Number of People

Chapter 1606: Who is the clam in the thunderbolt of the Renzi scroll? (5,000 characters large

  Chapter 1606 Who is the mussel? (Five thousand words more!)

   "Seven more days?" Feng Ziying put down the scroll in her hand, and nodded thoughtfully: "Is the Rongguo Mansion ready?"

"It's almost there." Yuanyang bowed slightly, "The third girl also asked her servants to bring a message, and asked the uncle to go over and see if there is any lack of preparation. After all, the second master and the second master Lian are not in the mansion. Apart from the old man, there are only a few wives left, so..."

  Feng Ziying laughed dumbfounded, "Is this appropriate? I'm just an outsider,..."

"Master, it would hurt my heart to say that. Miss Bao and Miss Lin are close relatives of the Jia family, and the second girl is going to pass the door soon. You are more or less the son-in-law of the Jia family. It doesn't take much energy to take care of it. Why not?" " Yuanyang was a little unhappy and authentic, the restraint when she first arrived gradually disappeared, and her tone of voice became higher.

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Yuanyang, are you teaching me how to do things?"

  Yuanyang was taken aback, why did she unknowingly regard the person in front of her as a man from the house, and speak casually?

Quickly lowered your eyelids, blessed with blessings, and then said again: "Master, if you forgive your sins, the slaves are presumptuous, but the master does not look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha. When the second master left, please ask the master. Is Rongguo Mansion just like this? Can't bear the uncle's attention?"

   It's not that Feng Ziying doesn't want to go to Rongguo Mansion, the problem is that he is really not in the mood to worry about Jia Baoyu's affairs.

  This kid actually seemed to be shaking because of his marriage with Niu's daughter. Before he left last time, his tone of speech changed a little. Although he was still respectful on the surface, Feng Ziying could clearly see the raised tail.

  This guy now thinks that he is a relative of the emperor, and the princess Yongning is quite favored by the emperor. Maybe he thinks that he can show his face in front of Emperor Yonglong often, so that he can become acquainted, and he will be able to make a fortune in the future.

  Thinking about it, it’s good to go there, but Tanchun asked Yuanyang to come and talk about it, and it would be a little unreasonable not to go by himself.

   "Okay, I'll go there when I have time." Feng Ziying responded, and then glanced at the mandarin duck with low brows, "Mandarin duck, is Rongguo Mansion fairly stable these days?"

"It's very good. Everyone is preparing for the marriage of the second master Bao, and the second girl's leaving the court." Yuanyang's eyebrows became lively, and there was some yearning in her eyes, "How can the Zhuijin Tower be?" It's lively, several girls are going to the second girl's place to help, embroidering female red, drawing calligraphy and painting, preparing for future expenses, Zhuijin Building has never been so lively."

   "What about Ningguo Mansion?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

   "Where is the East Mansion?" Yuanyang was taken aback for a moment, but didn't realize it for a while. What does the marriage of the Second Master Bao have to do with Ningguo Mansion?

   "Well, Baoyu got married, didn't Brother Dongfu Zhen and Brother Rong care about it?" Feng Ziying asked.

"It's rare to see Uncle Zhen and Uncle Xiaorong these days. The last time I saw it was a month ago, right? In the East Mansion, Grandma You and Grandma Xiaorong came here occasionally, and they didn't ask much." Yuanyang recalled, probably also a little confused.

"Even when my mother came back to visit relatives, Uncle Zhen and Uncle Xiao Rong didn't show up, and the wife was still a little upset. Later, Grandma Zhu went to ask Grandma You over there, only to hear that Uncle Zhen and Uncle Xiao Rong had gone to Tongzhou and Tianjin Wei is dealing with the affairs of the shop and the Zhuangzi, and the servants also went to inquire about it. These few months, Uncle Zhen and Uncle Xiao Rong have been haunted by ghosts, and they are not in the mansion most of the time."

   "Really?" Feng Ziying nodded inwardly.

  This is similar to what Wu Yaoqing and the others found. Jia Zhen and Jia Rong should be preparing to flee south. The villages and shops in the north are almost done. It is estimated that what is left is some leather masks to make a living.

