Number of People

Chapter 1615: Renzi Scroll Thunder Falls Looking Northwest (1)

  Chapter 1615 Renzi Juan Thunder Falls Looking Northwest (1)

  September in the northwest is full of autumn, and the bleak wind blows the big banners erected on the high platform.

  Holding the iron helmet on his head, Feng Tang shook off Feng Zuo who had to help him, pulled the saddle and flew on the horse, and then reprimanded: "Why, do you really think I'm old?"

  Feng Zuo backed away blankly, and He Shixian and the others beside him laughed, "You are only fifty years old, how can you say you are old? According to your situation, it is no problem to surpass Li Chengliang."

  Feng Tang stroked his beard, then raised his head, "Let's go, you guys must be waiting impatiently."

   Immediately, Feng Tang jumped on his horse and swung his whip, billowing up a cloud of smoke and dust, and the few riders behind him also galloped and followed closely.

  He Shixian was slightly behind, and Xiao Ruxun walked side by side with him.

  Northwest four generals, Yulin general He Shixian has the most qualifications, and Gansu town general Xiao Ruxun is the most capable.

In addition, the commander-in-chief of Guyuan Town has already entered the resignation list, waiting for the Ministry of War to write down, while the commander-in-chief of Ningxia has not been appointed for the time being. However, the deputy commander-in-chief Qi Bingzhong is also a brave general. It was Feng Tang who strongly recommended Chai Ke to take office after he went to Ningxia.

  Xiao Ruxun felt a little disdainful looking at He Shixian's imitation.

   This He Shixian is Feng Tang's dog, but he got rich thanks to Feng Tang.

  In terms of ability, He Shixian can only be said to be average, but because of his loyalty, Feng Tang immediately helped He Shixian from the position of deputy commander-in-chief to the position of commander-in-chief. He, who was still serving as the deputy commander-in-chief of Jizhen, disapproved of this point.

He took it for granted that he was promoted from the deputy chief soldier of Ji Town to the chief soldier of Gansu Town. In terms of seniority, ability, and prestige, Xiao Ruxun is not afraid of anyone. There is no way to compare it, nor can it be compared with Feng Tang, who served as the general soldier in Datong and Yulin, but compared with people like He Shixian, he thinks it is more than enough.

   Glancing at Qi Bingzhong, who was silent at the side, Xiao Ruxun felt that this fellow seemed to have been won over by Feng Tang.

  Ningxia Town Commander-in-Chief has always been vacant. When Chen Jingxuan was in office, he repeatedly nominated Jiang Zian, the deputy commander-in-chief of Water Transport, but was suppressed by the Ministry of War.

  Jiang Zian is the son of Pingyuanhou's Jiang family, and Chen Jingxuan single-handedly promoted him when he was serving as the commander-in-chief of the water transportation. He originally wanted to promote this confidant when he was serving as the governor of the three sides, but unexpectedly, he was rejected by the Ministry of War.

Now that Feng Tang is here, Qi Bingzhong naturally wants to fight for the position of the general soldier of Ningxia. In addition, the current general soldier of Guyuan Town has been on the resignation list, so Feng Tang has the right to recommend two general soldiers, although the court may not I agree with Feng Tang's recommendation, but just one recommendation is enough to make people feel grateful and buy people's hearts.

  Xiao Ruxun also had to admit that Feng Tang was quite prestigious in the Northwest, and the others hadn't arrived yet, and Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu, and Xu Chao, who had always been rebellious, were much more behaved and honest.

   According to his thinking, these rebels are so arrogant and domineering, they should have been dealt with long ago, but the court is so lenient, it may not be a good thing for Chai Ke and Feng Tang to subdue these people again by recruiting them.

   Once there was a rebellion, these guys will always have a rebellious heart in their hearts. If there is no powerful person to suppress it, it will be difficult to control this group of people.

   But now it seems that Feng Tang is confident, Xiao Ruxun wants to see how Feng Tang can subdue these people.

   It seemed that Xiao Ruxun was aware of the dissatisfaction in his heart, but He Shixian didn't care.

This guy does have some skills, but not long after he came from Ji Town, he began to make a lot of noise in Gansu Town, which also attracted Liu Dongyang's dissatisfaction. Not afraid, the hard steel came down, but this became the fuse.

As Guyuan Town also began to be restless due to its defeat in Bozhou, the imperial court even understood the idea of ​​abolishing Guyuan Town, and Ningxia Town soon fell into chaos. This echoed from afar, causing the entire situation in the Northwest to become turbulent. Chen Jingxuan could not control the situation , they can only retreat sadly, and only Lord Feng can hold back this situation.

  Based on He Shixian's point of view, Xiao Ruxun's ignorance of the situation in the Northwest, his overly tough methods and lack of sufficient prestige, and his eagerness for success are the biggest reasons for this Northwest article.

   "Mr. He, the governor is quite confident. I think you trust Liu Dongyang and Tu Wenxiu too much." Xiao Ruxun clamped the horse's belly, and the healthy horse and He Shixian marched side by side.

"Hehe, Liu Dongyang and the others are indeed thorny heads. I think it was because of them that Shi Guangjue lost his head. Although he returned to the court, it is of course unrealistic to say how friendly and trustworthy they are to people who are not familiar with them, but The governor is different, but the governor personally talked with them face-to-face, Liu Dongyang and any of them refused to accept it, but they dare not make mistakes in front of the governor."

