Number of People

Chapter 1610: Ren Zijuan Thunderbolt Luo Ning Guofu's Choice

  Chapter 1610 The choice of the Renzi scroll Thunderbolt Luoning State Mansion

   Baoyu was extremely disappointed when Shui Rong left without hesitation.

His relationship with Shui Rong is very complicated, not exactly the kind of relationship he has with Qin Zhong and Jiang Qiguan, which also made him think that Shui Rong came here today not because of the family relationship between the Jia family and the Shui family, but because of himself. Come.

Beijing Jing Wang Shui Rong has a very good reputation in Beijing, and Shilin also looks forward to him very much. He is a rare figure among martial arts scholars who can be accepted by scholars. Over the past few years, the two have been friends of the same generation and get along very closely.

  Before Feng Ziying's arrival, Lord Shui Wang had always been gentle and elegant, and his every move attracted the attention of everyone in the mansion, but Jia Baoyu felt that when Feng Ziying came, all the attention turned directly to Brother Feng.

Even though Shui Rong has the upper hand on the surface as the county king, from the moment he was invited to the garden to watching the conversation between the two, although he couldn't hear what the two were talking about, he felt that Shui Rong should be actively talking to Feng Feng. The eldest brother strikes up a conversation to find a topic, and even has the taste of asking for advice.

   Brother Feng, on the other hand, behaved very calmly and calmly, with a condescending attitude in every word and deed.

  He didn't know if Master Shui was aware of this, which made his mood even more complicated.

Regarding Baoyu's state of mind, Feng Ziying naturally didn't have much thought to pay attention to it. He came here and met Jiamu and Wang. It can be regarded as having fulfilled his responsibility and fulfilled the task of "waiting" for him. It can be considered a consummation of merit. .

  As soon as she left the corner gate, Feng Ziying heard Baoxiang's voice from the outside of the carriage: "Master Xiao Rong, why are you here?"

   Jia Rong? Feng Ziying was taken aback, but before he could speak, a voice rang out from the other side: "Is the uncle in the car? My nephew would like to invite the uncle to the mansion for a briefing, please move the car, so that the nephew can show some filial piety..."

This Jia Rong was so generous, Feng Ziying lifted the curtain of the car and asked in a rambling voice: "Brother Rong, how long has it been since I saw you? You and Brother Zhen seem to have disappeared for a while, what are you up to?" ?”

  Jia Rong had an embarrassing expression on her face, she hurriedly cupped her hands and said, "Master, please come to the house first, and let my nephew report carefully."

   "Brother Zhen is not at the house? How long have you been gone?" Feng Ziying stared at Jia Rong with sharp eyes.

  Jia Rong became more and more nervous, and fine beads of sweat were already oozing from his forehead. It was already September, and the weather had already turned cold, but he was sweating profusely.

   Seeing that Jia Rong didn't answer, Feng Ziying already knew what was going on, and nodded, "Okay, let's go. I may not have been to your Ningguo Mansion for a long time, so I just want to listen to your plans. Don't go astray."

  Feng Ziying's indifferent words made Jia Rong's heart thump even more. It seemed that Uncle Feng had known about this matter in his family for a long time, and Jia Rong couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

  He originally disapproved of what his father did, but he couldn't be more stubborn than his father, and he was beaten twice for this. Until today, he was finally free to complain to Uncle Feng, the backbone.

The main entrance of Rongguo Mansion is less than a stone's throw away from the main entrance of Ningguo Mansion. The architectural layout of the two mansions is not much different. Enter through the east corner gate, and the carriage enters the southeast corner stable. He greeted Feng Ziying directly into the small study next to his own yard.

   A servant girl brought tea in earlier, Feng Ziying took a seat, and Jia Rong sat sideways with half her buttocks.

   There are only two people left in the small study.

  Feng Ziying had just picked up the teacup and took a sip when Jia Rong suddenly knelt down in front of Feng Ziying with a plop, "Master, help me!"

  Feng Ziying was so taken aback that she almost knocked over the teacup in her hand. Which part of the show is this?

Putting down the teacup, she frowned. Feng Ziying didn't bother to help this fellow, so she sat still and just snorted heavily, "Brother Rong, what are you doing? I'm not the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion, you want to surrender Turn yourself in to the yamen and say, why do you have to behave like this in your house?"

   "If the uncle refuses to help my nephew's family, then my nephew won't be able to get up on his knees." Jia Rong's eyes were red, and she kowtowed, but refused to get up.

"If you want to kneel, then kneel. If you don't explain the matter clearly, but ask me for help, what can I do for you? Could it be that you have committed the crime of ransacking your family and exterminating your family, and I can help you?" Feng Ziying slapped the coffee table next to her heavily. , the teacup that was put down shook violently, the lid of the teacup fell to the ground, and fell to pieces, so startled that the maids and servants outside ran in in a panic, but they saw Uncle Xiaorong kneeling in front of Uncle Feng and kowtowed endlessly. His face was green and his lips were white, and he didn't know what to do.

   Before Feng Ziying could speak, Jia Rong roared angrily, "Who told you to come in, get out!"