  The Rongning and Ningfus have accumulated a lot of fixed assets over a century, and there are many Zhuangzi and shops that are difficult to deal with. Once they are dealt with, they will be noticed, and even cause suspicion of the Rongning and Ningjia. Long Jinwei is not a vegetarian.

  Ningguo Mansion’s hardships in the first half of the year are estimated to be half real and half faked, so there is also an excuse to dispose of assets, and it may even be an oboe with others, which makes it easier to dispose of these assets on a large scale.

  Guarantee Long could not have been ignorant of the signs that Jia Rui could detect, or even Captain Long had already been infiltrated by Prince Yizhong.

   This kind of possibility is not uncommon. If the prince of twenty years does not have some followers and confidantes in Long Jinwei, it would have been impossible.

"I don't know what's going on in Dongfu during this period of time. No matter how difficult it is, it's not that people's hearts are so scattered?" Yuanyang continued, "Many people have resigned one after another. Well, it seems that the East Mansion didn’t want to stay there, and there were some generations of people like us who followed, and people were panicked, and many of them simply went to the Zhuangzi on the Tianjin Wei side,..."

Feng Ziying frowned. I'm afraid these people are Jia Zhen's confidantes or people whom Jia Zhen valued, and they should be taken to the south. Maybe they are on the way to Jinling one after another at this time, and they have even reached Jinling. side.

   "However, in the past two days, Uncle Xiaorong has shown up more. Yesterday he showed his face in the mansion, but Second Master Bao happened to be away, so he shook his head and left."

  Mandarin duck's words surprised Feng Ziying, Jia Rong showed up, what is this going to do?

For a while, I didn't know the magic operation of the Ningguo Mansion. Jia Zhen is unreliable, and Jia Rong is a little better, but the performance during this period of time makes people puzzled. I am afraid that the only way to talk about it is to see the father and son. After talking and feeling the father and son's background, we can figure out some clues.

   "Yuanyang, do you feel that the Jia family has been in trouble these past few years? What's the reason?" Feng Ziying saw that Yuanyang's expression was a little complicated, so she asked.

Yuanyang was startled, hesitated for a moment, seemed to be thinking about this question, and said hesitantly: "It's not going well, especially after Master Zhu passed away, it seems that some people in the house have bad luck and can't do anything. Shun, the master has been in the Ministry of Industry for so many years, and there has been no movement. The uncle was originally a military governor of the Beijing camp, but he went to another place. It would be a great thing for the eldest girl to enter the palace, but somehow Silently, the master went to Jiangxi and there was no sound. It cost a lot to build a Grand View Garden, and he owed a lot of debts. He emptied the mansion all at once, but he couldn't see any income. This day became difficult. ,..."

   "The reason?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"This slave girl can't say it well." Yuanyang bit her lip and shook her head, but Feng Ziying didn't let her go, "It's not that you can't say it, but you can't say it? Why, it's hard to say it in front of me, and I'm still worried that I will change. A gossiping woman telling tales?"

  Mandarin Duck's face flushed, the freckles on her cheeks turned red, and she stomped her feet: "What is the master trying to do? Are you forcing the slaves to talk nonsense?"

   "Okay, if you don't want to say it, let's say it. Everyone knows it in their hearts. After all, the Jia family lacks the backbone that can support the entire family. The wealth has brought the Jia family down to the current situation."

  Feng Ziying is not polite, he needs to let Yuanyang take the words back to the old lady and Jia Wang.

"It doesn't matter if Uncle She and Brother Zhen don't mention it. If you don't cause trouble for the Jia family, you will be Amitabha. Uncle Zheng Shi's temperament is not suitable for an official. It is best to find a leisurely job as an errand. I insist on him doing it. What, I'm afraid it will backfire,..."

"Jia Lian and Jia Baoyu of the next generation, Lian's second brother, is a good man, but he is powerless to carry the lintel of Jia's family, but it is more than enough to take care of himself, so he can live comfortably in Yangzhou. Chic and nourishing,…”

"Brother Rong was also brought down by Brother Zhen. Even if he failed in his studies, he originally donated a Dragon Forbidden Captain. If he could settle down and do something, he might have something to do, but he wandered around and refused. Enduring hardships, you have achieved nothing until now, how long can you persist on living off your laurels?"

