Number of People

Chapter 1607: Who is the fisherman in the thunderbolt of the Renzi scroll?

  Chapter 1607 Who is the fisherman who fell into the thunder of the Renzi scroll?

  The fox is ever-changing, and the old man silently looked at the murals on the wall of the hall, which obviously had the style of the Tang Dynasty, and fell silent.

Clouds, rain, thunder, and lightning in the picture scroll fertilize all things, but in the cloud and thunder pattern, you can always find a part of the fox fairy. It should be said that it expresses the intention I want to express very well, especially the color is extraordinarily clear. The murals in the entire hall are filled with the majestic atmosphere of the prosperous Tang Dynasty for hundreds of years.

   "Master, it is basically completed. The dozen or so painters are clamoring for money, saying that they owe them more than 800 taels." Zhou Yin, the disciple standing beside the old man, said in a deep voice.

"Well, give them what should be given to them, and send them to the Land of Ultimate Bliss." The old man said indifferently, "I really like the style of these murals, they are exactly the same as the ones I dreamed back then. Isn't that what we're after?"

  Zhou Yin nodded and cupped his hands, "In addition, other people have also arrived one after another. Master, look..."

"Zhou Yin, do you think we did the right thing this time?" The old man said leisurely: "I have dealt with the government once or twice, and I ended up suffering every time, but I always think that we are not enough now. If we want to grow further, we can only rely on the government, and going against the government may cause a fatal blow to our newly grown bodies,..."

Zhou Yin was silent. This issue did cause controversy among the senior leaders of the church. Several young masters also had different opinions, but in the end the master still made a decision, but now it seems that the master is still worried. of.

   "Tell me your opinion, don't care about their opinions." The old man's eyes were serious, "I need everyone's judgment, and now we still have a chance to interrupt."

  Zhou Yin felt a lot of pressure, and didn't know how to say it for a while, "Master Zhang, Senior Sister Zhang and Senior Brother Zheng..."

   "I said, don't worry about their attitude, just talk about your thoughts." The old man remained calm.

However, Zhou Yin knew that this was a sign of impatience from the master, and nodded: "Master, I feel that we still need to accumulate strength in a short period of time. Of course, we need to show our strength when necessary, but this time is very particular. .”

  The old man's eyes were clear and peaceful, his expression was calm, and he nodded slightly to show his approval. Zhou Yin's spirit was also lifted, knowing that his words had aroused the interest of the Master.

"Why do disciples say that this time point is very particular?" Zhou Yin's tone became more and more cautious, "The accumulation of strength is still our main energy in the future. At present, we have some foundations in the northern provinces, but they are still very unbalanced. Some places are just under the guise of our Bailian, but in fact they are doing their own thing. We can tolerate it now, but in the long run, it must be cleaned up or closed..."

"The reason why we want to show our strength is because we are facing a rare opportunity. The news from Captain Long Jinwei is very vague, but according to our understanding, there is indeed the possibility of internal strife within the current imperial court. The emperor and the former prince The flames of disputes between the two did not go out because of the passage of time. On the contrary, news came from the palace that the emperor's health was deteriorating and his energy was greatly reduced. Taking advantage of this, maybe it will be a year or two to pass the throne to his son? He will definitely take advantage of the situation and cause trouble,..."

  I have to say that this disciple of mine still has some knowledge. This may be related to his frequent contacts with some people in the palace. If he is exposed to his ears and eyes, he will naturally be able to broaden his knowledge and know many inside information that ordinary disciples cannot know.

   "Well, there is some truth, you continue to talk." The old man nodded.

"Since he let us go in Long Jinwei, he must have a plan. Even he knows that our cooperation with him is false and submissive. We all tacitly know that we are not partners. We are in a hurry and cooperate with each other. Then, this is neither a covenant nor an agreement, but disciples think that this kind of tacit understanding is actually more effective and more fulfillable than those covenants made with blood."

  The old man had drooping brows, the corners of his eyes were motionless, and his huge age spots were like snake skin, making his face look a bit indescribably cold and ferocious.

   "Do you think our cooperation with them will be achieved? Well, I mean, we did what they asked, and they will give us what we want?" The old man said slowly and carefully.

"It depends on the circumstances." Zhou Yin quickly replied: "The disciple has seriously thought about it. If he ascends to the high position, then he will not fulfill anything he promised, and may even turn against us immediately, but If he can’t reach that position for a while, or even loses, then he will help us, and if he has the upper hand or is in a stalemate, he may urge us to do more, and of course he is willing to pay more.”

   "It makes sense, you are very thoughtful, and you are in line with those people's rules." The old man finally nodded, "Then do you think he has great hopes?"

