Number of People

Chapter 1614: Ren Zi Scroll Thunder Falls Turmoil (2)

  Chapter 1614 Renzi scroll thunder falls and turmoil (2)

Feng Ziying didn't expect King Zhonghui to be so powerful, he would directly disrupt and reorganize the Shenji Camp, and He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji were the two most powerful members of the Shenji Camp. The polite annexation will definitely cause Qian Guozhong's strong dissatisfaction and backlash.

  Although the Jingying Jiedushi is the commander-in-chief of the three major battalions of the Beijing camp, it does not mean that he can intervene in the organizational adjustment of the three major battalions at will.

   As Jiedushi, King Zhonghui has the right to mobilize the three major battalions, but this is also restricted. For example, the appointment and dismissal of generals, and the defense above all need to be approved by the Ministry of War.

  Of course, as the military governor of the Beijing camp, he has a greater right to recommend military officers such as the garrison, the capital, and even guerrillas. However, for generals above the general level, the Ministry of War has its own judgment and arrangements, and will not easily accept the recommendation of the Beijing camp.

  He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji are both guerrillas now, and their troops were carefully selected from the defeated troops in the Beijing camp after the Santun camp, and they also selected some soldiers from the Yongping Prefecture Minzhuang to supplement and mix them up.

   It should be said that through the painstaking efforts of the two, although these two units cannot compare with the elite frontier army, their combat effectiveness is definitely among the best among the three major battalions of the Beijing camp.

In particular, Feng Ziying also took the initiative to give priority to refitting firecrackers for their two units through the Ministry of War. The soldiers asked Zuo Liangyu and Huang Degong to provide them with some training backbones to supplement them, which made the two units completely bid farewell to the original training mode. Embarked on the road of a new type of firearms soldier, becoming the second most powerful part of the new Shenji battalion.

   Now that King Zhonghui came, the lion opened his mouth. If he wanted to drain the elites, including these two, from the Shenji Camp, he would of course encounter fierce opposition from Qian Guozhong.

  Qian Guozhong is not an idler, and there is a reason why Emperor Yonglong nods to be the head of the Shenji Battalion, and he will not be easily overwhelmed by King Zhonghui.

  But King Zhonghui was the Jiedu Envoy after all, and he served as the Jingying Jiedu Envoy and General of the Fifth Army Battalion as a prince. Chen Jixian had been struggling for several years but failed, so he was forced to leave for Huaiyang Town.

   It can be said that King Zhonghui's appointment to this position was also arranged by the emperor, but his move to fill the Fifth Army Battalion by digging the Shenji Battalion may not be the emperor's instruction.

   "You will be asked to report within three days, and you will lead the headquarters?" Feng Ziying couldn't help scratching her head, this matter is a bit difficult.

  The three major battalions have their own stations.

  The main battalion of the Fifth Army is located in Beijuxianfang, the northeast corner of the capital city, mainly in the area behind the Bolin Temple and Wuyue Temple, and the corner between Andingmen and Dongzhimen.

The Shenji Camp is stationed in Chongnanfang, which is the southeast corner of the outer city. There is one next to Anhua Temple and one in Wulitun. The Shenshu Camp is stationed in Baizhifang, which is the northwest corner of the outer city. There is a barracks to the east of Chongxiao Temple.

The regulations of the Great Zhou Dynasty are different from those of the former Ming Dynasty. The defense system of the Forbidden City and the gates of the Imperial City do not belong to the three major battalions. The three major battalions are actually used to guard the garrison of the capital city. Those guarding the gates of the Imperial City and the palace belong to the The Four Guards Battalion, Warrior Battalion, and Bannerman Battalion regulate the tasks of smaller guard units.

But Deshengmen, Andingmen, Dongzhimen, Chaoyangmen, Dongbianmen, Guangqumen, Zuoanmen, Yongdingmen, Youanmen, Guangningmen, Xibianmen, Fuchengmen and Xizhimen are composed of three gates. The camp is responsible for guarding.

"Yeah, this really stumps us. There are bosses on both sides. What should we do?" Yang Zhaoji said bitterly, "Master Qian kept saying that he would go to the Ministry of War, saying that King Zhonghui had no right to bypass him and give us orders directly. , but that day it was King Zhonghui who issued the order in front of Lord Qian. Although Lord Qian objected, we have no idea whether this objection will have any effect. Don't let the responsibility of disobeying the military order fall on our brothers in the end , Aren’t we suffering from an indiscriminate disaster?”

It is true that the Jingying Jiedu Envoy has no right to bypass the three major generals and give orders directly. It is disobedience.

However, the Jingying Jiedu made you directly order the transfer of the Shenji Battalion to the Fifth Army Battalion. This is obviously an adjustment to the entire military system. If there is no clear order from the Ministry of War, it may be difficult to obey just a verbal order that can be done cheaply. People, the people below dare not accept it casually.

Feng Ziying pondered for a while, and felt that King Zhonghui might be a little reckless in this matter. Perhaps he had indeed received the oral order and instruction from Emperor Yonglong to make adjustments among the three battalions. However, the army has its own rules, and it is not the emperor's words It works.

For things like moving towns, not to mention the emperor’s decision alone, even with the Minister of the Ministry of War, it will not work, and the cabinet must be collectively agreed to count. The internal adjustment of the Beijing camp requires at least the consent of the Ministry of War, Zhong Hui Wang obviously didn't have much contact with court affairs, thinking that he could arrange it at will with the emperor's instruction.

