Number of People

Chapter 1617: Ren Zi Juan Thunder Falls Looking Northwest (3)

  Chapter 1617 Renzi Juan Thunder Falls Looking Northwest (3)

  Qi Bingzhong spoke out the most dissatisfied question of the generals in the northwest towns. Even the daily food and salary cannot be guaranteed. How could the court provide expensive firearms for the four towns in the northwest?

   This is obviously only a dream, an impossible dream.

  Of course Feng Tang understands this, but if he wants to mobilize the hearts of the people in front of him, and let them mobilize the army for hope, he has to draw a picture.

Of course, it cannot be said that this is completely a picture, but it depends on whether the future development will develop as Ziying predicted. Once it really does as Ziying predicted, then the status of the new force in the four towns in the northwest will suddenly rise to an unbelievable level.

You must know that the three towns of Xuanda and the two towns of Jiliao are facing real pressure from foreign enemies, and the Jianzhou Jurchen and the people of Chahar are all staring at them, which means that the forces of these five towns are basically controlled by foreign enemies. There is not much mobile force, and once something happens in the Central Plains, only the four towns in the northwest can move.

   At that time, I will be eligible to raise conditions to the court.

"Bingzhong is right. Given the current situation in the northwest, the imperial court cannot provide us with firearms. To tell you the truth, everyone may have seen the grain shipped from Henan. In fact, I cut it first and played it later. Let the merchants from Shanshan and Shanxi buy it from Huguang on my behalf first, otherwise I have to wait until I take office to buy it now, the price of food has already risen, at least I have to pay more than 20% of the silver,..."

The meaning revealed in Feng Tang's words and the general soldiers also roughly understood that Shanxi businessmen are willing to take the initiative to advance the purchase of military rations for the four towns in the northwest. arrive.

  In the north, without the support of the Shanshan merchants, many things would be much more difficult, but if they can get the full support of the Shanshan merchants, many troubles and difficulties can be easily solved.

For this point alone, Xiao Ruxun knew that he was beyond the reach. If he wanted to be the governor or even the chief soldier, without the support of these aspects, he could only do the work of one acre and three points of land honestly, and he wanted to make some troubles. Whatever comes, it must be supported by external resources.

However, He Shixian thought farther, and he also vaguely knew that Shanxi merchants had opened large-scale iron and coal mines in Yongping Prefecture, set up iron factories, and jointly established military workshops with the Ministry of War. It is said that they were doing very well. Your lord's only son, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, served as a co-prefect in Yongping Mansion. You must know that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan was able to propose a strategy to open the sea at that time, and this had a great influence on the merchants.

The actions of Shanshan merchants in Yongping Mansion will definitely have something to do with the governor, and even the cooperation of reciprocating favors. He Shixian also heard that the old boss mentioned that the firecrackers in Liaodong are basically from the army of Yongping Mansion. Otherwise, how dare the old boss mention this matter today.

"My lord, I heard that merchants from Shanshan and Shaanxi in Zunhua and Yongping are setting up firearm workshops. The Lumi blunderbuss, bird blunderbuss and even self-generated firearms in Liaodong should come from these two places, right?" He Shixian said in a deep voice. asked.

"Well, they have been able to produce Lumi, Bird, and Turtledove, but the output is still limited. Self-generated fire can also be made, but the output is extremely small, and the quality cannot be guaranteed. Liaodong's self-generated fire is mainly from Xiyi bought it." Feng Tang knew that this was an old subordinate who was trying to introduce the topic for him, and he knew it well, "But it is estimated that by next year, the Zunhua Iron Works and Zunhua Firearms Workshop will complete the renovation, and the output of firecrackers will increase. In addition, the production level of the red cannon can also be greatly improved. By then, all towns should have the opportunity to..."

"The premise of having a chance is that the Ministry of War can think of us in the Northwest!" Xiao Ruxun couldn't help raising his voice: "My lord, you were able to bargain with the Ministry of War in Liaodong and get a lot of good things and conditions for Liaodong. You can't be weak in the Northwest In terms of aura, you have to compete with the old men in the Ministry of War, not to mention that you can compare with Liaodong, Jizhen, Xuanfu, and Da, but at least you should be on par with Shanxi Town, right?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen any decent performance in Shanxi Town for so many years. I just hid behind Datong Town, but because it is one with Xuanfu and Datong, it is also full of food. In terms of hard work and credit, Yulin Town When is it worse than Shanxi Town, but when it comes to food, pay and military resources, it is fair to say that the Three Sides and Four Towns will be put at the end?"

   Before He Shixian could speak, Ma Kongying also complained.

  Feng Ziying also knew that the military generals in the four northwest towns had long been full of resentment towards the imperial court's favoritism, but the imperial court's financial resources were limited, so they could only give priority to ensuring the most important ones.

To be honest, at present, the four towns of Jiliao and Xuanfu Datong must be under greater pressure and more important. The Ministry of War can only give priority to satisfying these towns before considering others. So I can still have some leftovers. As for the four towns in the northwest, I really can only consider it when I have enough time.