Zhou Yin smiled wryly, "This disciple really has no way of judging. Although it seems that he has the upper hand, except for orthodox righteousness, everything else has the upper hand. Once he succeeds, it seems to be a matter of course. No one can stop him from being superior, but this kind of thing , Master, do you think it is that easy? The decision to change the throne is only based on prediction, it is very difficult to determine, because there are too many unpredictable factors,..."

   "For example?" the old man asked back.

"What about the attitudes of the ministers in the court? What about the views of the frontier generals? He was just the former prince, but the current emperor has so many sons, four of whom are adults, and these princes seem to be behind the scenes. There are supporters, so the disciples can't judge." Zhou Yin paused, "But from our point of view, if he succeeds easily, it would be a bad thing instead, and it is necessary to make him unable to take the position for a while, and it is best to stalemate It’s in our best interest because he will rely on us more and we can take this opportunity to strengthen ourselves.”

"You mean, if he is powerful, we must be careful, and if the situation is not good for him, we must step up our efforts to help him." The old man's eyes became brighter, "His enemy More in the north, so rely more on us?"

"Yes, that's what this disciple thinks. He doesn't have enough support from the frontier army. I'm afraid there are only one or two supporters in the nine border towns. Once he can't quickly control the situation, it may become a stalemate, and the next variable will be It's hard to say, or it depends on the attitude of the ministers of the DPRK and China and the generals of the frontier army, which is impossible to predict, so we have to make all preparations, but we can't end easily,..."

  The old man raised his eyebrows slightly, "This is your opinion, what about Haoxian and Anbao's opinions?"

  The old man is well aware that his three sons are distinct, but over the years, each of the three sons has a gang.

The eldest Wang Haoyi is now in close contact with Zhang Cuihua in Beijing, and he has successfully taken over Zhang Cuihua's family. The third Wang Haoxian is now working hard to develop in Zhending and Baoding. Originally, Zhou Yin was also active in Zhending. The Bangchui Club was developed with the support of Zhou Yin, but because of Zhou Yin's relationship with the palace, the boss recruited Zhou Yin to Beijing, and Zhending handed over the old three Wang Haoxian and Wang Haoxian. Anbao, but Anbao is a **** that the boss puts on Zhending's side.

  The second child, Wang Haoyi, is in Yongping Mansion, Hejian Hejian Mansion, and the Beijing Camp in Shandong, and they are quite popular now.

   "Uncle Anbao and the third young master also mean the same thing, but they think we should consider forming an armed force of our own." Zhou Yin didn't dare to raise his head when he said this.

  The old man's eyes froze, and he glanced at this disciple. Is this speaking for the third child, or the boss behind the third child?

He has vaguely noticed that the third child and the eldest brother are getting closer, while the second child has a close relationship with Xu Hongru, his most proud disciple in Shandong. Xu Hongru also praised the second child in his letter, thinking that In the future, it will be the second child who will flourish the great cause of the Holy Cult, which makes him particularly entangled.

   The major event has not yet been resolved, but there are already faint factions within the interior. This is what worries him the most. Of course he can hold it back now, but what about three years from now and five years from now? The Emperor of Great Zhou was in such a catastrophe, so why not himself?

   Forming an armed force sounds like nothing, and it doesn't seem to target anyone, but where does the backbone of this armed force come from?

The disciples of Panguanying, Jianchangying, Taitouying, Shimenzhai and Xuliuying, who were originally in the Jizhen army, became the first choice of course, and the disciples who developed in these army were all managed by the boss at the beginning. Who will play a leading role in it is self-evident.

  Before, I had already selected some people to form an apostolic camp, but the number was only two or three hundred people, but the boss and the third were obviously not satisfied with such a force, and they had greater ambitions.

"Well, I know, but Zhou Yin, do you think it's time now?" The old man said coldly: "You were still saying that the other side needs our support, so how can we play our role? These disciples in the Jizhen Army Isn't it the most important link? He has the weakest strength in the frontier army in the Northland, isn't he just expecting us to hold back and share the burden for him? If we take these disciples out now, can they still play a role?"

Zhou Yin froze, he realized that the master was a little angry, not angry with himself and the young master's thoughts, but angry at himself for disregarding the overall situation, and hurriedly said: "Master, the opinions of the disciples and the young master are to consider this matter. At the same time, it must be gradually established, not all of these military disciples must be drawn out at once,..."

   "Huh, Zhou Yin, don't be influenced by your feelings when doing things, everything needs to obey the overall situation." After finishing speaking, the old man waved his hand, "Okay, think about it carefully, let's go down."

  (end of this chapter)

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