Number of People

Chapter 1624: The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm (1)

  Chapter 1624 The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm (1)

  The eighth day of September is suitable for marriage.

  Feng Ziying arrived at Rongguo Mansion a little late, and Jia Baoyu's wedding party had already left, but it had nothing to do with him.

  He came today just as a guest, as a family friend, this is the basic etiquette.

  The congratulatory gift was delivered a few days ago. It was grand and satisfied the Jia family.

  Jia Zheng came back two days ago. This kind of leave system is very humane in the Great Zhou Dynasty when he waits for his son to marry a wife.

  Going to greet the bride started early in the morning. What about offering sacrifices to the ancestral temple, and then the father gave various teachings, and then rode slowly to the woman's house. It was inevitable to show off along the way, and I guess I would not be able to come back until dark in the afternoon.

The procedures for getting married these days are quite complicated, and there are many tricks and names on the woman's side, and the Niu's side is particularly particular. Outsiders underestimated it.

   Jia Zheng is back, so Feng Ziying will naturally go to see him.

   Still in Rongxi Hall.

  However, the first time I saw Jia Zheng, I felt that Jia Zheng might have had a very difficult year.

My mental state and complexion are not very good, and my face is exhausted and haggard. I have to say that I have worked hard after coming back from Jiangxi, but it has been a few days since I came back. It is said that I should recover. It is because of the hard work in the position of Jiangxi Xuezheng.

As expected, after exchanging a few words of pleasantries, Jia Zheng talked about the difficulties of studying politics in Jiangxi. Although the words were very subtle, Feng Ziying could still hear the cold reception of the superiors, the xenophobia of the colleagues, and the contempt of the subordinates. , made him feel very tormented.

During the speech, Jia Zheng even revealed his intention to resign from office, which surprised Feng Ziying and realized that Jia Zheng's ability and temperament are indeed not suitable for being in the officialdom. leisure.

"Uncle Zheng Shi, you have only been here for less than a year, and you are about to resign now. I'm afraid the emperor and the officials will be unhappy..." Feng Ziying didn't want to persuade him much, but thinking that the situation might change next year, he At that time, it seemed more appropriate to resign and leave, and I could only comfort him with gentle words.

"I also thought about this, that's why I'm hesitant. Alas, brother Keng, Uncle Yu's temperament is really not suitable for an official. It's a pity for my mother to ask for this political commissar for me. It's better to make arrangements for Baoyu." .” Jia Zheng shook his head and sighed.

   "Uncle Shi doesn't have to be so pessimistic. Baoyu's becoming the son-in-law of the eldest princess will definitely be a blessing." Feng Ziying's words were somewhat insincere.

   Jia Zheng glanced at him, "Brother Keng, I heard that you don't approve of Baoyu marrying a daughter from the Niu family, but prefer Baoyu marrying the daughter of King Lianzhong?"

   "Everyone has their own income, but it's meaningless to talk about it at this time. The eldest princess also likes Baoyu very much, and she must try her best to pave the way for Baoyu in the future." Feng Ziying said lightly.

   Jia Zheng took a deep look at Feng Ziying, not knowing what to say for a while.

  He is not sure who is more suitable, but it seems that the eldest princess Yongning is undoubtedly more loved by the emperor. Tiewangshan Qiuxi, the eldest princess Yongning has already proposed to take Baoyu to the palace, and recommend it to the emperor.

   "Brother Keng, Qiusheng also mentioned you a lot in his letters, and he is very grateful and respectful to you. I feel that he is doing things more energetically than before. I still have to thank you for your care..."

Jia Zheng paid special attention to his only protégé who made achievements in the officialdom, and he also knew that he would not be of much help to Fu Shi's career, but now that Feng Ziying became Fu Shi's boss, with the relationship between Jia's family and Feng Ziying, Letting Feng Ziying take care of Fu Shi can be regarded as a lot of hard work. In the future, Fu Shi really has good fortune, so Jia Zheng will also have face, and he can straighten his waist when he walks out.

"Uncle Zhengshi is being polite, and Qiusheng himself is quite talented. My nephew went to borrow Qiusheng a lot. Besides, with this relationship, my nephew dared to let Qiusheng do things boldly..." Feng Ziying Smiling and waving his hands, "Now Qiusheng and I complement each other, and Qiusheng will also help me with many affairs. If there is a chance, I would also like to recommend Mr. Gao and Mr. Chai to see if there is a more suitable position for Qiusheng. But in the short term, I still hope that Qiusheng can help me more."

  Feng Ziying spoke very politely, but Jia Zheng was delighted to hear it, and couldn't help but stroke his beard and smile.

  Ziying cited Fu Shi as her confidant, and with Ziying's current momentum of prosperity, if Fu Shi followed him, the tide would naturally rise.

   While the two were talking, Fu Shi also came, and the atmosphere was naturally better.

  At noon, Jia Zheng naturally wanted to stay with Feng Ziying and Fu for a trial meal, and Feng Ziying did not refuse.

  Although he hated Jia Amnesty very much, and didn't really like to see Wang Shi, but one thing to say, Feng Ziying, Jia Zheng, was still willing to make friends.

  Jia Zheng's capacity for alcohol is good, while Fu Shi's capacity for alcohol is even better.


   Upon waking up, Feng Ziying found that she was uncomfortably thirsty, but on the other hand, it was even more uncomfortable.

There are still some remnants of memories. It was Siqi and Baoxiang who sent themselves to the guest room. Originally, they wanted to compete with Siqi. A cavity of anger vented on Siqi's plump pair.