  He Shixian's tone was very firm, and Qi Bingzhong also caught up with him, and then said: "Liu Dongyang and the others have been working **** the Hami sandbar for several years, even if there are some edges and corners, they should have been smoothed out a lot, right?"

  Xiao Ruxun snorted softly, "The gang of thieves will never change their nature. If they don't deal with it with strong measures, they will be turned upside down long ago."

  As soon as Xiao Ruxun said this, He Shixian and Qi Bingzhong couldn't help frowning.

At any rate, Liu Dongyang is still the deputy commander of your Gansu town. Although he is firmly isolated from Hami and Shazhou outside Jiayuguan, he is still your deputy to Xiao Ruxun in name, but you use the language of "thief general" to position him For the other party, this is undoubtedly an unacceptable humiliation.

   It's no wonder that Liu Dongyang and the others are always at odds with you. With this attitude, they would have to fight you to the end if they changed themselves.

"Lord Xiao, be careful, if such words spread, there will be another storm." Qi Bingzhong is not good at talking about Xiao Ruxun, but He Shixian has no scruples, and his expression is serious, "If Master Xiao wants to secure a firm seat in our Northwest , still need mutual respect.”

Xiao Ruxun gave He Shixian a sideways look, and said coldly: "Don't bother Mr. He, Xiao has never been afraid of anyone from Xuanfu to Jizhen, and from Jizhen to Gansu. If there is no means in the army, then It's best not to eat this bowl of rice, Xiao is really settled in the land of Gansu Town."

He Shixian shook his head, this guy is indeed smelly and tough, even if you have some skills, but you still need time to slowly accumulate, let others understand you, you behave like this, and a good-tempered person like yourself would be a bit Can't accept it, let alone Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu, who are either gloomy or irritable?

  Qi Bingzhong also shook his head secretly in his heart.

He actually has a good impression of Xiao Ruxun, because the other party does have some military skills, but He Shixian is also right, the men in the Northwest have always been rough and rough, if they are familiar with it, everyone will recognize your ability, you are more arrogant, people think this It's your style, but now that everyone is relatively unfamiliar and even hostile, such a style will easily lead to conflicts. Fortunately, He Shixian has a very good temper, and the governor is suppressing him.

  He is a descendant of the Mongols, but Da Zhou has never had much prejudice against Mongolian generals. The Qibai rebellion is still a special case, and generals like them are still very popular.

In particular, Feng Tang promoted many Mongolian generals when he served as the commander-in-chief in Yulin, so the Mongolian generals in the four towns in the northwest all supported Feng Tang very much. It has a lot to do with Tang's role as the chief general of suppressing the rebellion.

For example, Ma Kongying, who is now riding a horse and galloping closely beside Feng Tang, is also a Mongolian general. He was originally a descendant from outside the Xuanfu's side wall. It is a general, and it seems that it will be reused if it is not done well this time.

  Feng Tang rode his horse and whipped his whip, and drove all the way into the martial arts arena.

   This is a high platform built with giant logs in a flat dam outside Qingyang City. The first batch of all the ministries transferred from the four towns should gather here as the first part of the training and martial arts training.

   Seeing the black and dense groups of camps lined up under the high platform, Feng Tang nodded slightly.

  Since he set foot on the road to the northwest, he has been considering the advice his son gave him.

   Ziying's unequivocal words put Feng Tang under a lot of pressure.

  According to common sense, the newly appointed governor should familiarize himself with the situation first, and then appease the majority, choose one or two thorns to scare the chickens and scare the monkeys, and finally stabilize the situation.

But Ziying's judgment made Feng Tang a little restless. If something really happened in the second half of the year, he was still calming people down step by step. It was too late to be in a hurry.

There are several risk points that Ziying deduced, besides Prince Yizhong's rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River, and even whether Niu Jizong will take advantage of the Xuanfu army to attack, although Feng Tang thinks this possibility is unlikely, it is true that both sides Are Ji Town, Datong Town and even Shanxi Town just decorations? But Ziying said not to underestimate Niu Jizong's painstaking efforts over the past few years and Prince Yizhong's original connections in the army, so Feng Tang dare not say that there is no such risk.

   In addition, Ziying also mentioned whether the Tumet, Ordos and even Chahar people would take advantage of the situation to make trouble, which Feng Tang also cannot say.

Although the Chahar people did not get much bargains last year, they broke into the side wall after all, which made Lindan Batur's prestige in his tribe soaring, while the Bushitu and Sunangtaiji of the Tumet people are still there Confrontation, but it cannot be ruled out that if someone lures the second part, let it invade and harass.

Ziying also mentioned that this year's severe drought may have a huge impact on Shanxi and Shaanxi. The drought in Shanxi and northern Shaanxi, especially from Pingliang, Qingyang to Yan'an, is appalling. Before Feng Tang, there was no more intuitive Yes, but after traveling along the way, he realized that the drought might pose a greater threat than Prince Yizhong and Niu Jizong. By this winter, if the court did not provide enough relief, troubles would definitely occur.

  (end of this chapter)

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