"It's a pity that Baoyu has such a good talent, but he has been spoiled by the old lady and his wife since he was a child. The jade is ineffective, and he has become what he is now. Well, this year he seems to have awakened, but It’s a bit late to wake up, if you can’t study, you can only rely on marriage to see if you can get a chance, but this kind of chance is entrusted to others, which is a risk and a gamble in itself, and I’m not good at judging whether this is right or wrong. No, I hope there will be a good result, but..."

  Feng Ziying didn't say any more, just shook her head.

   It was the first time for Yuanyang to hear Feng Ziying comment on the masters of the Rongning Second Mansion so frankly, and he spurred them in, hitting the nail on the head, which made her choked up.

"Why do you think my words are too harsh and merciless?" Feng Ziying squinted at the mandarin duck whose expression was changing, and said calmly: "Mandarin duck, you might as well take my words back to the old lady and wife, of course you don't have to say it. To be so straightforward, with your intelligence, Yuanyang, you should know how to express the meaning of my words, I believe it is enough to make them think deeply."

Yuanyang hesitated for a while before hesitatingly said: "What's the use of these words from the uncle to the ancestors and wives? The two masters and the second master Bao can't change anything. Aren't you offending people for nothing? ?”

This girl was kind, and Feng Ziying felt warm, "Well, I know it's useless, anyway, at least Yuanyang knows what I have in mind, you can say it if you want, let it go if you don't, it's really useless in the first place. "

   After the mandarin ducks left, Feng Ziying walked to the window and looked out the window.

  As Baoyu's marriage approached, so did the days of autumn in Tiewangshan, for no other reason than it was too peaceful, so peaceful that it made people panic.

  Whether it was Prince Yizhong or the White Lotus Sect, there was not much movement.

   It cannot be said that there is no movement, but these movements are normal, or expected, nothing too special.

  Jiangnan is still clamoring for the establishment of Huaiyang Town as soon as possible. It seems that Chen Jixian, the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town, still has some disapproval.

  Chen Jixian walked very quickly, moving seven or eight thousand people from the Fifth Army Camp to Huaiyang Town one after another, and thousands of people will follow.

   Judging from the current situation, the General Military Mansion of Huaiyang Town will choose a place between Xuzhou and Yangzhou.

  The two sides are still arguing, but as far as the current situation is concerned, Chen Jixian first set up the General Army Yamen in Xuzhou, and began to accept the first batch of recruits from Xuhuai.

The recruits mainly come from Xuzhou and Huai'an in southern Zhili, but according to Feng Ziying's understanding, the guards of Yanzhou Prefecture in Shandong are also providing recruits for Huaiyang Town. Now Feng Ziying is not clear whether this is the intention of the Ministry of War or whether it is a cooperation with Nanjing The Ministry of War has reached a tacit agreement.

   But this is a very suspicious signal.

  Soldiers from the guards in Shandong could only be provided to Liaodong. Later, when Denglai built a town, Shandong soldiers had to supplement Denglai Town. Now even Huaiyang Town has to recruit soldiers from the guards in Shandong, which cannot but be worrying.

What Feng Ziying was worried about was that recruiting soldiers was one thing, but recruiting soldiers meant that the families, relatives and friends of these soldiers were **** with Huaiyang Town, and it would be easy for Huaiyang Town to control Yanzhou. The more you get, the less resistance you get.

And once Yanzhou is controlled, the territory of Dongchang Mansion in the northwest corner of Shandong is much smaller than that of Yanzhou Mansion, and it can be swept along the canal north in two days, which means that the connection between Shandong and Henan and even the southern part of North Zhili is cut off. And Denglai Jiqing is the main source of soldiers in Denglai Town. Once something unpredictable happens, what will happen to Shandong as a whole?

  Feng Ziying wondered if the imperial court and the Ministry of War had considered this point.

  Of course, Feng Ziying also admitted that she was thinking of the worst situation in all of this, and only the worst result would be to reach that point, but who can guarantee that she will not reach that point?

  Maybe all of this is just a coincidence, or even a dark ghost caused by her own suspicions, Feng Ziying can only pray for that.

  The group of Bailian Sect members lost their trace in the capital city, which made Feng Ziying very anxious.

As expected, the negotiations with the Ministry of Punishment did not yield any results. On the surface, Liu Yixiu attached great importance to it, but judging from the later situation, this guy was just superficial, and he casually confessed to the following officials It's all over once.

