Number of People

Chapter 1625: The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm (2)

  Chapter 1625 The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm in the Renzi Juan (2)

Looking from behind, Li Wan, who was wrapped in a plain white dress with dark red borders and patterns, turned her back to herself, standing on a rock and looking into the distance, she didn't know whether it was hurt by the scene, or something suddenly occurred to her, which made her seem frowning.

  The curves of her curvy figure were covered by a slightly loose skirt, and she was wearing an azure cloak in her hand, which was obviously left behind by the maid just now.

  Placing the cloak in his hand on the rock, Li Wan took two steps forward with a melancholy expression, put one hand on the cliff, and sighed again.

Li Wan didn't know why he was in a bad mood. It is reasonable to say that his brother-in-law's marriage is a happy event, but seeing the bustle and bustle of the whole family, everything is busy around this matter, and what's more, Many of the servants had already begun to speculate on the preferences and dispositions of Mistress Bao in the future, and were ready to cater to her, which undoubtedly added to Li Wan's heartache and loneliness.

Her husband passed away within two years of marrying into Jia's family, and fortunately she left a single seedling like Jia Lan, but even Li Wan, who has always been indifferent to anything, can feel that from Jia's mother to her father-in-law and mother-in-law's love for Lan Geer. His indifference and contempt made the whole Rongguo Mansion gradually ignore Lang Geer.

  At first, Li Wan could understand Jia Huan's contempt from the entire Rongguo Mansion. After all, Jia Huan was a concubine, and his mother was Aunt Zhao, who was born as a common house girl, so she had a bad reputation in the mansion.

   But what about my brother Lange? The real eldest grandson!

  I was also married to the daughter of the Li family, a well-known scholar in Jinling, why did I receive such a cold reception? Could it be that Brother Lang was born by stealing his own life?

   This kind of resentment and aggrievedness has been suppressed in Li Wan's heart, and it can be said that the grievances have been accumulated for a long time.

  There is only one person in their minds, and that is their uncle, Jia Baoyu, but no matter how Li Wan looks at it, his brother-in-law is a character with a golden appearance and a low profile.

  Do not study, have no interest in economic career, let’s not mention that, his personality is lazy and unrestrained, and he is not unresponsible in life, and even clings to those handsome young actors, which is simply speechless.

  She once ran into her brother-in-law playing intimately with the younger brother of the Qin family next door in the winding path in the garden.

Men other than my uncle are not allowed to enter the Grand View Garden. This has been stipulated for a long time. Later, because of Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying was also allowed to enter. Very rarely, he scolded several gatekeepers, women and servants. Since then, Qin Zhong has not entered the garden.

The younger brother-in-law is like this, but it doesn't affect Jia's mother and in-laws' doting on the younger brother-in-law in the slightest, but Lan Geer, who studies hard and works hard, doesn't know why it is difficult to please them. Even if he wants to share the benefits, he can't do it. How can this balance Li Wan's mind?

  Hate towards Jia's mother, and all kinds of resentment and dissatisfaction with her father-in-law and mother-in-law, Li Wan can only bury it deeply in his heart, even Suyun Biyue, who is the most caring around him, can't say it.

  Although these two girls are caring and can talk about other things, but after all, they have followed the Jia family since childhood, and they probably have no other thoughts about the supreme old lady and the old lady in their hearts.

   It turns out that there is another Wang Xifeng who can often gossip. Although he dare not mention the matter of the old lady and her in-laws, there is always someone to talk to.

But now, Feng Lazi is gone, Yingchun is a boring gourd, and she only wants to marry into Feng's family. Lin girl's sharp personality doesn't go along with her, Tan girl and Yun girl's temper don't agree with her, and the fourth girl is cold Temperament, and the age is also quite different, so naturally they can't talk about it.

The only one next to him, Xiuyan, could say a few words, but because Xiuyan lived in the garden, she was more sensitive and didn't like to go out, and when she went out, she went straight to Changcui Nunnery to befriend her since she was a child. Miaoyu together.

   After calculations, there is no one in this huge Rongguo Mansion who can confide in him.

Seeing that the whole family is happily marrying the younger brother-in-law today, and thinking about Tan Yatou also saying that when the bride passes through the house, she will hand over the government account to the bride. As for matters in the mansion, Tanyatou is also transparent in doing things, and he has to say hello to himself for any big or small things, so the attitude of the servants in the mansion towards him is also different than before, but now everything will return to the original state, It might even be worse than when Wang Xifeng was in charge in the past, all kinds of troubles accumulated in his heart, making Li Wan feel desolate and lonely at this time.