Seeing that the generals were a little restless, Feng Tang waved his hand, "Okay, don't I understand what you are saying? I have served as the general of Datong, I have also served as the general of Yulin, and I have also served as the general of Liaodong. Here How could I not know the situation? The imperial court only has so much money, and there are too many places to spend it. Don’t the ministers of the cabinet and the Ministry of War understand the situation in the border areas?”

Feng Tang's words blocked all the generals back. In terms of seniority, who can compare with this governor-general. He has served as the general soldier of Datong three times. This one in front of him has also served as the general soldier of Yulin. It would be a joke to put on a show in front of Liaodong Town Commander-in-Chief.

"The imperial court's thinking is very simple. The nine borders are all frontier troops. Whoever is the most important and most important in their minds, they must give priority to protecting who, that's right!" Feng Tang continued: "Facing the Jianzhou Jurchen and the Jianzhou Jurchen, Ji Liao The Chahar people, the inner Kharkha people also joined in last year. In Xuanda, besides the Chahar people, the outer Khalkha people are also mixed with the Chahar people. There may be Tumote people in Datong Harassment, and how close are Ji Liao and Xuan Da to the capital? All the princes in the court have to weigh it."

"What about us in the northwest? Bushitu has been at peace here for a long time, and the Mongolian tribes in the West Sea have been silent. The Mughals have continued to fight among themselves. We have not seen much reaction from them when we took down Hami and Shazhou, although it may be possible. They are all temporary and superficial, but in the eyes of the princes of the court, they feel that the Northwest can indeed be put aside for a while. In a sense, their rebellion is still a pull for us in the Northwest. , Although this caused even greater sequelae to the Northwest, it cannot be denied that the first two years were probably the happiest two years for our four towns in the Northwest."

  The generals were silent, and to trace the source, everyone here is the beneficiary of the rebellion caused by Qi Bai and Liu Dongyang.

  In addition to being promoted in official positions, what is more important is that the government's food and salary security was also given priority to the northwest in those two years.

   This also has something to do with the fact that the original trilateral governor was Chai Ke, who served as the right servant of the Ministry of War, but the most important thing is that the imperial court could not withstand the second rebellion in the northwest, so it was given preferential treatment.

  However, this kind of good time lasted only for one or two years. Since last year, the imperial court has resumed its previous attitude towards the Northwest. No matter how much trouble you make, the imperial court can only appease with words, without any substantive support.

  The reason why Chen Jingxuan, the governor, resigned was that he was cornered by the generals below. Rather than being beheaded by the mutiny and rebellion below, or being coerced into a mutiny, it is better to resign. Whoever wants to come will come.

  Even the imperial court had no choice but to move Feng Tang from Liaodong because no one was willing or able to afford the trilateral governor, which shows how bad the situation is.

  If it weren't for the money that Feng Ziying got back in the second warehouse case of Jingtong, Feng Tang would not dare to set foot on this land.

  With no food or money in hand, why do you subdue these arrogant soldiers?

   Relying on your original prestige alone is fine for a while, but when everyone is hungry, no matter how high your prestige is, it will not help.

"The minds of the princes of the imperial court are also very simple. There is no urgent situation in your northwest now, and it is not of much use. Well, the imperial treasury is so difficult. Naturally, your northwest will bear the brunt of the reduction. Even if you keep it temporarily, then this knife It is also hanging on the necks of our four northwest towns at any time, and as for food security, of course it can only be placed at the end."

"This is a very realistic problem before everyone, and now that the imperial court has established three new towns, the financial resources are even tighter. The two towns of Denglai, Jingxiang, Huaiyang, Denglai and Jingxiang want to fight the state. The governor of Denglai, the Prince Teng's family was from the Jingying Jiedu envoy, and he was the governor of Xuanda. Yang He, the chief soldier of Jingxiang Town, was a civil servant and a celebrity in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Can he compare? Huaiyang was driven by Chen Jixian, a general of the Fifth Army Battalion. With the support of the Jiangnan gentry inside and outside the court, does the court dare to ignore it? They finally gave us a chance in the northwest, let you go to Bozhou to fight in Guyuan Town, and show your performance, but you lost your troops and generals, so who will you deal with?"

  The words chilled the hearts of all the generals. They thought that Guyuan Town was wronged. Now, looking at it this way, it seems that the other three towns have also been dragged down by Guyuan.

  But in the current situation, it seems that the four towns in the northwest will always be at the bottom of the list. What should we do?

The eager eyes of all the generals returned to Feng Tang. Now everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, and no one can run away. Even Xiao Ruxun, who was still a little unconvinced at the beginning, showed hope in his eyes, and no one wanted to do this. Wow Nang Nang just sits on the bench in the northwest, worrying all day long about the possible mutiny of the soldiers below, who can bear this?

"So everyone should understand in their hearts that if the four towns in the northwest want to revive the situation, if they want the imperial court to pay attention to them, and give priority to food, pay and military resources, then they have to fight!" You have to be particular about it. It is foolish to learn to worship and make a rebellion. It is meaningless to beat the divination rabbit or Su Nang outside the border wall. The court doesn’t even bother to look at it. Provocation, then who shall we fight?!"

  (end of this chapter)

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