Number of People

Chapter 1623: Ren Zijuan Serial Killing (6)

  Chapter 1623 Renzi Juan Serial Killing (6)

The civil strife in Dazhou is of course a good thing for the Chahar people. The drought for several years has also greatly affected the situation on the grassland. The southward invasion last year was also a last resort to a certain extent. Lin Dan Batur and his age are not commensurate Deep eyes looked to the south.

Without enough supplies, the ministries on the grassland will not be able to survive this winter and next spring. Especially after last year, the Great Zhou has obviously increased the blockade on the grassland. I have to obtain all kinds of materials through the Eastern Mongolia grassland, which makes the internal quarrel even more.

   This year is going to be tough, Lindan Batur has expected this for a long time, but he didn't expect Da Zhou to give him a chance.

  This opportunity cannot be refused, but how to turn the opportunity into real benefits still needs to be considered.

  After stepping on the grass under his feet a few times, Lindan Batur couldn't help frowning on the powdery soil. This should be a wet season, but this year it is so dry.

People from the south made a lot of demands, and everyone couldn’t argue. Some worried that it was a trap, that it was the Han people’s revenge for last year’s southern invasion. Some cautious expressions are indeed an opportunity, but they cannot act according to the line set by the Han people, and some people think that it is still necessary to bring together the inner and outer Khalkhas.

   But the Han people definitely didn’t give themselves much time. The Outer Khalkhas are too far away, and now there is no time and preparations. The Inner Khalkha tribes can catch up, but the question is, will Zaisai follow him?

After this guy's great success last year, he became arrogant, and the disrespect in his words was beyond words. If he hadn't considered that some things still needed the cooperation of this guy, Lindan Batur would have wanted to teach him a lesson. He really thought that he could get some from the Han people. Can recruit a few small tribes of savage Jurchens to shake off?

   Snatched the meat from Jianzhou Jurchen's mouth, and Nurhachi had long wanted to do something to this guy, but he was not sure about his attitude, so he had to take it easy.

   It might be difficult to summon Zai Sai this time, and the internal team is not very willing to let Zai Sai join in. It is nothing more than that Zai Sai has gained too much last year, which makes the people under him jealous.

  But people from the south have proposed so much, what is the return?

   What you grab is yours, so simple? Then why do I need these people to talk about it?

  Provide intelligence information? This is a little bit, but it is easy to break through the side wall, and it is easy to come in and rob, but it is not easy to withdraw successfully and safely. It is not enough to provide information on the surrounding army on the side wall.

The lessons of last year are vivid in my mind. The victory in the early stage was as strong as a bamboo, but when I went back, it was a mess, everyone looked after each other, and it was a mess. Many people who had robbed were lost on the way back. , This is also the most embarrassing for everyone.

   Didn't follow the route specified by the person from the south? Then the other party may not be willing to pay the promised conditions.

   Can you get what they promised by following their instructions? Lin Dan Batur is not so naive yet, you have to get what you can get by yourself. If you have no strength, others will not give it to you if you promise.

   What interested Lindan Batur was besides himself, who else did this group of people contact? Tummet's Vegetable Sac or Bushi Rabbit? Or Jianzhou Jurchen Nurhachi? Bo Shuo Ketu from Ordos?

  If these people can connect and mobilize the Tumet people, Ordos people, and even the Jianzhou Jurchen, then this matter will be interesting.

   Still have to inquire, but time is running out. Lindan Batur took a deep breath, and it is time to make a decision. Even if it is a trap, he thinks it is worth stepping on, but he may not follow their request.

  As long as things can make the Han people mess up, it is good for the eagles on the grassland.


  Sun Shaozu stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, and the voice of a soldier came from outside the door: "My lord, Master Shi is here."

"Oh, please come in." A look of impatience flashed across Sun Shaozu's brows, but it disappeared quickly, and the calm and calm expression was restored on his face. He turned around and walked a few steps, only to see the short, fat, ball-like man The man walked in swaggeringly, and shouted from afar: "Dalang, you have to thank me very much, I have put in a lot of effort this trip, and I have lost a few catties..."

   Seeing the complacent expression on the other party's face, Sun Shaozu smiled, "Is there any reason for the uncle to come forward? My nephew never thought that the uncle would not be able to do it."

"Hehehe, your mouth can say, you know that I was as tired as a dog in this trip for more than ten days. I ran several places in a row before I found the other party..." Shi Nai couldn't wait to express his merits, and incidentally Show off how deep the relationship between the historian and the other party is, "Wang Chenglong married my cousin's daughter, but it's a pity that my cousin died early, but my niece gave him three sons, all of whom are alive and well." , have become the pillars of his royal family,..."

