Number of People

Chapter 1616: Ren Zi Juan Thunder Falls Looking Northwest (2)

  Chapter 1616 Renzi Juan Thunder Falls Looking Northwest (2)

It turned out that Feng Tang didn't pay much attention to it, but when he really saw the hungry refugees struggling to die under the drought in northern Shaanxi, he realized that if he didn't have an army that could fight immediately, he, the governor of the three sides, would I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the end of the year.

On the one hand, he sent a letter to the Ministry of War, explaining in detail that the current severe drought in Shanxi and northern Shanxi may trigger large-scale refugees or even civil uprisings. Great rebellion.

On the other hand, he also wrote directly to the emperor and the cabinet, requesting that attention be paid to the drought in the Northwest and the potential superposition of risks brought about by the abolition of Guyuan Town. The backbone of the change or even the rebellion, the situation is unimaginable.

  Feng Tang openly and honestly proposed in the letter that he should immediately cancel the idea of ​​​​abolishing Guyuan Town, and even suspend the reduction and downsizing.

After doing all this, Feng Tang knew very well that the most realistic and reliable thing is to firmly grasp the available soldiers in the four towns in the northwest. At this time, Ziying suggested that the four towns enter the mobile force and gather together for training. Either way, holding it firmly in your own hands is the most reliable way to save your life.

  No matter where an accident occurs, an elite army that is in your hands and can be thrown out at any time is the most effective and reliable killer.

Because of this, he didn't wait to officially take office. On the way, he repeatedly issued orders in the name of the governors of the three sides, asking each town to send elites to Qingyang for training, screening and elimination, and based on his own understanding, he directly proposed to the four towns. The first batch of military training and military exercises were organized.

   Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu, and Liu Baichuan in Gansu Town, Ma Kongying in Yulin Town, and Qi Bingzhong in Ningxia Town were all named by him.

  In addition to these units, the towns also selected several other units that were considered the most elite, in order to impress the governor during the first contact, even Xiao Ruxun was no exception.

  Today it is the tribes of Gansu Town who are performing martial arts, that is, the Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu and Liu Baichuan tribes that Feng Tang values ​​most.

   It’s not that Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu, and Liu Baichuan are stronger than Ma Kongying and Qi Bingzhong, but for Feng Tang, these three tribes plus Xu Chao’s tribe are a big hidden danger in the four northwest towns.

   Although I can control the situation in the northwest, once I leave the northwest, these four departments will become a fuse in the northwest, and a little carelessness will lead to a big mistake.

  Especially Xiao Ruxun, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Township, is also a staunch character. Although he has some skills, he may not really have much advantage against local snakes like Liu Dongyang and Tu Wenxiu who have been operating in the Northwest for many years.

  The key is that now is not the time for internal friction at all.

   No matter which spark may erupt in any aspect, it is enough to ignite a big fire. These are all things that need to be prepared by the three-sided governor.

  Because of this, Feng Tang decided to recruit Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu, and Liu Baichuan, leaving only the Xu Dynasty to guard Hami and Shazhou.

   In this way, there is only one Xu Chao, which naturally cannot compete with Xiao Ruxun, the general soldier, so that Gansu Town will not affect the defense of the Tumets and Mughals due to internal strife.

  And Liu Dongyang's three divisions plus other elites drawn from Jizhen for training camped with him in Qingyang. Once something happens in the Central Plains, they can immediately lead the army eastward and southward.

  Accompanied by Feng Tang and Zhuzhen's commander-in-chief on stage, the martial arts performance officially began.

  The infantry spread out their formation and began to separate and attack under the waving flag of the standard bearer. The entire loess wasteland was covered with smoke and dust, but it did not affect the high enthusiasm of the army that was performing fiercely.

As soon as the governor arrived, he reissued the food and salary for half a year in advance, and the continuous supply of food made the four towns and departments feel more at ease, especially the governor also clearly promised that the abolition of Guyuan Town would be suspended. The cabinet submitted a report to try to cancel this plan of the imperial court, which made the officers and soldiers of the four towns even more motivated.

Even Guyuan Town will not be abolished, let alone the other three towns. The cloud that had shrouded the officers and soldiers of the four towns suddenly dissipated. We all felt at ease.

  Accompanied by the iron hooves, the roaring cavalry circled around, and began to attack according to the semaphore,...

But soon Feng Tang's brows began to frown, and the commanders-in-chief of the nearby towns also observed the changes in the expression of the governor, and it was He Shixian who spoke first: "My lord, but you are not satisfied with your performance? In the opinion of my subordinates , the performance of the third department of Gansu Township is remarkable, even if it is placed in Xuanda, can it be called an elite?"

Feng Tang shook his head, "I don't have any opinions on the performance of the soldiers, but you all know that the number of firearms in our four northwest towns is scarce, and the proportion is the least among the entire frontier army. There are only 30 cannons in the whole town, and they are almost old-fashioned cannons from the Yuanxi era. There are less than 3,000 firecrackers, and they are all old-fashioned three-eyed firecrackers, and this kind of firecrackers have all been eliminated in Liaodong. Well, even the Beijing Camp has basically been eliminated,..."

