Number of People

Chapter 1626: The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm (3)

  Chapter 1626 The Serenity and Ease Before the Storm (3)

   Hu Tianhudi.

  When Feng Ziying was playing with her slender feet curled up and hiding under her skirt, Li Wan felt ashamed and almost collapsed.

  I have long heard that some men have foot fetishes, but I have natural feet, but I am born with natural feet, but I have a neat and beautiful appearance. I have never exposed it to others, but I didn't expect him to be so obsessed with it.

The Great Zhou Dynasty stipulated that all men and women were not allowed to bind their feet. The bad habit of foot binding, which had flourished for hundreds of years, did not stop abruptly after the order of Emperor Taihe of Great Zhou. It continued for 20 to 30 years. In the end, the imperial court ordered that if a gentry woman had her feet bound, her father and brother would be punished together, and even be deprived of the qualifications to be an official in the imperial examination. This decree really solved the problem fundamentally. After abandoning the bad habit of foot binding, the folks will naturally look at the scenery, and no one will bind their feet.

  Picking up the beauty in her arms and sitting on her lap, looking at her shy appearance, Feng Ziying was satisfied.

This hearty and reckless act completely extinguished the fire that the little hoof of Siqi had aroused. He did not expect that Li Wan, a seemingly elegant and quiet woman, would be so long-lasting once she erupted. Perhaps it was the depression of being widowed for many years. , was finally released today, it can be said that everyone is happy.

After the carnival, the lingering rhyme has not disappeared. Now that we have faced each other naked, it is naturally different. Feng Ziying's previous drunkenness has also disappeared with the previous love, and the rest is a return to rationality. Well, it's time for a sage .

   Looking at the woman whose eyes were still a little red and swollen, but whose brows were full of spring, although Feng Ziying realized that it was a bit tricky, she didn't regret it, and was even a little complacent.

  The road to saving Qianhong Wanyan has taken another step forward. Although there are some accidental factors in it, it has to be said that today's joy and joy are beyond his imagination.

  Feng Ziying found that she really had a tendency to blacken in the direction of Cao thief, why did she fall in love with this one?

  Is Baochai Daiyu not good? Qingwen, Jin Chuaner, Xiangling, aren't these fragrant? Why do you feel that this kind of woman is more interesting? Could it be that the hidden dark attributes of the old man in the previous life have exploded?

  Li Wan, who was still immersed in the aftertaste, seemed to have forgotten everything he was worried about before, and just curled up in Feng Ziying's arms, as if floating in the clouds in the sky, thinking about nothing and doing nothing.

The little girl's attachment made Feng Ziying hesitate, but don't make it like Wang Xifeng's reluctance, then it will be a problem, but at that time the blood surged but he didn't care, it seems a bit regretful later Too late and pointless.

   "Sister Wan,..."

  Feng Ziying's words made Li Wan tremble, and there was an inexplicably surprised and inexplicably complicated expression on his face.

  Feng Ziying doesn't like to call her sister-in-law one after another after becoming a husband and wife, that's not a taste.

Li Wan couldn't remember how many years no one had called her sister Wan. It should be that no one had called her since she married Jia's family. It turned out that her husband was just a title of a lady, and after her husband passed away, Either Grandma Zhu, or brother Zhu's daughter-in-law, or sister-in-law Zhu, even she forgot that she had Li Wan's name.

  But now the title of Sister Wan has revived the little girl's thoughts in Li Wan's heart, making her in a trance.

Feng Ziying didn't think so much. Before Wang Xifeng, he was also called the second sister-in-law, but then he naturally became Sister Feng. Even Ping'er thought it was normal, and so did Li Wan. He was nothing more than a second sister-in-law, a big Sister-in-law, these two sisters-in-law make up a pair.

   "Why, don't you like me calling you that?" Feng Ziying noticed the change in Li Wan's body, and held the pair of slender feet again, and then moved up her calf.

Shocked, Li Wan hurriedly stopped the other party from raging. Before she could put on her underwear, she was hugged by the other party. The inside was empty. , Now she is gradually waking up, her previous actions simply made her unable to believe how she dared to do this.

   "No, it's just that no one has called concubine body that way for many years. It was only when Jinling was unmarried that the family called concubine body that way." Li Wan shook his head, his face full of confusion, as if he was recalling the past.

   "I'll call it from now on, um, my special title." Feng Ziying laughed.

  Although she has this relationship with Feng Ziying, Li Wan is still extremely shy. This exclusive title seems to be a declaration of sovereignty. With her intelligence, how can she not understand this?

Leaning in Feng Ziying's arms and slowly regaining strength, Li Wan struggled to get down to find her underwear. Feng Ziying stopped her, and squatted down with her in her arms to pick up the underwear and sweat towel that had fallen off the stone. Putting it on for the other party, Li Wan was so ashamed that he could only cover his face with his sleeves, Feng Ziying put on the silk socks and embroidered shoes for her, and then let her go to the ground.

  As soon as this foot landed, Li Wan staggered, Feng Ziying hurriedly supported her: "What's the matter, are you okay?"