Although Siqi has a bold temper, but after all, he only has one or two experiences, and he still lacks the enthusiasm to play some new tricks. On the contrary, Feng Ziying can't get better, so he can only send her away quickly. After a while, the drunkenness surged before I fell asleep.

  Get up and ask Baoxiang what time it is, and Feng Ziying went out at the beginning of the application.

Feng Ziying is already very familiar with Rongguo Mansion. He has stayed in this guest room for several nights. Heping'er played intimately here, and had a good night with Siqi here. Rongguo Mansion gradually reserved this guest room. , just for yourself to rest.

  There are usually other guests, so they are arranged in other small courtyards next door. Anyway, there is no shortage of one or two small courtyards in this Rongguo Mansion.

Going north along the narrow road outside the inner wall, there are some respectable servants living in the back, most of them are dragging their families. Rongguo Mansion treats these dignified servants well, so the Lai family relies Only when the Jia family **** blood will they arouse public outrage.

  The inner wall is straight, but the Grand View Garden left a west corner door here, but the west door is almost closed, but today when Feng Ziying walked to the west door, it happened to catch up with two women changing shifts, and the door was open.

  When the two women saw Feng Ziying coming, they greeted Feng Ziying hurriedly. Feng Ziying responded with a smile, and then stepped into the door.

  The two women looked at each other.

It's not that Uncle Feng can't enter the garden, everyone in the mansion has said hello, and no other men in the Grand View Garden are allowed to enter, except for two, one is Bao Erye, and the other is Feng Uncle, but entering from the west corner gate is somewhat illegal , because the west corner door is usually not used for entry and exit, it is only opened at special times or under special circumstances.

But facing Feng Ziying, who was still a little drunk, the two wives could smell the alcohol on Feng Ziying's body, and knew that the second master kept Uncle Feng's lunch, so the two just exchanged glances and did not stop , but a woman persuaded with a smile: "Uncle Feng, people usually don't enter or exit this west corner gate, because this time they go in and walk next to the stream, and they have to go up the mountain at the northwest corner to cross the stream. The narrow road is slippery, so be careful not to fall into the stream."

Feng Ziying laughed, "Don't worry, I drank a few glasses of wine, but I haven't reached that point yet. I'm going to the second sister's place in the yard to have a cup of tea and leave. I'm going to trouble you two. Mommy's surname,..."

   This sentence made the two mothers-in-law smile, their eyes couldn't open their eyes. They were relieved, and made Uncle Feng remember his family relationship, so they hurriedly reported their names.

  Feng Ziying also wrote it down and repeated it before walking in.

   Seeing that Feng Ziying was walking steadily and normally, the two women felt relieved and locked the door.

As soon as you enter the door, you can immediately feel the coolness coming to your face. The Qinfang River enters from the northeast corner of the Grand View Garden, then presents a "convex" shape and circles around, and finally flows out from the southeast corner. The horizontal line on the top of the "convex" protrudes from both sides, which is equivalent to a stream of running water that nourishes the entire Grand View Garden, making the Grand View Garden alive with exception.

The bottom line of the "convex" of Qinfang River flows along the courtyard wall from northeast to southwest, but this line is also slightly tortuous, forming Liaotinghuaxu, Liaotinghuaxu, There are several inlets and peninsulas in Reed Marsh, Ningyezhu, Zilingzhou and Polygonum.

Feng Ziying hadn’t walked alone like this for a long time, and she was still in this Grand View Garden, walking north along the bank of the stream. Looking across the stream, there was the grass-covered and powder-walled reed snow field, hidden among the withered and yellow reeds, accompanied by the reeds. The wind swayed, and there was even a little more dusty air.

Feng Ziying praised secretly in her heart, it's no wonder that Xing Xiuyan has an elegant and refined aura all over her body. I'm afraid that apart from her natural beauty, it's natural for her to move around in this small courtyard under the thatch roof all day long. There is that taste.

  Further forward, on the other side of the stream is Li Wan's Daoxiangju.

I saw that the courtyard was larger than Xing Xiuyan's Lu Xueguang, but the style was very similar. The walls of the small courtyard did not use that kind of barrel tiles, but also used wheat straw, but they were very neatly trimmed. It's a good place to go because it's shaded by the mulch frame and the wood incense shed.

Feng Ziying didn't care, and walked straight along the road by the stream to the northwest corner, and a small path went straight up the rocky mountain, leading to the place where she and Li Wan met that day. Feng Ziying stepped up, but felt a little dazed, as if she heard That Li Wan's voice, that elegant and graceful figure in a filial piety seemed to appear before her eyes again,

Originally thought that he was a hallucination of drinking, shook his head, and smiled self-deprecatingly, but he was really a little bit mad, and his heart was aroused by the little hoof of Siqi, but there was no place to let it go Huo is about to have a fantasy.

   "Grandma, why are you in a trance today, this is a happy day for Second Master Bao..."

  The voice sounded familiar, like someone's maid. Feng Ziying was a little slow to react after drinking, but she immediately understood, who else could be called grandma in the Grand View Garden?

   "It's nothing, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night, and I felt a little bored, so I came here for a walk..."

  It was Li Wan's voice, but it was a little more sleepy than before.

   "The grandma..."

   "Okay, you go back first, I'll be here alone for a while, the sun is just right now, I'll sit down and come back by myself later." Li Wan's voice was a little vacant and weak.

   "Then grandma, you should still wear this cloak, don't be careful to catch cold when the wind blows up,..."

   "Well, let it go." Li Wan said.

   Soon, the sound of footsteps slowly disappeared from the side of the mountain road, leaving only the faint sigh.

   The second update, still working hard!



  (end of this chapter)

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