Number of People

Chapter 1609: Ren Zijuan Thunder Falls Three-Faced Man, Mission Impossible

  Chapter 1609 Renzi Juan Thunder Falls with Three Faces, Mission Impossible

  No one is stupid these days, even someone like Shui Rong, who has been deeply branded as Prince Yizhong, is also considering other options.

   It is tempting to follow the dragon's power, but if you make a wrong bet, the risk of backlash is enough to kill you, so the most sensible way is to be cunning and leave room.

  Feng Ziying believes that Shui Rong is only seven or eight years older than himself when he sits on the throne of Beijing County, but his reputation in Beijing and China is far better than the other three kings.

Since the time of Emperor Taishang, Shui Rong has been firmly tied to Prince Yizhong's carriage, and he can't get off the carriage even if he wants to, so after entering the time of Emperor Yonglong, it would be wise to find a suitable way out among the sons of Emperor Yonglong lift.

In the past, King Beijing had a good relationship with King Shou, King Fu, and King Li, especially with the brothers Fu Wang and Li Wang. However, when Fang Kezhuang came to the government office to discuss government affairs with him last time, he inadvertently mentioned He said that he accidentally saw King Jing of Beijing and Chen Jingxuan sailing south to Hu County. The reason why he mentioned this was because Fang Kezhuang knew that Feng Ziying's father Feng Tang would take over after Chen Jingxuan resigned as the governor of the three sides. He can still get so close to the martial arts king of Beijing.

Zhang Wenkui, the current magistrate of Huo County, is the nephew of Zhang Jingqiu, the censor of Zuodu. Zhang Jingqiu has no son, but only two daughters. Prince Gong's uncle.

At that time, Feng Ziying was still a little surprised, why Shui Rong would go to Zhangjiawan, Tongzhou, and he was even more puzzled by his relationship with Chen Jingxuan. There's a faint thread to it.

  Of course, it cannot be said that there must be something here, but Feng Ziying always associates it subconsciously to certain aspects, and when King Gong was mentioned earlier, King Beijing's eyes flashed, which made him even more suspicious.

From what he learned on the surface, King Bei Jing was the closest to King Fu and King Li, but if he had private contacts with Chen Jingxuan and Zhang Wenkui, then the line of King Gong seemed to be connected. Really slippery.

As the magistrate of Tongzhou, Fang Kezhuang is relatively low-level in the prefecture and county, and he is not very clear about the various affairs in the court, so he also mentioned it inadvertently, but he can rely on other things he has mastered when he hears Feng Ziying's ears. Some information clues are connected together, so it is no wonder that Chen Jingxuan behaved so badly in the Northwest. It was just a clean resignation and no one pursued it. The Metropolitan Procuratorate was also silent. Peeled off.

"Ziying, there is some truth in what you said, but it may not make others agree." Shui Rong's tone was not too inclined, "In the long run, the emperor should consider some matters in advance, especially the important officials in the court. Your opinions cannot be ignored, especially when the dynasty is still facing various foreign aggressions,..."

  Feng Ziying thought about Shui Rong's words, and praised the attitude of the princes in the court so highly, what does this mean?

According to the practice of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the attitudes of the princes in the court and the central government will not be too clear. That is to say, they will not be too opposed to which prince establishes the crown prince, nor will they express their support explicitly. At most, they may disagree from a personal point of view. There are some tendencies, as long as everything is the emperor's opinion, they will support it.

"My lord, how can the princes in the court express their opinions so easily?" Feng Ziying looked at Shui Rong and said indifferently: "It all depends on the condition of the emperor's health, and whether the emperor is going to train the princes to participate in court affairs from now on, even if necessary." At that time, a certain prince can oversee the country, and if there is such an intention, then perhaps there will be a definite result this time in the fall of Iron Net Mountain."

Shui Rong was taken aback. He obviously didn't realize that there was such a change here. He frowned and thought about it carefully. The more he thought about it, the more variable it was. The attitude inside becomes more and more critical.

  This topic is too brain-intensive, and Feng Ziying is unwilling to think about it further, because you think too much, and in the end, it may be meaningless.

  After thinking about it for a while, he didn't have much clue. Shui Rong also realized how slippery Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan was in front of him. You seemed to have talked with him for a long time. He seems to have said a lot of things, but if you settle down and think about it carefully, what he said are all things you know, and his attitude seems to be clear, but he leaves room for key issues.

"Ziying, you're right. Your Majesty's health is not good and his mind is uncertain, so the people below are also in a state of panic." Shui Rong seemingly casually changed the subject, "This year, there is a severe drought in the North, and the lonely few Zhuangzi's harvest is almost gone, I heard that the situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi is even worse, and your father is now in the northwest, is there any news?"

  Come, Feng Ziying has long realized that Shui Rong should not be targeting her, but has other plans.