Li Wan gave this man a white look with resentment, and actually asked such a question, but she has no time to worry about it now, she bit her lip and said: "I'm going down, Suyun and Biyue are afraid to wait impatiently, Maybe I’ll come up and look for it soon.”

"You can't even stand still, how do you go down? If you go up and be seen by others, won't you reveal yourself?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "It's better to rest for a while, or I will help you down, um, there is Heng Wu in front of you Yuan, find a place to sit inside."

  When Li Wan heard Hengwuyuan, he shook his body as if stung by a scorpion, and shook his head again and again: "I won't go there, I'll just rest here for a while, and then I'll go down the mountain and go back to the house."

  Feng Ziying also roughly guessed Li Wan's taboo, just having fun with herself, how can she go to Baochai's old residence, that's really unpleasant.

  He didn't persuade him much, and simply hugged Li Wan in his arms again, and let him sit on his lap, "Then sit here for a while, just sit for a while, the sun will go down, and the weather will be cold..."

  Li Wan couldn't help giving the other party a blank look, "Then you didn't care about it before..."

  As soon as the words came out, Li Wan's face turned red again, as gorgeous as peaches and plums, with beautiful eyes looking forward, but seeing Feng Ziying's heart fluttered, and he almost couldn't hold it back.

"Okay, it's not good to talk about this again." Feng Ziying put her arms around Li Wan, and said leisurely: "Didn't I say that you and I are destined, God's will tricks people, and fate should be like this, but I saw you were not in a good mood before, and sighed , but what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Li Wan leaned his head on Feng Ziying's shoulder and said casually, "Just seeing Baoyu get married and the whole family go through all the tossing around, but Brother Huan and Brother Lan are not interested in their studies. It's just a little uncomfortable. .”

"Hehe, Brother Huan's marriage was also rejected by your mother-in-law. I haven't talked to Uncle Zheng Shi about it yet." Feng Ziying seemed to remember something, "As for studying, don't worry about it. In the future, if you go to the academy to study and become famous in the imperial examination, you will feel that these are just some small bumps in your life, not worth mentioning."

"I'm a woman, but I can't be as open-minded as your men. Brother Lang is the eldest grandson, so why did he become like a foreigner who wants to be kicked out? I don't understand. Why did the ancestors and the old lady oversee it? Li Wan finally poured out his inner resentment, "Anyway, Lan Geer is also surnamed Jia, Baoyu is absurd and unruly, the elders don't want to discipline, but they are still so pampered, Lang Geer works so hard but they turn a blind eye, it's too much to favor one another!" "

  Feng Ziying doesn't know how long Li Wan has been depressed like this, maybe she has never had a chance to vent it. Today, she broke through this relationship with her and is an outsider of the Rongguo Mansion, so she can give her this opportunity to confide.

Patting Li Wan's buttocks, Feng Ziying sorted out her thoughts and said: "Because Baoyu doesn't study, maybe the mansion will pamper him more. After all, Brother Huan and Brother Lan can read, so they will be able to read in the future." Good luck, but what about Baoyu? If Huan Geer and Lang Geer both passed the examination, and they are still thinking about the broken bricks and tiles in the Rongguo Mansion, what about Baoyu? So me and Huan Geer also talked about it. , Rongguo Mansion can’t last for a few years if it keeps going on like this, maybe you won’t be happy to ask you to come back to help you in the future, and it’s the same with Brother Lang,..."

These words made Li Wan feel a little more relaxed, but he was still a little upset, "Why should it all belong to Baoyu? I'm afraid it won't be Baoyu's turn to talk about it, and Jia Lian is still there. Now that the ancestors are here, they can still hold back." Grandpa, the old ancestor is gone, I think who can hold it back?"

This is true, but Feng Ziying does not think that the Rongguo Mansion can delay that time. Seeing that Jia's mother is still in good health, it is not a problem to live another three to five years, but if Jia Baoyu and the Niu family's marriage fails to achieve the expected results, How long can the Rongguo Mansion last? Hundreds of thousands of people eat horse chews, and have to support their daily expenses. It is also difficult to maintain without Jia pardoning Jia Lian.

"Okay, sister Wan, you don't want to interrupt this kind of thing too much. What we can do is to let Brother Lan study hard and strive for high school as soon as possible..." Before Feng Ziying finished speaking, Li Wan had already answered: " Then Lan Geer will be thirteen in the new year, can you let Lang Geer go to Qingtan Academy to study earlier, I heard from Huan Geer that Prince Lu is studying in the academy and gets along very well with his classmates,..."

   This idea, it turned out that this is the reason why I came here, to be a classmate with the prince, and even the future emperor, it seems that no one can refuse this temptation.

Seeing Li Wan's expectant expression, and her own hands still under his belly pocket, Feng Ziying felt that she really couldn't say no, so she could only bite the bullet and say, "I'll go to the academy once a year later, Look at the situation, um, try to let Brother Lang enter the academy as soon as possible."

   Fourth update, how many monthly tickets do you guys have?



  (end of this chapter)

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