  In Ningguo Mansion, Jia Rong was usually kind-hearted and smiling, but this time she broke out suddenly, and now that Jia Zhen was not in the mansion, she frightened all the maids and servants out of their wits, and hurriedly retreated.

  Although she scolded a group of maids and servants, Jia Rong still knelt on the ground and couldn't get up. She just kowtowed, and her forehead suddenly became red and swollen.

   "Brother Rong, get up!"

   "If the uncle refuses to agree to help the nephew, the nephew will just kneel and die here. Anyway, he will die anyway, so he will simply die in front of the uncle."

  Jia Rong's words sounded a bit more feminine in Feng Ziying's ears, as if some woman was acting like a baby in front of her, Feng Ziying couldn't help but shudder when she heard it.

However, he also heard the change in Jia Rong's words. At first he said "I won't help my nephew's family" and couldn't get up, but now he said "I won't agree to help my nephew", so he changed to the word "family". It's quite different, and Feng Ziying has more or less understood something.

"Get up, I agree, but if I can't help you if you die by yourself, then I agree, and it won't help." Feng Ziying said with a stern face, "Besides, if you are hesitant, you don't want to talk about things. Explain the ins and outs to me clearly, and I can't help those who hide their heads and show their tails!"

Lifting her head quietly, Jia Rong breathed a sigh of relief, took a peek at Feng Ziying's expression, then stood up sideways, and said embarrassingly: "Master, how dare my nephew? It's just that the matter is too important, and my nephew is flustered, so I don't know What should be done."

"Okay, don't pretend to be crazy and stupid with me. You father and son are acting so well that you can fool others. Why, are you planning to fool me too?" Feng Ziying smiled contemptuously, "Brother Zhen is afraid that you will be here now!" Is it Jinling?"

   Jia Rong's back was sweating again, and Nene didn't know how to answer.

"Okay, Brother Rong, if I have any ill intentions towards you father and son, you father and son should have stayed in Jiangmi Lane long ago." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Tell me, what are your father and son planning, or your grandfather Did the letter from Jinling tell Brother Zhen to go to Jinling?"

Jiangmi Lane is where the former military governor's mansion and the main entrance of Long Jinwei Beizhen Fusi are located, and Long Jinwei Prison is also located there, and the people in the capital city usually use Jiangmi Lane to call Long Jinwei Prison. However, the Jinyiwei back street on the west side of Long Jinwei has not been renamed, so many people in the capital also used to call Long Jinwei Jinyiwei.

  Jia Rong was so frightened that she knelt down on the ground again, and kowtowed again and again: "Master Mingjian, my nephew was forced to do so, so my nephew didn't dare to go to Jinling..."

  Feng Ziying's deceit really revealed the truth, and Jia Jing really cheated and died in Jinling.

  Thinking about it, Jia Jing was the most important assistant of Prince Yizhong more than ten years ago. Prince Yizhong's layout in Jiangnan relies on Jia Jing. Now at a critical moment, how can Jia Jing not be allowed to take charge of the overall situation?

Lin Ruhai had many contacts with Jia Jing during his tenure as the censor of the Lianghuai salt tour. Before he died, he mentioned to Feng Ziying that Jia Jing had been operating in the south of the Yangtze River for many years, and his connections were deep. After ascending the throne, the original intention was probably to bestow Jia Jing's death, but it was only because of the protection of the Supreme Emperor that Jia Jing was able to hide in Xuanzhen Temple to save his life.

   "Tell me, what's going on, brother Zhen has gone to Jinling, but what are you doing in the capital?" Feng Ziying was still a little shocked.

Jia Zhen's escape to the south shows that the situation has reached the point where Jia Jing has to think about his children and grandchildren, that is to say, the duel between Prince Yizhong and Emperor Yonglong is imminent, but why does Jia Rong stay in the capital? At that time, why would Emperor Yonglong's guillotine be merciful to his subordinates?

"Master, please calm down..." Jia Rong no longer hesitated, he had already heard the impatience and dissatisfaction in Feng Ziying's heart, and it was obviously a bit of an afterthought to report the matter until this time, that is, he did not regard Uncle Feng as a How can there be such a saying that a trustworthy person needs someone to help save his life at this moment?

  In one breath, Jia Rong poured out the situation of the past six months from the bamboo tube to the beans——shake it out all at once.

Feng Ziying didn't make a sound, just listened quietly, and occasionally asked a few words. Jia Rong didn't dare to lie, and just told everything he knew. Only Feng Ziying figured it out by herself.

   "So, your grandfather wanted you father and son to find an opportunity to go south, and you sold all the farms and shops in the capital area during this time?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice.

"Grandfather didn't let us sell it, probably because he was worried that if this move was too big, it would definitely attract the suspicion of Captain Long, but the uncle also knew that our Ningguo Mansion has been difficult for more than a year, and even the wife's original private house has been mortgaged a lot , so it makes sense to sell some, and my father is also reluctant..."

Jia Zhen's **** for money is not much inferior to Jia She's, and Feng Ziying also knows it. Naturally, Jia Rong's words are not easy to talk about her father's situation. up.

   "Then since your grandfather intended this, why didn't you go south?" Feng Ziying was very curious about Jia Rong's choice.

  (end of this chapter)

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