  Of course Feng Ziying also believed that if Emperor Yonglong supported King Zhonghui's actions, then the Ministry of War should not cause any trouble. After all, it was the Beijing camp, and it was an internal change and adjustment of the Beijing camp.

   "Then what are you and Hu Chen thinking in the beginning?" Feng Ziying asked after thinking for a while.

"Uh, we didn't think about it. Master Qian still thinks highly of the two of us. He has already mentioned to us that if there is an opportunity, he will not forget us. Let us train our soldiers well and try to make a good impression in the martial arts show." "Yang Zhaoji hesitated and said: "If you say Lord Qian doesn't know much about soldiers, he has been idle for many years, but he must be better than King Zhonghui, after all, he also led soldiers for several years."

   "Huchen, what do you mean?" Feng Ziying looked at He Huchen again.

"My lord, the Fifth Military Battalion is the most powerful part of the Beijing Camp. It is reasonable to say that there will be more opportunities in the future, and Prince Zhonghui is still a prince, and he is quite trusted by the emperor. But now the Fifth Military Battalion is just a shell. King Zhonghui doesn't know soldiers. We don't know what will happen in the future." He Huchen looked at Feng Ziying, "I wonder if my lord can give us some guidance..."

  Feng Ziying tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair. He needed to evaluate the various possibilities brought about by this accident.

Originally, he was nothing more than random stuff, hoping that there would be one or two generals he could trust in the Beijing camp, so that he could have someone to help him when he served as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, for example, when he investigated and dealt with the big case of Jingtong Ercang, he showed a deep understanding The benefits of trustworthy generals in the Beijing camp.

But the situation is a little different now. With Chen Jixian leading the main force of the Fifth Army Battalion to move to Huaiyang, the entire Fifth Army Battalion is empty. You must know that the Fifth Army Battalion occupies an absolute dominant position among the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp. The most important thing is, otherwise, King Zhonghui would not be allowed to serve as a Jiedu envoy and the commander of the fifth army battalion.

In the future, the Fifth Military Battalion will definitely be superior to the Shenshu Camp and the Shenji Camp in terms of supplementary military resources and armaments. Going to the Fifth Military Battalion will definitely have more advantages than disadvantages. Moreover, King Zhonghui does not know soldiers, which is a good thing and an opportunity , he will appoint more trusted warriors.

As for Qian Guozhong in the Shenji Camp, when King Zhongshun recommended Qian Guozhong, the emperor was probably considering the balance. In addition to the marriage of Qiu Shiben and Su Shengdu in the Shenji Camp, it is estimated that Emperor Yonglong will be in the promotion and appointment of military officers and generals in these two departments. I will think about it a little bit more.

   "Huchen, Taichu, if the two of you believe me, then do as I say." Feng Ziying thought over and over again, and finally made up her mind.

   "Why did your lord say this? If it wasn't for your lord's help and support, how could Taichu (Huchen) and I be here today?" He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji stood up and bowed at the same time, saying in unison: "Your lord, just give orders, and we will definitely obey."

"Well, you and I are congenial, like brothers, why should you be so polite?" Feng Ziying hurriedly stood up and helped her up, "I think so, you should know the mission of the Beijing camp, King Zhonghui served as the envoy of the Beijing camp to meet the Fifth Army Battalion General, this is not something that can be decided by the Ministry of War or even the cabinet. This is the meaning of the emperor. In the future, if you can enter the eyes of King Zhonghui, you will have more opportunities. You can sell your studies to the emperor's family, both civil and military. The two of you used to be in the Beijing camp. I have been in Zhonghui for a few years, and now I should seize the opportunity, so I want you two to leave us and go directly to Zhonghui Wangfu, expressing that you are willing to follow Zhonghui Wang, but obey his orders,..."

  He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji were taken aback, "My lord, what about Master Qian?"

"It's okay, since King Zhonghui was contradicted by Qian Guozhong yesterday, he should understand. I'm afraid that he is already discussing with the Ministry of War at this time. With the support of the emperor, Qian Guozhong can't stand it. At most, there will be a decree tomorrow. However, in my opinion, it may be difficult for both of you to be transferred to the Fifth Army Battalion at the same time. Most likely, one of you will stay and the other will go to the Fifth Army Battalion, but no matter who stays and who goes, it is a good thing,..."

Seeing the puzzled faces of the two, Feng Ziying laughed, "Think about it, as long as you show your attitude to King Zhonghui, he will naturally look at you differently. Even if you stay in Shenji Camp, he will treat you as his own. It is Jiedushi, even if Qian Guozhong recommends you, it will go through his hands. If he is willing to take advantage of the situation to help, it will only go smoother,... but the premise is that you go to King Zhonghui and don't make publicity. It is best to avoid Open the eyes and ears of others,..."

  The two of them suddenly realized, and they were overjoyed.

  After He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji left, Feng Ziying frowned deeply and shook her head slightly.

  The tree wanted to be quiet but the wind kept blowing. King Zhonghui must have sensed something when he moved so eagerly, but it was indeed a bit too late. Of course, this was not his fault, but some deviations in the emperor's judgment.

  But to me, it wasn’t a bad thing. New generals like He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji were already in the eyes of the emperor, and now they showed their loyalty to King Zhonghui, so there would definitely be better fortunes.

  The capital city of Beijing is becoming restless, what about other places?

  Feng Ziying didn't think the others would be able to bear it. His gaze turned to the northwest and then to the southwest.

   Make up for yesterday's debts, and strive to continue to make up for the debts owed a few days ago.



  (end of this chapter)

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