This made Feng Ziying helpless, he could only focus on the entire Shuntian Mansion, but the prefectures and counties of Shuntian Mansion could not be completely controlled by himself in a short time, he could only seize the time to convince himself or threaten him Obedient states and counties were seized one by one.

  Wu Yaoqing's solicitation and negotiation went very smoothly.

Originally, the Cao Gang was the most powerful force, but there are too many people in the Cao Gang, and there are also many factions inside. Moreover, once the North and the South are divided and people's hearts fluctuate, it is really unclear who the Cao Gang headquartered in Huai'an will fall to. easy to say.

  That's why Feng Ziying didn't dare to use people from the Cao Gang, and would rather choose these gangs in Shuntian Prefecture.

   All in all, there are some smooth and some not smooth, but generally speaking it is smooth, but it is precisely because this is too smooth and there are not many twists and turns that Feng Ziying feels uneasy.

  The news of Qiuxi in Iron Net Mountain has been released. Except for the emperor, except for a few princes, several princes of the older generation will go, but King Zhonghui may have to run at both ends.

  As the new envoy of the Beijing Camp and general of the Fifth Army Battalion, he will lead a part of the Fifth Army Battalion to the Iron Net Mountain Palace, and at the same time let the Shenshu Camp and the Shenji Camp stay in the capital.

On the staff side of the Ministry of War, Feng Ziying asked Zheng Chongjian and Shen Zizheng to watch. There is no news yet, but what Feng Ziying is most concerned about is the news from the Liaodong and Chahar people. As for the northwest side, Feng Ziying has given her father Send a letter asking him to pay attention to the Tumets outside the side wall.

Feng Ziying has a feeling that the calmer she is, the more likely there are two possibilities. One is that nothing will happen and the sea is calm. I'm afraid it will be a catastrophe.

  So the Chahar people, Tumot people, and Jianzhou Jurchen are all potential threats.

Feng Ziying even had to send Busia Mara, who had only been back for a few days, to the Eastern Mongolian Grasslands, and asked her to go to the Yehe tribe to strengthen their guard, and at the same time, to go to the Inner Kalkha side to go to the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia. Meet Zai Sai and bring a letter to him.

  Long Jinwei's side, Feng Ziying went to see Zhang Jin, told him some of his worries, and hoped that he would pass on his worries to Lu Song.

  It is not impossible to meet Lu Song, but before the Iron Net Mountain Qiuxi, meeting the chief officer of Long Jinwei would easily arouse unnecessary associations and suspicions, and Feng Ziying had to avoid it.

anything else? Feng Ziying felt that what she could do, she had done it to the extreme, but she still couldn't let go of the worry in her heart.

  Perhaps it is time to meet with You Shigong.

   This is also somewhat taboo, but Feng Ziying felt that even at the risk of being targeted by Captain Long and Emperor Yonglong, she had to mention it to You Shigong, so as not to regret it in the future.

  Feng Ziying looked away from the window, walked to the edge of the wall again, opened the curtain, and looked at the map on the wall.

  The color of Iron Net Mountain is slightly darker, and the contour line is roughly marked, between 700 and 1,300 meters. Below it is a low **** mixed with plains, where the Xinggong Hunting Garden is located.

Looking away, Feng Ziying looked at the town guards all around. There were troops stationed in Ji Town to the north and east, and theoretically there were quite a few of them. But to the west, across Mutianyu and Bohai, was the garrison of Xuanfu Town. The site is gone.

  The positions of Yanqing Wei and Yanqing Zuowei are too good, especially Yanqing Wei.

From Juyongguan to Badaling, the city wall just separated Yanqingwei inside the city wall, but this place belongs to Xuanfu Town, which means that the army of Xuanfu Town will enter the interior of Gyeonggi, but the pass is in their own hands, and there is no need to inform Ji Town, Ji Town has no way of knowing.

  Of course, there are some problems with this statement. They are all court frontier troops, and they are all defending against foreign enemies. Why do they need to guard against each other?

  This is true in theory, but it is really hard to say when it happens to meet special circumstances.

  Feng Ziying's eyes settled down, and she sighed deeply, hoping that everything she thought was suspicious.

  (end of this chapter)

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