   What he said made the faces of all the people on the high platform sink into silence, and only the boys under the high platform were shouting and fighting, and the roar was loud, but the stage was extremely depressed.

"My lord, is Liaodong changing so fast?" Xiao Ruxun couldn't help it anymore. He was transferred from Jizhen, and he knew that Liaodong had been vigorously promoting firearms changing since Feng Tang went to Liaodong. He began to equip a large number of secret guns and bird guns, but he didn't know the specific progress.

  The eyes of He Shixian, Qi Bingzhong and others also fell on Feng Tang.

Feng Tang sighed, Ziying said a word or a sentence, he remembers it very clearly, time changes and trends change, keep pace with the times, if you can’t keep pace with the times, you will definitely fall behind, backward in thinking, If the concept is backward, if you fall behind, you will be beaten.

"Everyone, I don't know how much you know about the current situation of firearms use in the military, but I feel that compared with when I left the Northwest a few years ago, everyone seems to be still in the same state a few years ago. That's all, Ji Xin (Xiao Ruxun), you are also from Jizhen, don't you feel anything?"

Feng Tang's question made Xiao Ruxun's face turn red, and he murmured for a long time before he said: "My lord, when I left Jizhen, Jizhen had just started to equip Lumi blunderbuss, the number is probably less than a thousand? So those three-eyed blunderbusses , Clamp the gun, to be honest, I don’t like it at all, the process is complicated, it takes a long time, there are many bombs, the range is short, and the accuracy is poor. It is really better not to use this kind of firearm, no matter how difficult it is to train an archer, but once trained, the power is simply much stronger than this kind of three-eyed firearm and a clip gun,..."

   "What about the Lumi gun?" Feng Tang asked coldly, needless to say, this is also a character who firmly supports the attack.

However, to Feng Tang's surprise, Xiao Ruxun hesitated for a moment, "I have seen the power of the Lumi blunderbuss before, and it is indeed much stronger than the three-eyed blunderbuss, but it also has many disadvantages, such as complicated operation and great influence of the weather. The shooting speed is slow,…”

   "Have you heard of the turtledove gun?" Feng Tang asked again, he knew that if he didn't convince this guy today, he was afraid that it would not be easy for him to completely subdue these arrogant soldiers in the four northwest towns.

Xiao Ruxun was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My lord, is that a big Xiyi blunderbuss that weighs fifty or sixty catties? I have only heard that it can hit a wooden board two hundred steps away, and the lead shot can penetrate three points, but I have never heard of it. Never seen."

This guy still has some experience, but he has heard of it. Feng Tang nodded: "Well, almost, the Xiyi people call it Musket, and we call it the Turtle Dove Gun. Its power can reach two hundred steps. Breaking ordinary cotton armor and hurting the body, if it takes 150 steps, ordinary armor, even iron armor, can easily break the body,..."

Feng Tang's words made everyone present gasp. One hundred and fifty steps is almost unimaginable for bows and arrows. Even Mongolian light cavalry archers who are unparalleled in riding and archery can only take one hundred and twenty steps at most. This is the maximum shooting range. In a real confrontation between two armies, sixty to seventy steps is the distance at which the power of the bow and arrow can be exerted the most. However, this turtledove gun can double the range, and more importantly, it is more lethal.

  At this time, even He Shixian, who had always been calm, was a little unsteady, "My lord, Lumi guns have also been introduced into the humble army. Why is there such a big difference in power?"

"The Lumi blunderbuss and bird blunderbuss are light-weight firecrackers, which are more convenient, but the Musketi are heavy-duty firecrackers, which are more difficult to carry and more difficult to operate..." Feng Tang simply explained, "But even the Lumi blunderbuss He Niaozhu, except for Yulin Town, the other three towns are also very few. I am not saying that other infantry and horse troops have no combat effectiveness. We have also seen the performance of the various departments in Ningxia Town just now, but the importance of the Fire Gun Army Everyone should be clear, but the four towns in the Northwest are lagging behind in this respect, but Liaodong has more than 2,000 turtledove guns, more than 5,000 self-generated fire guns, and more than 15,000 Lumi guns and bird guns, accounting for more than 2,000 of the infantry. 30% of the..."

  Feng Tang talked about the situation in Liaodong Town, and the people in the four towns in the northwest were dazzled, and the taste of envy, jealousy and hatred could be felt even in the audience.

"My lord, you have said so much, but our four towns in the northwest do not even have enough daily food and pay. How can we get fire blunderbuss from the Ministry of War to change?" Qi Bingzhong couldn't help but said angrily: "The price of a Lumi blunderbuss is now About twenty-five taels of silver, even if one town equips two ministries with six thousand men, that is one hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver, can the Ministry of War agree?"

  (end of this chapter)

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