zhang Dou shook his head, "I heard that the Prince of Beijing intended to sell the shop. Money has been invested in some more profitable businesses, but I don’t know which ones are more profitable.”

Zheng Sizhong had doubts in his heart, but his face remained unchanged, and he nodded: "These rich and noble families can earn money at will, but poor people are not so lucky. Once they encounter floods and droughts, they can only I've sold my sons and daughters."

   Zhang Dou was a little embarrassed and didn't answer, but Zheng Sizhong continued to ask: "Your nephew is still working in the Wanping County Yamen, hurry up, how is it doing during this time?"

As soon as Zhang Dou talked about his nephew, Zhang Dou became energetic, "Thanks to the support of everyone in the church, I provided him with a few clues, and he got it. Now he has become one of the team leaders, leading three or four people to take charge of it." Rizhongfang Taiji Factory and Anmin Factory are in the area."

  This is also a strategy proposed by the leader, which is to actively cultivate and support some young people with development potential, so that they can continue to grow in various fields, so that when they have more power and resources in the future, they can also feed back to the leader.

  Zheng Sizhong deeply agrees with this approach.

"Well, that's good, Zhang Dou, bring a message to your nephew, it's so useful, the church will do everything we can to provide him with all kinds of support, not only some intelligence clues, but also money, as long as it can make him It is worthwhile for him to have greater development and promotion in the Yamen."

Zheng Sizhong's words made Zhang Dou even more excited. This master of scriptures can be regarded as a big figure in the sect. Although he is not as powerful as Huitou, his status is already higher than that of the head of the sect, second only to Huitou. .

  The level of the White Lotus Sect is based on the four levels of ordinary congregants, Chuantou, General Chuantou, and Huitou, and then there are figures such as the leader and the young master who do not belong to these levels. This is the category of administrative affairs management.

Zhangjing, Zhangzhigan, and General Zhangjing are a level responsible for preaching and handling special affairs, and are not affiliated with the administrative jurisdiction level. However, once the Zhangjing, Zhangzhigan, and General Zhangjing are down, they basically have special tasks. Congregations from all over the world must fully cooperate and support.

  If the nephew is favored by the head of the scriptures, he will get more support and support in the future, and he will be more proud in the government in the future, and the church will give him more resources to help him get promoted.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang Jing, my nephew is quick-witted. He used to like to drink and gamble, so he fell into a somersault, but he is loyal, so he has many friends in the city who are willing to help him. Wanping County Yali has a firm foothold." Zhang Dou was quite proud, "Now he has a group of people under his command, and he has a good relationship with the people in the punishment room, so as long as this continues, he will definitely have a chance to be promoted."

   "I fell into a somersault, what kind of somersault did I fall into?" Zheng Sizhong also felt that this person could be well trained for great use, so he asked casually.

   "Isn't it because of drinking and gambling a few years ago that he owed too much debt, so the wife who was originally engaged also divorced, so he learned from the painful experience and wanted to do something big." Zhang Dou introduced.

"Oh, that doesn't matter, as long as you cheer up, the Jiaozhong is booming now. He should understand in Wanping county government that he will have the opportunity to make more contributions to the Jiaozhong in the future, and the Jiaozhong will support him in every way, even if he is elected It is not impossible for the top figures in the third class of yamen servants." Zheng Sizhong encouraged: "There are also many entanglements in the sect and the court. Don't think that our Wenxiang sect is heresy. We also abide by the rules and follow the law. Survive better on this land."

  (end of this chapter)

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