Holding on to the cliff with one hand, the lazy noon sun shone on his body, Li Wan inadvertently saw his cloak placed on the reclining boulder, and suddenly remembered that day when he was suddenly squeezed on the boulder by that person , their faces were only an inch apart, their breathing could be heard, and even the heels of the other party's legs were squeezed between hers, and they were tightly pressed together. Thinking of the situation at that time, she was actually in a trance, her body was hot, and her mouth Liman let out a sentence: "Brother Keng,..."

A thick and powerful arm suddenly came from his waist, and immediately hugged Li Wan's willow waist, a strong body pressed against him from behind, and there was a heavy heat coming from his ears, Li Wan was shocked, Before the exclamation in his throat came out, he heard a haunting voice in his ear: "Sister-in-law, are you calling me?"

For a moment, Li Wan's whole body was about to go limp. How could he run here in a trance, and shouted "Brother Keng" in his eccentric voice, and more importantly, how could this guy be here? dreaming?

  Li Wan bit the tip of her tongue subconsciously, but the severe pain made her understand that it was not a dream.

This thing really happened, the tiger arm that hugged her slender waist was tightly hooked, so that her back and buttocks were firmly attached to his body, and the scorching breath penetrated into her ears, making her My whole body felt numb.

   In a panic, Li Wan struggled up, and said in a crying voice: "Brother Keng, my concubine..."

"Okay, sister-in-law, I understand." At this time, Feng Ziying's whole body was hot, his eyes were red, like a restless bull after seeing the red cloth, he tried his best to suppress his surging lust, so as not to scare the pretty widow in his arms, "Sister-in-law, do you think we are destined? We were here on that day. Today is Baoyu's big wedding. I ate wine and took a rest for a while, and then I walked casually. The west corner door opened, so I came in and walked all the way here. It's also here, is it God's will for me to meet my sister-in-law here?"

  Li Wan was also dizzy for a while.

The West Corner Gate is never open, but today it may be because Baoyu is married and needs to be cleaned before opening the door. I never thought that I would come in when I happened to meet Feng Ziying. Either he came up from Hengwuyuan, and he would never lose sight of him standing here.

  Only this narrow path forks off, right behind me, and I never noticed it.

"Brother Keng,..." Li Wan turned slightly to the side, and she could already feel the high-spirited momentum of the other party clinging to her buttocks. She hadn't experienced such a thing for more than ten years, and she couldn't remember all the past. Now, with a haggard heart, she has long let herself forget about those things, but at this moment, after a certain strangeness is nourished in her heart like rain, it grows unstoppably.

   Li Wan's turned face was facing Feng Ziying, his four eyes looked at each other, intertwined.

   It was only at this time that Feng Ziying could really look at the other party carefully, and it was so close.

   I have to say, this woman is really attractive.

It is different from Daiyu, Baochai and Baoqin whose amazing beauty can be firmly remembered with just one glance, and also different from Wang Xifeng, Eryou and Busia Mara who can make a deep impression on people. Li Wan's unique charm, the beauty of Li Wan's face is reserved and graceful, if the women in the Grand View Garden must find a similar one, it will probably be Xing Xiuyan's type.

However, Li Wan and Xing Xiuyan can only be said to be slightly similar in temperament. Xing Xiuyan has a wider face and deeper eye sockets. In this regard, he is a bit like Busia Mara, but his outline is much softer than Busia Mara. , while Li Wan's cheeks are slightly thin and well-proportioned. At this moment, Feng Ziying suddenly thinks of the slightly ordinary face of the actor Zhang Xiaofei in the previous life who is not known for his outstanding appearance.

Feng Ziying didn't give Li Wan too much time to be entangled and panicked. Li Wan turned around and clung tightly to his arms. At this time, he had no time to think too much, and the timid eyes in the panic stimulated him even more. About to explode.

His fingers were rudely and dexterously drilled under the skirt, everything was self-evident in Li Wan's exclamation, and the exclamation stopped abruptly, Feng Ziying had already slightly pushed her body to one side, just like that day The posture of the woman is staged again on this big stone that is destined to leave a strong mark in the life of the woman in front of her.

The strong and fiery kiss immediately made Li Wan fascinated by the passion of the man in front of him. Even more than ten years ago, her husband had never experienced such madness. Her honesty and step-by-step manner were more like an ordinary couple's life. , coupled with his poor health, made Li Wan almost never feel any real passion and romance.

  The unfolded cloak became the best bedding, but the flat rock like a mirror became the best place for the two of them to have fun. After the rustling sound, the inner garment under Li Wanru's skirt slipped,...

Li Wan, who had been in a daze at this moment, suddenly remembered the embroidered spring pouch that someone picked up and handed in in the garden that day, but his scene today was so similar to the one embroidered in the embroidered spring pouch. more than that...

   Don’t say anything, the goal is 1000, brothers, please help, Lao Rui is still working hard!



  (end of this chapter)

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