Patiently listening to Shi Nai's ramblings, Sun Shaozu also knew that this fellow wanted to boast of how strong the historian's connections in the army were, how hard he had been on this trip, and he didn't lose any money he spent, and he even paid for it himself. Don't ask how much is left.

   "Uncle Shi, as long as the matter is done and the governor can have an explanation, the money is not a big deal." Sun Shaozu smiled and waved his hand generously, "What does Lord Wang say?"

   "He agreed, and he will come to your place in the future. You can tell him how to do it, but I'm afraid you still need a warrant from the governor." Shi Nai still knew the rules and warned.

   "That's natural." Sun Shaozu asked again: "What about Ding Liangdong?"

"Well, it's a little more troublesome over there. I went to find him, but I kept making excuses to disappear. Later, I waited at his house for two days, and he had no choice but to see me." Shi Nai was still very moral about this, To win people's money and eliminate disasters, Sun Shaozu still did what Sun Shaozu told him, but the effect is beyond his control. "It's just that he refused to give a letter, Dalang, I feel If you want to get it done, I'm afraid you need to go there yourself."

  Sun Shaozu was slightly disappointed, but then shook his head again. It would be the best result to get Wang Chenglong to agree, and Ding Liangdong had no hope at all.

  The historian and Ding Liangdong did not have a deep relationship. Ding Liangdong was promoted when Feng Han served as the general of Datong, but it was because his father had worked with Shi Nai's father in Shanxi Town.

   But the Feng family has a very deep network here in Datong, and historians can't compare it. It's a pity that the Feng family only has one concubine daughter, and she is too young, so it is not suitable. Otherwise, Niu Jizong can be asked to come forward to propose marriage and form an in-law.

"Forget it, Mr. Ding is willing to make friends with Mr. Sun, so Mr. Sun is naturally happy. If there is still some suspicion, Mr. Sun will just wait." Sun Shaozu smiled, "It's Mr. Wang who is willing to come, Mr. Sun needs to prepare well. It's over."

"Well, Da Lang, Wang Chenglong is a bit arrogant, unlike you. You are a superior, so you need to be more tolerant." Shi Nai introduced: "But this guy is all about earning credit, and his eldest son is already in the army. In a few years, the second son will also join the army, so I hope someone will support him,..."

   "Really?" Sun Shaozu nodded and smiled, "That's just right, as long as he is willing to obey the order, it is not a problem to seal his wife and son. The governor is never stingy with those who are willing to work hard."

"Dalang, Jizong praised you so much, he just said that the deputy commander-in-chief has wronged you, if there is a chance, you should be the commander-in-chief of Datong." Shi Nai smiled brightly, "By the way, you and I The niece is about to give a betrothal gift, Jizong is also asking, I have asked my second brother to wait at home, you have seen my niece, in terms of talent and appearance, she is first-class, and Some matchmakers have seen it and said that it is definitely a physique for giving birth to a son. If you marry and enter the family earlier, you can also give birth to an heir earlier for your grandson family to continue the incense,..."

An imperceptible twitch flashed across Sun Shaozu's cheek, but he laughed loudly: "Thanks to the concern of the governor, I will send someone to bring a letter back and arrange for someone to hire me, but I am afraid that I also need to look at the horoscope of the date of birth first. Haven’t you calculated the horoscope, it’s very compatible,…”

"The last calculation was just a random question. It's best to find a reliable matchmaker to calculate the auspicious date. Miss Shi is already sixteen years old. If there is time, you can turn over the year. Go through the door, but I still need to make some preparations..."

  Sun Shaozu's enthusiastic and earnest expression reassured Shi Nai. Where can I find such a niece and son-in-law who can make a fortune in no time?

"Alright, it's better to be more precise. Jia Jia Baoyu is going to marry the governor's niece. You and the Jia family are also family friends. At that time, Jizong and I will also go back. Why don't we hire Baoyu before his wedding date? It can be regarded as double happiness, and my aunt has been looking forward to this day for a long time, and it can be regarded as an end to a matter in her heart."

  Sun Shaozu pondered for a while, then nodded: "Forget it, I will arrange it immediately."

"Hey, that's right, Dalang, don't worry, my niece has always been in good health, and she will definitely not be like the one you used to be. Marry back earlier and give birth to more sons for you. In the future, the son will inherit the father's business. Your grandson The family can also be like the Li family and the Ma family,..." Shi Nai patted Sun Shaozu on the shoulder and said cheerfully: "In the future, our historians and the Sun family can also support each other, isn't there one more to take care of?"

Sun Shaozu also laughed, "Shibo is right, my nephew has admired Miss Shi for a long time, and it is a blessing to marry Miss Shi. Don't worry, Shibo, my nephew will have a good life when he gets married back home." Treat her and ensure that she enjoys happiness in Sun's family,..."

   First update, and more!



  (end of this chapter)

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