Although I am now the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, it doesn't mean much to Shui Rong. Whether he is rooted in Prince Yizhong, or he is planning to bet on King Fu, King Li or even Prince Gong, his weight is insignificant, but if he is old Dad is another matter.

  For King Fu, King Li, and King Gong, my father’s influence is not enough, but if Prince Yizhong intends to do something, then I have to consider my father’s thoughts and actions.

It seems that Shui Rong came to Rongguo Mansion, nominally for Jia Baoyu's marriage, maybe he found out that he would come to Rongguo Mansion, so he deliberately chose such a time to meet him, and deliberately had such a relaxed Dialogue environment without being suspicious by outsiders.

"My father hasn't been there for a long time. The order given to him by the Ministry of War is to stabilize the situation in the four towns in the northwest. With the current situation in the four towns in the northwest, arrears of food and salaries have become a common practice. Ji Liao and Xuanda are the primary guarantees. Can the four towns in the northwest be expected to be like when they fought fiercely with the Tumed people twenty years ago?" Feng Ziying said calmly: "My father said when he left that he can keep the soldiers in the second town of Ganning from mutiny or rebellion. That is the biggest contribution, don’t expect anything else.”

Shui Rong shook his head: "My lord is too pessimistic. That's right. The situation in the four towns in the northwest is indeed not good. One part of Guyuan Town has lost another battle in Bozhou, and morale is low. At this time, the imperial court is going to abolish Guyuan Town. It's no wonder that people in the Northwest The soldiers of the four towns are rioting, it is not kind for the court to do this."

Feng Ziying also echoed: "My lord is right. At this time, it should be comforting. It's just that the court doesn't have enough money. Even if we get some back from the Jingtong Ercang case, it's a drop in the bucket. When my father left, he kept sighing, saying that From Liaodong to the northwest, I'm afraid they won't even be able to eat, if the court keeps fooling the northwest like this, I'm afraid even if the elders of the pavilion are in the northwest, they will mutiny."

  Shui Rong seemed to be savoring something, "Your father was also the general soldier in Yulin, and he still has some prestige in the northwest. Maybe he can hold down the big soldiers in the northwest..."

"My lord, that's a bad word. The big soldiers are hungry and want to sell their sons and daughters. Who can hold it?" Feng Ziying sneered, "My father can make people not hungry Warm? Then my father really became a god. According to the rules in the army, soldiers and horses go first before moving food and grass. If there is food, don’t panic. If there is no food, the generals have to keep one eye open when they sleep, so as not to save them in the middle of the night. The head of the mutiny fell to the ground, isn't that how the Ningxia rebellion came about?..."

"Ziying, according to what you said, the situation in the Northwest is not optimistic." Shui Rong asked casually with his hands behind his back, "What about the Tumed people? There seems to be no sign of the Tumed people Kou Bian coming in." ah."

"The Tumed people are now fighting for the throne between Su Nangtaiji and Bushitu, so they are in this stalemate, so that the Northwest can live in peace for the time being. If the stalemate among the Tumed people is broken, or they plan to work together to deal with it Da Zhou, then the Northwest will be in big trouble."

  Feng Ziying also said casually seemingly without any intention.

  The two of them walked all the way, and walked around to the Qinfangzha Bridge outside the Changcui Temple, and then walked in, and there was the Aujingxi Pavilion.

   "My lord, why don't you sit at the Aujingxi Pavilion?" Feng Ziying invited.

"No, since Baoyu's marriage is finalized, it's a big deal for the Rongguo Mansion. By the way, I heard that after Baoyu gets married, you want to meet the second girl of the Jia family?" Shui Rong said with a smile: "Gu congratulations in advance,... "

  While speaking, Shui Rong took out a pair of little golden lions from his sleeves.

   "My lord, how can this be done?" Feng Ziying was secretly startled, this king of Beijing Jing was so generous, this pair of golden lions looked like a masterpiece, the value of the gold itself was probably second.

"What are you talking about?" Shui Rong pressed Feng Ziying's hand, "Qiuying on Iron Net Mountain, I think it's probably because I want to have a drink with Ziying in the hunting garden. Then we'll have a good time together, and I'm going to return today alone." There are some things, so I will say goodbye first,..."

  Shui Rong left in a hurry, which surprised Feng Ziying, but it was expected.

He was originally here for himself, with the intention of inquiring about news, but also to test his own mind, and I'm afraid there are some hints, this person can be regarded as a fine person, as long as he However, whether this kind of riding on the wall or splitting bets, the final outcome is often not very good.


  Feng Ziying's heart moved, if even she can feel that he is a complete fence-sitter, can it be said that others can't see it? When many people can see that you are sitting on the fence, is it still meaningful for you to sit on the fence and split the bet?

  Then why is this guy still doing this?

   Or was that what he intended?

  If so, this guy's scheming...

  (end of this chapter)

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